Sandy Steinbrook
Sandy Steinbrook
Sandy Steinbrook
Welcome to my channel! I love to share practical, budget friendly ideas on living a simple life. Plus real food, healthy recipes...and chemical free cleaning and skin care tips. After all, the greatest investment you will ever make is in your health. Thank you for joining me on this journey!
How to Cook with NO Electric
21 день назад
8 Long Term Foods You Need to Store
Месяц назад
4 Warning Dreams for America
2 месяца назад
How to Do a 24 Hour Liver Detox/Cleanse
3 месяца назад
Why You Should be Using Coconut Oil
3 месяца назад
Is Trump an Emotional Trigger?
3 месяца назад
Texas Border: Americans Are Being Played
4 месяца назад
Simple Homemade Granola Bars
5 месяцев назад
Are You Ready for the "what if's" of 2024?
5 месяцев назад
@Utah_Mike 28 минут назад
Ready today? Yes plenty to make 6 months maybe a year. Could I use more yes, but raised poor & know how to make it through tough times. I started watching from the preparedness videos.
@geniegarcia6740 45 минут назад
I feel so discouraged both arms tied behind my back both feet hobbled so in trouble in 2019 I had right occipital lobe stroke that left me seeing through a whitish veil blind quadrants most everything out of focus so sensitive to light I hide in a darkened room I was being led by God to prepare for this time coming both physically spiritually now I’m not at all I’m so hurt why God I loved you followed you with every fiber of my being why had you dealt with me like this ignoring my request for a miracle restoration for me to be a testimony to draw people to you where are you Lord why I trusted you with my whole heart until this
@lindaorozco4595 46 минут назад
@joshsmith2071 51 минуту назад
It was 100 degrees today if your air conditioner quit working tommorow would you be ready?
@deborah3912 Час назад
It really doesn't matter who we vote for, we are now in the era of global government. Even if there is an election these presidents are chosen by the globalists.
@able880 Час назад
When katrina hit my area and i saw the devistation, i felt as if the lord said this is the beginning - In my case i live in a rural area the eye of katrina past over us with 200 mph gust - on just one aker of land that i counted - 120 trees had snapped and were laying on the ground - some of those long leaf pines were over 200 yrs old and stood through many hurricanes - In my case as i walked outside after katrina passed by the thought came to mined Unscathed - then the thought, this is just the beginning came to mind - Presedant bush had pressured isreal to drive the jews our of gaza during that same time that every one was fleeing from katrina - Bidon has not supported isreal as he should have - its not looking good - In my case when katrina past over i had what i needed on hand - Yet some didnt even have candles - some tried climing over the fallen trees and were covered in poison oak and poison ivy - this thought came to mind also - though hail flatens the forest and the city be leveled completely, how blessed you will be - Isaiah 32:19-20 - Ive ridden out 19 huricanes that i can remember - katrina was the worst - but like all of them i also slept through katrina - What ever is coming im sure will be sudden - for those who are ready it will be another day - but for those who are not ready it will be a disaster -
@fearmonger2208 Час назад
Great video! 👍🏿
@roseh3085 2 часа назад
Thank you so much. I'm all about using true natural ingredients and I've been hauling and splitting firewood in this heat and usually come in and drink a lot of plain water. I just made this with a tablespoon of grated fresh ginger in place of the dried and I love it! Been wanting to do something different from just water with lemons and honey and this will be my go to drink when I come inside for my breaks. Thanks again!
@timgloeckner9260 2 часа назад
I agree with you Sandy 💯 I will be ready for that day. I have a generator, fuel, food, water, gas heater, gas burner, propane tanks, extra cash, guns, ammo, medicine supplies and canned food 🥫Night vision gear and real gas masks...😊😊
@chevypreps6417 2 часа назад
If Biden loses the left is not going to take it quietly. The conservatives are law abiding. If you can prepare I would advise doing so.
@bjcdownunder 3 часа назад
I feel that we need to do more than prep for ourselves. I know that I won't be able to watch any of my family suffer without helping in some way, so that adds another layer of complexity. We need more people to be aware and to act before it's too late.
@opalsmith4994 3 часа назад
I have been saying for 4 years we will lose power that means also vehicles no electric. Everyone needs to make sure they have a way to cook wash and use the restroom. All else fails dig a outhouse. Everyone needs to think outside the Box!!!!!
@JUSLUKING 3 часа назад
The end is coming soon,
@alieviner8187 3 часа назад
How about add pinch of salt in the water and drinking?
@makeapennycry 3 часа назад
If anyone is not preparing now after what we all went through. I honestly don’t know what to say
@donnagilman3451 3 часа назад
Most importantly we need to make sure are hearts are right with God🙏I agree with you totally , the sad thing is So many can’t see this 🙏 Thank you for sharing 💞🙏💞
@Autumn-zt2dd 4 часа назад
Oh Im sorry , Didnt you hear Biden say nothing is wrong.How great everything is. He fixed everything 🤪
@danielploy9143 4 часа назад
Wow perfect to drink. Could the body benefit if drinking say half of if not all thru out the day without issues??? Looks like you used the same measuring cup for the vinegar and the maple syrup while you said 1/4 cup vinegar and 1/3 cup for the maple syrup.
@Moonraker11 4 часа назад
The latest estimate is that the US Dollar will likely lose 50% of its value and this includes the DJIA will take a 50% haircut all the way down to 20K. Most of these liberals believe that Trump is Hitler, so if he becomes elected they will literally justify violent and extreme action to prevent him from taking office. I would highly recommend getting out of blue cities during the election as they will burn to the ground...
@rosarodriguez4064 5 часов назад
Regardless of who wins people will be upset and Caos it's inevitable. 🤷🤷🤷🤷
@BobParker-s8g 5 часов назад
She is hot. But this video could have been 30 seconds
@susysuzan7168 6 часов назад
The Holy Spirit impressed me with the same message in January of 2020. I knew ahead of time, most of what was to happen. For me, knowing what is going on gives me comfort and confidence, and dispels fear. I thank God that He is there for His children.
@TrInc-sh3kn 6 часов назад
Yes, be prepared as much as possible, but don't forget the phrase that appears in the bible 365 times, 'do not be afraid', It says that once for every day of our lives, coincidence?
@samanthastanley8544 6 часов назад
I wish there was a path to get this message out more forcibly?? I have always been a planner bc I was raised on a ranch & we stock & plan for most everything! If...we were all, or majorly..prepared..imagine the LACK of choas?? One extra plan I have is..Instacart.. I have a list ready to place, well thought out, if we DO have a little time. And I would immediately hit the button. For myself & the same order for both by grown daughters households! If it ARRIVED great..if not..ok! Also during 2021, the 1 item, big purchase I made was a used ish RV..for cash! Found it Had it delivered Cleaned it Stocked it Then 5 ish months later had full solar installation! It had an existing generator at purchase also! On New years Eve 2022..in a huge storm..power out..solar gen powering the living room tv set up..watching movies on dvd..got up.. Walked to my bedroom for something..BOOM a 129 ft redwood fell on my home! 9pm at night. I evacuated, of course! 5 months of repairs before I could return. It was not what I bought it for..but guess where I stayed?? 1 month later, storms continuing..zero power for 5 days, my daughter & grandgirls were also with me! We were all safe, powered, stocked..& actually had fun! These are all back up plans/arrangements. I never imagined anything like a tree demo-ing my home! But what else can we NOT imagine?? If I would have had the 5th wheel RV in 3/2020.. I would have just taken it to my fav lake in the mountains with a good wifi Hotspot & relaxed & rode the whole shenanigans out! When the tree fell..I was out in 7 minutes.. Emptied my safe with my "stuff"! Weapons Cash Docs And a duffle of 2 sets of comfy clothes! Thankfully everything was already in the RV! BC I couldn't get anything for 5-6 weeks from my home. This made an incredibly stressful time..90% easier!
@samanthastanley8544 6 часов назад
Also living in the RV, helped me to see the "gaps"! I also added all LED fixtures! Added solar items..like fans that are battery, usb & solar! And jsyk..my "plan" has never been to leave my home!
@mattsbrute 5 часов назад
You have your stuff together and that is awesome. Nice to see fellow "forward thinking" people out there. Good Job!
@merryanneadair4451 4 часа назад
WOW!! You are on top of this!! I believe you were listening to God & being wise as He showed you the way!! A great example for all of us!! God bless!
@jackieperez9922 46 минут назад
Best way to tell people is by sharing this video.
@brendacharles890 7 часов назад
We're already being warned, the quiet before the storm. Thanks
@susanwilson4695 7 часов назад
If there was a warning, pandemonium would break out. The tp shortage was a warning.
@mysteryworld8170 7 часов назад
We can prepare. However, everything does have an expiration date on it.
@Gabrielle499 7 часов назад
No. Biden supporters are normal, mentally stable citizens and would never try to bring destruction to the country. Unlike Trump cult who thrive on ignorance & violence.
@josephb7460 8 часов назад
Hi Sandy, it's Joe. I think i am ready from about every angle that i can think of. If it happened tomorrow i would not worry about it. I would just start getting my ducks in a row and do it. I can't go a year but i have " stuff " to keep me going ............. 😎👍👍
@alanwilliamson9350 8 часов назад
I honestly don't think all the prepping in the world is going to prepare us for what I fear is coming but I value your advice and take everything you say to the bank.
@duanehamdorf2228 8 часов назад
I think that everybody should do a weekend where you pretend that the power is out. That's is an eye opener for alot of holes in a person's preps. One thing i learned is to have frozen jugs of water in my freezer. You can take a cooler put your refrigerator things in it and use the frozen jugs of water for ice as they melt you can drink them. Also, put a sleeping bag over your freezer it will help keep it cold for days. I believe that when the whip comes down, what you got, you got thats it. .
@stephaniegee227 6 часов назад
That's an excellent idea. In our area, it would be a good idea to try it twice a year - once in the heat of summer and once in the cold of winter. We learned a LOT about some holes in our weather preparations when the power went out during sub zero temps.
@CeeCee-cx6ks 8 часов назад
Feelin' good about my level of preparedness with only a few holes. Food-wise I am now just focusing on storing meat. Wallyworld has canned KEYSTONE Beef which is a quality product. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best. This is all Biblical.
@--SHEPHERD-OF-MOTHER-EARTH-- 8 часов назад
Soon my loves... Soon... Soon... This World will burn... So soon now... Mother Earth will soon be totally free of Chaos evil greed and any other negative energies... And only those who are worthy shall be left behind to enjoy eternal life with Jesus Christ, Mother Earth and her children (Nature) SHE 🌍 WATCHES HE 🌈 WATCHES
@mannyfragoza9652 9 часов назад
I don't think most preppers are ready for what's coming. They may have done all they can do aesthetically but physiologically very few can and will be prepared.
@MeLrOsE429 9 часов назад
No, my family isn't ready. Maybe for a couple weeks. But question: what happens if you have a mortgage and they take your home? I know they can't do that at the drop of a hat. I live in the most populated part of Florida and we couldn't get too far. There is such hatred where I am: conservatives v. liberals. Myself being conservative I don't understand at all how liberals can defend this economy (even if their 401ks are slowly going up) when the cost of a big Mac is as much as a sit down restaurant was 3 and a half years ago and the cost of gas is what it is now and groceries are skyrocketed. I don't engage because I know it's not even profitable unless I am sharing about Jesus. Back to the original question: No, not prepared but asking the Father God to help get me and my family prepared. And yes there is going to be chaos this November..... because our country is divided now more than ever.
@MeLrOsE429 9 часов назад
Btw, I have a sense that something terrible is going to happen between now and the election. I hope I am wrong.
@jackieperez9922 49 минут назад
Start with a deep pantry and toiletries ,first aide. A couple things at a time. Florida is in hurricane season and great time to start and no one notices.
@cydney3283 9 часов назад
Yes, I feel really good about my current supplies. But I still have my guard up. I have done a lot and learned a lot in the past 4 years. I hope the people watching are prepping for whatever could happen. God Bless!
@aldaours8108 9 часов назад
Thanks for the reminder. I appreciate all your diligent efforts to keep us apprised of important information. I noticed some of my stock dwindling and realized I’ve been negligent about replacing items. My sardine stash hasn’t moved though 😂 as I’m still procrastinating trying them.
@heatherrowe2979 9 часов назад
Try sardines on toast. It's pretty good:)
@CeeCee-cx6ks 8 часов назад
I am stashing sardines too. They are great with mustard and a dash of hot sauce. I airfry them.
@Mikek-ny9rw 9 часов назад
Don't forget to pray for the peace and safety of Israel and Jerusalem
@MeLrOsE429 9 часов назад
@donnagilman3451 3 часа назад
Amen ! 🙏🙏🙏
@able880 Час назад
@debbieb6054 9 часов назад
Sandy, what are you doing regarding water? If the pumps stop working, what does one do?
@sherriluce4252 9 часов назад
Lehman's non electric store used to have deep well hand pumps for sale. Right now it is about $1900.00 for the pump itself and there are additional costs before it will work.
@elaineinarizona6354 8 часов назад
If you have done nothing regarding water GET ON IT NOW! Please. Start buying gallon water or refill your Coke soda bottles. Buy 3 to 5 gallon STACKABLE water jugs. Suggest 3 gallon. Walmart sells them. $9 to $10 each. If you can only afford one then buy one at a time. If you need to fill them with water from your outdoor faucet do it. Our tap water has chlorine in it. It will last. Keep an eye on it. If it goes flat aerate it by filling one glass and pouring it into another a few times. Fill some type of tub in backyard with water. I empty mine every few days into garden and will use to flush toilet if electrical goes out. Buy porta potty or tons of white kitchen trash bags. After water gone and toilet goes dry use TWO kitchen trash bags to line inside of toilet. Make sure you have plenty trash and contractor trash bags. Buy body wipes, makeup remover wipes and butt wipes (never flush them even if they say ok) so you do not use your precious water supply. Breathe, take a step at a time. Do what your budget allows but please, please Do IT NOW. Do not forget about your cats and dogs. I have hard copy maps of my area where there is a lake or river. I am praying I will not have to leave my house to get to a water source. Praying even if food in short supply the idiots running this country will figure out emergency water drops or open the lines within a couple 3 months. Who knows!🤷‍♀️ Take care and good luck.🙏🏼
@duppsydaisy5622 9 часов назад
Im as ready as i can be. I do feel like its rigjt around the corner. Ken, with Fear no Man channel, has sources that he trusts, that said this September or October the next plandemic will begin. When they lock us down this time it will not be a test! Its almost time! Thanks Sandy for making these videos! Stay vigilant!
@Car-guy307 11 часов назад
Can we just eat some pink salt and swallow it with water like a pill?
@themonsterunderyourbed9408 11 часов назад
You legally just threw a handful of sand in a clean toilet tank and said this would clean it. The tank wasn't dirty to begin with.
@twinfin8571 11 часов назад
Oh my gosh! I used to be a respiratory therapist. Then I did real estate. Now I’m 77 and retired. 😁 I was a therapist for 30 yrs.
@mommiedearest5337 11 часов назад
The link to your Redmonds salt says it’s sea salt. Is that what you said was no good because it’s from the ocean?
@sandysteinbrook 10 часов назад
I should have explained in the video that the Redmonds sea salt is from an underground ancient sea bed that was discovered years ago. So it is not exposed to the elements that the ocean is exposed to. That was my mistake by not explaining that further.
@mommiedearest5337 9 часов назад
@@sandysteinbrook Thank you for the clarification.
@iamanovercomer3253 13 часов назад
Every morning on an empty stomach I drank lemon ( juiced ) raw apple cider vinegar and vinegar root ( I used an omega 6 juicer for the lemon and ginger root). But I had to stop the ginger and apple cider because it's a blood thinner and I would be bleeding when I would touch anything with my arm. Now it's a shot glass of lemon and 16 oz of water. I have been doing this for a few years now
@Greatdoiings 14 часов назад
U can use almond butter rather than peanut butter
@Teena-yi9xw 16 часов назад
Thanks for sharing
@barbaragreigceaser 17 часов назад
Thank you very much!!!❤
@WatchmeNaNaaa 17 часов назад
my teeth got whiter right after I brushed it with baking soda🤯
@johnpatterson6448 21 час назад
If we’re going to be tribal about this, I’ll use Celtic salt. Next I’d use Himalayan because I like pakistanis. I wouldn’t use Utah salt because America is currently a terrorist state and a threat to world peace. Nice shorts.