Talkative Tri
Talkative Tri
Talkative Tri
The most positive exile on the planet.
@sss-si5tl 10 минут назад
What is the point of making the game free after 6 months to 1 year when all the playerbase cares about the game already bought it. It will only make it easy to create bots and banned players to return the game..
@JoeBezk 53 минуты назад
Gotta admit brother its kind of funny how you saying do not watch guides and videos about unreleased content etc while also showing off poe2 videos in the background. Im probably one of a few hundred people who are fans of poe that has refused to watch any clips because exactly what youre preaching. I do not want to be spoiled at all about whats in the game. I want it all to be fresh. I literally cannot name the classes, any bosses,mobs,skills etc. In poe2 as ive been avoiding it. Actually stopped your vid because i didnt want to be spoiled. Just saying
@jojajostar6443 Час назад
Exactly what i wanted to do, no guides,no 73 things I new before starting the game. Just enjoy it for yourself, and avoid comparing yourself to content creators, that play this game for a living
@Exterminator19861 Час назад
Thay act like no one played it at all . + 30 $ for key or total amout spended skyhigh on acc just to play it earlyer ??? Why you even talked before that about same free2play model if you slowly walking away from it ? Paid early access are just first step .What next WOW lelvel subscription ? I dont think anyone will like it .
@battletitan77 3 часа назад
did you really make a video crying about content/builds/guides being released? how many leagues have been released in poe 1 and what percent of ppl do you think look up a build guide before league even launches? i mean i seen build videos with 100k+ views so telling me that guides or release content is harmful to the game cry me a river are you salty you didn't get content creator access or just salty in general?
@boris2581 4 часа назад
No game should have earlier access. But as long as gamers pay the extra to play couple of days earlier, it's not going to stop.
@MegaRoFLL 5 часов назад
P2w much? Shit game lmao, filled with market bots, RMT ers, cary bitches and so on T r a s h
@KroximatuZ 5 часов назад
Truest true, is basically the same thing with movies, trailer comes out and they spoil 75% of the plot, is dumb. I'm so lucky i played PoE1 when NOBODY knew anything and watched Matrix with 0 expectations and having my mind blown. With all the early access and stuff for PoE2 i really hope they only spoiled like 20% to 30% and we are still in for a wild first experience!
@neltisen Минуту назад
Imho, a guide about "how to watch a movie and behave in a cinema" would not spoil 75% movie. Heck, a good creator would skillfully avoid any spoilers. You can research and read the whole rulebook yourself, but not everyone have time and enough attention span to do that.
@Kamelosk 7 часов назад
Every league someone finds something and post on reddit just for everyone to freak out. imagine how magical that will be on a new game, finding all the uniques, mods in gear. when they take that away from you a release is just not the same
@pathofmatth 7 часов назад
Dang yo, I really was a horrible content creator 😇😇 Lowkey I was way too burnt out on the game. ARPGs were never my thing and the fact I made a living out of it for years was never going to end well. I'm too honest and too forward. Abrasive as some would say. Nowadays I'm a fulltime day-trader and the only boss I get to yell at for coming out with garbage updates and balance changes... is me 😏 But one thing that most people never understood is that PoM was a character, a caricature version of my actual self. It was me, but where everything I did or said was about ten times as intense as who I actually am. There was the actual me on youtube, calm, information driven, always trying to help out, etc, etc. And then there was the streamer me, the character made to pay the bills. Believe it or not, I'm actually a super chill guy. My takes were hot because I knew spicy was a good way to sell it, to farm KEKWs, to grow my audience, and therefore my salary. It's all business and I never meant to make it a long-term thing. That's all. And yes, ban was deserved, and as I've said many times, one of the best thing to happen to me since I don't think I would of ever given it up so easily on my own, the money felt too easy, the community too strong and despite all, there was a ton of fun and good times. I regret nothing. I was loved and I was hated, but whether you did one or the other, you knew about me.
@MarkFin9423 7 часов назад
I do not know why people honestly thought early access was going to be free. It was never going to be free because GGG is a company, not a charity. If people cannot afford to pay 35 dollars to get early access when most modern day games are now between 50-70$, you probably should focus more on your life than a video game. In fact, you probably should not be wasting your money on PC gaming and stick with cheap retro gaming until you can afford to sustain a gaming PC if all it takes to break the bank is 35 dollars. If people do not like early access, that's their own fault, they payed and encouraged companies to sell you meager content one piece at a time while dangling the carrot that maybe possibly one day the game will release. PoE was never going to be any different as the company has shown time and again, they care more about their sales then the long term health of their playerbase. After all, who is honestly talking about settlers of Kalguur after it's first two weeks? Oh, no one, cause GGG got rid of all the loot, gutted most builds, and relegated most content to sanctum and T17 maps, completely overshadowing the entire boat league. Ya sure, PoE 2 will fix the very glaring issues of players making trade league, the only game mode normal people play completely unplayable since RMT has only gotten worse. Surely, GGG wont ignore that and allow it to transfer over to their next game "sarcasm".
@kaiseravm 7 часов назад
I found out about poe thx to totalbiscuit(may he rest in peace) and i have not regretted the money i put to get access to the closed beta of the game, i dont know if i am in the range to get free access but i will support ggg as i did for poe 1
@Aragoness 8 часов назад
"100+ hours... 3 full days." Somehow the math doesn't add up.
@TalkativeTri 8 часов назад
I was discussing the Diablo 4 early access headstart from last year/the GW2 headstart in 2012, not the current thing. This time, the CC's/press had a week of full access.
@DrauulGaming 8 часов назад
Gotta do CuteDog, SHEEEESH
@dreamcore_gg 8 часов назад
Paying extra money to play a few days early is something that needs to go AWAY
@DCUOCover 8 часов назад
Ive spent over 2k on PoE1 they best send me a PoE2 Jumper aswell I can wear around haha
@GotHimToReadThis 8 часов назад
game is solved d4 bad
@StillWeRide 8 часов назад
the dude you keep using in your thumbnails hasnt been the director of d4 in like a year
@TalkativeTri 8 часов назад
He is above even that, he is the General Manager/Executive Producer of Diablo. I don’t think he was the director, that was Joe Shely and a diff dude for VoH.
@StillWeRide 8 часов назад
@@TalkativeTri i stand corrected!!
@TalkativeTri 8 часов назад
@@StillWeRide alright dude!
@erutherford 9 часов назад
Post 1: You've had some spicy hot takes recently. I won't say you're wrong as I do like that sense of discovery from anything "new". YMMV. Devil's Advocate: In a game with as many choices as PoE I don't blame people that [mostly] stick to the meta OR something that they are very comfortable with. I hate nothing more than putting in a week [couple of weeks??] into a build just to find out that it won't scale or that I effectively need to start over and PoE [esp. if you're newb-ish] you can easily get a build and not realize that it doesn't scale as much as you'd like.
@rickspartan 9 часов назад
People already have meta build guides out for D4’s expansion before it’s even out. That’s crazy
@EirikrTheRed 9 часов назад
People ruin games before they even play them. Then complain. Haha.
@isac9448 9 часов назад
in GGG we trust "make a good game first, then monetize it without breaking the game or making it pay to win."
@hawg_tv 9 часов назад
But they are monetizing this EA and it’s not complete…
@isac9448 8 часов назад
@@hawg_tv im fine with pay to access but not a fan of battle pass shit tons of that..i think they will keep updating the game in EA until they reach the 6 acts without paying another more money
@WeylarExile 9 часов назад
I do think the feedbacks from the early access can help the game tremendously. We cant have it all...
@Agenta-df3gb 10 часов назад
Got a couple of recommendations for future episodes: Famous: Suitsizesmall. Been running lab everyday for years to give us all lab layouts on poelab. Mathil. Famous figure in the community, one of the best examples of how streamers can influence the market. Octavian. Streamer/Podcaster turned developer of the game. KittenCatNoodle. The VaatiVidya of PoE. Jousis. Self explanatory. Sirgog. Huge news poster, and a strong understanding of RNG and it's influence. PoorFishWife. Absolute LEGEND of data gathering and RNG testing. Runs a discord that has led to some of the biggest discoveries in PoE (such as unique item tiering, drop rate estimates). LiftingNerdBro. A classic in the community. Pohx. The righteous fire king and new-player champion. Enki. Their Arc Witch guide was one of the best build guides for new players for a long time. Grimro: Back when he was making content he was arguably THE guy to watch early because of his league-mechanic testing early on. Infamous: FastAF. Clickbait builds with flashy visuals that are actually kinda bad or super expensive. Belton. Self explanatory. PathofExileBuilds. RMT cashgrab hell, arguably a worse version of FastAF.
@harrynazarian3184 10 часов назад
GGG and EHG are the only companies that can say "it's been delayed, but hold on, we're cooking something good!" And I'll be happy to wait, knowing full well I'm getting something good. When New Blizzard says it, it's followed by a shit marketing scampaign, garbage gameplay, boring story, and moronic store mtx that's severely overpriced. The only thing saving D4Bad is the movies and slightly less robotic voice acting. RIP Blizzard/Blizzard North... o7
@StillWeRide 8 часов назад
poe mtxs are even more than d4. who do think they got it from? and d4s gameplay is rock solid no matter how much you wanna shit on it.
@w4nch4n 10 часов назад
absolutely agree. blind first experience hits different
@russel2155 10 часов назад
Played POE since day 1. Used a guide once, was the most boring league Ive played. Never used a guide since.
@knaz7468 10 часов назад
The single most exciting thing that happened to PoE1 in the last few months was Zizaran's Gauntlet. Going into that blind with all the new crazy campaign boss mods was soooooo much fun. And EVERYONE was blind to it (despite the few leaks that really didn't reveal much of anything). I want PoE2 to feel the same ... everyone sees the EA version at the same moment in time.
@burndabear595 11 часов назад
I have been dodging all gameplay stuff other than what u have been showing in your vids, so i am chilling for launch
@syhler1876 11 часов назад
I have only one fear! That poe 2 will be a piano game like mmo are, i personal dont like piano games
@MrDarkBM 11 часов назад
D4 bad
@yanivsiv30 11 часов назад
GGG should Wait wait wait!!! , Tri you are correct till game is finished , make it even to all players and let everyone log in for the same time at the release not only gamers which already paid 480$ , streamers etc..also for new players which wants to be part of POE2 universe. Personly I have waited long to play POE2 so make the best ARPG even if time needed to be finished as wanted.
@YeOldeMachine 11 часов назад
I wanna play POE2 early, but i'm gonna wait for this very reason. The discovery period JR is talking about is one of the most enjoyable things in video games to me, and you only get one chance at a first playthrough. It's worth it to me to just wait.
@maxschwediauer9808 11 часов назад
can someone give me the link of the warrior video playing at 2:00
@Dane_law-t 10 часов назад
I was wondering the same. I dont recall seeing that before