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29 сен 2024




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@h8uall66 15 лет назад
I've been waiting for someone to bring this up. So many of them want to classify atheism as a religion, but they don't seem to understand that if that happens, atheism will have all the same protections that religion receives. Tax exemption status for my atheist meetup group? Cool!
@bjam89 14 лет назад
@jesusfreak2017 here is a few hints, take a walk on our side and be opened minded, if it is hard to figure out look up what it means and look at the whole thing, and then maybe you will find the answers you ask for
@5thWatcher 15 лет назад
If the 5thWatcher also makes a videos against all the strawmen made against him, it would be a 6,000 part video series.
@SuchGreatHelghts 13 лет назад
You're right in saying that Christians shouldn't get offended by opposing view points. People who do so are not looking at it in the right perspective. I am a Christian and I consider myself simply as a beggar telling another beggar where i found food. If you knew someone was in danger wouldn't you work to the best of your ability to warn them? This is ultimately the goal of a Christian we try to share our truth... it's a free gift take it or leave it. :) thank you for this video.
@thexmandoxshow 14 лет назад
ok, so, Religion is bad, Atheism is bad, Whose right? We all have our perceptions, and we all have our issues with each others beliefs. I personally don't mind if person A is Gay and believes in Evolution, or Person B who's gay and believes in God. I agree with you though, some people are a little testy when addressing any sort of debateable. When people think they are right, and their beliefs are contested, they tend to get iffy. Desertsun2003, you're an odd character...
@jesusfreak2017 14 лет назад
@jityr2 because those theories are well substantiated with evidence that we can observe, test, and experience.Evolution has none of those qualities and so isn't even technically a legitimate theory.It is barely a speculation. However,the term theory has become so loosely used to include speculation (and fantasy),so evolution feels legitimized in using that term to describe itself and appear legitimate without any evidence or experimentation to validate it.Only micro-evolution has been validated.
@jesusfreak2017 14 лет назад
@bjam89 Thank you for your decency. I hope the same for you and God bless! But please, seriously look at the foundation of evolution and the PROVEN FACTS, not speculations and theories. Measure the theories and speculation by the facts; don't try to make the facts fit where they don't. It will go a long ways. I'll be praying for you. Also, I just wanted to apologize for my attitude in earlier posts. I had no right to belittle you, even if what I said was correct. Anyways, again, God bless.
@jesusfreak2017 14 лет назад
The reason you don't believe in a God is because of your rejection of Him, pooled with ignorance and willingly ignoring the grandeur of creation. Or perhaps its just plain ignorance. God wants you to come to Him and realize the reality of Him. You don't just believe in Him (even Satan believes in God), you surrender your life and will to Him; you see, I think that's probably the single biggest factor that is stopping you from believing in God. U don't want to be held accountable for your life.
@jesusfreak2017 14 лет назад
Also, please explain the incredible intricacies of everything from a single cell all the way up to the scale of the universe. Please explain how we coincidentally have the exact, precise conditions for life, the optimal place in the Milky Way Galaxy for observation, consciousness, how inorganic matter (which is not intelligent) intelligently decided to become intelligent, organic matter and how that matter survived in the hostile environment of the primorideal conditions billions of years ago.
@jesusfreak2017 14 лет назад
Hey RabidApe, I just wanted you to think about your own mythological presumptions that you hold. Here's something to think about: please explain evolution, right from the beginning until now, without contradicting the known laws of science (1 and 2 Law of Thermodynamics, law of biogenesis, law of entropy). I highly doubt you can, not even Richard Dawkins or Hawkins can do it. True, Biblical Christianity has no problem with these laws, only evolution and false religions do; aka, mythology.
@SteveJBryan 14 лет назад
I had a recent discussion along the lines of your video on the Brights facebook forum. I've been pondering a number of reasons why some religious people are so offended by the expression of atheism. It seems to me that for some people their religion is such a prominent part of how they define themselves that any contrary belief expressed by another threatens their self image in some way, particularly if that person has doubts about their beliefs which they are in denial about.
@MrGaidzak 14 лет назад
is there any atheist war? but theres a lot of christian wars...long time ago most ppl believed that the sun used to be god, then, they invented god as the evil one, then they invented the son of god, who sacrifices himself, so we can live with no guilt. and now, we have a million gods , each one molds his own god so they can feel better with themselves. But anything extraordinary, is considered god.. if i could fly..i would be god.... so... lets just say.. we are ignorants
@theCamelCase 15 лет назад
@Noisegator Very true. Even while trying to recall my past inclinations as a Christian, I struggle imagine the pain the belief in others' damnation must cause Christians. Compassion is strange, though: sometimes a nontheist must confront the pain in his loved one' eyes, a loved one whose compassion and belief that he is damned to Hell causes herself pain. What a terribly autocatalytic thing compassion is.
@kol565 15 лет назад
The "light" should NOT be offended or vengeful for one choosing not to follow a path that you illuminate. The number of people who walk your path is not a reflection of how bright you are. Also I would remind you that Jesus-a perfect being, is unable to "convince" everyone. In fact Jesus asked those who were not interested to leave and do their own thing. I do however, understand the passion-it is very easy to be overbearing...I guess you could say "blinding people with the light" =)
@kol565 15 лет назад
I have to say I understand what RabidApe is getting at. Any pious religious person can be extremely obnoxious and many spout off about things without the proper understanding of what they are ramming down other's throat. This is for the religious community...Remember God himself established free will, God only says you are a "light" unto the world-not an escort service. Light's only job is to illuminate a path the others CHOOSE to walk.
@kol565 15 лет назад
But in only 500 words it is very difficult to have an honest discussion. The fact is you dont really want to know-you want to stay ignorant (i mean in the subject of the bible-which again has nothing to do with Divine inspiration), and again that is your prerogative, and its not my job to convince you otherwise. If you ever wanted to be more informed on the subject, I would suggest you research the history of the bible from multiple angles.
@kol565 15 лет назад
It is not my job, or any Christians job to convince you in the bible (I wish more Christians knew that). It is obvious that you "WANT" the bible to be wrong, and wont objectively think about the information that is available, which is fine. You almost quote point for point "Zeitgeist"...and well as interesting as that was; well consider the source. TBH you dont sound like you really know much about the subject. I wish I could elaborate more on these point i barely touched on.
@Jedibron 15 лет назад
Shakespeare, are you serious. Even tales that shakespeare based on he took liberties. The fact that you brought up him I am like what? You brought up a play write. K. THis proves what. WHat historical account. Half the stuff in the bible does add up in relation to other accounts. Again how does one survive in a giant fish. Half the stories in the bible are borrowed from other religions and reimagined.
@kol565 15 лет назад
Also the compilation of the bible is the most complete historical account ever recovered, bar none.., Shakespeare (who I believe is considered to be 2nd best) is not even as accurate or complete as the bible is. As for the Evolution of man, we came from dust anyway...Dust is really not that different from the composition of man when broken down to our particles. A woman from a man's ribs...Well we can grow parts of "man" off of rats using less DNA than is available from a mans rib.
@kol565 15 лет назад
These letters are easily read in the bible. Corinthians for example are a letter written to the church in Corinth (Greece), same with many others. The gospels are eye witness accounts of Jesus' life. Secular proof is easily found if you study Rome or Greece at all. The historicity of the bible as a historical book as been proven many times by secular historians. Wether or not you believe it to be "divinely inspired" is a separate issue.
@Jedibron 15 лет назад
Actually it isn't very accurate. Do somethings in the bible coinside with things that did happen true. Most? IDK. One you have to prove the accuracy of a man coming from dirt, woman coming from from a rib, humans instantly not being about to communicate with each other, a world wide flood, etc. Fact the gospels were written after the fact by people that never met him. THe letter in question? Well where are they?
@kol565 15 лет назад
T be honest you are inaccurate. Jesus is likely one of the easiest historical figures to prove existed. If you believe he was God or not is a separate issue. Saying Jesus didnt live is like saying George Washington didint either. The bible btw is also not decades after the life of Jesus, The "12" who were alive with him wrote those letters (books) only a few years after his death. More so the bible has been proven to be the most accurate manuscript (translation) in history.
@kol565 15 лет назад
Not enough words to make a good debate...So I will be simple. It is obvious that RabidApe is a thoughtful guy and is logical. I have not seen him bash anyone, and he is clear that he dosent believe in god. My retort; sometimes things hidden in plain view tend to be more elusive then that which has been carefully hidden. Sometimes we look too hard and dont see what is really in plain view and very obvious.
@JAMRAND 15 лет назад
No it does not mean it is a miracle because we cannot explain it. I am sorry this is above you. If an atheist would like to help and explain it to Jedibron that would be nice but i am sorry I cannot explain it better to you. This is very elementary and you continually take my statement out of context. ask someone If 100 miracles happen every minute for 100 years would the scientific method miss every single miracle every single minute every single year? It would, sorry.
@Jedibron 15 лет назад
No you are bringing up a situation that has yet to happen and predict how someone will react to it. It is an unknown. Just as I would like to say that if someone was holding me at gun point that I would be brave and fend the guy off when in reality if the situation were to happen I might actually piss myself. I don't ultimately don't know what would happen. And I am not trying to be mean but as always through this debate you dance around and ignore the issues.
@Jedibron 15 лет назад
Actually it isn't. You are the one who brought up miracles. Miracles by their very nature go against the natural order of things. I brought up a miracle that could potentially change a lot of minds into believing that god exists. As for people that floating in air. You were bringing up a bs hypothetical example and I was brought up my own. And honestly I think you are the one that cant hold a debate on any level. You continue you dance around many of the issue I bring up or ignore them.
@Jedibron 15 лет назад
Then again how do your propose that thiests win every debate when it comes to the origins of the universe when they don't have the evidence to back up their claims. Again you dance around the issue or ignoring it all together. I will say this again. I find it funny how athiests on youtube consistently don't block and don't disable comments. On the other hand a lot if not most of the creationist vids I see do have the comment disabled.
@JAMRAND 15 лет назад
Before I go any further , Do you acknowledge if miracles were happening all around you scientist would miss them. Even if i were to levatate in front of them in a controlled experiment. The only proper response would be < we dont know how he is doing that but we will continue to study it . Just because we dont know doesnt mean it is amiracle . We will figure it out one day. Do you acknowledge this to be correct??
@JAMRAND 15 лет назад
Let me help you correctly analyze and posture the Question Does the God Of the bible exist. Well to do this you will need to apply the accurate tools, Court cases peer reviewed scientific articles do not help either To come to negative conclusion regarding a transcendental because the scientific method cannot find him is probably the most ignorant proposal and position I have ever heard. If 2,000,000 miracles happened every second The scientific method would miss every single one. CONT
@Jedibron 15 лет назад
Everytime? Since when? Okay. As an athiest providing an argument. Try to win this one. Again how does a man survive in giant fishes gut with out dying from digestion or starving, how does handful of people build a giant wooden boot that can hold thousands of species of animal, how does a handfull of people maintain that many people, how did noah feed the carnivores, you need fresh food. How do the theists win that one.
@Jedibron 15 лет назад
No it doesn't I just shows the annexing of other ideas from other religions. The Romans were just as guilty of this. Just like christmas trees came from pagans. How do you convert someone else. By adopting their ideas to your own. This is partially how roman empire got so big. And easter is on the spring soltace. So again how can I believe in something if the dates are based on other religions or were changed to convert other religions.
@JAMRAND 15 лет назад
If it isnt propaganda , provide the source predating the christian one. Not that the religion existed but it had the Jesus story in its religion before Jesus. (a textual source) We all know that many religions adopted the chhristian story after Jesus . There is your dilemma. It is the christian proposal that people like you will make up lies and similar doctrines to decieve. We expect you to pretend what you say is true. Your actions only strengthen our proposal.
@tetsuoshema 15 лет назад
"Plus I do have proof that your laws were written off Gods. The early settlers were all Christians. The whole government was built off Christian morals/laws. " I love with ignorant people make unresearched claims such as these. I go into giggle fits and it feels good. The united states is in no way founded on the christian faith as per John Adams. Research outside the christian circle. Try facts, may help your image.
@Jedibron 15 лет назад
No one messiah fully does eveything that Jesus did but you have Horus, Krishna, Buddah all have strong simularities to chirst and all were before him. And honestly just google jesus birthday with just about any other god. There are several that share his birthday. Why should I spoon feed you info that you can get yourself? And I find it funny how the christian in you insults me at every chance yet I have yet to insult you. WWJD my ass.
@Jedibron 15 лет назад
Actually I did respond with a legitimate argument by bringing up the fact that Jesus has a lot of traits of gods and messiahs that were around, in myth, hundreds of years before. Yes, more than likely a a person called Jesus did exist but outside the bible there is still no solid evidence to prove he existed let alone performed miracles. And actually I would say there is a closer relationship with stupidity and religion than stupidity and athiest.
@Jedibron 15 лет назад
Actually yours isn't well researched either. In fact there is strong evidence to disprove jesus even existed. None of the gospels were written in Jesus's time. Decades even. THe Jesus story share several simularities to other gods of other religions hundreds of years prior. Born of a virgin, carpenter, 12 follows, death and resurrection, birth date. It does not offend me as I think you its funny you think you can offend an athiest with such stupid remarks.
@JAMRAND 15 лет назад
It is offensive because you call our belief a myth. It is the christian proposal that all peoples will have a belief in God but that this belief will be distorted therefore the need for one people to be held under strict standards to keep the truth. Your argument is, look at all the different beliefs they are all myths. You agree with the proposal yet come to a conclusion that you prefer not one that was well researched. your belief is stupid. does that offend you?? THERE
@Samakain 15 лет назад
and thank you for the references Hearthenfidel. :D saves me digging through that horrible book to find them myself. Have i studied evolution? well i'm not a student of biology but i've investigated and researched enough to satisfy my curiosity, but that does not mean i've stopped. Science morphs and changes, thats its nature. It is not some absolute truth given by a divine arbitor that you apparently don't even need to read? just nod your head at the man in the little white collar :P have fun.
@Samakain 15 лет назад
Rusty2029. Thank you for dispelling a bit of my ignorance, i was not aware of those particular atrocities. They are abhorent, just like the ones i mentioned, and i'm sure we both agree on that point. But i was never naive enough to think theirs no blood on atheist hands, but there is a large difference between individuals who know a fact, and the members of an organisation with a standardized doctrine of belief.
@Creationsofmyown 15 лет назад
"NO way was Hitler a Christian Not by his deeds Not by his ideology Not by any standard known to Christendom was Hitler a Christian." timothy mcveigh was a christan too... not to mention a large portion of the tyrannical motherfuckers of Europe's history. "Was Hitler a science based rational believer in evolution???" this is irrelevant to his religious views.... plenty of christians support evolution... namely THE POPE.
@rusty2029 15 лет назад
I am making the point that not all rational science based believers in evolution have shown to be a maximal benefit to society. In fact if you do some thinking and review of history there are quite a few rational science based believers of evolution that are not a benefit to society or human rights. It should make for some thinking about objective fairness. Making blanket statements about Christians because of Torquemada or witch hunts is just as unfair and lacks objectivity.
@rusty2029 15 лет назад
--tell me he aint Christian.... Ok read this carefully NO way was Hitler a Christian Not by his deeds Not by his ideology Not by any standard known to Christendom was Hitler a Christian. Get it clear here... Was Hitler baptized as a child? Yes Did Hitler use religion like a tool? Yes Was Hitler a science based rational believer in evolution??? Hitlers actions are in no way Christan Now what about the science based evolution part did you not understand?
@Jameslockhart8 15 лет назад
"stoned in the street, and that it is a shame to men to have long hair..." Really, I've never read them. Please tell me where to find them... Explain why God told Samson not to cut His hair then... Actual, a lot of people, especially children are seeing Jesus lately. Kids who shouldn't even know who Jesus is... This is in Aus at least anyway... My argument is void and invalid? LOL? You ever studied evolution?
@rusty2029 15 лет назад
Communism is atheistic as a core to the doctrine. In no way can you separate atheism and communism. In this case godless means godless as in there is no god so the communist overlords can kill with no consequence or so they think. would you like to be a communist overlord so you can kill? A heady thing for any atheist as a godless world means no judgment after death. The atheist as overlord frees you from any kind of human rights worry as you have no fear of after death judgement.
@rusty2029 15 лет назад
I want you to go up to the next: Buddhist Muslim Seek Hindu And use the insulting MYTH word when referring to them or their belief. I don't care if a person is a Latter Day Saint you don't DISRESPECT them by spouting off at the mouth like that. Or do you not get out in public so much that you meet people of other religions? It is insulting to refer to someones religion as a myth. It is rude and unacceptable so keep the myth word to yourself as a simple social courtesy
@CBUEngineer 15 лет назад
My guess is that by providing support against their mythology, they fear that their theology will be marginalized and become obsolete. This to them, in my mind, would be equal to making it illegal. A fundie friend of mine says this type of thing when I say he can't do somthing because of sep of church and state. We are making hs beliefs illegal by not allowing him ot impose them on others.
@rusty2029 15 лет назад
The word myth is where you start to go wrong. And If you browse around atheistube much there seems to be an equilibrium of thin skin. What I air-quotes believe is not a myth for ME. So the myth word is an insult. But you are right that Christians are tetchy. Atheist seem a bit tetchy as well. Dawkins thinks an open attack of Christians is valid. Problem is that evolution does not prove an absence of God. Yet bring up evolution and a series of assumptions commence.
@thefakeyeti 15 лет назад
Why should they get tax breaks? They are a BUSINESS and should be treated as such.. The first amendment clearly states that congress shouldn't respect an establishment of religion.. As soon as you tell an establishment "Hey you don't have to pay your fair due of taxes" that is making special laws, for group.. BUT on the other hand, with the tax breaks set into place. We can take the tax break away from them if they get too political..
@thefakeyeti 15 лет назад
Than there are tricky questions.. such as.. "should a religion that uses drugs like peyote, be allowed to partake in that substance" As a freedom lover, absolutely, everyone should have that right.. But as someone who doesn't believe groups should have special privedges, NO.. Take the vietnam war for example, I heard that religious peopole could dodge the draft if they could proove fighting is against their religion! HELL NO if you feel that strongly about it, go to prison!
@thefakeyeti 15 лет назад
When it comes to religion/churches here is what I believe in as a atheist (which may scare christians) churches should have to pay taxes, they make a profit, they shouldn't be an exception to the rule.. Churches shouldn't be allowed to demand a criminal get charged extra because they commited the crime near their PRIVATE establishment (prostitution, drug dealing etc etc) They should'nt have the right to demand certain business not be allowed to build shop next to them (pornshops)
@LEV1ATHYN 15 лет назад
My theory is as follows: "Taking offense" to dissent and non-conformist ideologies, peculiar as it may seem to an outsider, is a defense mechanism that has been systematically instilled into religious practitioners by authority figures within the religion itself. In the good old days, before pesky democracy and human rights got in the way of things, simply not believing was cause for justifiable violence. Nowadays "taking offense" is the mechanism of choice for silencing rational discussion.
@LynxChan 15 лет назад
obviously not a theist RabidApe, but I have something of a hypothesis on that question. Keep in mind that the vast majority of believers life in worlds where they are NEVER confronted to open contradiction to belief. The very concept that their religious belief is as open to skepticism as their political beliefs is so alien that when confronted with someone who casually mentions they don't believe, it feels like an attack merely because they have literally no resistance built up to it.
@waltermh111 15 лет назад
its called religion bashing just to say someting that a religious person doesnt like. So, a religious person says evolution is a crock conspiracy or simply says their belief is the way life is here. You say the religious has no evidence to support their claim, and that they ignore science and hinder others beliefs often. Thats considered bashing because religion is supposed to be untouchable.
@ManicEightBall 15 лет назад
"But it does moves something in my heart when someone reject the Jesus that I love and serve." So you feel something when people take a position contrary to yours. Everyone has this feeling. As an atheist, I feel something when I see people promoting Christianity. I just can't understand how people could believe in it. But it's just a feeling. But if you just remember that everyone is different, you can talk with them and not have to feel like it's a loss.
@RhunDraco 15 лет назад
Would you complain if someone said that followers of the Abrahamic religions are delusional? I used to be Asatru, until I realized it's all the same. Mythology. No difference from Christianity, or Islam, or Pagans. Nice history, great stories, that's it. You can practice and believe whatever you want, but that doesn't mean it's "true" and it doesn't mean we can't criticize the religion, or your belief in a pantheon of gods.
@jityr2 14 лет назад
@jesusfreak2017 Oh I'm a christian. I don't know if evolution's true or not. I guess I'm in limbo with that. There's so much evidence for it yet there's a lot of debate about it. Why don't creationists deny the theory of relativity, the atomic theory, or electrical theory? Gravity is "only a theory". So why should I believe in gravity?
@bjam89 14 лет назад
@jesusfreak2017 no you are wrong, look up what evolution is, it has nothing to do with anything but the change in life forms over time, start of life is abiogenesis, cosmos is astrology you sir need to go learn what evolution is stating and hopefully you will by the end of the day be a bit brighter and stop mixing things that has nothing to do withevolution
@Jedibron 15 лет назад
However, in term of free will in context of a god that know everything that is going to happen . He know what you are going to do before you do. That undermines the concept of freewill. God knew Satan would betray him, he new Adam and Eve would eat the fruit, he new Kain would bash Abel's head in ect. So from the moment of creation god knows who is going to hell and heaven.
@Jedibron 15 лет назад
And ultimately Jam I will contest that I do believe that there was a Jesus in some form or another. My point was that there is a strong case that he didn't even exist. And the evidence is there. You say grow up. Yeah I have been a little insulting as of late. But you were consistently name calling earlier even before me. So you should grow up too.
@JAMRAND 15 лет назад
I believe what I have researched , experienced , and have reasoned. Faith firmly persuaded Yes I am I am saddened by all the lies and cute one liners put out by propaganda mills all the while espousing education and intellect. You are being lied to. If you ever choose to actually research rather than believe the hate plz feel free to to stop by again.
@Jedibron 15 лет назад
Well you give a pretty poor example. Levatation, ok? Well, a better would be limb regeneration for humans. I find it strange how god can work miracles like cancer remetion, cant spell, that usually never lasts, the blind. Yet we have not seen someone pray for a limb or limbs to come back and actually have them comeback.
@Jedibron 15 лет назад
How every time. If that were true then there would be hundreds of peer review papers proving you side of the debate. There aren't. Heck even in thunderfoots vid creationists experts dropped out of court as expert witnesses to prove the case for intelligent design. If these people are experts and intelligent design holds water then why did they drop out.
@Jedibron 15 лет назад
Continued. Were are the stores of plants to feed the plant eaters. What about the stores of meat that would go bad quickly to feed the meat eaters. Then you got to maintain a wooden boat that couldn't support its own weight with out metal supports. And do I have to mention that there would have to be inbreeded from Noah's family to produce us.
@Jedibron 15 лет назад
Actually it doesn't if reference to you last bit of claims. Less and less people are going to church. People take the bible less and less seriously. Like like the flood myth which is also based other cultures. And there is where you fail. prove the the flood happened in context the way the bible tells it.
@JAMRAND 15 лет назад
Jedibron every people have holidays , So after Jesus came people decided to celebrate for another reason on a past date used for another reason. What does that mean??? Does it mean that the new reason is untrue?? Of course not , your methodology for discovering truth is trully Lacking. A mind is a terrible thing to waste>
@Jedibron 15 лет назад
And people are perfectly willing to do for things that are silly. There is a reason why people say dont drink the kool aid. There is a reason why in trials you can not rely on i witness testimony alone. Its because people's views are biased. Especially accounts decades after the fact which the gospels were written.
@Jedibron 15 лет назад
SO where is is the research that a person loses his strength when his hair is cut, or someone surviving in a "giant fish's" stomach for several days, or that there was a world wide flood, or that people lived for several hundred years, or that giant boat made of wood can float while carrying thousands of species of animal.
@ArchNME 15 лет назад
Evangelism is separate from outlawing other religions. I think it's good to "convert" people to atheism if you can use that word and I would assume that rapidape thinks so as well or he wouldn't do all these videos. However harassing people about there beliefs and outlawing them are two very different things.
@Jedibron 15 лет назад
Actually we do. There are accounts of other messiahs that had 12 followers, that were virgin born, that were carptenters, that were crucified or killed and rose 3 days later, that healed the sick and the blind. They may not have died for our sins but it is a fact that christianity borrowed a lot of concepts from other religions.
@JAMRAND 15 лет назад
I dont know why you responded to me but I dont care what you believe . It is more than evident that your base of knowledge is no more than Rabid ape, don exodus, thunderfoot or any other anti theist here on you tube. Your lack of scholarship on the subject does not really allow for your opinions to matter. But thanks for sharing in your scarcity.
@Creationsofmyown 15 лет назад
"According to evolution, we should not care about anyone/thing but ourselves... " can you cite a source for that? or are you spouting opinions based on your lack of understanding of evolution. living in groups is a defense mechanism... not much defense if a member of the group is killing others is there? why do you think piranha dont just voraciously kill each other?
@fauyd 15 лет назад
I wasn't saying they shouldn't be taxed, just attempting to answer rabidape's question. I actually dont think we should tax the churches however, bc it will allow them to wield more political power. If churches pay tax (especially large ones) then the government has more of an obligation to listen to what they want.
@thefakeyeti 15 лет назад
And why shouldn't they be taxed? I have to pay income taxes, why shouldn''t they have to? making them tax exempt, in my eyes, show s that they are respecting an establisment of religion.. CLEARLY against the first amendment.. Just because you take away a special priveledge doesn't mean you are against that particular group.
@thndrlion 15 лет назад
I being a religious person. Do have one issue. Not all religions claim to be the one truth and way. It seems that this debate over fact and fallacy is mostly between atheists and the fundies. Some are much more free thinking than others. If your wondering I'm a Pagan. I believe in science and its theories. I use it, live it , breath it. Just as I do my religion.
@gsco82 14 лет назад
You're spending an excessive amount of time trying to clear up a misconception regarding atheism. Shorter videos might be more appropriate. Nonetheless I hear and acknowledge your comments. You seem to be separating theists from those who hold more extreme religious beliefs. Good on you!
@JAMRAND 15 лет назад
Your entire statement is incorrect. That is what saddens me, You actually believe your statement. Your belief is nothing more than lies told to you. The hsitoricity of Jesus is not questioned by historians. They have proven he did. But you dont know nor care to find out.
@Jedibron 15 лет назад
And at the end of the day the whole point of this discussion was that thiests always win debates. How can you win a debate with something you can not prove. To win any debate you have to have evidence on your side. WHich you don't . That has always been my point.
@Jedibron 15 лет назад
And guess what there are things that people believed to be miracles and curses back in the day that we now know aren't. And I find it funny how that we don't see the types of things that happened in the bible happen now or even a hundred or 5 hundred years ago.
@Jedibron 15 лет назад
And you continue to insult my intelligence with name calling. lol. So you are trying to telling to rely on the testimony on a person 2000 years ago that may or may not existed. I mean there are gospels that leave out the virgin birth. Same type of person had no concept of science or truth.
@Jameslockhart8 15 лет назад
I have no desire to kill anyone, even hurt them as it is not human nature to want to do them because God made us in His image. However, evolution doesn't explain guilt, shame, embarrassment or any of those emotions... According to evolution, we should not care about anyone/thing but ourselves...
@thndrlion 15 лет назад
I understand that.. My point as I see I did not say . Is that when making videos it should be said which religion is being referred to. so seeing that most if not all creationists are crazy sorry scratch that christian. It should be stated as such and not labeled religion.
@mooxim 15 лет назад
I'm not a believer but I think it might be from fear of loosing their belief system. I think there are still quite a few people who have yet to properly question their beliefs and the thought that so many people get by fine having figured out there is no God shakes their faith. Just a thought.
@JAMRAND 15 лет назад
I am bringing up the inability of the scientific method to recognize a miracle if it slapped in the face with one every morning. This shouldnt take this amount of time to comprehend. I am not trying to be mean, but if this is not hard to understand .
@JAMRAND 15 лет назад
6Vital6Remains6; How can a theist win any argument? ANY argument for that matter... You actually took the time to post your statement in view of the entire world without realizing just how STUPID it is. I think I just won. I know I just won. LOL
@greymouse451 15 лет назад
I've had similar responses to talking with creationists. They try to pitch themselves as the discriminated against minority. Ask them about what they've experienced or heard of, and they can cite nothing. Or couldn't until the movie "Expelled" came out.
@Samakain 15 лет назад
The Crusades Burning of the Alexandrian Libary The Inquisition and the list goes on and on How much blood do they want on there hands? How often do they wanna kneecap human progression for the sake of there supernatural crutches.?
@Jameslockhart8 15 лет назад
Well lets see. Stealing is against the law in your country. Murder is against the law. They are the direct laws that your country has taken straight from the bible. Then all other laws are indirectly based off the bible in some form or manner.
@JAMRAND 15 лет назад
Since I know that the vast majority of secular scholars accept jesus existed and you persist in saying otherwise, Our discussion is futile. Freedom Of speech allows you to proclaim knowledge that evidently is nonexistant.
@Jedibron 15 лет назад
So, funny I brought this up earlier. Because we don't understand something now there for means it is a miracle? Ok? Actually maybe you should talk to professor or rabidape. I am pretty sure that they would believe the same.
@Jedibron 15 лет назад
Yeah I checked your peer review source and the vast majority of the reviews were very negative of your peer reviewed article. Perhaps I should have said a peer review article that is accepted by the scientific community.
@triftenC 15 лет назад
Is it being suggested that anyone who has a law against murder must have gotten the idea from the bible? Amazing! Also, laws based on the bible? What? Let me know where in the bible it talks about freedom of religion. Ha!
@Jedibron 15 лет назад
Sorry I meant how does half a dozen humans maintain thousands or animals, and thousands is being nice. I mean look how many people it takes at a zoo to maintain just a few dozen or species.
@darthjader08 14 лет назад
suggestion: take that useless part at the beginning about what to ramble about at the end, and have that part at the end, that's great rambling and really doesn't matter if it's there ;)
@UrukEngineer 14 лет назад
@richardxx9011 There is no "why". Just because you can ask a grammatically correct question does not mean that is a valid one. What colour is the inside of a hollow unicorn?
@Jedibron 15 лет назад
And if you wanna bring up a 3rd party. Good friend of mine who is also an athiest who is also getting his doctrine laughed at your statements. SO which athiests do you want to back you up.
@Jedibron 15 лет назад
Okay, since clearly you dont wanna listen. List off a peer review paper proving the Jesus was real and did perform miracles. No youtube video crap. I am talking about a peer review paper.
@waltermh111 15 лет назад
I watch alot of evolution debates and do not see alot of insults from atheists aside from pointing out when a person completely ignores fact an in fact, makes up blatant falsehoods.
@brodiem21 13 лет назад
@Kaishakunut THANK YOU! i hate people that say they are athiest but hate on other religons because they think they are all knowing but cant have respect for religon
@dollar4shawn 15 лет назад
What am I, a machine? Everybody expects so much of me. Why can't you people just leave me alone?!?!
@Jedibron 15 лет назад
Actually its the other way around. I presented various gods that clearly were talked of before jesus. Egyption hieroglyphs didn't just change after jesus.
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