Max Day
Max Day
Max Day
✨ AuDHD realness and booktube chaos ✨
24 books I want to read in 2024 📚✨
5 месяцев назад
my gentle 2024 reset as an autistic ADHDer
5 месяцев назад
@nupurislam2591 2 дня назад
Hello mam I am a subscriber to your RU-vid channel. I have analyzed your channel and found out some problems, Do you want to know something about it?
@jamesnock5572 2 дня назад
People will always judge no matter what you do! When i did have a job and struggling badly with depression and sensory issues, using alcohol to try and cope etc , people would make comments ! Why dont you do this, why dont you do that, so and so's done it so why cant you? etc, making me feel presurised and like i'm not achieving enough in life. But every job iv'e had has been extremely difficult and i'm not academic either. If you go for a haircut or something the first thing people ask is what you do for a living and when you are unemployed its just horrible that you feel you have to justify to them why you cant work.! I dont think a lot of people understand so called high functioning autism, and the daily challengers it brings, they probably just think he looks and sounds alright so he should be working!!! but because i'm masking a lot of the time they dont know the real me at all. Very good video. Thank you🙋‍♂️
@Tanzim-05 6 дней назад
Hi There, I was analysing your RU-vid channel. Great. Your Content is fantastic, But your video optimization section area is not perfectly up to date. Out of 100 that score very low, That’s why your video is not reaching out to people, and you have very few subscribers, views , likes, watch time and comments. I think your RU-vid channel will make your dream come true. If you can fix these problems your channel will grow very fast & definitely your videos will get more views. Can I help you ? Thank You.
@maybreathingstone 7 дней назад
"Gentle and innocent... in a way that I feel like human beings were always meant to be." 😭❤ Your words are so wise and accurate ! This video is PRECIOUS. It made my brain dance Macarena inside my skull. A little bit of autistic empowerment is definitely always welcome. I love youuuuu (I don't know you but still, I do)
@BooksToAshes 28 дней назад
I’m not yet diagnosed but I’m someone who can relate to some of these for sure. The first time I moved out of my parents house in 2021 and had such a huge change was one of the hardest times in my life. I was physically sick the first night I cried for hours. I’m moving again in August but luckily it’s a lot closer, less impactful and a lot more positive. That being said I’m nervous because I hate change, but I’m excited for it to happen and be over with. I hope you do well with your searching and feel better soon ♥️♥️
@its.maxday 12 дней назад
Thank you so much! And thank you for sharing your experience. I hope your move in August goes super smoothly and you settle in easily. <3
@pjsandpages92 29 дней назад
I’m sorry you’re having such a hard time finding a house! It’s not fair at all! I read The Cloisters a while back when it was first published and loved it! Hope you enjoy it as I did.
@its.maxday 12 дней назад
My fingers are crossed that the right place will come along at the right time. Yes oh my gosh I enjoyed the Cloisters so much!
@maybreathingstone 29 дней назад
This housing story breaks my heart because I know what it feels like and it's so fricking unfair. A couple years ago I had the hardest time finding a long-term housing place. Without even being diagnosed yet (I'm in the process at the moment), I was far from fulfilling what the society expects from a grown up adult and was integrally relying on my parents and the government's financial help - I live in France, by the way. To put it shortly, I was an underdog. The thing is, because of my specificities, I can't just live anywhere. I can barely live with another person (even with one of my parents) because I need my personal space to be completely shielded from any social stimulations. I also need a very calm, peaceful environment, at least one room with no window so I can be in the dark if necessary, and above all, no f*cking cigarette smoke must ever enter my place. Turns out these conditions are not so common to find in a low-budget city flat. And, as a (probably) autistic person, my home is a VERY important part of my life, which means I can only be ok if I can feel at home where I live. Before I finally found my current flat, which was literally heaven-sent, I had to move from a place that I liked but where a gigantic construction work had started right below my windows, to another that I rented without a legal contract because it was all I could find, which led to a lot of issues with the landlords that caused me much anxiety and significantly impacted my mental health. I remember just how hurtful it was to realize that, when I was in a position where I clearly needed understanding and support considering that I was very isolated and quite severely depressed, the only thing people seemed to care about was if I was going to be able to pay the rent, when they themselves were not even in need. I'm fine now and I live in this lovely little flat where I feel like I belong. Found it with my mum's help via an estate agency whose ruler has an interest in spirituality and an uncommonly open mind. I think the turning point that allowed my situation to shift was an epiphany I had about myself. I'd always had this feeling of illegitimacy about existing, like I was a useless alien that had ended up on Earth by mistake. Like I myself was a mistake. Then somehow I realized this crazy world needs whatever I'm bringing to the table. I needs my vibe, my color. I'm not just a burden, I'm here to help reestablish some kind of balance in the global energy of this place. I know it sounds quite abstract but the feeling itself was very clear. I found that belonging feeling inside of me - then I found my home. There's still some money involved obviously, it's not all just cupcakes and rainbows. Yet I think this self-worth realization thing is an important clue to exit the maze. So I'm sharing this whole story hoping it will inspire you.
@pjsandpages92 Месяц назад
I’m not autistic but ADHD and bipolar and I also find transitions triggering for me. Travel makes me manic but I also crave travel at the same time and breaking any kind of routine makes my ADHD significantly more pronounced where I find myself unable to focus easily and get stressed out because of it
@its.maxday 12 дней назад
thank you so much for sharing you're experience <3
@maybreathingstone Месяц назад
Turtle clan member 🖐🐢 Thanks for sharing. And yeah, I can relate to almost every single word. We're in this together.
@its.maxday 12 дней назад
Thanks for being here! <3
@pjsandpages92 Месяц назад
That mandala is so beautiful!
@its.maxday 23 дня назад
Thank you so much Danielle! 🧡
@BooksToAshes Месяц назад
Nice to see you back Max! I’ve been a little slumpy with my reading the past few months but doing what I can. I feel like that’s the mantra for a lot of us as adults lol. Wishing you well ♥️
@its.maxday 23 дня назад
Thanks lovely! Yes, definitely a self care version of reading where goals are not a thing and enjoyment is the focus 🧘🏻‍♀️📖💖 hope you're well too!
@pjsandpages92 Месяц назад
Welcome back!
@its.maxday 23 дня назад
Thank you!
@SubhaReadsBooks Месяц назад
Welcome back Max!! Such a lovely surprise and I’m watching with my morning coffee! It’s so important to take time for yourself! We’ll always be here when you’re back! ❤ I’ve never heard of The Shadow Cabinet but i love witchy books so I’ll have to try the first!
@SubhaReadsBooks Месяц назад
Oooooh I’ve been wanting to read Rebecca. I love the simple hardback!
@its.maxday 23 дня назад
Hey Subha!! So glad to have joined you for your morning coffee ☕ and oh my gosh I'd definitely recommend the HMRC trilogy (the shadow cabinet is the second book) if you like witchy books! They're great 🧡
@MsTimmy1987 2 месяца назад
Thank you for this video! I love your recommendations! 🌈📚❤️
@stepstoserenity 2 месяца назад
Hi, just want to say that I see you and hear you. There are indeed a ton of societal expectations that we shouldn't absorb, but it's difficult not to. I remain hopeful for a more inclusive, accessible, and understanding society in future.
@its.maxday 12 дней назад
Thanks so much for this response! It's so wonderful to be creating this little RU-vid space where folks are resonating with some of the things I experience and we can all connect in that way. I also try to stay positive in my belief that this type of stuff will get better and the future society will be more compassionate and open to the beauty of how diverse humanity is!
@digitaldiary.dahuuu 3 месяца назад
I really want an e-reader but as someone who only likes physical books I’m scared I won’t like it
@revanmooo Месяц назад
There are a lot of second hand ereaders which are cheaper! You can try it out
@pjsandpages92 3 месяца назад
I have an ereader that I use mostly for reading at night because it is backlit!
@ReadingIDEAS.-uz9xk 3 месяца назад
Nine books is some going. I spent most of February reading one, Dune. Best wishes. Hope you are reading something good.
@MsTimmy1987 3 месяца назад
Loved this video! Thank you so much for sharing! ❤️🌈📚❤️🌈📚
@BookwormAdventureGirl 3 месяца назад
Love A Streetcar Named Desire. I need to read it. I’ve only seen it as a play and movie. I have loved some Ann Patchett in the past and look forward to reading Tom Lake. 😊💙
@LiteraryGladiators 3 месяца назад
I am so happy to hear that you had a great reading month! It was also wonderful to have you take part in our Alphabet Roundtable Read! Your video was amazing and I liked hear about your thoughts to A Streetcar Named Desire. I, too, read it for the first time in English II when I was in college, but I developed a greater appreciation for the play when I read it for a discussion on our channel. I will say, though, that the auditory description makes it so that I feel the need to read it in silence. It also makes the play even more haunting. I feel that Tennessee Williams intentionally arranged the play as he did, because he wanted us the reader to view the characters as having a bird's eye view, but only being able to see the situation from the exterior and what it is that is taking place in front of us. The two characters that probably warrant the most sympathy from me are Stella and Mitch, both have direct contact with both Stanley and Blanche, but neither have much power over what is going on, though they know more than we do as the reader or viewer. Stanley was beyond a jerk and I can say more colorful things to describe him. He pushes everyone around and what happened in Scene 10 solidified his immoral behavior. He does get the advantage of being a dominant male in that time and place, which Tennessee Williams knows very well and depicts. I remember you mentioning in your review that we do not learn much about his background, though, and some of his arguments towards Blanche's advantageous and self-serving behavior are valid. It also sounds like he comes from a rough background that was not so well-to-do. Blanche had a lot of problems where she was and is just looking to find a sense of happiness and contentment. She should definitely have a right to that and the ability to have the help she needs to get back on a mental track. She does, however, take advantage of the Kowalskis during her visit and has a background where she has done this to others as well. Stanley and Blanche both are advantageous in their own way, but again, we only know so much. This play really fascinates me and I would like to read more by Tennessee Williams. I own a box set of his complete plays published by Library of America. As for the other works you read, I feel that healthy approaches to gender should be better addressed in literature and in the media, because I feel that it creates a contradiction as to one's expectations on the other and how it creates unnecessary gender roles. We are at a point where people need to be treated as people. While there are aspects of one's sex that cannot be looked over in the clinical sense, the fact that someone has to be dependent on the other or seeing one kind of person as superior to the other is something we need to move on from. The Night Bookmobile does look quite fascinating, though it is unfortunate you did not like it as much. For all I know, I could very well agree. I am just seeing it from what you showed and summarized. The Sleeper and the Spindle looks fascinating. I like Neil Gaiman's work, though I have picked up all of his work for discussions that we had on our channel rather than on my own. I did, however, buy a few of his works for my own reading. His take on Rapunzel sounds like a thought-provoking twist. I will have to do some research on Tom Lake. I know that Ann Patchett has written works that appeal to the general reader and I will have to do more research on what she has written and what her stories are about. Her Majesty's Royal Coven seemed to fit you like that perfect glove. It feels really good to find something that speaks to you and it makes me inclined to want to look into it some, because it sounds like a good meld between an adventurous story and being able to understand others much better. Thank you for sharing and I hope you have a great reading month in March! -Josh
@BooksToAshes 4 месяца назад
The tattoos look so good!!
@its.maxday 3 месяца назад
Thank you so much!! I'm super happy with them 😊
@BooksToAshes 4 месяца назад
Happy belated Birthday! I’m turning 30 in 22 days, I’m trying to stay positive and hoping it’ll be the best decade so far in my life, I’m hoping the same goes for you ♥️
@its.maxday 3 месяца назад
Thank you! Aw that's so lovely. I hope so! And happy birthday to you for in 21 days! Honestly, now that I'm on the other side of it I feel sooo good about being 30! Here's to our 30's!!! 🥂
@kemamorrin 4 месяца назад
Happy birthday Max✌🌻🎂✈🌞🌈🎈
@its.maxday 4 месяца назад
thank youuu!!!! <3 <3 <3
@ErinDarlyn 4 месяца назад
Welcome to BookTube from a fellow late-diagnosed, neurosparkly reader! So happy you’re here. I love reading middle grade / children’s books as well and have also found buying books as a reward for doing hard things to be a helpful tool for me. 😊 Looking forward to your other videos.
@its.maxday 4 месяца назад
Hi Erin! Thank you so much for the warm welcome 😄 It's so awesome to be connecting with fellow neurodivergent folks through sharing my videos! Happy Thursday! 📚💌
@SubhaReadsBooks 4 месяца назад
Oh my goodness Max, thank you so much for tagging me. You’re so sweet! I didn’t even know there was a valentine’s day tag! I wonder if there’s a spring tag I can do and return the love. 💕 loved watching your video! Thanks for sharing!!!!
@its.maxday 4 месяца назад
Hey Subha! Oooh a spring book tag sounds like so much fun 😆🌱🌸 if there isn't one we should make one up 😂 Have a great rest of your week! Loving watching your videos too! ✨✨
@KatjaTheAutiArtist 4 месяца назад
Your voice is very soothing. I watch a lot of ASD and AuDH content creators and just found you. I look forward to more videos from you.
@its.maxday 4 месяца назад
Hi Katia! Thank you for being here and commenting- glad to hear you enjoyed the video! Lots more audhd content coming up 😄
@BooksToAshes 4 месяца назад
Ah, thank you for tagging me! I didn't know was a book tag until after Valentine's Day so I was sad I never got around to it. I'm a bit behind on my tags so worst case scenario I might have to get to this next February but I'll do my best not to procrastinate if possible 😂😅💙
@its.maxday 4 месяца назад
Haha no worries! No pressure to have to participate either- sometimes there's just too many things! 😂 Hope you had a great weekend ✨
@BooksToAshes 4 месяца назад
@@its.maxday Definitely saving it for a rainy day. And thank you! You too 💙💙
@TheUnhingedWomanBookClub 4 месяца назад
Hi Max!! Thanks for tagging me I’ll definitely participate with a video 😊❤
@its.maxday 4 месяца назад
Yaay, have fun! Looking forward to hearing your recommendations 🧡✨
@BookwormAdventureGirl 4 месяца назад
Thanks so much for doing this tag, Max. Interesting answers. I think you've sold me on The Binding. You have also moved Tom Lake up the TBR. I adore Ann Patchett. Heading over to the channels you tagged as I think most, (if not all) of them are new to me. 😊💙
@AJDunnReadsandWrites 4 месяца назад
Hey Jolene, I'll be reading _Tom Lake_ pretty soon, possibly next month or in April. 💚
@its.maxday 4 месяца назад
Hey Jolene! I enjoyed doing the tag so much! The Binding is probably in my top 5 books of the last few years- I loved it. And if you already love Ann Patchett I think you'll love Tom Lake! I'd never read her before and I'll definitely be reading more of her books now! Do you have any favourites? 🧡✨
@BookwormAdventureGirl 4 месяца назад
@@its.maxday The Dutch House is my favourite- so far! 😊
@its.maxday 4 месяца назад
@@BookwormAdventureGirl awesome, thanks for the recommendation, I'll check it out!
@AJDunnReadsandWrites 4 месяца назад
Max! 💚I've never heard of _The Binding._ Adding it to my list!
@its.maxday 4 месяца назад
Yaaay, I hope you love it as much as I did! And thank you for your original video and congrats on 1k subs! 🧡✨
@mildrumpus 4 месяца назад
Thanks so much for going through with the tag - I hope you had as much fun as I did. Great picks! 😎📚👍
@its.maxday 4 месяца назад
I had so much fun! Thank you for the tag ✨ I feel like tag videos are making a glorious resurgence and I'm glad because they're great fun! 🧡
@BooksToAshes 4 месяца назад
Wow that card was so perfect for you! What a beautiful message I also really have to write again. I haven’t in months but I miss it. I think you motivated me to continue ♥️
@its.maxday 4 месяца назад
It was a lovely card! I had it on my desk for days afterwards 🥰 So glad I've inspired you to write again after you've been missing it! I'm about to sit down again for another little writing session. It's really helped me recently to take all the pressure off so that I just write when I feel the inspiration, it's working well so far! Hope you enjoy writing again 💙
@BookwormAdventureGirl 4 месяца назад
So happy to have found you Max, thanks to The Mild Rumpus. Isaac and the Egg sounds lovely. 😊💙
@its.maxday 4 месяца назад
Yay! Happy to have you here. Isaac and the Egg was wonderful! Would definitely recommend 🥰
@kemam8798 4 месяца назад
You are so brave to share your journey with us. ❤
@its.maxday 4 месяца назад
Thank you ❤❤❤
@mildrumpus 4 месяца назад
Welcome to the BookTube community! If you haven't done so already, you might want to check out Ursula K. Le Guin's "Earthsea" series. You might like it since you enjoy YA books. I just discovered the series last month and fell in love with them. Best of luck with your channel - I look forward to watching more of your videos. Happy Reading! 😎📚👍
@its.maxday 4 месяца назад
Thanks so much! I'll definitely check out that recommendation! Thank you for stopping by and commenting :) Have a great rest of your week! 📚🌻
@kemamorrin 4 месяца назад
@its.maxday 4 месяца назад
@sallyredgrave7051 4 месяца назад
Hi max! I totally agree with you about the dopamine hit when finishing a book! Great wrap up, thank you for sharing!
@its.maxday 4 месяца назад
Hi Sally! Haha glad I'm not the only one! The end-of-book dopamine is definitely a motivator for me 😂 Glad you enjoyed the video and thanks for commenting ☺️
@Northenlight100 5 месяцев назад
Thank you for this video.
@its.maxday 5 месяцев назад
You're so welcome! I hope it is helpful ✨
@ReadingIDEAS.-uz9xk 5 месяцев назад
I hope you enjoy your reading choices in 2024. Best wishes.
@its.maxday 5 месяцев назад
Thank you! Thanks for stopping by to watch :)
@rgaijin 5 месяцев назад
welcome to booktube! hope you enjoy your journey ✨
@its.maxday 5 месяцев назад
thank you so much!!
@BooksToAshes 5 месяцев назад
Wow, I relate to you so much. I'm turning 30 in March and struggle with a lot of things. I haven't worked in years, the one job I LOVED and was almost perfect for me I can't do anymore because I moved hours away so my boyfriend can keep his better paid job, then a medical condition popped up that makes it impossible for me to do what I went to college for, something I was passionate about, suddenly gone. All I have left is customer service jobs in my little city and I don't think I could do it, my prior jobs had minimal to no human interaction, so dealing with people everyday is terrifying (I might have to though, money is super tight). I'm not diagnosed, but I really, really relate to you and know how difficult it can be, it feels debilitating, lonely, and draining all in one. I wish you the best with everything, I wish the world was kinder to us all and that it wasn't so difficult to just live
@its.maxday 5 месяцев назад
I'm sooo glad this video resonated for you. I'm sorry to hear that you've been dealing with illness, I know how hard it can be to WANT to do the things you're passionate about but to not be able to. I also wish it wasn't so difficult for us to move through the world and do the things we need to do to live, but I'm glad we have this space and I hope you find some solace in my channel <3 Looking forward to watching more of your videos too! Sending love and solidarity
@BooksToAshes 4 месяца назад
@@its.maxdaythank you so much. Wishing you well going forward, I’m hoping the best for us all ♥️
@sonja9549 5 месяцев назад
Thanks for sharing. I can relate to a lot of what you're saying. Without even knowing you - I think you're doing great. The most courageous thing we can be is ourselves ☺️🌈
@its.maxday 5 месяцев назад
Thank you so much for this comment! I'm so glad you can relate. You're doing great too!! 🧡
@kemam8798 5 месяцев назад
Thanks for sharing your story. I heard Marianne Williamson ( she is running for president) say yesterday that in the 70's a family could own a car and a home, feed 4 people and only 1 person had a job. I also read yesterday Henry Ford ( Ford cars) popularized the 40 hour working week in 1926 just under 100 years ago. The system is certainly not serving the people. You are not alone. Dont let the system grind you down you are far too special for that. ❤
@its.maxday 5 месяцев назад
Thank you for this comment! ❤ Very interesting to hear about those facts, I feel like we so often forget how different society is from only 50 years ago
@TheUnhingedWomanBookClub 5 месяцев назад
Awww Max you're so great!! I loved your video and am all signed up for more! I love your glasses - I love seeing another individual with big funky glasses like mine yay!! ❤
@its.maxday 5 месяцев назад
Hi Lisa!! Aw thank you, that's so nice. Thanks for checking out my channel ❤ Haha I love funky and colourful glasses! I've loved your videos so far too- looking forward to seeing what else you create 😄 It's so lovely to have entered this bonkers booktube world and to be meeting such lovely people already 🥰
@thatgrimreader 5 месяцев назад
Hiya! Welcome to booktube, I love your energy 😊 sounds like you might have a bit of a brummy twang going on too? We need more brits in the community for sure! Will check out your other videos for sure!
@its.maxday 5 месяцев назад
Hi! Thank you! Yes haha, I do have a slight brummy twang. My accent is a bit of a weird one I think 😂 Thanks for being here!
@SarahsCozyCorner 5 месяцев назад
Welcome to booktube!!🥰
@its.maxday 5 месяцев назад
Thank you lovely! So happy to be here and so excited to create more booktube content (I've loved discovering your channel in the last few days btw!)
@ObscureBookAdventures 5 месяцев назад
Welcome to BookTube from another small booktuber. Yes, making videos is a lot of fun. I started my channel because first I like to film and edit and with it, I became a (some sort of) avid reader. I wasn’t one before I became a booktuber. France is a beautiful country I’ve been in Normandy for a holiday when I was a kid once. I recently tried to learn French but found it too difficult. Beautiful language though.
@its.maxday 5 месяцев назад
Thank you for the welcome! Yes, it's so fun when two hobbies collide and making videos and being a book enthusiast ends up with being a booktuber 😂📚 Yes French is definitely beautiful but difficult 🤯 Thanks for being here and watching my video! I'll be sure to check out your channel 😄