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Hazbin Hotel's MASTERY of TONE
2 месяца назад
How Miyazaki Writes WOMEN
4 месяца назад
Why Spider-Verse's CLIFFHANGER Hits Different
7 месяцев назад
9 месяцев назад
Why does SPIDER-MAN + MULTIVERSE work so well?
11 месяцев назад
My Methodology of Analysis (200k SUB SPECIAL!)
11 месяцев назад
The “BAD” MOVIE Trend
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How (NOT) To Use Writing AI
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@ryanv7681 10 минут назад
What I'm getting from the first half of this video is that Gwen's main love language is likely physical touch (side note: by love language, I mean both platonic and romantic). What I've noticed with people who's love language is physical touch such as myself and now with Gwen is that we are the very essence of the phrase "actions speak louder than words". One of my parents' biggest complaints (respectfully) bout me is that I almost NEVER verbally express my feelings or what I'm going through, mainly because it's kinda impossible for me to do so without me thinking what I say will upset them or lead to something that'll upset them. And before you say "something is wrong with your parents" they're the greatest parents I could ever have and this problem is not just with them, this is with everyone. I find it hard to express what I think verbally with my friends without thinking it's gonna be awkward or upsetting so I just express it physically, usually with a hug or a lean on the shoulder, but that won't work for every one of my loved ones (more power to them) so sometimes I don't know how to express platonic love except through text and even then, it could end up awkward. Which is why most of my emotions and feelings end up physical, evident because my parents would almost immediately know when I'm not feeling the best coz it will almost always show on my face. I feel for Gwen on this one and I'm right there with her on not being able to non physically express myself. I wonder who else has this problem
@ryanv7681 5 минут назад
Ya, I just pulled a "she's just like me fr"
@haruthegremlin 16 минут назад
36:43 I don't find it cheesy in the slightest, and I think more storytellers should write bonds like Ghibli films have. Maybe it's because I'm on the ace spectrum- I don't really know- but when I think about it, I've never especially found Hollywood romance to be what _I_ want out of life (even my first- and only- real crush just fizzled out because I never dreamed of actually acting on it, that seemed totally out of the question to me). However, every American movie seems to have some kind of romantic relationship at the forefront, and I just...don't get it. I recently watched the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy movie (which you could argue is a British movie I guess, but it's still extremely Americanized compared to the books) after reading the first few novels, and something that I absolutely hate about it is the romance between Arthur and Trillian. In the novels, they are NOT supposed to be romantically involved (they meet at a party originally, where Arthur is trying to get with her, but she leaves in the middle of the conversation; the next time they meet and start traveling on the same ship together, there's no real romance between them). In the movie, they shoehorn in a few scenes of them "bonding" (one where it's basically just Trillian telling Arthur about some random inventions on the ship, and another in which Arthur is talking to Trillian while she's in the shower(???)), and then at the end they get together because Arthur is a man and Trillian is a woman. I use this movie as an example because a) I watched it recently, and b) its gross misunderstanding of the characters' relationship in the novels (and also the entire message of the first novel, but that's not what this comment is about haha). Another, much more American franchise that falls victim to this Hollywood romance trope is most of Marvel, whether it's MCU, Sony, or the Netflix shows. Not that their romance plotlines are _bad_ necessarily, they're just so frequent. Every important character needs to be paired with someone else (e.g. Peter Quill and Gamora, Thor and Jane, Black Widow and the Hulk, Spider-Man and Mary Jane/Michelle Jones/Gwen Stacy); There are some genuinely interesting relationships that ask questions, like the moral dilemma with Loki and Sylvie, but the point is that 99% of the emotional plotlines in these films and series focus on romantic relationships. I grew up watching Ghibli movies, and they definitely helped shape me as a person. I am extremely grateful for that, and I think that parents should have their children watch them (maybe not Princess Mononoke at a young age though, maybe when they're older, haha). Anyways, keeping in mind American films, Ghlibi movies are _such_ a stark contrast to this Hollywood mindset. They normalize not feeling like romance is the end-all be-all. Sure, some characters are in romantic relationships, are married, have children- of course. That's what many people do- biologically, a lot of people want this out of life, and that's great for them. It's not what everyone wants, and this should always be considered. "When are you getting married?" and "when will you have kids?" should not be normal questions; they are both invasive and assuming. These things should not be automatically expected of anyone. At the same time, some people _do_ want these things, and should be able to have them. This is the main way American movies differ from Ghibli; America tells you that romance is what you want, and Ghibli says that this _can_ be what you want, among other things. Romance should be a choice in life, not a given. Friendship can be just as valuable as romance (a quote that I often think about when on this subject: "Try, nano-brain, to rise above the reproductive frenzy of your noisy little food chain, and contemplate friendship. A friendship older than your civilization. And infinitely more complex." - Missy, _Doctor Who_). Your relationship with your family, or your pets, or even your coworkers, can be just as valuable as romance. Not always, but it's a possibility for anyone. If you read this entire brain smoothie I sneezed out onto the Internet, then thanks. Some of my thoughts here are very disjointed, as I've only spent about an hour typing this out as opposed to writing and revising an actual essay. I really just got carried away, and I've been wanting to get some thoughts out, both relating to this video essay and other things (like the Hitchhiker's Guide movie- seriously, it pissed me off, I might want to make my own video essay on my gripes about it, lol). Anyways, I hope you got something out of reading all of this. If not, oops, sorry for wasting five to ten minutes of your life. Go do something fun to make up for it; go for a walk, spend time with your family, watch your favorite show, eat your favorite food. Or go hate-watch Hitchhiker's Guide, if you think that's fun. I sure did.
@vscitizen 17 минут назад
Man that whole part about the drum, it gave me chills. I'm a drummer, and you (and your friend) perfectly expressed what it is. If you're off, then everything feels off. If you hit something just 0.05 second too late, it IS off. It's such a powerful feeling when everything comes together as one, because you know no one's gonna pay attention to what you did, but the listeners will notice something. Your videos and analysis are amazing as always, I missed you ! Keep on !
@rowematthew2667 Час назад
Wow, you verbalized everything I feel about this scene and then described why I feel that way. It's amazing.
@imlovs Час назад
I´m not sure if you are explicitly connecting the dots here (or if I'm stupid), but the drums are made for keeping TIME! Time! Your whole part about time IS about the drums.
@6pades Час назад
@schnee1 Час назад
@debrachambers1304 Час назад
Not the point, but proving he's Spider-Man should be easy. Just stick to a wall.
@EMlNENCJA Час назад
„Gemeinschaft” vs „Gesellschaft” all over again 😂 … Yeah, academy broke me
@derekdunbar6352 2 часа назад
I've been saying it since the day this movie came out: the first 15 minutes of Across are a better film than 90% of other superhero films.
@johanstenfelt1206 2 часа назад
Hm, how very interesting, very well done Analysis. Say, i would really like to see you tackle Gildedguy at some point.
@claymungas7082 3 часа назад
I really want to analyze the contrast between the two versions of "Across the Spiderverse", (intro) and (start a band), both of which are symbolically connected to Gwen, but where (intro) breaks apart and she goes off-script and gets called out by her band ending the song, (start a band) lets her keep going. Gwen has found her rhythm and she is no longer trying to find a place that she can belong and fit in and necessarily 'join', she is making her own place, her own band, and she's learned from miles about how to move forwards. I can feel that there's a lot more that can be uncovered from those two songs and especially from the two of them side-by-side, but I don't have the time nor the expertise to talk about it in full here. It stays in my head a lot though, and I always love to see your analysis of art like this, both Spiderverse and Arcane really hit a part of my soul, and they both hold an exceptionally special place in my heart, so you not only sharing that interest but also diving even deeper is so wonderful to me.
@claymungas7082 3 часа назад
ALSO, listening to them both at the same time is a very interesting melody that I honestly can't really describe.
@Lovehandels 4 часа назад
OMG I remember The Guild! And Yes I like the 90's musicals Disney and I'mma furry baby! i was following Viz since that little short Die Young!
@danielrosenblatt1383 4 часа назад
Thanks so much for this video! I now understand that Gwen plays a drum role in this movie.
@gerbilfluff 4 часа назад
I only saw Hazbin for the first time last month, and had to watch anything past Ep.4 WITH my therapist, as Angel and I have had such similar ridiculously-bleak backstories with regards to s work/addiction/multiple kinds of abuse, Ep.4 alone had me having flashbacks for a week. I'm glad to have found this video, though-- you've managed to put into concise words, many time-worn patterns of behavior I've been trying to change about myself for nearly a decade now. Thank you for the help in my continuing to work on this Rubik's Cube of a past I've got. I'm happier by now, in my 40s, than I've ever been-- but I'm always, always learning. ❤
@B1T3F0RC3 5 часов назад
thanks for blasting my speakers to bits lol
@rekhantu8310 5 часов назад
@Tomwithnonumbers 5 часов назад
My thought of "It's going to be okay" is he meant "You'll be okay". However hard things get for Gwen, she'll get over it, she'll recover and live a good life. She isn't there yet in the films, but she'll get there
@applepies9774 5 часов назад
I think he's gonna need to save both parents (or something)in the next movie. That may be what the cakes mean.
@homaedo7547 6 часов назад
What a great video 👌
@Called-to-Live 6 часов назад
I don't know if it's just me, but the way you delve into these scenes, (Arcane, Spiderverse, ect) makes the the viewing experience come alive in a new way. It sounds like it's not always appreciated by everyone to annalize something with this much detail, but I find this makes the whole experience of the movie SO much more enriching! Continue the great work!
@claricesilva2700 7 часов назад
I don't know if that has something to do with anything you said here but can Miles's relationship with music have something to do with Gwen's relationship with it and so it's a key to their friendship as a whole? Cause in the first movie singing and thinking about music is how Miles relax, it's how he is able to stop sticking. And we see that throughtout a lot of his scenes, how connected he is with music, it's how he calms himself. And we can say that's nothing, that's a truth for most people(it's for me) but music is actually really important in Miles's background. He lives in a latino/black community who is very connected with their "roots", and in his barrio music is constant, it's something common in barrios actually, there is a great musical by Lin Manuel Miranda called "In the Heights" that is set on a barrio and it shows how vital music is in places like that and we actually see how music is vital in this movie, not only the instrumental ones but the lyrical ones. Now, take this relationship with music Miles has and add the fact that Gwen is a musician and how vital not LISTENING to music is for her, but PLAYING music. He relaxes with it and she puts all her emotions in it and that got me thinking about how Miles see Gwen and how Hobie see her. Miles kinda "worships" Gwen in the beggining, for him she is this great hero, who knows a lot of spider man things and also she is older and very pretty, he has a crush on her because of all of that and he wants to impress her because of all of that, he has an idea of her, he doesn't know her and like you said, Gwen is not good with words and with trying to explain her feelings and therefore,everytime Miles tries to connect with her in that level she kinda avoids him and runs,sometimes emotionally sometimes literary. Gwen is a complex person, with complex messy feelings but Miles can't actually see that because of his idea of what his "crush" is supposed to be and how she is supposed to act just like we do with our crushs but for him it's worse cause not only he does that with her as a person but as a hero and so he is twice hurt with her when he finds out she is not perfect and that she can make terrible mistakes trying to get things right. He is now seeing she is a person, not an idea and then he could have a normal relationship with her, an equal relationship and that brings me to Hobie. The idealized way Miles see Gwen is the opposite of how Hobie sees her,(i don't know why, maybe it's something related to both Miles and Hobie's personality or the way both met Gwen) but he thinks as her like an equal and has this kind of relationship with her(there is a bunch of reasons for thar i think) But what is important for my comment now is that i think that's why Hobie knows her potential as you said probably knows her better than anyone else including Miles. Not only cause he doesn't see her as idea but how she is, also cause even though Miles knows her longer than him, they spent a few days with each other and as Gwen says in the movie she sometimes crashes in Hobie's dimension, and we don't know how sometimes applies here, how many times she did that. I don't think "crashing in his dimension" means something necessary romantic like it did for Miles, althought we know she probably stayed over night in his place cause she forgot her toothbrush there, maybe that means they hooked up sometimes, i don't see anything particulary wrong with that, i don't think she would have done that cause she has feelings for him but maybe she could connect with him in a way she couldn't with anyone else because of how he sees her and by saying that i'm not saying her relationship with him is deeper than with Miles cause i think it's the opposite, i think Miles and Gwen have the deepest connection in the movie, their relationship carries the movie actually but because of how Miles sees Gwen, that relationship is still not everything that it can be and again i'm not talking about a romantic relationship here but a full relationship where there is understanding and trust, something that now there isn't. And returning to the beggining where i talked with music...what does that have to do with everything i said? Simple. Miles worships Gwen like we, who don't understand music worship music and musicians, we think they're amazing, and out of our understanding cause we are simple listeners, when we look at a great artist and singer we think "uau, how do they do that" cause we don't understand it, we just enjoy it and think it's great but we also don't think about their process and how they struggle to do that kind of thing. When musicians listen to a great piece of music they enjoy it too but they hear things in a different way, because they know what they are hearing and that idea of how amazing the song is isn't the normal listener idea of it cause they are equals and that's true to any profission, when you are that thing you gain a new vision of it but also loses one, like an actor watching a scene and a non actor watching the same scene, their experiences are different cause the actor will always see things you don't cause you are in an audience experience. And...that's what Miles is in regards to Gwen, an audience while Hobie is also a musician playing with her. But that changed by the end of the movie when Miles stop seeing her as an "untouchable perfect person" and starts to realize she is just a person. Of course he is still doing that because he is hurt, so it's not conscious but i hope he can start to do that consciously in the third movie and finally they can have an equal relationship, where Miles can play with her in the band and not watch/listen to her playing.
@Radcatcreations 7 часов назад
Kiki is my favorite but that’s only because I watched that movie during a time in my life when I really needed to here what it had to say. I was feeling really burnt out with my art and wondering why I was making what I make and if I made a mistake having it be my career. I started to hate everything I made. And then I watched this wonderful movie that uses magic as a metaphor for work burn out and rediscovering the love of something so important to you but that has fundamentally changed and creating a new relationship to it. Then I was so inspired I made a Kiki cosplay and suddenly I loved what I was making again
@Lilly_Rose_art 7 часов назад
6:56 I’m the anime weeb who watches short anime a (1-2 seasons)
@mkguyadame4340 8 часов назад
If he's right about Miles then he would be right about life cause that's what the movie is literally about
@oldcowbb 8 часов назад
you nailed it, i didn't even realize "ego" is why i dislike "strong female character" everything they do has to be about them, hell this even applied to some male heroes. They are not doing what they have to do, they are just showing off how awesome and powerful they are. thank you for the great insight
@WierdGuy734 9 часов назад
Its crazy that you explain it that way but its so true LMAO
@saw_bohnz3098 9 часов назад
It is real life anime. We suffered, we endured it and we coming to rule. Be there
@steffanhymer1285 9 часов назад
Can't wait for breakdowns of Arcane Season 2. Now that teasers are finally starting to come out for that.
@Jinxpowza 9 часов назад
you feed my spiderman obsession you feed my arcane obsession i owe you my life sir
@espinita. 10 часов назад
This movie is a fucking year old and it's still producing video essays
@sakurap95 10 часов назад
I love this scene too.❤ I always thought the shot of Gwen closing her eyes and the background comparing the helicopter blades with her drumsticks was meant to symbolize how she goes about her role of Spider-Man. She feels the rhythm of the situation and immediately jumps in and follows the beat. Whether that’s music or fighting. The rhythm also explains her dancer style and gymnastics background. 🤸
@RyanSiggaard 10 часов назад
While you were talking about thinking with your head vs your gut it reminded me of Freud's phsycholanalytical theory about the Id (gut), super ego (head), and ego (hybrid).
@dl-zf9dj 11 часов назад
@bizudamarasengan 11 часов назад
She thought Vegapunk got split into pieces and being kept in jars. 😂
@Danversdiary 11 часов назад
I just love that scene with her with Miles swinging through New York so much because it's the FIRST time in the movie where you as the audience feels as though, "Yeah, this is right" Spiderverse is just so complex and yet simple at the same time, I just love them so much!! Especially with all the colour expressions for non-verbal ques, it's just so unbelievably beautiful how this movie makes you feel emotionally
@baconchickenforty-two9208 11 часов назад
Didn't pay much attention to it before but at the very end she's communicating non-verbally with Peter B too, just raising her eyebrow and he's immediately on the same page. My favorite parts of this movie are when spider-people just glance at each other and say maybe two words and then just perfectly execute some insane shit. Not unlike performing music.
@hartthorn 11 часов назад
Another creator that can bring levels of this out of me is George Miller. Just seeing Furiosa, but also with Fury Road which is a well lauded masterpiece, and his recent but more lesser known Three Thousand Years of Longing, he is always doing amazing things with his cuts, edits, colors, just bringing in everything at once and you don't even realize all the ways he's MAKING you feel a way when you see a scene. Nothing left to chance.
@Danversdiary 11 часов назад
What a beautiful way to explain Qwen's chaos❤ the perfect video for the anniversary!
@s.j.wormwood8946 11 часов назад
Did someone send you a crochet doll? That’s so sweet
@angel_of_rust 12 часов назад
are you a marketing graduate? that entire thing about activation is so eye-opening at first but it honestly sounds so fucking disgusting. like you really think people's traits are just selling points. that's literally the checkbox-ticking method that has been sinking Disney and gaming to the lows they are in nowadays. i'm sorry but that's advanced business-marketing brain rot on steroids. "just look at how many topics niches and interests this one thing hits! guaranteed money! what? what do you mean quality is what actually sells?" it really does make people look like nothing more than consumers and numbers on a board meeting. only business/marketing type people think like that, it's a bit dehumanizing and i think you overestimate LGBT marketing specifically. like you do know they're always a small minority of people at the end of the day? Have you even seen the entire gaming industry, as well as Disney, crumble exactly because of trying to capture that crowd? also, 13:40 😐this is the difference between pre-movie and post-movie Spongebob. No one's really gonna remember the new Spongebob despite how much Nickelodeon keeps airing it because it doesn't hold up to scrutiny while the old one does. It's why 99% of Spongebob memes use the early seasons. Quality is exactly what makes anything last long to anyone, not all this appeal-marketing brain rot. it baffles me to think that some people think that quality somehow doesn't always matter.
@lordnoasupershow6778 12 часов назад
I am an deeply minded/thinking person and I just love to overthink and can spend 1h crafying a theory out of the smallest and seemingly unimportant line. THAT'S WHY I LIKE THIS CONTENT SO MUCH BECAUSE IT RELATES TO ME AND IS MADE SO QUALITATIVLY. It is just iritating how underrated your content are. The best thing of all is that we will have another part of thia movie soon and that means we will feast on Schnee content.
@HeroicPie885 12 часов назад
I would, and have watched hours of content about this movie, please continue making content, i eat it up
@alexwolfe 12 часов назад
Really interesting video essay that was far more than descriptive, it was informative, innovative and fascinating, illuminating a scene and an arc
@betula2137 13 часов назад
Wow that our connection to music is so that you can feel without noticing the misalignment of tone from rhythm the moment it all comes together
@angel_of_rust 13 часов назад
Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss are lowkey masterclasses of how NOT to write a show IMHO. because, for one, i've seriously never seen any show introduce characters and resolve conflicts within the same episode. not to mention how the lore and story bits are apparently spread across streams, tweets, and podcasts instead of all being portrayed in the show. Who even does that? That's just not how storytelling works.
@JonathanWrensch 13 часов назад
Nice, I love your content
@Koruvax 13 часов назад
5a hickory wood tip. Bounces good, what's your stick?