Mole Undermanagement
Mole Undermanagement
Mole Undermanagement
ChaosMole focuses on City Builders, Management and strategy Games!
E-Mail: thesiegestreaming@gmail.com
@SkynetNeuralink 3 дня назад
Where is gigamesh kitty kitty? He always has a kitty kitty. 20ft tall with a loin as a kitty kitty
@painfactory548 3 дня назад
At my actual game i found this free city that always spawn with your race. That city has very good recources,but when i have them my whisperstone they very quickly ask me for money. I didnt want to give them my very needed money so i claim this city by war and i think it was a good choice becouse this way i got a very good extra city very early in the game.
@Shellll 5 дней назад
Given what happened to Life By You, I fully expect another delay for "indefinite" time followed by a cancelation
@Marconel100 8 дней назад
I feel scammed for my mom, my mom doesn't have many joys in life, but she loves sims, and she was SO exited about life by you.. and every time they post poned the game my mom was so sad and it makes me so angry that they fuck with people like my mom, if they're that bad at making a game why did they even announce it in the first place, clearly planning is not part of their game development strategy... They made my mom sad, she is old and probably won't live until the next life sim that will excite her as much as this game did. I feel real hatred towards the developers of this game.
@raven15ibya 8 дней назад
is it only a pc game or also ios iphone & tablet ?
@Aidan706 8 дней назад
pc only
@xt3916 9 дней назад
Ive been getting back into it and economy is still broken. They're still not exporting my surplus
@xt3916 9 дней назад
Is this still an issue after the economy update?
@gweltazlemartret6760 10 дней назад
As always, the default vehicle is some car based thing, where a bicycle would 100% make sense for less than 1km distances. (Less than 1 miles neighbourhood don’t need that much thrust.) Thanks for the reco tho!
@smogmonkey 10 дней назад
It’s a great game but I suggest defending the resource areas from the start or the enemy slowly encroaches with towers which can be annoying and make it nigh on impossible to beat them.
@blueice7072 14 дней назад
I am a late Xennial and I love my generation, but you early Millennials are such a cool dudes... Pharaoh, Age of Empires, C&C etc; cool times huh? No worries there's no need to answer me, I'm just dropping by to say Hi, brother =] *thumbs up*
@ErichRaeder 17 дней назад
I want to say that i am not surprised life by you was cancelled, basically the development staff for life by you that paradox assembled was not only questionable, if you look into the graphics, it was rough and character models did not do any favors either when people found out the character models and graphics were very similar to Gym Simulator 24, let this be a warning when people want a game to challenge the Sims, execution, graphics and the people developing the game matter. Also in 2024, there is no defense on using premade or existing assets from Unity. The devs for Life By You would have quashed a lot of criticism if they have said the character models are just prototype only and also there are screenshots of what the model for the characters looked like early on in development, they should have stuck to it People who work in the video gaming development industry are also questioning whether the people who worked on Life By You were suitable for such a project
@Leomerya12 15 дней назад
FOR REAL. I'm a game dev, and it is CLEAR that the team was not skilled enough to pull this project off. It looks amateur.
@douglasmcdaniel7578 18 дней назад
Why did they make it look so weird ?
@deusbeowulf6039 19 дней назад
Life by you fans “Talked crap the whole time about arm length and compared the game to every other life sim. Praised the team when they delayed the game 3 times…” Game gets canceled and the community has the shocked Pikachu face as they browse the shovelware slop the Sims poops out every 3 months.
@learnfacts101 19 дней назад
man... ffs, another game I was looking forward to shut down.
@TheDawnofVanlife 19 дней назад
Someone said the team was laid off. So if Paradox does dip into a life Sims again, it will be a literal start over with different folks but right now probably not huge on their radar.n
@moleundermanagement 11 дней назад
Yus, the News came a Day after I made the Video, horrid really, like a complete wipeout :(
@DennisAlexis 19 дней назад
Well, I really wanted to love this game but I couldn't get over the look of the characters. I kept hoping the devs would fix it but they sadly never improved. I feel bad for the devs though.
@liwi 17 дней назад
People complaining about the character models since the initial reveal trailer, they never got improved over the course of like 2 years. Game was doomed unfortunately :/ Looks like Paralives and InZoi are all we have left.
@KingOskar4 19 дней назад
Oh man 😅😢... Too bad that another competetor to The Sims 4 throne has died before they could even get off😮... By the way, I researched Clash of Clans clones and you'll be surprised how some of them ended❤. Some due to lack of earning, but most has died😣 to Copyright infringment. That latter one😅 was more common than I would like to admit. 😊There was a lot of competetors to Clash Of Clans Throne, at least 55 unique games in total (because Mobile market)😮😮😮❤❤
@FJPAldrich 20 дней назад
I honestly forgot about this game, didn't even know it was supposed to be released this year. But I am not surpised by this move, especially considering how much a ding to their brand Paradox, as a publisher, has been getting recently. I know Cities Skylines 2 has been under a lot of fire since release last fall. Apparently, Crusader Kings 3 has not been hitting the benchmarks with some of their post-release content. Victoria 3 basically landed with a dud, needing major improvements to become playable. I agree this is a drastic decision, especially this late in the game, but given how underperforming some of their other IP's have been lately? Not surprised in the least. While I am not going to rule out corporate shenanigans (ala WB and their endless list of projects that became tax-write offs) I do think Paradox did spread itself too thin, even after "sharpening their pipeline" down to 15 projects in 2015, clearly that focus wasn't enough.
@lunarbound9975 20 дней назад
Love it, great review! This is definitely a pickup for me. I didn't catch whether it's releasing into full release or early access. I'll get that info as well as price in a couple of days either way I suppose. I always wait for full release, so fingers crossed for that. Thanks for the work!
@KingOskar4 20 дней назад
0:45 whoa 😮 what do you mean this is not ANNO 1800 ?! This is also beautiful 😍!! I am actually a fan of many games & competition. 'cause if somebody has a monopoly😅 over a Genre of a game😅 they get complacent. I personally reseach "Clash of Clans" and "Civilization 4X strategy" type of games and they seem to have a lot common😮 within their groups..... Nowadays, we have 3 competetors for the civ throne: 😂 Humankind™ , Millennia, and ARA: History Untold, and ARA is coming out 😮 at 24th September 2024 this year!❤1❤❤❤
@smuglilshtface1839 24 дня назад
What about multiple dark/golden ages per era for each of science, culture, and maybe production or something. So you could have a dark era for culture but at the same time have a golden era for science, each providing unique benefits and debuffs
@davrothelegend 25 дней назад
there was a 404 error screen revealed.
@Dunkle0steus 25 дней назад
I'd really enjoy if the way you played the game or the obstacles you encountered to gameplay changed over time. We already have that somewhat in the civ series with water. When you unlock sailing and can enter coastal tiles, that opens up new opportunities for exploration. Then you unlock embarkation and now you have a ton of new options for settling and moving your units around, and then you unlock the ability to cross ocean tiles and pretty much the whole map is open to you. The recent 4X game Millennium did a good job of this, though was perhaps a bit too much. As your cities grow bigger, you unlock more and more needs that have to be satisfied in order to keep your citizens happy. That is an interesting mechanic and by tying it to city population, you ensure that new cities aren't revolting simply because they don't have enough services. I think this is at least a positive direction to go in, or at least a place to start considering options, but I don't think Civ 7 should be copying other games in the genre completely. Historically, things like logistics, supply lines, communication systems, etc. were very important factors that limited the size of a potential empire, and the effectiveness and manpower of its armies and would overall have a really interesting impact on gameplay. Civ 6's expansions introduced the idea of era score which was fun to play with because it encouraged you to go out of your way to get those mini achievements, but I don't think it was compelling enough. I think it would be interesting if Civs were powered off of some sort of mechanic where productivity, culture, science, gold, etc. were controlled by a driving identity or force for your people. I suppose that's kind of vague, so maybe I can elaborate. This driving force might be building wonders or raiding other civ's territories or making sacrifices to the gods or conquering new lands or exploring or getting access to new trade resources or routes. The sorts of things that generate value or a sense of wonder or awe in a people. Anything that is the opposite of stagnation. Depending on your leader, civ, and local terrain, different paths to progression might be available. I agree that the early eras don't feel impactful. I think this is because its hard to get the production together to build armies with the few cities you have and if you have the production to build armies, you might as well build tech buildings and push to the next era. It's in the mid to late game when tech costs are high, you have all your buildings in your districts, your tiles improved, etc. and you can afford to divert production in some of your cities to armies. But the ancient world saw massive armies and wars. I just feel like we don't get to spend enough time being in each era. It's always better to push to the next era. It's always a race to the end. It'd be nice if there was time in each era to build armies or build trade routes or get your religion up or explore or whatever.
@KingOskar4 20 дней назад
This ❤ is a wonderful and underappreciated comment😊 I must applaud, as this is well written❤. Yes, I liked the Éra system too in Civ 6😮
@alextygesen3101 26 дней назад
I don't think it is an issue for wonders to be sort of OP if they all did one really good thing. There just need to be a lot and for there to be a soft cap. Civ 6 does this soft cap well in that the wonders have requirements to be placed and take up a spot, so if you only build wonders then all your tiles in the city don't do anything. And you need those tiles for districts and improvements too. Petra and Chichen Itza are great examples of this, because they are very focused on areas rich with desert and rainforest. The wonders just can't be generalist.
@jamesdetroit3791 26 дней назад
Thanks for the video. My top priorities would be a good AI (instead of the useless one from previous versions) and a decent combat system - Humankind is an example of an innovative and quality combat system. Old World is an example of better AI.
@bigsmoke4258 26 дней назад
It's the same shit they done with Age of Empires Mobile and Microsoft... I really dont know why they are doing this to the community. It's just a china copy cash grab game...The gaming community should start boycott this $##%!!
@KingOskar4 26 дней назад
Greetings!! I went trough the whole video and listened to your suggestions. I am not a developer, but what I am is a 5+ years carreer video game Researcher. All of your suggestions ae great, but some of them already exist in other games. The "Ages need to be impactful" is in Millennia, a game you've played. I am STUCK in the Age of Revolution because those pesky rebbels keep destroying my farms. As for Wonders, that has been fixed in Humankind, where you can claim wonders, and... THey aren't as powerful, but still expensive......
@MultiSciGeek 28 дней назад
Can you link the original video plz?
@jamesdetroit3791 Месяц назад
Agree about the Civ AI - this needs a dramatic improvement. For Total War Star Wars, I think CA will want to include many of the iconic characters to broaden out sales beyond the usual TW fans.
@Tetragramix Месяц назад
Are you seriously complaining that they took the time to add animations to a background number grinder? Makes the game feel more lively, plus you can disable them now if you don't want to watch. I usually disable them while at war with many units since I can still always click on the icon if I want to watch anyways.
@heatherharper0224 Месяц назад
My hubby knows how much I love Theme Hospital & The Two Point games, so when he saw this game on xbox he knew I'd be super happy. I can't wait to start playing once the download is ready!
@BusinessMan1619 Месяц назад
You'll love it. I'm really having fun.
@sapphiredawn5773 Месяц назад
is this the end of Paradox or at least a new age where they are weird
@3ffinawesome459 Месяц назад
delayed twice, still buggy, switched devs from D11 to Kokku, etc just kill the game already
@thecarwasherofshangri-la Месяц назад
Paradox has a history of doing this
@CndBcn Месяц назад
Paradox used to be one of my favourite publishers. Then they went public; and now they are as bad as EA.
@VladimirDekabrsky Месяц назад
So, as i understand PA2 is mostly done, and kokku will now support the game as double eleven goes to working with rockstar on RDR port.
@CupGuyDude12 Месяц назад
yikes good to know
@Laceon1 Месяц назад
Sounds pretty fishy. A smelly smell, that smells smelly. A noxious cloud of cloudyness. A hail Mary of nostril senses. Just a whole bunch of stink. Seems like paradox might be fucking around. I sure hope not, I like paradox.
@drakinfar Месяц назад
happened with Bloodlines 2. With it being the second time I would say its a paradox issue
@fimbulkron Месяц назад
Paradox died for me, when they released Sword of the Stars 2 in its horrible state back then. Kerberos wasn't able to make what they promised, but Paradox released it in a piss poor state anyway. Just to cash in some of the investment. And I don't like their floods of dlc. What do you need? What works together? Do you want it all? But as a late comer, that means several hundreds of dollars. I was so worried, when they bought Triumph Studios. Age of Wonders 3 just had 2 great EXPANSIONS, yes Expansions and not dlcs. Age of Wonders 4 released in a lackluster state but with several dlcs announced even before it was out. The first, mere 3 months after the release. So in essence, I can't stand Paradox.
@robin419 Месяц назад
Paradox has had a lot of bad releases in recent years, but CS2 is CO not PDI. Paradox is "only" publisher there. The new game, which is probably EU5, is far from a graphics update and looks to change everything from EU4, where the goal is already to reach EU4's wealth of detail. CK3, IR, and V3 are also very different from their predecessors, maybe to their detriment. But people should always be careful buying games even from established companies such as PDI, and the indie scene with regards to strategy games has been booming last few years. But the forever EA type games also exists.
@silverlinings1700 Месяц назад
I an most excited for frost punk 2. It looks brilliant. And I have dedicated a ridiculous amount of time on the 1st one.
@wander1027 2 месяца назад
I haved played a couple of hours and while I can admit it is impressive that this is done by 1 developer and it has really unique aspects, im still not understanding the hype. Does it get better after the first few hours? The tech tree/policies seemed very simple and uninentresting, also very few techs. The buildings are very few as well. Made me want to go back to civ.
@ulfhedknarthedestroyer1753 2 месяца назад
This game is horrible even for early access
@44zeex 2 месяца назад
I loved playing civ but I kept getting mad when I would get attacked. I am glad I can just avoid fighting in this game all together
@KingOskar4 2 месяца назад
0:30 yaaay❤ somebody said itttt !! 🙌
@removonallmen7324 2 месяца назад
It is what it is. Banished.
@Huntanor 2 месяца назад
You dont really understand explorers. Its broken good. No one can see the lost camps but you. You get all of them. On a normal map thats 8 on each continent average. If you leave them for an easy age if discovery you get 16x 50 knowledge. For basically free. You can get explorers an age before the ai can get the tech getting 100% of the locations. Even on a coninent map you can use knarrs to drop explorers on the second land mass to get the lost camps and locations there. It only takes 5 harbour to get age of discovery. You will begin an age of discovery with boats that can pick up sunken ships before the AI can even start researching the tech. This is thousands of free knowledge and random xp.
@fastoldman16 2 месяца назад
I really don't know how anyone has looked at Manor Lords so far and thought it was supposed to be combat focused at all. 😂
@Hahahahaaahaahaa 2 месяца назад
The idea that people could be disappointed when the dev has told them, from the beginning, exactly what this project is, reminds me so much of Valheim. People are going to get upset and rage online no matter what disclaimer or explicit instructions you give, and success will only make those complaints louder "why don't you hire a team" - as if that's how businesses work or what the dev is interested in. I'll also say, the dude making this is impressive as all hell. But holy smokes it LOOKS SO BORING - which is fine, most people are also boring, and white people fucking love commanding peasants around and pretending they are somewhere in the vast, vague, and slow dragging part of human history we call the middle ages. But come on with the hype...