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Mandoo | Channel TWO
Mandoo | Channel TWO
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The system is broken | Utah Parole Hearing
12 часов назад
@flamingswordoftruth7847 19 минут назад
Connecticut is run by a bunch of liberals from top to bottom and that is why they don't care about protecting our children. I'm guessing they don't really see anything wrong with it, how else could this be possible?
@LusciousQueenBeeBW 23 минуты назад
Word salad. I got caught. Im sorry I goy caught. Let me out
@addisondameron9673 25 минут назад
first of all don’t get black out drunk second of all don’t rape ppl third of all he was justifying the fact that you can’t let him hold you back and b the reason for this and that you went to the fucking bar don’t go to bad places and black out like that’s partly on you
@addisondameron9673 24 минуты назад
he’s fucked up yeah but ur also so dumb for getting drunk. 😂😂😂😂😂
@addisondameron9673 24 минуты назад
the way she could have prevented sm by not bro g drunk and n that setting 😮
@LukeandLeia15 Час назад
Yeah he talking about how he damn near got butterflies when he realized he could get out early. Didn't he begin to flex on how he used to get in fights and claimed he was doing good for himself in the fights?? He's a morun.
@juneweyman8482 Час назад
He got bad attitude poor children he ever came in contact with him must been scared of him keep him there
@LukeandLeia15 Час назад
Again I am always unimpressed with these sociopathic inmates who go to prison and show exemplary work progress. Why wouldn't he show his best efforts when someone is guarding him with a shotgun?He would absolutely be a fool not to comply
@LukeandLeia15 Час назад
had my brother my cousin or my uncle or my daddy committed a crime like this they can forget ever contacting me again
@LukeandLeia15 Час назад
People are always talking about how their family members are going to help them. They family members are not going to be running behind them trying to keep up with them. Nobody has time for that
@johnjoseph4003 Час назад
LOL he has wrist braces on. Probably from all that masturbating.
@johnjohnson9595 Час назад
@johnjohnson9595 Час назад
The question atp is who don't they grant parole?? They NEVER take consideration for the victim or public safety. To say that the victim wasn't a child as if it makes that big of a difference is mind blowing!! HE WILL DEFINITELY OFFEND AGAIN!!
@LukeandLeia15 Час назад
Who is he going to talk to when he can't talk to his mama. Did he call his mama and tell her he was thinking about having sex with a minor ? I can't stand people talking about they were doing stuff because they were hanging with the wrong crowd. Bish YOU are the wrong crowd
@claudiaarjangi4914 Час назад
Maybe theres something wrong with me 🤔. But can someone tell me why these people can’t just....um.. think about their fantasies, but not actually act on them ? To me this seems like the easiest thing in the world to do, if it keeps you out of prison & from hurting someone. ( being a human adult that naturally tempers “animal" instincts, with purposeful use of the reasoning part of the brain ). Every time i hear that their sexual preferences make them unable to live in society, i dont get it, why they can't just keep it in their head. Are they lacking some needed part of the brain ?
@petersabolewsky4983 Час назад
Tooken a sip? WTF?
@amerylavail8185 2 часа назад
It’s a good thing they weren’t Charles Manson’s parole board
@InfernoProj 2 часа назад
Had to skip through any part with you in in. Please remember this feedback for future videos thank you
@sasukeikari 2 часа назад
love of his life? what kind of woman would... nvm
@gatitaoso4443 2 часа назад
This parole board makes me 🤮!
@gatitaoso4443 2 часа назад
I have a written statement from my local authorities stating I could file a report of what a cockroach did to me when I was a child but they can't do anything cause too much time passed! This is an example of minimizing the crime because it doesn't matter whether it happened 2 , 10 or 50 years ago, it's still a crime on a child (ME) that should be punished!! I REMEMBER EVERYTHING THE POS COCKROACH DID TO ME! But Georgia doesn't give a damn!
@Sabrinasways 3 часа назад
He lying his ass off to the wrong person
@gatitaoso4443 3 часа назад
These states eat their words, they minimize the crime because, they said it, children aren't good witnesses!!! How DARE these ignorant SoBs basically say children aren't anything, there words don't matter! Ask yourself why are there so many Cockroaches? Cause laws minimize the crime because it's not a liable statement of an adult!!! So freakin INSANE!
@sunshinex6658 3 часа назад
He’s a narcissist
@lynette4573 3 часа назад
Is the guard behind him asleep 😂
@Sabrinasways 4 часа назад
I bet the gf has kids smh 🤦🏾‍♀️ she’s so slow
@melh4233 4 часа назад
No justice in America.
@HiroshimaMS 4 часа назад
he has to wash his face first, no one takes a person with a dirty face seriously...
@rosehenderson7519 4 часа назад
I am from New Britain … I remember this
@johnnyromero7592 5 часов назад
There's a difference between Mexican Mafia and Cartel Members
@YeahButCanISniffUrPantsFist 5 часов назад
I mean he is rigjt in that she has to get over it, but.. yknow, he is not the one that should twll her
@rosehenderson7519 6 часов назад
I’m from CT… he makes CT look bad
@Morbidsunshine 6 часов назад
It sucks 😢
@Morbidsunshine 6 часов назад
Yes seemed too easy to get away with
@Delano621 6 часов назад
PTSD - whatever
@robertstewart1223 6 часов назад
Thank goodness there are just some people who don't have the ability to pretend. This man SCREAMS max sentence.
@tiffanyclark-grove1989 6 часов назад
they can have a watch?! crazy
@anthonymorena6259 6 часов назад
Full Alien mode with those antennas growing on the back of his head
@deniseedodson1938 7 часов назад
Poor Tate - low tolerance for other human beings - no parole for Tate.
@debfox 7 часов назад
You can forgive and NEVER talk to them again! People think forgiveness means reconciliation. It shouldn’t be like this! As a Christian, I’ve forgiven others and cut them out of my life. If someone hurt my niece, it wouldn’t end well! It’s your job as a parent, grandparent and aunts and uncles to keep children safe! Single moms PLEASE put your kids before yourself! Kids were at the highest risk of CSA is when a non bio parent lives with the child! It happened to me!
@sumbi8858 7 часов назад
It seems as though these Board Members, time and time again, grant parole just to get these inmates out of there to free up space, so more perpetrators can come in, just to get out in less than a year. It's a never ending swinging door. smh
@lelia660 7 часов назад
So the soul of a child is worth only nine months. SHAME!!!
@sarahaas3182 8 часов назад
8 years is crazy
@sbss924 8 часов назад
The last guy , he tries to look much younger than his years. He is a sneaky manipulating predator. He doesnt talk much because he is plotting his response- predator .
@debfox 8 часов назад
He is in fact, not changed! He caused LIFELONG trauma in her life! Getting out just means he can destroy other people’s lives. CSA causes SO much trauma! When I was going through it, I tried to take my own life! It’s horrific! All for this man who had “low self esteem”. The AUDACITY to say he was young too! He also thinks it was okay because he was 12! His poor niece already has trauma from her mom dying. Then she has this happen to her by someone she trusted! Maybe the only adult she had in her life that she thought she could trust and so did her mom.🥺 I pray she’s in extensive therapy especially somatic therapy which is showing promising results for CPTSD!
@TheDuttonExperience 8 часов назад
I'm blown away at how many people think "tooken" is a word.
@charlesmurphy1510 8 часов назад
Prophet Mohammed was in his fifties when he took a six year old bride and consummated when she turned nine.
@SuperMsPharmacy 7 часов назад
That is vile
@mrwolf3996 4 часа назад
All you need to know about muslims
@Rostmeo1 8 часов назад
His name is Mohammed just like the real prophet of islam he is a rapist!
@MrDav671 8 часов назад
He said the polynesians API
@charlesmurphy1510 8 часов назад
“I really don’t have a desire to associate with young people”😂
@ST-ej9bt 8 часов назад
Na keep him in the cage smh