Thomas Writes
Thomas Writes
Thomas Writes
I'm a Christian who likes sci-fi/fantasy media and likes to talk about it!
I'm also the world's #1 expert on Rebel Moon.

Every Book I Read in 2023 RANKED
2 месяца назад
Rebel Moon: How NOT to Write a Space Opera
4 месяца назад
I will return.
6 месяцев назад
Yumi and the Nightmare Painter - BOOK REVIEW
9 месяцев назад
A Conversation with Joe Haldeman and Gay Haldeman
10 месяцев назад
Rest in Peace.
10 месяцев назад
Starsight (Cytoverse #2) - BOOK REVIEW
10 месяцев назад
Unsouled (Cradle #1) - BOOK REVIEW
11 месяцев назад
Old Man's War - BOOK REVIEW
11 месяцев назад
Fractal Noise - BOOK REVIEW
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The Forever War - BOOK REVIEW
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My Book Rating System Explained
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We need to talk.
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Every Book I Read in 2022 RANKED
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Starship Troopers - BOOK REVIEW
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The Original - BOOK REVIEW
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Every Book I DNF'd in 2022...
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@exaggeratedhistory 3 дня назад
You can’t substitute anyone else’s opinions for your own. Give men your ear not your heart. Fascinating conversation subscribing.
@whaleguy 5 дней назад
At 20:30, I really thought you edited in that music yourself!
@thomaswrites 5 дней назад
I wish, but nope, that's the choice someone made for some reason. 😆
@Violaphobia 14 дней назад
I love how this movie speedruns almost every mistake that fans pointed out in the sequel trilogy: - remaking A New Hope - nonsense hyper space - no object permanence - galaxy feels tiny - child soldiers who don’t act like it
@thomaswrites 14 дней назад
Wow, maybe this movie is deeper than I thought! 😆
@theclassy4 16 дней назад
Rambler here glad to be introduced to your channel! Idk if you’ve ever seen the channel Parker’s Pensees but he’s someone that would also be great to have on your channel. You guys have a lot in common educationally so it would be fun to hear you guys talk sci-fi and fantasy
@thomaswrites 16 дней назад
Awesome! Thanks for checking out the video and hope you will stick around for more! I haven't seen Parker's channel but I'll be sure to check it out!
@merleharris7485 16 дней назад
Nice to discover your channel. I've subscribed. Good to hear someone bring out the real idea of the separation of church and state. Jefferson was especially against priests holding government positions. But when he was president, he attended church regularly and my understanding is that the congregation he was part of met in a federal building. Obviously, Jefferson didn't share the current, common misconception of the idea. "Separation of church and state" in its modern misconstruing did not begin to emerge until 1947 when the Supreme Court, a group of unelected authorities, began to remove the concept from Jefferson's intent as they legislated law. But, as you noted, separation of search and state was never any kind of U.S. law; the Supreme Court was reading Jefferson's mail. The intent of the founding fathers was simply the United States would not have a state religion or legalize personal faith.
@thomaswrites 16 дней назад
Thanks! Glad you got a lot out of the discussion!
@jtk5605 17 дней назад
2ToRamble seem like really good guys who are honestly seeking truth. I was surprised in a semi recent video on their channel that they seem so open about their opinions on different religions. As a Christian, I am glad to see that they came on to do a video with you. Hopefully, God continues to work on Austin and Rich to turn them to Christ. Wonderful video and conversations, keep it up!
@Bekindrewrite 17 дней назад
Great conversation. I'm a Christian 2ToRamble fan excited to be introduced to Thomas. I have to do that annoying "well ackshually" though and mention that, from my understanding, C.S. Lewis didn't consider Narnia to be allegory. Aslan wasn't supposed to be a metaphor for Christ. Instead, Lewis referred to Narnia as a "supposal," as in "supposing there were other worlds, how would Christ reveal Himself in those worlds?" To be fair, it does serve as an allegory in a big way. But it can also feel heavy-handed if we only look at it that way. The "supposal" idea adds another whole dimension, especially when you read the Ransom Trilogy (which offers more adult versions of many of the ideas in Narnia e.g., aliens being similar to Talking Animals). It shows the path for how Christianity can work with fantasy/sci fi (as Thomas alluded to) or even with the idea of intelligent life on other planets for real. Though I guess maybe you know all that, Thomas, and you were just talking about the allegorical use for practical purposes in this convo. Curious to hear more of what you think of it in your Narnia series! Also wonder if you'll dig into the Michael Ward theory?
@thomaswrites 16 дней назад
Thanks man! It was a great conversation and I totally see what you're saying about the fine line between allegory and Lewis' "alternate universe Christianity" take. I am only passingly familiar with Michael Ward but I definitely want to read up on him as I reread my way through Narnia.
@studior2962 17 дней назад
1:09:47 Obi Wan is FINE, Jesus Christ
@thomaswrites 17 дней назад
If you enjoyed it, don't let us stop you. Just different strokes for different folks as they say.
@studior2962 15 дней назад
@@thomaswrites I don't care if someone didn't enjoy the show or not, many people didn't, but saying it's "one of the worst shows you've ever seen"??? Respectfully dial it all the way back
@WigglesPK 17 дней назад
Loving the deep convos. Earning a subscribe from a rambler
@thomaswrites 17 дней назад
Awesome! Thanks! 😁
@conoredwards4423 17 дней назад
Hey Thomas! What Christian ministry are you involved in? I'm also in Christian college ministry
@thomaswrites 17 дней назад
Awesome! I work with the Christian Challenge/Baptist Student Union.
@conoredwards4423 17 дней назад
Awesome! I work for Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ)
@valliyarnl 17 дней назад
Personally not religious but I’m excited for the series on Narnia and what it refers to 😄
@thomaswrites 17 дней назад
Thanks! Looking forward to discussing that series!
@bartsbookspace 18 дней назад
Fascinating discussion on religion. This was fun.
@thomaswrites 18 дней назад
Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it!
@doberski6855 18 дней назад
Yeah took your advice Thomas, wasn't interested so I went and read a book.
@thomaswrites 18 дней назад
@shamrockdragon7634 19 дней назад
The reason this movie feels like a bunch of concepts thrown together is because it is. Snyder literally watched other movies, took what he thought was cool and threw it into his script without understanding why the cool stuff worked in other films. Totally agree with you on why a concept used in Seven Samurai, Magnificent Seven and A Bug's Life works in those movies, but not in Rebel Moon. Said as much in my first RM video. The fact that Snyder has Noble disregard the grain once he knows the Scargiver is on his ship just shows it wasn't all that important to begin with, so why the dreadnought didn't immediately open fire on the village makes the empire look incompetent and unable to problem-solve a very simple task.
@thomaswrites 19 дней назад
Completely agree. It's one thing to take inspiration from movies you enjoy but going a different route with it; it's another to copy a bunch of scenes from other movies but adding in more blood, sex, and slow-motion.
@shamrockdragon7634 19 дней назад
@@thomaswrites Yup, there's nothing of substance, just degraded copies of greater works. Oh, I am one of those people who said part 2 is worse than part 1, mainly because I didn't hate Tarak and Kora in part 1, but i sure did after watching part 2. Tarak especially, that guy let him mom jump all the while telling the rest of the team he was robbed of the chance to protect her.