business contact: kydroplays@gmail.com
Content Creator i do wuthering waves, haha, genshin and overwatch star rail stuff. Maybe zzz later on
@wildmagikarp4403 28 минут назад
I pulled her for 40 when she arrived, now I lack the materials for upgrade never used her ever since. Thanks for this one
@Hydekel- 38 минут назад
srry, but im not using dudes on my team so bye cacharro
@Bl_ze841 Час назад
I got the first and last i one day😅 (F2p)
@techtag9170 Час назад
first one design is med 🫳🫴
@Random_Thoughts761 Час назад
Camellya Is Possible Based On What I See On other kuro game 😁💕
@alsef1500 Час назад
I’ll save if I can find out what weapon she will use
@DarthMizaru 2 часа назад
Its more efficient to juat run the boss timer. Its 1 minute which is less time that it yakes you to load another area, walk and beat another boss.
@mitsuki7164 2 часа назад
genshin could never we all say in unison
@Plague_xyz 2 часа назад
Brother im gonna go f*cking broke
@Facolars 2 часа назад
shes the reason i didnt pull for jiyan, bc i knew jiyan was gonna get powercrept, but not by his own atk style
@manabdas7876 2 часа назад
I lost to wb1 Chalcharo..man wish I just pull lingyang from guaranteed five star. Now I'm feeling empty inside..
@pax303 2 часа назад
I'm pretty excited!!! But why do I keep hear: "Main William Scar" instead of "Main villain Scar" 😂😂😂
@LoveXLvst 2 часа назад
Not wishing until Cemellya banner wish me luck
@hrs795 2 часа назад
Today I found a cascate that was so high (above a roof of a post or something) that I can't reach with normal jump, and too narrow to use grappler. So, then I sprinted far away, climbed the tallest cliff, and glided over it. I feel so dumb just to learn the super jump right here right now. -_-
@mvarx 3 часа назад
is c1 yinlin worth my wishes???? or its better wait for next banner? (I have dedicated yinlin weapon)
@adawongisthequeen2006 3 часа назад
@daevidd 3 часа назад
Camellya will be mineee
@fireflysleftpinky 3 часа назад
After (fortunately) losing the 50-50 on Yinlin's banner, I'm now waiting for the possibility of Geshulin having his banner. Hopefully it's soon
@SunevFlyyTrap 4 часа назад
I don’t like that blue guy with the beard and the game gave me three of him I do not want another
@alexzendergaming8761 4 часа назад
Guys jinshi and changli is coming together or they coming one by one?
@es-queen9762 4 часа назад
Ma boi scar
@Log_Alex 4 часа назад
Are there any four stars coming lol
@angrymaniac53 5 часов назад
Beginner's tip: Baizhi mommy is big
@tailsx20 5 часов назад
Waiting for Mr Geshulin🗿
@GilaJerraMusic 5 часов назад
I wish it was on console 😢
@McSeele1 5 часов назад
But his dead tho😔
@RealKingNeik 5 часов назад
Alrdy did, all for her forte gauge move😅
@anids1988 6 часов назад
Ermmmm i did 3 of the same boss with no drop?
@l8xnnyl 6 часов назад
I’m so glad I’ve never had to deal with someone like this 💀 you could fr be an actor bc some of these shorts make me wanna throw hands 😭
@Bread0193 6 часов назад
Alright now heres a team for encore Encore sanhua verina/baizhu
@MAPPAM000 6 часов назад
I aint ever investing into rover
@iggylavis1729 6 часов назад
At this point they should release Scar as a playable character. I'm pretty sure a huge chunk of players are gonna pull hard for him. 😆
@winterprince8146 6 часов назад
Nah i want yhan to be playable
@Cattywoo 6 часов назад
Im gonna get Jihnshi and when Camellya gets released her toom
@Jesse-rv3xf 7 часов назад
"sanhoowa" did you... play the game...
@TheRealArya 7 часов назад
2 characters im hyped the most for are geshu lin and scar. Morally grey well designed characters in a gacha game?? I must be dreaming
@bucket321 7 часов назад
N̶o̶e̶l̶l̶e̶ no I meant Jianxin. If she can't be Main DPS, she can always be healer/support
@beatrispains8814 7 часов назад
And there's me, who waited for Jiyan's rerun (because I lose my 50/50 on his banner)
@captinfubuki9728 8 часов назад
i got encore on first 10 rip shes taken out every boss ive done so far by herself i also use taoqi sometimes im just saving for future characters atm
@user-ln5bm7nf8c 8 часов назад
I picked jianxin and i dont regret at all
@androidfixer7052 8 часов назад
so lowering thee level doesnt lower the 5* rate?
@VonCal7 8 часов назад
With all the characters coming out, and moreso as a F2P, I'm having some meltdown with whether or not Pulling for 2 Jiyans and a Verdant Summit is worth it. Especially since Changli is coming aswell soon
@KenotheWolf 8 часов назад
Am I the only one that wants to call Scar „Nero“ all the time? Is it just me??
@tkhero7045 8 часов назад
I absolutely refuse to convene until Camellya drop. I will do the same in preparation of Scar and Phrolova
@neooooooooooon 9 часов назад
scar is cringe af
@seraphim7484 9 часов назад
Already have 3 five stars, and now saving all up for jihnsi, liked her will play her, if I didnt get ger, wont spend a penny until she reruns, dont care about the gameplay, even if she turns out weak, I will still like her and main her.
@ukog6048 9 часов назад
Previous friend? I thought he was the first General that died...
@fromAshesReborn24 9 часов назад
phrolova, the playable signora I never had, she better be playable...
@triplehrtz1757 9 часов назад
wait there shiny echo i dont know that :D