2024 CPB Overview Video
3 месяца назад
What is Practical Bioethics?
5 месяцев назад
What difference can a medical ethicist make?
6 месяцев назад
Becoming a trusted healthcare ethics advisor
6 месяцев назад
The Challenge of Ethics and AI in Healthcare
9 месяцев назад
James Invites You to Our Luncheon
10 месяцев назад
Legacy Work
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Ethical AI 2022
2 года назад
The Long March - Erika Blacksher
2 года назад
@janicesitzes241 День назад
I have suffered in silence for years, because people don’t understand and they don’t want to hear about it anyway .
@ladybossstycoon698 5 дней назад
I’ve been in chronic pain for 8 plus months and I feel hopeless. Wife, Mother of a 2 1/2 year old. I feel like a burden on my family and I feel super depressed 😔
@robertcase7293 6 дней назад
I am a chronic pain patient and all of us in these situations are so misunderstood. We are judged, under- medicated and chastised by those who don’t have a clue. Even some family members make stupid comments that are not helpful. The so called war on drugs is a total failure. Patients who are cut off from their meds are turning to the streets, getting who knows what out of desperation. Many just end their own lives due to no quality of life. I’m lucky. I am in a pain clinic that is strict but prescribes the proper amount of medication. It’s not perfect though. I had so many plans and things I want to do. I’m simply not up to it. It’s depressing.
@joedixon18 2 месяца назад
I really don't want to live, no, rather EXIST anymore
@VajraYogini93 3 месяца назад
Some options are Re-origins program to reprogram your nervous system. Also low light laser treatment can help some conditions. A lot of chronic illnesses are from a dysregulated nervous system 🥰
@myriamschuerch9460 3 месяца назад
Thank you for sharing and for the flicker of hope !
@johnmitchell8925 4 месяца назад
Thanks for taking your time to talk for us that don't have the power
@Its.nice2b_nice 4 месяца назад
*There Isn't Any Dr To Honestly Talk With, Without Them Wanting To Commit You, There Isn't ANY Dr To Confide In At All. NONE😑*
@rhondamadgirl 4 месяца назад
Diagnosed with severe interstitial cystitis in 2000, years of no sleep before that diagnosis. Then diagnosed with CFS/ME, Fibromyalgia, IBS, GERD, and arthritis. The bladder/ pelvic pain, burning, throbbing, and the muscle pain is intolerable, and I have an implanted morphine pump w breakthrough med, and it’s still not enough. Mostly bedridden. Very few understand.
@YesMeSo 5 месяцев назад
Is the headache one talking about Cluster Headaches? I suffer this since college 18 years, what meds helped? Please, ive found nothing in all this time other than hospital visits for pain relief when i no longer can take it...
@user-ht4hk3rp2i 5 месяцев назад
I am one of you. The only way I am still alive today is the fact I have been able to be treated with pain meds, nerve blocks, nerve ablations, and epidurals. Otherwise, I would have checked out long ago, by my own hands. It still hurts, and my memory isn't what it used to be because of gabapentin but I can't deal with the pain without it - even with oxycodone. I plan to continue with physical therapy and do strength training to try to improve my muscle strength and balance. My heart and prayers go out to others living with chronic pain. ❤🙏
@RosannaBranch 2 месяца назад
@user-ox1jw8ry7r 5 месяцев назад
Since I started having severe bone pain due to Arthritis my family have turned away. And I have no friends. Have asked for nothing. I have helped family and friends in the past. Now I'm alone every day and night with pain. See nobody. My outing is a weekly shop and struggle with that. Neighbours don't ask me if they could help. I catch a bus to do my shopping and neighbours all have cars but never an offer of a ride on the coldest day or the hottest.
@pumpmaster8143 5 месяцев назад
The pain gets so bad it brings grown men to tears
@arjanbogaers8003 5 месяцев назад
I am I and you are you, and we are all each other too ❤
@Its.nice2b_nice 4 месяца назад
@greggwendorf2223 5 месяцев назад
Sad part is, the opioid crisis was mainly due to illegal Fentanyl crossing the border. Yet, politicians used it as an excuse to shake down Big Pharma. I have a script dating back to 2013. Today, I’m sure I couldn’t get one with a monthly refill. Sad and maddening.
@kathleenmann7311 6 месяцев назад
Chronic pain can drive you insane❗️I stopped taking opioids and started using medical cannabis products, especially CBD. Pain is now tolerable.
@shawnmcanthony5724 6 месяцев назад
Soon no one will say i am sick isiah 33:24 right here on earth like in the garden of eden it was jehovah gods original purpose for mankind. Thats a fact as one of Jehovahs witness this helps me living in pain due to an autoimmune disease 😢
@user-zn8um1ir2p 6 месяцев назад
My bones hurt all the time.i have osteoarthurits makes me sick to my guts .my fingers hurt all the time.then add in mental illness to the mix
@jigglypuff57puff55 6 месяцев назад
The best parts of sufferering from chronic pain include . 1)When no one believes you because you dont look sick and they just think your lazy. 2) Taking pills to help deal with the side effects of your other pills. 3) Just waking up. 4) Running out of pain killers. 5) Going to hospital as you have overdosed on pain killers.6)Feeling guilty or being made to feel guilty for not making commitments.
@tropicmanic 6 месяцев назад
Shattered. Pain can break you. But yet I’m still breathing
@TheEDNC 6 месяцев назад
How many here ever had Epidural Steroid Injections either before or after their chronic pain started?
@kalayne6713 6 месяцев назад
2024 and its getting worse. With prescription shortages being predicted, my daughter, a chronic pain patient for 20 years now battling untreated ovarian cancer and undertreated pain, talks daily of suicide, and she will, because for 18 months plus, doctors have lied, dismissed, not listened, not examined, ignored and abandoned her. She has a 14 year old son, is a single mother parenting from her bed. Her son has told her to go, that he understands. This woman is still able to walk, talk, function. What the hell is she on because my daughter cant get help, in rural Australia, the lucky country. Yeah, right.
@ellyningalls9518 6 месяцев назад
So, after EIGHT YEARS- things have only gotten worse for people with chronic pain. Even more horrific- that “well meaning” reduction in prescriptions that was supposed to reduce overdoses? It only increased them EXPONENTIALLY. Thanks, well-meaning, unscientifically oriented, morally superior, overly judgmental humans…. Maybe you could recognize that adult chronic pain patients are ADULTS and should be able to have the treatment that works for them without being “saved from addiction” to death.
@jmj5388 6 месяцев назад
This video is eight years old, and the situation for pain patients has only deteriorated. I am well into my sixteenth year of continuous pain that has been moderately severe to severe for the majority of that time. When I was in nursing school in the early 1980’s, I was taught that there was no excuse for a patient to be in uncontrolled pain; in practice, I spent a lot of time administering opioids and narcotics, and occasionally spent an entire shift working to get a patient’s pain managed. Imagine my distress at discovering that I would not be allowed any reasonable relief when my own pain syndrome developed decades later. I truly wonder if I would be in the debilitated, sleepless state I am in now, had I not submitted to “treatment” by the corrupt Worker’s Comp system, and had my lesser pain been promptly managed…live and learn, right? The war on pain patients is diabolical. The DEA has ordered a reduction in opioid manufacturing in 2024, for the eighth consecutive year. Addicts will always get their drugs, the elites surely have their own stash for when they want or need it, while legitimate sufferers get a big middle finger. The cruel irony for me is that I live a short driving distance from a notorious open air drug market, where the sidewalks are populated by boys, girls, men and women who freeze in a “number 7” position, like grotesque statues, when the horse-tranquilizers they ingest take effect. Don’t believe any politician or lawmaker who claims he or she supports a “war on drugs”; the ILLEGAL drug market is MEANT to flourish…that is what the Vietnam and Afghanistan wars were really about, and why nothing really ever gets done to clean up the drug-ridden streets. Law-abiding citizens who are disabled by pain but are trying to function are “useless eaters” in the eyes of the elite, and they need to die…if they suffer on the way to their graves, all the better. Do you think you will never be in the predicament of a chronic or intractable pain patient? That’s what I thought, when any discomfort I had was relieved by 600mg of ibuprofen. I fear that we will see a tsunami of such pain when the long-term effects of screen viewing, computer data entry and forced excessive sitting set in for tens of million of Americans, not to mention the pain associated with the myriad adverse effects of certain injections that so many individuals have taken. Take good care of your bodies, people!
@tomdecuca3627 6 месяцев назад
The biggest miscarriage of justice is people without pain making decisions for people in pain. They get to tell you how much you can endure and whether or not it is real. Pain patients are treated "WORSE" than drug addicts. The doctors do not want to help them, if they do it is on a limited time frame. The Pharmacy treats them horrible. It seems everyone has something to say about it except the poor person that is going through it. This latest opioid crisis is not coming from pain patients- it is from Fentanyl coming up through the border. Taking away a pain patients quality of life making them endure life instead of living it, is not helping.
@shadrach6299 7 месяцев назад
I went to a pain clinic and I am in much less pain. I can function now.
@woolsheepthree 7 месяцев назад
Y'all can thank junkies for this 💕
@jamesatkinson7691 7 месяцев назад
"Pain is my constant companion" ................ in an abusive relationship.
@pamparker4047 7 месяцев назад
just plain cruel
@celestephelps5897 7 месяцев назад
I was in a serious car accident that left me with paralysis, traumatic brain injury, and left my girlfriend dead. I'm in pain everyday, and I just exist instead of living. I won't go to the ER because I get treated like I'm a drug addict looking for a fix.
@deborahkish5411 7 месяцев назад
I've had 3 major jaw surgeries. One was a complete jaw joint and mandible replacement. I broke my ankle and it severed 2 major arteries. I walked on that misdiagnosed broken ankle for 6 years. The surgeon thought I'd need an amputation. He saved my foot but now I'm waiting for an ankle replacement. My pain from my jaws is off the charts. I've had Lyme disease for 38 years. Yet the doctors won't prescribe pain meds. I isolate all the time. No one understands what I deal with.
@Gpacharlie 7 месяцев назад
I care and I understand.
@marilyndreamwalkermejorado1208 6 месяцев назад
These undersupervised PA's cutting my nerves up and what that toxoid shot I got in the Army did to me left me in agony. They want us to kill ourselves
@sunflowerzelda45 5 месяцев назад
Lyme disease here too. 5 years got back negative tests. But had all the symptoms plus tick bites every year, they are thick here in Arkansas. Finally found a doctor who got a positive test. By that time I was almost dead. Insomnia, the less I slept the worse the pain.. all the doxycycline which is hard to take on my stomach, the die-off was painful. I will never be the same. Do you have bad anxiety to top it all off? I too isolate sad way to live. Sorry for both of us.
@user-kp8rf5hw5z 7 месяцев назад
my teacher made me watch this. Im very confused as to why. Im also very confused as to the videos 'information?'
@jeremiah1642 3 месяца назад
same it kinda sounds like a made up title imo
@rickmckee8270 7 месяцев назад
I have had chronic back pain from a failed back surgury. I have been dealing with the pain with medication that I have used responsibly for twenty years,as well as trigger point injections and epidural injections. Now unfortunately I have had my medication decreased once and have had to contend with a higher level of pain and in January they will decrease my medication again without any concern for how this will impact my quality of life I wish that everyone of those responsible for this could be sentenced to live with my level of pain for the rest of their lives.
@Gpacharlie 7 месяцев назад
I care and I understand.
@marilyndreamwalkermejorado1208 6 месяцев назад
They let me go 7 year's with broken twisted coxysis bones tearing up everything. The shots my body didn't absorb. When I would fall it created abcesses. It was horrible. They just stopped filling my meds with no warning. Now I'll take my own life on my terms. After decade's of being able to just function. This is not living.
@rknoxmusic 6 месяцев назад
@rickmckee8270 that's terrible. Why have they done this if it has provided you with relief all those years?
@rickmckee8270 6 месяцев назад
@rknoxmusic Because of irresponsible people that have abused their medication the people that have enjoyed a higher quality of life using pain medication responsibly have their medication cut back and get to live with a much higher level of pain,and it is really an unethical thing to do and it is infuriating One can hope that one day these people will have an opportunity to experience what it is like to live with chronic pain and how debilitating it is have a unrelenting level of pain all day everyday.
@rknoxmusic 6 месяцев назад
@rickmckee8270 There's always some that ruin it if for everyone else. I'm sorry you're having to deal with the consequences of other peoples actions.
@timgray5763 8 месяцев назад
Your lucky to be allergic to it , because now you have the ability to avoid it if you open your eyes to what it is, if your not allergic you have no idea your eating it because your not Crippled yet from it just wait now I hope the next ones aren’t like these lemmings now following everyone else off the cliff !!!
@timgray5763 8 месяцев назад
What a bunch of dumb asses stop eating the chemicals in the food supply and hygiene products, wash your veggies shop with rubber gloves eat charcoal ! Get that stuff out of you and keep it out bamboo foot toxin removal pads castor oil pulling glyphosate detox toxin removal supplements charcoal charcoal charcoal ! Wile figuring out where this is is and in what, stop listening to doctors they don’t care of you but only them they don’t care if your in pain they care if your buying there products
@Gpacharlie 7 месяцев назад
You don’t understand this. You aren’t experiencing what they are.
@timgray5763 7 месяцев назад
@@Gpacharlie I do know because I had chronic insomnia, celiac disease, peripheral neuropathy and fibromyalgia. Four crippling diseases !!! All from glyphosate, atrazine,aluminum powder, benzethonium chloride, I’m also allergic to salt any kind of salt !
@kratombutterfly9959 8 месяцев назад
I suffered for 17 yrs, 2016 I found tea that helped me more than anything else. My body is shot, but now I can function and know I wasn't crazy, my pain is/was real. It's in my screen name, don't Google, ask an advocate ❤️🙏💪
@RJFP67 8 месяцев назад
It’s street drugs that are the problem due to open borders. Rx pain medications are not the issue ? They used the illegal drugs to vilify patients who suffer long term chronic pain.
@Gpacharlie 7 месяцев назад
That is the truth.
@lolitaalmostgrown 8 месяцев назад
I really related to the idea of a pill that cures you that the doctors won’t give you. Prednisone is that pill for me, but doctors say the side effects are too serious. I don’t care about the side effects when they are avoidable and I cannot work without it.
@Gpacharlie 7 месяцев назад
It should be your choice as it is your life abd your pain. I do though caution you to be very careful with Prednisone long term.
@sueblankenship9441 5 месяцев назад
I'm working on getting off of Prednisone, which I have been on for a year now. Every time I step it down by one milligram, I can feel the old symptoms returning but I keep going. Sometimes I don't want to get out of bed, but I make myself do it. Walking helps a lot.
@yasminister2011 4 месяца назад
I agree that prednisone has awful side effects. Maybe the Drs are helping you. Prednisone can cause massive weight gain and moon face. It also loses its’ effectiveness over time. It also covers up the problem, so you could end up doing damage to your body not knowing. Then, the pain would be increasing but being masked.
@lolitaalmostgrown 8 месяцев назад
It’s especially hard to have a chronic pain related disease in the age of war against pain medications
@stevenwagner9912 7 месяцев назад
Medicine was much less advanced but150 years ago you could walk into a general store and purchase laudenum. Addiction wasn't the problem it is now.
@UnCannyValley67 8 месяцев назад
Fcking powerful. I feel for these people. I am one of them. Pain is a nightmare. I must say - doing yoga at home HELPS!
@AirArtStudiosOfficial 8 месяцев назад
All my chronic pain was caused by the medical industry - vaccine injury at school led to daily migraines then failed mesh causing me to despair.
@crazycat1345 8 месяцев назад
When I talk about my chronic pain to doctors all I get is a blank stare.
@JasonBrown-dd7dj 4 месяца назад
Because they have hypothesized it's caused by your emotions,your anxiety and depression is causing it.Anathesiologist they are pain specialist blame them I think it's a cop out not to prescribe narcotics.Thats why they push antidepressants and gabapentin Pregablin and excercise.
@sandrastevens4418 9 месяцев назад
Thank you. Yes, it is unfair to us with chronic pain. We are the most controlled group of patients in the United States. We are subject to a pain contract, and we get tested, pill counts, and now we are punished for a crime we did not commit. We wake up every day and go to bed every day in pain. that's our normal now. Nobody should have to exist that way because we are under medicated. We just exist. We don't do the things we were able to do because we are in pain, and being in constant pain makes us tired.
@stevenwagner9912 7 месяцев назад
As a gun owner I was always pissed that politicians attacked me because of the irresponsible actions of others. Then I injured my back and I discovered those of us with chronic pain are treated the same way. Someone else commits an irresponsible act and here come the politicians all smarmy with claims they will fix it. Instead of fixing it they attack innocent people who don't cause the problem. The problem gets worse and they double down on stupid.
@yasminister2011 4 месяца назад
Can relate to everything you said. I am in Australia so it’s not as bad as in the States, but it’s getting worse. They decreased my meds regardless of when I had surgery. They just gradually reduce doses without telling you and you can’t email them or make appts. They are cowards. Tiring is right. Years of it. It’s unbelievable until you experience it. One can’t imagine pain, just as one can’t un-imagine it.
@diozza_tolteka2836 9 месяцев назад
For many years since 19 my boyfriend used to tie a white tube sock around my head as I violently vomited from migraines every day. I told him I didn't know what else to do. It is agonizing. I only wished to be out of my misery. It eased the pain just a little. I'm over 50 and I still get migraines.
@davidmicheletti6292 9 месяцев назад
I have a particular type intersex condition. At 73 years old ive had to deal with a great deal because of a birth condition. I was born with a undescended testis on my right side. The left testis appeared normal but small in size. At age ten the doctor told my mother they couldn't not wait any longer and that I needed a simple surgery in order to bring this testis down into the scrotum. When the surgery was done a much bigger incision was done then expected. In all I was in the hospital about a week and on my second day another child was brought in from surgery with the same incisions accept he had it on both testis. A day later they did more surgery on him . the whole time he was never wake, in fact I never spoke to him at all I was just an observer. I had my own fears and pain to deal with. It was very clear from what I saw more was done to me than I expected. Finely a women came in and spoke to me. she point to this sleeping child in the next bed and said they had saved me from becoming a girl but could not save this child. With that she exited the ward and I was laying there in shock about what she said and what this was all about. Shortly after two men came into the ward and put the child on a gurney with him belongings and he was brought to the girls ward and then surgery. I never saw him again. Up until this point it my life I always somehow believed I was in part both a boy and girl. This women spoke as if this condition that this child and I shared was wrong and in need of correction. Over the next few days people told me if anyone asked what sort of surgery I have it was for a hernia and not a undescended testis. Ive never been able to obtain those records at all. Years later I started puberty at age about age nineteen. I had in sexual interests but I did fall in love with the only person ive ever been attracted to my future wife. She knew about my undescended testis. Hard to miss that as it was very very small. The other testis wasn't large either but it worked well enough. She was the only person I spoke to about my gender issues and now one more thing. That was I started to feel that somehow I was pregnant. It really became a joke between us. But deep down I really wanted to be female. Many years passed and one day after I took a shower I noticed that that once very small undescended testis had become massive over night. I went to the doctor right away and when I suggested he do a alpha fetoprotien test to test for cancer he refused. Saying that I was too old for cancer. He said wait three weeks and come back and once more he refuse to test and weeks passed before I was sent for a ultrasound. Right way I saw a huge mass in my scrotum that now extended into my lower abdomen. Right away I said that is a tumor and the radiologist and she said no it is a hycyel. Weeks went by and then I demanded this testis be removed. I was told that I was over reacting but he would contact the surgeon to take it out. The surgeon said he would take it out though my abdomen if he could do so while I was awake. But it took another two month for a operating room to open up. When at last it was open the moment he cut me open a 10 cm germ cell based malignant teratoma poped out of the hole. The first blood test I got was the alpha fetoprotein test I asked for nine months before.The alpha fetoprtien was 10200 orat least stage three cancer if not worse. The next seven months was pure hell of more surgeries and horrid chemotherapy. I didn't send any nasty letters or try to take anyone to court I just went on with my life. Now years later and the nerve damage and the effects of what ive been though stand my gender dysphoria have become hard to manage. They now tell me that I carry the genes for both breast and ovarian cancer. I did not go back to the clinic and hospital that messed me up I went to another small one need where I live for my first mammogram. Three xray department personal confronted me in the waiting room about showing up for a mammogram when I was a male. They had printed out my records and pointed out the fact that im now listed as being Bigender. I had an appointment from my endocrinologist and oncologist but they refuse to do the test unless I payed for the test upfront. I said that I have very good insurance but they refused. I was almost in tears when they escorted me out the front door of the hospital. This last part happened august 15 of this year. What Ive found out is my gender development issues were based on early gestation when the germ cells are traveling down the midline of my developing embryo. These germ cells failed to fuse with my fetal gonads resulting in one not becoming a testis at all. the other gonad did become a testis but never fully matured. Several other germ cell teratoma were found in my abdomen when I was a ten year old child but nothing was said to me about this.There were other female bits found but that is pure speculation right now, I had surgeries at the Mayo Clinic and a 17.5 cm germ cell teratoma was removed from my upper abdomen. Very soon after the teratoma were removed the feeling of being pregnant went away. Today my gender dysphoria is as bad as ever. I cannot take estrogen as this could cause the return of my form of ovarian cancer. Ive never been approached about having another mammogram by my parent clinic that first wanted me to have this test in the first place at this out laying clinic and hospital. The only good thing is my spouse of all these years is still in love with me. She loves me as a male or female. I really feel like giving up but I need to take care of my spouse of fifty years, she is my blessing. When she is gone so will I.
@BlueBamboo62 9 месяцев назад
Suicidal headache is a perfect description. The thought has crossed my mind numerous times....anything to stop the pain😢
@marilyndreamwalkermejorado1208 6 месяцев назад
They want us to commit suicide. As soon as my elderly cats and service dog pass naturally, I'm following them. This is not living. It's unending torture. No quality of life.
@jaimeruiz2793 9 месяцев назад
I use to criticize and mock people that took opioids I would call them wimps and addicts. But now that I suffer from chronic pain every minute and every hour I regret and apologize for this behavior. I have to stay home almost bed ridden cause of my pain I no longer have a life. And thanks to these addicts abusing the opioid medication people like us that need opioids have to beg or drive to different states to get pain medication. Our system is so disgusting and cruel I hope all these dirt bags that are making it difficult for Drs to prescribe pain meds suffer from a extremely painful disease and die slowly so they could feel what is like to live with chronic pain.
@charinagel5690 11 месяцев назад
Love you guys wishing you help and healing and all those who suffer 🙏
@PracticalBioethics 10 месяцев назад
Thank you very much!!!!
@chisommefor5035 11 месяцев назад
I love this totally helpful.
@chisommefor5035 11 месяцев назад
Thanks Prof!