Bandrew Says Podcast
Bandrew Says Podcast
Bandrew Says Podcast
Helping creators determine how the news affects their careers and projects. Join Bandrew Scott every Sunday evening as he deconstructs the latest RU-vid, Social Media, and Streaming news to help you avoid the hysteria and focus on what's important; creating content. On occasion Bandrew also shares insights into creating for the Podcastage RU-vid channel which has over 235,000 subscribers and 45 Million views.
@CarstenGoeke 14 часов назад
The TLM 49 is now your new favorite? Where is the SM7B? Great content like always. Thanks so much and greetz ✌🏻
@JimKinkade 16 часов назад
I would love to hear more from your vast accounting knowledge. Lots of us are here because we’re creators and found out about you when we were doing research on microphones. Well I got my mic but now I’m struggling with the budgeting side of my channel.
@45KevinR День назад
I forgot to hook this into my main comment. To celebrate your 400th episode, several of our Great British Spondoolies
@45KevinR День назад
An interesting and often entertaining episode Mr Bandrew. Did I notice your "swag bag" hanging to the left of the screen? $ sign gave it away. It looks kind of empty without all those sponsor dollars/bribes and affiliate links. Very tiny tiny comment at around 18 mins, I thought my app had gone wonky. Hobbyist! I think those hitting you with very faint praise are just playing into your past claims to "hate compliments". I'll do the opposite as your videos (here and Podcastage) have become the cornerstone of my RU-vid habits. Indeed until last year I *still* though of YT as being where we went to see clips from old shows, and dashcam clips. Now it's a big source of amusement and information. Eg. There are great channels on volcanos, aircraft incidents, bridge collapses.
@pml394 2 дня назад
After years of watching Bandrew- He is a man im used to watch and listen to. I realised he was getting slim and was looking great. It was so inspiring. If you are looking for advice and inspiration to start losing weight on the internet, you soon get a lot of pumped, hysterical people, promising you unrealistic weight loss using questionable methods and wanting your money. Bandrew is the opposite of those people mentioned before. in 4 month i lost 12 kg ca. 26,5 pounds - so no turning back. Thank you for the inspiration Bandrew.
@techmed-rainer 2 дня назад
Danke! Dear Bandrew, congratulations to BSP 400! 🎉 That's amazing and a proof of quality and value.
@45KevinR День назад
I did think the spreadsheet would show the percentage of revenue from you Rainer.
@christopherjames3762 3 дня назад
Tens of thousands of dollars can buy a lot of sleeping pills...
@christopherjames3762 3 дня назад
Mic sounds good, especially since you're a few inches away.
@AmericanIndianGames 3 дня назад
LMAOOOOO, you're not a podcaster Bandrew KEKW, sorry, for now on I will only say that I LISTEN to your VIDEOS "podcast" XD
@JagHiroshi 3 дня назад
$300 is quite a few big macs.
@gregelgie 3 дня назад
Congrats on the milestones! Thanks from a fellow UMMM-er :)
@bsp 3 дня назад
Ummm, yeah....I'm going to need you to uhhhh come in on Saturday. We lost a few people uhhh and we sort of uhhh need to play catch uhhhhhhhp.
@Yellowswift3 3 дня назад
I like the sound of the microphone. Well done on the health improvement.
@rogermeana8726 3 дня назад
Long time listener here: I just wanted to jump in to let you know how much I love when you bring up an excel spreadsheet. It’s been a while since the last time. Props to you.
@fredoverflow 3 дня назад
Congratulations on 400 episodes! But only 339 videos on the channel? 😢
@ColdSphinX 3 дня назад
regarding the "A pdcast needs RSS" discussion, you can put any text and URL in an RSS feed. You can just create a RSS feed of RU-vid URLs.
@ColdSphinX 3 дня назад
17:29 that is very small text xD
@fredoverflow 3 дня назад
17:28 What am I looking at?
@BandrewScott 3 дня назад
8% scaling instead of 80%
@homestudioacademy 3 дня назад
Thanks for sharing the behind the scenes analytics and revenue. YT is hard but feels rewarding for all the hard we put into it. Congrats on the 1 Million views! Well deserved. 👏
@knorke3642 3 дня назад
some people do care...I do hate adds and I wish there was a PayPal option for saying thanx since the debit/creditcard thingy won't work...at least it didn't just now.
@ModeKaioken 4 дня назад
19:00 I feel like these people are stuck in the year 2000 definition of podcast but the fact is podcasting has evolved and now its about accessibility and availability. RU-vid video format is just a more modern approach to podcasting because it covers more bases and is cheaper. Why do you need an rss feed when you have a subscription feed. Personally I think the main issue is people try to stay connected to the internet while they are away from there pc. I tried living off wifi texting for a bit and I found myself always thinking about where I could get wifi as if it consumed my current moment thoughts trying to keep up on what was going on. After letting this rule my life a while I started leaving my phone at home and telling myself 20 years ago if I needed to call someone I would use a phone at a business or if someone needed to call me they would leave a message and I would see it later on and respond. Like this I need to be always plugged in and know as soon as something happens mindset is like some sort of fomo mindset from being plugged in to long I think. Now I leave my phone at home unless I need a map and just catch up on the world when I get home. I feel like this has allowed me to focus on my days better and not hate doing anything but being plugged in. Point of this tangent is RSS feed I think only serves this on the go trying to stay plugged in lifestyle that I think really is just bad overall because it takes so much focus away from the current moment. Where as soon as you get home just open up an internet browser with a home page of your sub feed. tldr: When your not at home I think you should be focus on what is in front of you and only think about the internet once you get home because of this I think RSS feeds are pointless and distracting.
@oskarwroniewicz 4 дня назад
Seeing how much work and money goes into this podcast I'm quite upset that you don't get any revenue from my (and other people's) RU-vid Premium watch-time just because you want all of your viewers to have the best experience possible. It would be great if RU-vid paid for premium users' watch-time even when the adds are off, just like you said in one of the last episodes. Honestly I really doubt this will happen though, because it may encourage more creators to go add-free, meaning less advertiser's money for RU-vid. Regarding the lovely "backhanded compliment" comment, I desperately need to know where I can find good reviews, or better yet - great ones (what would they have to be?) In all seriousness, Podcastage is the first channel I come to when looking for a review on particular mic. Not only is your methodology good and consistent but most importantly you always compare each mic to a wide range of it's competitors, which is invaluable in my opinion. I think hearing a mic in a vaccum with no reference is of little use, same goes for all other audio gear. Our ears get used to even bad sounding audio quickly, so as long as a mic doesn't absolutely suck it will seem to sound quite decent when there is no reference. Also your personality and humor speak to me so much and it's what lead me to this podcast, which happens to be the first and only one I listen to. Thanks for everything you do Bandrew, and also huge thanks to Reiner - looks like the show would be far from sustainable without him.
@mattcowens 4 дня назад
Did your subscriber count increase by 419, a rate of subscriber inflation lower than last year but still an increase? Sorry to nitpick (especially if I'm wrong!) but I was reading about inflation this morning and the common mistake of thinking that a drop in inflation is the same as a drop in prices (whereas it's just a slower rate of increase usually)
@Tewahedo 4 дня назад
I don't like the sound of this mic.
@Tarkov. 4 дня назад
$400 profit, that means you get to write off a mid tier mic on your taxes
@roberttower8059 4 дня назад
Congratulations on the podcast odometer turning over again! I wish I could send you a symbolic $400, but fiddy will have to do for now. It's a pleasure being with you on this journey.
@bsp 4 дня назад
Thank you so much Robert! That truly means so much! And thank you for coming on this journey.
@Andrewc87563 4 дня назад
I just let my 10 computers and tablets watch your ads as a courtesy to keep you making episodes So it's probably $11 of your $13😅
@TroubleChute 4 дня назад
A few things: I'm a meganerd who self-hosts everything I can and I do all the geeky stuff to save money where I can. Most of the time it's trading time for something, or using money for convenience. You do an amazing job with your podcast, and I absolutely get a simple workflow is infinitely more valuable than one that saves a few dollars. Income from no ads is good if it's just donations. I would think RU-vid Premium viewers would give you something even if ads are off. Email: You used to have a bunch of addresses, but now you have _one_? And it's $7.75 a month? iCloud+ gives you 50GB storage and you can use your domain as a "custom domain" for email there for $0.99/month. Podcast hosting: libsyn offers a player and stuff, so I guess it's a good deal for a drop-in tool. $20/month sounds steep... BunnyCDN (same company LinusTechTips' Floatplane uses) offers file hosting & a cdn service. 400 episodes x 70MB each is 28GB. Hosting is $1/m + using their CDN you can deliver 4,000 GB of content for $20 in total, hosting included. You could use Cloudflare instead, and have no network fees - just once for an episode and it's cached, then distributed for free. This would mean you'd need another service (and the skill to set it up) for the player on your website. Again, $20/m set and forget is probably a good deal for 99.9% of podcasters. GeeksRising hosting: $228/year? I assume it's because it's Squarespace? If you use Wordpress on a web hosting platform like OVH for example. $4.39/month. You get wordpress, plus 10 email addresses - and 1GB storage for each. Scratch the email cost. The 100GB storage space included could hold all of your podcast episodes, and Cloudflare CDN could distribute for free from your website with just as good if not better speeds. This option alone could take you from $561 for the previous points to.... $50 in a year. Audio submissions can also be handled with uploads. Likely a wordpress plugin that handles this out of the box too. hehe and don't even get me started with Adobe. Take it out back... and replace it with Affinity Photo if possible. As long as you don't need the AI stuff it's a once-off keep forever purchase that's $70 instead of $20/month indefinitely. EDIT: and congrats on 400 episodes! But yes, again, if this is the convenience you want then keep at it. It's been working, and if you're happy paying for it, keep it going!
@KontrolStyle 4 дня назад
ty for sharing =]
@PolloPezzotto 4 дня назад
Bandwidth Says Podcast
@FLOODOFSINS 4 дня назад
You make it really difficult to point out things like writing off your room as a home office expense on your taxes or writing off other operating costs in your Excel sheet when you're so darn joyful all the time. So $4 coffee is too much for you yet a $40 pair of socks with lifetime warranty is not? You're hurting my head.
@bsp 4 дня назад
I know at this point you're just trolling me, but I'll play ball anyway. If you don't see the difference between a cup of coffee and socks, I can't help you., But I like doing this kind of cost analysis, so here: Coffee is a consumable. Socks are not. If we calculate cost per use. A $4 coffee is $4/use because it has one use. A pair of $40 socks has years of use. Assuming a pair is worn once per week for only one year, that means cost per use is $0.77/use. If they only last 5 years, that makes the cost per use of $0.15. It also saves money that would be spent due to replacing shoes that deteriorate and stink from sweat.
@meistudiony 4 дня назад
Youre paying way too much for hosting. I have a shared hosting plan with the company im using that i have about 5 different websites running off of. Email servers and databases are included with that. I think its less than $120/yr.
@bsp 4 дня назад
I know it's a lot for hosting but it also covers the site design and upkeep and all that which I have zero desire to do. I know I pay a premium for that but it's one less thing for me to have to worry about.
@voiceovervandeen 2 дня назад
​@@bsp Came here to type the same about the hosting, $228 / year & they don't even include e-mail 😲 But yeah simplicity (limitations) as they've tied you into their builder & ecosystem. I migrated 40 WP domains over from Heart Internet to 20i when switching reseller accounts. Having weighed up the time spent V's long term cost & service benefits - it was a clear win, but YMMV for one site - especially given the SqSp exporter tool which exports "most elements" of SqSp built websites out to WordPress.
@mind-brainstudio927 4 дня назад
A million views is damn amazing! Congratulations, Bandrew! And the Shure sounds good, particularly for the price. Thumbs up!
@DujeLalin 4 дня назад
Congratz on BSP-400, here's to another 400! ❤️
@krazywabbit 4 дня назад
Thanks for the clarification on RSS and magnification on Christopher’s comment. When you make less than $2/hr, it’s ok.
@bsp 4 дня назад
This made me laugh out loud! I caught the editing error while the video was 95% uploaded. What happened is I made his comment 8% of the size as opposed to 80%. I get what I pay for. HAHA!
@DarekWeber 4 дня назад
Unpopular opinion, turn ads on. Everyone knows how to hit that “skip” button and some folks have RU-vid Premium and won’t ever see them anyway. You deserve to be compensated for all the hard work you do for us.
@bsp 4 дня назад
This podcast will stay V4V going forward because I really like this format.
@DarekWeber 4 дня назад
@@bsp fair enough, thanks for the awesome content!
@ThatLazyyGuy 3 дня назад
If we’re just going to skip the ads then he wouldn’t be getting paid for them anyways lol
@giuliano8031 3 дня назад
If you skip an ad after 5 seconds there's no generated revenue. You need to watch that ad for at least 30 seconds, then skip. Otherwise the people running the ads would feel scammed. Rightfully so.
@djspell2928 4 дня назад
V4V is a worldwide lifestyle!
@Naaackers 4 дня назад
RE: Content monetization, ads, etc.: I am also someone who is very, very transparent about money and being a content creator. And money doesn't make me happy, much like it doesn't seem like it does for you. Every brand that I've worked with is published on my site, and single out the ones that I've been paid by at ANY point. I am also super careful about what deals I take, and I like yourself leave a lot of money on the table. I've started to alter that a bit though, because after making content for over a decade, I've realized that being a content creator isn't the only profession where you're tempted to do things in the interest of money. With any day job, you are incentivized to do more to get paid more. Or go out and learn more so you can do more, do it better, and get paid more. But we don't demonize an office or service worker for chasing the bag, it's only because creators are in the public eye delivering services or content to other people in the public eye - and people get weird about it lol. I've been watching you for years, and I have used your content and the free education you provided to make informed decisions. I've also made explicit decisions on more than one occasion to base my purchase of your opinion alone. And yet, I've never paid a single dollar for anything from you. So I want you to shove your ads down my throat and get paid lol, because I pay or YT premium and I want you to get that ad revenue. All that to say, I think it's incredibly unrealistic for the audience to expect you to not be paid by an brand ever and maintain a completely unbiased opinion about all brands always for the sake of the content. Of course, if you don't need the extra money, and you're happy, don't change! But I come to your channel for information because you provide more than 1 aspect of value, and you should be getting mother f***** paid. I also just like seeing other creators get that bag. Just looking at how much time this podcast takes you to make and what you're making per episode makes me a little sad lol. If you could find a sponsor that you really jive with to start the podcast out with that would net you a few hundred an episode, anyone who throws a fit about that can suck a fatty. You deserve to be compensated for your time for all you do for us, ESPECIALLY if you aren't taking sponsored deals for other videos on your main channel. Anyways. I'm sorry this was so long. Love your shit, Bandrew. Thank you for making content.
@Irshaad88 4 дня назад
Here's to the next hundo and the next million🙏
@DCOM20. 4 дня назад
@jimmyquail1 6 дней назад
@meistudiony 8 дней назад
Can we get that comment on a t-shirt? 🤣 Clearly written by someone that will never do anything with their own life. My kids godfather is a drummer in a professional band who's headlined shows around the world. Shared the stage with Metallica, GnR, and just about every other major heavy act (his band has been around since the early 80s). They still do shows in vans occasionally, I guess they haven't made it yet. I'll let him know.
@fluphybunny930 8 дней назад
Don't understand why anyone would be paying Blubrry or any other similar business model. Am I missing something? In addition to that the CEO's arrogant attitude and self serving rhetoric was very off putting.
@45KevinR 8 дней назад
The thing about the epic comment is that the two halves contradict each other. **Part the first**. Apparently none of us should be discussing, consuming or enjoying anything that isn't focused on world changing issues. AKA: If we don't fix the world then nothing has any value. I guess in some senses that might be true, if one values our hypothetical grandchildren or the continuation of our species. It seems rather nihilistic though, "because tomorrow will be awful, we must not enjoy today or a single moment". Like existing in an extreme religious or political cult. "OM... <smacks forehead with religion text>". Ironically most of us are far too uneducated and uninformed on all these world changing topics. Meaning we'd only be idiots, amateurs or essentially hobbyists! **Part the Second**. According to the comment doing anything as a hobby or worse as a hobbyist is an appalling sin AND a waste of time. As noted above this contradicts any useful input we might have on world changing topics, since we are at best amateurs. Now if by hobbyist he means not doing things for profit. Not monetizing our output, our mandatory world changing output. Then that's even more wonky. To my eyes a huge portion of our world's problems are caused by the relentless pursuit of profit, financial growth, monetization. Many a life, business, tv show or even podcast has been destroyed by short term profit, by turning a love into a business. By going professional. The commentator may just be a sad confused or damaged person. They may simply be trolling. *But* my instinct is that maybe just maybe someone has been training ChatGPT to write troll posts. PS let's all keep doing things that are hobbies, that we love, that are creative, that are informative, that are entertaining. I reckon you Bandrew bring us all those things and I salute you.