Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides
Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides
Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides
Skill Capped's League of Legends guides are the best LoL guides on the internet. We teach you the best champions, best builds, best strategies to climb out of low elo in League of Legends. We upload specialist guides for how to top lane, how to mid lane, how to jungle, how to adc and how to support. These are the best guides for how to improve at League of Legends for season 13!

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@aditya.t6489 22 часа назад
you confidently spelled confidence wrong lol
@josephcampanella4997 22 часа назад
The association of sucking is a greatly relatable
@velcause1 23 часа назад
broken af champ
@nicoandrade2691 23 часа назад
Could you run those on taliyah?
@criminal_ds 23 часа назад
OMG this is a great video lol. Hilarious. I'm subbing to the academy and buying some books for the sole reason I enjoyed this video so much :)
@donjones4022 23 часа назад
and then get dove by jg XD
@aeri8864 23 часа назад
@leafyking2574 День назад
yasuo has been doign this forever on secodn item ? soalr balde ito the phat armor thingy forgot name liek 60 mr 60 armor or some
@leafyking2574 День назад
level 10 or some :P pull on spawn
@leafyking2574 День назад
dat heavy yasuo deep voice
@idonnie9416 День назад
Guve these to cho gath ajd he becomes unstoppable
@crushcannon2192 День назад
with mistake 7 in low elo you should also ignore your jungler if they are close by because 90% of the time, even if im strong side and my jng kills gromp, im pushed in my own turret in a 1v2 with the enemy jng. my jungler will just back and go red buff .
@maphytaffy День назад
Putting ahri over viktor in difficulty must be ajoke XD
@Tymek1562 День назад
How to henge size of health bar
@ponytail-cg8kj День назад
"BEST SOLO CARRY CHAMPIONS" "Sett" I didn't look any further
@Agrestic День назад
Wow crazy how this bug has been 'fixed' like 10 times now
@drewpederson7313 День назад
And Emerald?!?!?
@cukuceral День назад
@Cid7897 День назад
Then proceeds to die in lane vs assassin's.
Ita not echos of helia for nami?
So the idea is get low health to have more regen life then use potion right?
@user-qc2qe9yu9r День назад
thats all good ofc? but works only if your teamates have at least some knowlege of game. 90% of times its ends with passive farm without any reaction on your movements around map and blaming jungler literally for anything.
@diffrent-boi268 День назад
I personally expected rammus support to be ranked, but appereantly no. Rammus support has become so off meta it didnt get ranked in somewhere Twitch, leblanc and sylas is ranked
@sethwilliamson3596 День назад
Only somewhat viable when you get the kill I wouldn’t call flashing to bait a single ability that has like 12 sec cooldown worth at all
@FiddyWoow День назад
If i could go back in time, i wouldn't play heimerdinger mid with statik shiv first item to fast clear minion waves 😂😂
@PalaWootje День назад
thanks for this guide! I have played HotS which is a very simple game of MOBA and I have always wanted to get into LoL but always felt it was too daunting with all the heroes, abilities, shop items, etc. I feel confident to try the game now.
@BeigeVarsity День назад
@ukaszwojcik750 День назад
When support guide 😢
@alexandralynn186 День назад
I want a coach so bad
@Flypowerish День назад
How come no jungler gank top?
@SAFireDragonClips День назад
I'm an objective player and while i somewhat agree, heres my counter argument. As a jungle main its my job to know when its the right time to secure or contest objectives. thats what i think when i say objective player, not someone who spam pings drake as it spawns and then drags their entire team into hell because they only care about the objective and don't pay attention to the game state. and as finshed tyoing this i realised you answered my quesstion nvm good vid
@spamaxsoowy3654 День назад
@user-jj2wp3gy8k День назад
Good guide, but this lane is really frustrating and really controversial, but I actually saw my mistakes from this video,
@antoreowithmilk День назад
shift clicking is your friend
@raymondjoannette8052 День назад
Imagine you get 10 minutes Penalty Queue, you wait 10 long minutes plus 5 more minutes because League is unpopular for some reasons. Then you wait another 5 minutes or 6 in champion selection because there are some sleepy head in both team, then you wait 5 minutes in loading screen because as usual, someone has terrible wifi connection in 2024 which is dumb. Just to realise that you wasted between 25 - 26 minutes for a stupid remake. An advice, the most skillful thing you can do to win in League is not playing this dumb f++k video game. You are a winner because you no longer are a slave from it.
@magicravioli7077 День назад
I really appreciate you showing your mistakes. I feel like that's valuable information and not a lot of guides show what can go wrong.
@Mr_Frankystein День назад
That’s really good. But my scared ass would probably save the Q to try to stun them so I can get away or avoid confrontation if needed. But this is a very interesting mechanic. I’m glad you shared. Thank you.
@giladfadel5920 День назад
*cries in wr reworked sona*
@TristanaHub День назад
With one spell as they cast 2 spells 🤔 ummmm this math ain't mathing..
@theAwsomeTailes День назад
me when I play ryze 😂
@Emanu_e_l День назад
2024 here, just started League last coupe of days.. really great tips and fundamentals
@evabeatrix22 День назад
So in order words I don’t need to do any of this if I can land my Ss…mkay
@dragomanbg День назад
Loooool the hidden OP Warmog that got gigabuffed is about to be meta, who could have guessed😂❤
@ershinmk7718 День назад
Im not a theorycrafter but i will share my build. Support Cho'Gath. The build is Symbiotic boots > Warmog > Malignance. Pros of this build: Cho'Gath is a great option as a support because his "Q" is a knock up with short cd, his "E" is another slow and his "W" can be used to silence the enemies. When you hit lvl 6 you need to roam, if junglers are in top doing grubs, you are also in top, if someone is low in mid, you go mid. Don't ask, use "R" You can use the "R" as an smite for objectives (you can outdamage smite all of the time post lvl 6) or as an execute in lane. In the mid game you can stack minions or jungle camps (if possible take the blue with "R" but the red is also good as it gives you more healing) Warmog's passive and Symbiotic boots gives you 500 MS making you a fast roamer and giving you all the healing you need. You don't need to buy Rylai (your entire kit slows or negates enemies from escaping) so technically speaking is a free item. You can act as the jungler if your team needs it Cons of the build: If you roam a lot your ADC is fighting a 1 vs 2 lane (probably 3 vs 1 if jungler ganks) You don't use Cho'Gath's passive. Don't ask me about the runes but probably ultimate hunter for "R" CD. If someone wants to try it and has an idea of a rune page for this I'm listening to any advice.
@rafaelrodriguez-oc4ph День назад
You could play Sorcery. Comet (free dmg if you land Qs) - Manaflow (he's kinda mana hungry early) - Celerity (no MS steroid unlike many others) - Scorch(more poking power) Conditioning/SW + Overgrowth (good for scaling, i recommend this)/Revitalize (Extra selfheal)/ Unflinching (free Armor and MR). Though you could try Eyeball Collection + Ultimate Hunter/Relentless Hunter. With that build in particular, you could also try to sneak in Cashback or Cookies + Jack of all Trades/Approach Velocity. I did some testing and you get 8 stats for Jack of all Trades with this build: HP, HP regen, mana regen, flat MS, %MS, mana, AP and AH. Armor and MR complete the set. Mini runes could be: Force/Haste + whatever you want (all 3 work) + scaling hp/tenacity (i dont think you need the extra flat hp)
@KahKaterson День назад
If im in iron is it over 😔
@skarletshadow4481 День назад
Does also stack with Exhaust
@jackknox5058 День назад
recommending people run alacrity on zeri when you get max AS off boots + zeal item is boosted af, at that point its a completely wasted rune when you could be getting 5% lifesteal from bloodline
@DominicThao205 День назад
I thought the squishiest character in game was kindred??
@LetsPlayBojangles День назад
Exception, if you use wukong and slam the H key you will still auto like your clone would.
@ofanichan День назад
I recently picked up ADC and decided to main it honestly because the role just fit my playstyle the most. I'm a very passive player, some would even say a coward lmao. And if there is any role that does their best from far away and who has to always be careful, it's the adc role. I'm trying to get better at it and hopefully one day I will get out of silver as an adc haha. (I used to be a plat-level support. But I don't want to play support anymore)
@Roachmess День назад
iam iron 3... and i cant get out...help....
@baikoh2203 День назад
"I ward where they warded" - A very wise man 🗿