Shouting my gaming opinions into the void.

CEO of Xenoblade
@kryzethx 4 часа назад
I have all 3 consoles alongside a PC, mostly because I simply do not have the drive capacity on my PC to hold all these triple A releases, on top of all the Steam games that I already own. I like the little features each console provides though, like the haptic feedback and pressure triggers on PS5, and especially not having to fumble around with the settings to get a game running at 4k 60fps on my TV, or Xbox Series automatically applying 120fps patches to my older generation games (360 specifically). I also strongly prefer the XB1 version of Minecraft over the Bedrock edition; so that's a plus for Xbox Series. Both consoles having fast SSD's means most games load up instantly (since they never truly shut down) I could probably imitate all of these experiences on my PC as well, but seriously... I've got like 8 drives at this point, 2TB each, and STILL don't have enough room for my current Steam library.
@fortitudevalance8424 6 часов назад
The biggest win with the Switch is that it is portable. I can play in a Plane, Train and Automobile, it’s so versatile. Also got a separate stand so when I arrive home can play whatever game I like in the files. It’s such a winner.
@kevinsteinigen8270 10 часов назад
Subscribed because I’m also a Nintendo bootlicker and love the xenoblade games
@owarida6241 11 часов назад
If only Nintendo doesn't crack on YTbers that upload game osts or at least upload those themselves. Some people just wanna listen to ost every once in a while like FE3h ost.
@Endrgamr262 14 часов назад
Nintendo right now “I’m making the mother of all video game omelets here Microsoft you can’t fret over a few eggs”
@dtvking0 15 часов назад
Don't get me wrong but games for Nintendo switch are nuts. Used ones are minimal 40 euros. On Playstation they are dirty cheap sometimes. But games are great on both sistems. Great video!
@Anime-Wyvern 16 часов назад
when it comes to my favorite game console, i lean towards the Sega Saturn. it had a lot of games that i liked, (Dragoon force I+II, shining Force III, Saturn Bomber man, etc.) plus it held a lot of childhood favorites. From there, my next favorite console would be a tie between PlayStation 2 and the GameCube. PS2 had the best controller, plus my favorite arena game at the time wasn't smash bros but Digimon Rumble Arena (The first one). FFIX i played on either ps2 or ps1, its been awhile. GameCube had my favorites like Customrobo Battle Revolution and zoids battle legends got me into the mecha genre. 007 agent under fire on the GC was my first FPS. you get the idea Xbox... i never liked. the controllers, like the wii remotes, needed batteries. the games never reached out to me. Halo was fun, but not for long. but this is just my (not so humble) opinion.
@magnusdiridian 18 часов назад
mah boi!! THIS system is what ALL true gamers strive for!!
@joshstucki4349 19 часов назад
If it wasn't for joycon drift...
@nutkicker12 14 часов назад
apparently an easy fix is placing business card thickish piece of cardboard on the inside (where the analog stick lays). causes enough pressure to push the bottom back in the right place to make contact again.
@overthegardenwall7143 19 часов назад
well your primary argument seems to be: "don't buy if you have a good pc" that's the thing, most people DON'T have a good PC, in fact the main reason people buy these consoles are 1. its about $500-$9500 cheaper than a good PC since most Good Pcs that you'd need to play these games cost... well $1000-$10000 dollars... 2. is so they can use their expensive 89" television and couch for more than ESPN football. my dad personally prefers console gaming to pc because he finds controllers on a couch more comfortable than a keyboard and mouse sitting in an office chair (which a lot of people do all day anyway).
@jasonzervos 20 часов назад
I'm not sure if guys at Nintendo were smart enough or they just happened to get it right during this generation, but it's true that Nintendo is the only company that makes a game console worth buying over the competition. Having quality single and multi-player games coming exclusively to the console every couple of months is what made Switch the king of the console war. Yeah, the gimmick is important and being able to play with friends everywhere you want is amazing but without games why should I bring it with me? Nintendo consoles ARE the Nintendo games, and in the past 7 years we had OVER 100 exclusive Nintendo games on this console. That means that you have more than 100 good different reasons to buy a Nintendo Switch over the competition + all the retro games from NSO. For PS5 is something like 25 exclusives or so + some cross-gen. For Xbox Series is 0. I hope Nintendo will keep the constant flow of games and good advertisement with their next console. Only then I'll be sure that they understand what made them so popular this generation. PS: I was looking at the list of exclusive PS4-PS5 titles and it was surprisingly boring visually. It feels like "I've seen one, I've seen them all" kind of situation. Amazing games, but most have that gray-scale color-palette. Nintendo games have colors, life and different art styles (although they share some core cartoony principles).
@TheAmateurGamer День назад
The PS5 and XBox are cost efficient compared to a PC with the same graphics capabilities. Plus, they're generally more stable. PLus, for certain games, controllers are better, but that's a double-edged sword because keyboard and mouse is better for some other games. the biggest reason to get an xbox or PS5 is the lack of need for an expensive PC outside of gaming. Switch is the only one with a good supply of exclusives.
@VirtualGab День назад
Remember that the first two or so PlayStations sold so well not because of quality games or specs but because they were cheap cd players, at the time usually expensive
@Ghent_Halcyon День назад
Personally, it’s just kinda meh. Like it’s the same games over and over and over while not allowing anyone to play the older games and straight up abusing their customers sometimes. The only good thing that came out of them was the fact that they didn’t lay off an employees, but that doesn’t nearly balance out the bad they have done. Xbox is at least more social and you can still play the older games (most of them). PS just has good single players. PC just gets everything.
@jeanpol1836 День назад
Y’all talk about PC like it doesn’t cost over a grand 💀 meanwhile I can play Halo on my Xbox for half the price, btw I love Nintendo, I happily own a Nintendo Switch and an Xbox Series X, I can’t afford a high end gaming PC to play Halo Infinite and Call of Duty
@christiangledhill4848 День назад
Swimming beast in the cavern is my favorite! Dorrie is just way too adorable!
@Intersektionalitet День назад
I agree, all you need is a PC and a Nintendo. I bought a PS4 for FF7 remake, but this time I play FF7 part 2 on PC.
@armandomolina2034 День назад
This video drags
@willdill4987 День назад
What happened to men? Why do so many of them complain about sexy female video game characters?
@ali.___..mrlegendman 22 часа назад
Because u are a pervert
@Beef145 День назад
I agree 👍
@danny_bz День назад
Him: this is just an opinion Also Him: spits nothing but facts
@BabyMatiny День назад
sony or microsoft did not make super mario galaxy 1 or 2. this alone is why nintendo has won
@Squaredasher День назад
The badge system is way more influential than you'd think when it comes to the history of video games in the last 20+ years. Being able to re-spec your character so easily that you could pretty much bring a different strategy to every major fight just to try out new stuff was practically unheard of back then, and it influenced everything from spiritual successors like Bug Fables and Born of Bread to games with completely different genres like the charm system in Hollow Knight.
@Squaredasher День назад
The thing is, Nintendo got a sharp kick in the butt with the wii u, and clearly they never wanted that to happen again, so EVERYONE went all out for the switch games. Zelda put out Breath of the wild and TOTK, mario kart put out their best and best-selling entry by a mile, Smash Bros brought EVERY character back and even added in tons of 3rd party characters, basically every flagship nintendo franchise put their best foot forward on this console. But the reason that they put out so many great games, while XBOX and PlayStation had technically and graphically mind-blowing games but so much less in the way of sales is because Nintendo sells games. Sony and Microsoft sell hardware. They're used to marketing their stuff as "hey, look how powerful these devices are! Look at this game's insane graphics that the console can handle!" so they tell their devs to spend years and years making one or two games that have incredible scale but won't come out until halfway through the console's lifespan. Meanwhile Nintendo markets their stuff as "hey, we've got lots of games that give you hours and hours of fun!", so you can buy a switch day 1 and still not run out of games to play 7 years in.
@Og-McQueen День назад
totally agree
@DaBaseBallZ День назад
I would place DDD 100 coins lower,because most casual players don't know that DDD only has 102 total,so if 3 of those coins despawn,You are forced to exit course to try again
@dhruvcv9771 День назад
We call it gaming for a reason. If your platform has No games, then you have no reason to buy it. You put this point across perfectly.
@kennethfinch4009 День назад
I enjoyed your explanation. It was very fair.
@Call_me_Fred День назад
I just bought my nintendo because I wanted to play switch sports when my friends came over. Now I have way too many games and spend way to many hours playing. I didn't even know what Zelda was. Just Dance too, I had my nintendo then but never really knew just how much fun just dance could be. I think nintendo won just by being so unique
@Daekar3 День назад
Love Nintendo, they're the only console I've bothered to buy for years now. Zelda, Metroid, Mario, etc. are the only games I will buy at full price because they are always great. Love the sexualized design in XBC2, I'm tired of ugly characters. It's a fantasy, give me muscle-bound fighting men and cute women. I will not apologize for the happy chemicals I get in my brain when I see a nice ass.
@ghqebvful 2 дня назад
Nintendo is a weird company with the most innovative and yet most stuck in the past stuff. Like the switch is better to have than a playstation or xbox because it has exclusives that aren't legitimately coming to pc and it is portable. (And the focus on fun over graphics is great) The xbox has for a while now shared most games with pc (even moreso as we continue on) and the big playstation titles are porting over now too. I have no incentive to buy a console other than a nintendo one because I have a great pc that can get most of the games i want to play. (but none of that really matters in my case because i lost my job a bit back and have been struggling to find a decent one ever since)
@mattiaroman8386 2 дня назад
In my opinion you kinda missed the different purpose of the consoles: Nintendo decided to specialise in having exclusives and focussed on hand held consoles to aim at a younger demographic, playstation and Xbox are competing for the title of best traditional console and pc is just winning it all being more powerful than any console even and having access to every single game thanks to emulation. I think that the true winner in the console war is the pc, Nintendo just picked a niche and dominated it
@MicahTheis-go2pe 2 дня назад
How dare you say scarlet and violet is bad
@lolmanboss 2 дня назад
Let's be honest, many who own a Play Station or Xbox bought a switch too. The hardware is just too unique.
@karansandhu4083 2 дня назад
Also for all the Nintendo fans play almost any game which is not an indie game play a game like a shooter and Fortnite the Nintendo just instantly dies I even have a friend who has a Nintendo and he still prefers ps and pc over Nintendo also have you ever seen the graphics you get on Fortnite like 30 fps and 140p actually 140p is the graphics you get on a good day you will always get blocky charecters usually on Nintendo but that ain’t a problem for almost any other console
@pixelpix0098 2 дня назад
I think the ps5 is a better console than the switch based on playing on my friend’s ones, but if I already have a PC then i dont really have a reason to get a ps5 if i could just either play those games on PC or very rarely boot up the ps4
@iamjohn2573 2 дня назад
If only i could get a pc as powerful as the consoles for the same price
@staticplays1871 2 дня назад
Nintendo messed up with the light and OLED version. The lite completely missed the point of the original console when the original is still cheaper than an Xbox and PlayStation. And the OLED was not a big enough power boots to warrant buying it along with stick drift not being addressed for a NEW version. And despite TOTK's ambition and success It became the main driving point for the switches lack of power and why a real pro was warranted. I don't think some of the video was explained well and is willfully ignorant in some areas.😒
@lnsflare1 2 дня назад
I mean, the Iron Boots are explicitly so heavy that it lets goat-catching farmhand Link catch living boulders that were otherwise sending him flying when he tried to catch them without the boots. The fact that he can walk in them at all, much less while they were being held in place with magnets pulling strongly enough to let Link pull down a giant berserk boulder-man, is just crazy impressive in and of itself.
@Smexbi 2 дня назад
I remember I had a Wii, 360, PS3, and PC back in the day. It was awesome. Everything had something unique. Then the next generation, I only had WiiU, PS4, and PC ... and the PS4 was the first console I regret buying. The PS4 had nothing to offer I could not get on PC, older consoles, or even the WiiU. And now, I only have a Switch and PC, and each year, looking at what Microsoft and Sony release on PC, I feel like I'm not missing out in the slightest. And just talking about sales numbers, before the PS5/XS came out, it allready felt like the Switch "won" this generation. And I only can see next generation "Switch2" outselling "PS6/Xbox5", unless something seriously changes.
@foxyfighterprochampion8610 2 дня назад
Nintendo shows that you don't need power you just need FUN just plain FUN to be a good console
@Jaxell 2 дня назад
I’m also mainly a Nintendo guy, and I agree with your Xbox arguments. But!! I don’t own a gaming pc (Mac-guy), so I love my PlayStation.
@elijahdelacruz3204 2 дня назад
Another point is that Nintendo’s games all offer fun and unique gameplay experiences from one another. Like literally each game is in a different genre, has different gameplay mechanics, and their own art styles it’s crazy. So each time I pop in a Nintendo game on my Switch, I’m genuinely excited to play it. And yes, Nintendo just always innovates on their games, as you said the sequels to their games almost always innovate on the previous entry. Whereas on the PS5 and PC, it’s all generally the same, it’s almost some cookie cutter shit. And there’s little to no innovation on an entry’s sequel. And this is why I find myself playing and using my Switch a lot more than my PS5 or PC recently.
@chuckturdburger4612 2 дня назад
nailed it. Switch + PC has me covered for 99% of all the games I might want to play.
@LightningBurb 2 дня назад
Ps4: Cheaper, more powerful, has good graphics, has good fps. Switch: More expensive,less powerful,has worse graphics,has worse fps. Which one are you buying?
@bhavdeeprehal8827 3 дня назад
I agree.
@SnoFitzroy 3 дня назад
Liking Scarlet and Violet doesn't make you a shill, it makes you good at recognizing good games. I'd LOVE to hear a REAL argument for what makes it so "bad" that doesn't rely on something that's literally not there (bugs were fixed, what are y'all talking about) or people just not knowing what good graphics are (Gen 5 was the worst we've ever seen, ignoring that, the graphics have only gotten better over time) or people having straight up grown out of it (which is fine, but BE HONEST if that's the case)
@porgy5978 3 дня назад
Dude... 😭
@demise_1563 3 дня назад
I like TOTK better because it bigger than breath of the wild
@matthewisguy7336 3 дня назад
Thank you Satoru Iwata