I've been on a loooong hiatus, hopefully going to start doing vids again here soon....
Re: Life is a bad idea
12 лет назад
This Ain't Rocket Science!
15 лет назад
SoldierInGodsArmy SUSPENDED!!!  WTF!?
15 лет назад
EVERYTHING you do (or don't) matters
15 лет назад
cat hates owner
15 лет назад
15 лет назад
Evolution in 120 seconds
15 лет назад
VenomFangX 2.0 tells it like it is
15 лет назад
@HubbardGavin-e1x 16 дней назад
Davis Helen Williams Nancy Jackson John
@JojoOchoa Месяц назад
DenneT Is RiGhT??????
@JojoOchoa Месяц назад
DeTerMine - The Own Will Of The Mind That Work The Ability To Think To DisCoVer Thìngs And Matters , It Is An InsTincTive WiLL
@JojoOchoa Месяц назад
Ðetermination Is An InsTincTive Streght Of Will
@kuunda8363 5 месяцев назад
I was hoping he would talk about lack of community in atheism. I'm still an atheist for now, a bit more of an open minded, searching atheist than I was in my teens, but still an atheist. Though with some spiritual beliefs. - But I find where I've come to in life to be pretty unfulfilling. I've found myself going to a church every so often because of the community there. The togetherness, and the family. They seem happy. While I find many (not all) of my non-religious friends seem miserable. Hanging onto life with antidepressants. - Gods may not exist. But I find myself questioning how healthy and happy life can be without a church community. Or something similar like a gurdwara.
@DaboooogA 7 месяцев назад
Excellent dispassionate talk on a passionate subject.
@AWayOfLiving84 9 месяцев назад
They laugh at the old tribes & in the future they will laugh at us.😂Why?
@AWayOfLiving84 9 месяцев назад
Don't you hate it when. You know it. But when you try to say it. It doesn't come out right? 🦧😆👣 At this time I couldn't be bothered doing another clip. Why though some people would say.
@MimiKeel 10 месяцев назад
Now, there is no doubt who they really work for.
@junevandermark952 10 месяцев назад
On November 27th, 2023 … an Atheist who (to her credit) although she was raised around those who did believe in the existence of a god … had never been indoctrinated by religion, said, “If people are too stupid to see the lies … they deserve to stay there.” I informed her that being as a child I HAD bought into the lies … and that then I was too “stupefied” BY the mythical lies to be ABLE to unravel them in an instant … and that I didn’t complete that daunting task until I was 70 years of age … when I was free at last to “become” an Atheist. I informed her that because she couldn’t understand what kept me confused for so long … she could never help people to be free of religion. She then said that she would never “try” to free anyone from religion … to which I replied that because of the damage done to helpless children “by” religion … that because of my experience … I will do everything in my power to help “stupefied” others … out of religion. I am willing to admit that (unlike me) my friend was too wise to be caught up in a “spiritual” web of lies … and for that … I give her full credit … albeit even if I could … I would not change her experience for mine. Because we always “level” with each other … we are the best of friends and have been for many years ... since first we met.
@Jouzujoe Год назад
Dude! ALIENS. What’s your take?! Where ya been? Hope ya been well.
@AB-eq9mm Год назад
Nonracism is an ideology
@dancingnature Год назад
I miss your thoughtfulness! Come back please
@jestermoon Год назад
Take A Moment Relax... Drop your shoulders and notice how good it feels. Try it on a bus without closing your eyes. I love it 😀 Join the SWF today, Relax, Thank you. Stay Safe Stay Free 🌐
@jestermoon Год назад
Take A Moment Sam is so on point Holding feet to fire is my tactic. If asked, "are you an athiest"? I say no, and so the conversation can move forward. Let's call it. SWF, (Sam's way forward). I am Jester Moon of the educational wing of the SWF. Let's talk 👄 Stay Safe and Stay Free 🌐
@jestermoon Год назад
Take A Moment Sam my friend Relax Drop the weights from your hands Feels good eh? Your work is a very important to the world Thank you again Stay Safe Stay Free 🌐 Peace and love ❤️
@jestermoon Год назад
gog is dead Can we get on and fix the planet? Where are we to fight over the drivel and made-up stuff. Just wanted to let you know. Stay Safe Stay Free 🌐
@jestermoon Год назад
Take A Moment Population control is, in my opinion, what the few have in mind, commercial evolution in essence. Their view appears to be balancing their books. As a man, we are not good at self-control. Take A Moment Let me know if you have better information than I I know many do Stay Safe Stay Free 🌐
@perliva Год назад
Ah yeah, a world without religion would so much more full of reason and dignity and … *“PREGNANT MEN”*
@dancingnature Год назад
I was hoping you’d come back Rabid Ape . Showed up in my feed.
@bobbyrobles358 Год назад
The audience looks so bored!
@acf2802 2 года назад
According to Sam Harris he would still have voted for Biden if he had the corpses of children in his basement. I guess that's the danger of atheism.
@Ablaire 2 года назад
unrelated but damn you are handsome
@crossvinburn831 2 года назад
How to be saved and be right with God for eternal life! 1-Realize that you’re a sinner and are heading to hell due to your sins being unforgiven.Also be willing to turn away from your own sins towards God. 2-Believe onto Jesus Christ,who being the Son of God, died on the cross, was buried and resurrected for the forgiveness of our sins as a free gift. 3-Confess onto God,asking to be saved accepting this free gift of salvation, to start a new life being born again after being saved from your sins. Scripture links below. The romans road to salvation. 1.Romans 3:10, “As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:" 2.Romans 3:23, “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” 3.Romans 5:8, “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." 4.Romans 5:12 “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for all that have sinned:" 5.Romans 6:23, “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” 6.Romans 10:9, “That is thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” 7.Romans 10:13, “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. More scripture. John 3:16-17 16."For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” 17.”For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.” Romans 5:8-9 8."But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. 9."Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him." 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, 1."Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2."By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.” 3."For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;” 4."And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:”
@Sk8erGoku 2 года назад
God is a scam 👌
@randellmathews5961 2 года назад
Great points and I agree with most of them , but I’m sorry Sam but it’s the hand we were dealt and that hand comes with a name, ATHEISTS. All the problems and nonsense that are born with being a theist, gives birth to atheism no matter what name you choose to call it. The only other way I can see us not using the word atheist would require us not being honest about our position and it was me being honest with myself that made me realize that an atheist is what I am and i had no choice in the decision!
@fluffysquishball 2 года назад
cameraman is such a troll panning on the people falling asleep ahahaha
@paeta1751 2 года назад
@soughnymaugh 3 года назад
Vintage RU-vid. Feels like yesterday.
@nsg_kuunda4786 3 года назад
I completely miss this old youtube format. And I'm glad this video exists. If only so hopefully someone can recreate the old youtube under another name.
@nsg_kuunda4786 3 года назад
I hope someday RapidApe comes back and updates us with the crazy shit he's been up too.
@That80sGuy1972 3 года назад
Same here. I pop in and visit semi-regularly just to make sure I'm not missing updates. I guess RU-vid evolved to monetized sh^t for "influencers" (popular kid version of vloggers) as the primary streams of user content. Maybe people like RabitApe moved to a site that's like what RU-vid used to be or something.
@nosejobfad Год назад
I’m locked out!!! Made my youtube account before they got bought by google Not certain what email address i used at the time… 😢
@synchronium24 Год назад
Just got this video recommended to me in the algorithm and was like "hey, I remember that name!".
@nsg_kuunda4786 3 года назад
Commenting to hope the algorithm blesses RabidApe somehow.
@MrDnbfreak 3 года назад
Look into nassim haremeins work very close to this
@chadrasmussen6127 3 года назад
Believing in something and spreading love and gods love isn't arrogance dude it's just something we or I believe arrogance is when you think they are right and can't be wrong guess what I never said I'm never wrong or that god is 100 percent real without a doubt even though I do believe he exists arrogance means you think your right on a certain topic so saying your a christain and you believe the Christain religion and try to spread love through it is not arrogance not every christain is arrogant bro seriously lol it's all good though
@justanotherutuber3 3 года назад
The main point is all the suffering going on (most of it is in nature) that is the problem and honestly the way how to solve that problem is up to the human race, if that requires bringing kids then im for it but otherwise everyone should stop procreating
@عبدالعزيز-ن3ت7ر 3 года назад
oh I'm 13 years late
@DB-wb1tz 3 года назад
I understand the quotes on “dangers”, but why are there quotation marks on atheism? Do you think that it doesn’t exist? That not believing in a god is some kind of myth? I am genuinely curious.
@patricknelson 3 года назад
Rabid Ape... miss you, man. At least post a video or tweet so we know you’re alive. 😞
@unknownN30 3 года назад
But Hey, The Evolution Is Just a Theory, a *GAME-*
@Momsolo 3 года назад
She doesn’t hate you but she is tired of your smelly hand😂
@larpsyoesinut 4 года назад
I might be thirteen years too late, but it won't stop me from commenting about how nicely this video was done, and in a very informative and simple way as well!
@des_astresofficiel 4 года назад
Mr Diamond for Nobel Prize! Racism is a plague, as we have seen until recently, and it arises from a condescending look on the other. This is why I am launching a petition to propose Jared Diamond to the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize. His books restore their dignity to a number of civilizations, including the last hunter-gatherers still existing, which he frequented for years. One of his books particularly "kills" racism: "Inequality among men". I suggest that you sign this petition on @t @t
@honkhonk165 4 года назад
Hey man. You probably don't remember me but I was in the debate room with you on stickam. I was wondering how you were. Last we chatted you were going back to school. Hope all is well with you.
@nosejobfad Год назад
Hey! Staying busy AF! Locked out of RabidApe unfortunately. Just forgot/lost my dadgum logins
@nunky9691 4 года назад
Who is watching this video in 2020 xd
@kuunda8363 5 месяцев назад
@jamesmaybrick2001 3 месяца назад
@@kuunda8363 2024 + 2 months after you. I win!
@si48690 4 года назад
I'm wondering why there are more dislikes than likes?
@TheZombieSaints 4 года назад
oh poor venomfangX, he really thought he was intelligent ...that chicken comment took the cake. anyone know what hes doing now? sure i could google him, but he's not that important
@Dangerman5 4 года назад
I wonder what ever happened to you.
@nosejobfad Год назад
Got locked out by my own errors/negligence!
@vascoshott7303 4 года назад
@nacarreira777 5 лет назад
"a cranky subculture that meets in hotel ballrooms".....hahahahaha...that was good.
@8698gil 5 лет назад
To creationists; isn’t it possible that god caused early life to begin and “allowed” his creation to evolve from there? Given all the evidence for evolution I don’t see why creationists would not accept this. I am an atheist myself, I’m just trying to understand why creationists have so much difficulty accepting evolution.