Your new go-to place for quality World of Warcraft content!

Right now I mostly play custom and regular World of Warcraft where I make guides, playthroughs, showcase custom gameplay and builds, show off unique aspects of different servers, and give my own commentary and analysis on the game. I try to have fun and make creative videos with my own style, typically something that encompasses my entire journey on the game that we're playing.

Sometimes I play other games, but it's mostly WoW.

@drgreenthumnb День назад
Think jagex could take this down?
@LittleLoz День назад
I started playing on Turtle Wow because of your videos. Looking forward to seeing the content!
@dinogamer3297 День назад
So dissapointed this server never came out
@tesladrew2608 День назад
Bruh no auto cast ruins muh immersion
@mancamiatipoola День назад
TY so much for the TWOW content. After seeing your videos about different private servers i decided to try TWOW since it sang to me the most. Now me and my 2 pals are playing on TWOW and having a blast discovering the new zones and quests. TY for bringing TWOW into our lives. Have a great week!
@Yamifreighter День назад
Wilderness? Lureing?... Skilling alts? I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS!!!
@patrick4123 2 дня назад
Im not sure if you mentioned it before, or in this video and I missed it, but do you plan on implimenting auto casting spells? I LOVE the concept of this, but seeing cast bars in runescape just feels so wrong. Same with the cooldowns.
@codybroome9520 2 дня назад
this is super cool man! also curious are you still involved in CoA?
@Korelock990 2 дня назад
Have you thought about changing the alliance and horde flag textures? its pretty easy with photoshop and 010 hex editor.
@sanjayw9878 2 дня назад
So much work put into this! I want to play just to walk around lumbridge !
@DATBOYCONROY 3 дня назад
Been playing the past two weeks. It’s so good bros. It’ll be 1000% worth the wait. ALSO Didn’t know this player was McDoubles and I hit him with a /wave right before this video LASTLY I did drag slayer on my character and it’s 100% spot on with this video. get ready to spend a few hours in melzar’s maze (there was a hidden ladder I didn’t see) Cheers homies. See you on when the alphas/betas open up :)
@Faude18 3 дня назад
Please don't make too much fanfare around this project before it gets taken down.
@wickid-the-rogue 3 дня назад
It's a shame goblins ain't in coa with this class
@XRCADIA 3 дня назад
I'd be happy to support a Patreon for the development of this server and all of your work - love these dev logs.
@wickid-the-rogue 3 дня назад
Do all classes have tank specs that kind of takes away overall its like trying to be retail where everyone has to be equal js
@TMobile-s9c 3 дня назад
Level 999 game dev
@Baconarrow 3 дня назад
this is sick af.
@TrasheyeGym 3 дня назад
Dont make anything fun cause if blizzard see fun = Content gone
@marley551 4 дня назад
Amazing bro
@dinogamer3297 4 дня назад
They should keep the running make sprint more like wow rouges dash 70% more movement speed
@limuney9874 4 дня назад
wake me up when this is finished.
@Epics3xyn3ss 4 дня назад
this is going along WAY faster than I expected! imagine 2 years from now.
@OnlyRats_ 4 дня назад
Damn why are the mobs so small but fences are for giants.
@OnlyRats_ 4 дня назад
I need this in my life so bad...
@CactusbIah 4 дня назад
The sky should be black and there should be a black void/fog in the distance just like in Runescape. It always had a dark and ominous feeling to it.
@marley551 4 дня назад
@@CactusbIah nah, regular sky is better
@charlesread2828 4 дня назад
holy shit we really going full circle boys
@geneabrego9759 5 дней назад
i'm sure there are differing opinions on this, but i'm hoping this game doesn't have 1:1 exactly Runescape's sharp exp curve. I would really love to be able to play and enjoy this game but as someone who played Runescape all the way back to Classic aka Runescape 1...that kinda puts me at an age where I got some real heavy adult time constraints going on, and if this thing plays exactly like Runescape in that way, then I for one will have literally no chance at jumping in.
@louiserocks1 5 дней назад
Dungeoneering definitely wasn't a solo thing, it was 5 man teams every time
@Rhaevyn-Hart 5 дней назад
Are there any videos like this for CoA that are current? Like 2024?
@nuttyDesignAndFab 5 дней назад
I just got the weirdest nostalgia
@DaMobzz 5 дней назад
I think the basic movement is great and for agility maybe use the speed % dash has from druid feral
@Erbmon 5 дней назад
Numbering the dragon slayer progesion whit roman numbers is going to come bite you giving that Dragon Slayer II is a thing in runescape alredy xD
@sanhexx 5 дней назад
Everything mentioned and shown about the rime necromancer literally matches the description of the frost mage, it's amusing. Although a death knight and a necromancer are different, they are not and cannot be fundamentally different as you said, since they wield the same powers and have a lot in common (dark magic, diseases, summoning, resurrecting, transforming the undead, frost and etc.). Still why not? Classes can be thematically similar but mechanicaly and lore-wise different like the priest and paladin, so it's nothing new here even for Blizzard. And while I've always supported the idea of a separate necromancer class, I've never heard anyone explain in any reasonable way how a necromancer is so different from a death knight, besides being a ranged caster and having different mechanics of basically the same spells and some lore differences. The animation necromancer looks interesting. Also, I expected to see a necromancer healer.
@OskarNy97 5 дней назад
World of Runescape before GTA VI
@marcmartinez7433 5 дней назад
Hysterycal - Elune!!
@sanhexx 5 дней назад
I think the Guardian support spec should've been more like the Retribution Paladin in vanilla WoW, dealing moderate damage while supporting his group.
@Zutang777 5 дней назад
I WILL be playing this. the main reason I couldn’t delve into OSRS is definitely the graphics. I can’t see what’s going on.
@PhylastDK 5 дней назад
Gotta tell you dude. I feel a little abandoned by you over at COA. I bought my way into it because I saw you doing content for it and then you suddenly stopped and started doing this RuneScape stuff. I mean, I get it, the difference in views is wild. Just kinda wish you'd do a few more COA videos.
@deathspark6390 5 дней назад
This is a game I been looking for
@Effed95HD 5 дней назад
Somethings that should be made in World of Runescape in the sense of recreating all of this. You should try to use some of WoWs features to make the quests more interactive than taking the lazy way to just have a printout telling u that the stake is hammered through the vampire. I would instead utilize the stake / hammer as an action button and u get to interact with it whenever you kill the vampire within a timeframe with an animation to do so.
@Bearded_Tall_Guy 5 дней назад
might actually play wow with this
@RacingforfunG29 5 дней назад
Hey McDoubles, where is the website / discord for this server
@SolDizZo 6 дней назад
My only problem, if I'm going to share your nitpickiness (great quality for a developer btw), is the fact that the scimitars are upside down on the player's back. If you reach over your right shoulder to grasp the handle, then pull it in front of you, you should be able to see what I mean. The scimitar would naturally settle perfectly upside down until you change your grip, which is not always possible in fully-clad armor. Obviously this problem isn't replicated with most other weapons. Now, if you don't have T-rex arms and you have two weapons on your back, you can reach "cross-body" and grab it correctly every time. That's pretty much the only style that would equip the weapon that way.
@Snakeyes244 6 дней назад
Yall seriously cant add cutscenes??
@Snakeyes244 6 дней назад
Bring back Copper Silver and Gold pieces! GP is so BORING! It was literally fine before. If 1 GP = 1 Copper, we would be using smaller numbers in the end game which is more efficient. Please rethink!!
@CR4T3Z 6 дней назад
The prefect game
@sh1fth4ppenz 6 дней назад
if it was rs3 Graphics and with abilitys , it could maybe be worth a try
@shaun9311 6 дней назад
Mind blown
@TheMidnightDog 6 дней назад
I know this is not my area of expertise (or maybe you already did this) but have you tried to fiddle with the WoW pet ability "Fetch" for the Telekinetic Grab spell ... like have the drop bags/items on the ground act as a body and a invisible pet or one that looks like the swirly thing from RS "fetch" the said loot.