The Language Geek - Fred Grün
The Language Geek - Fred Grün
The Language Geek - Fred Grün
@karuhanganoah3032 3 дня назад
What yes and no
@yennymoreno2966 11 дней назад
Loved the explanation, thank you sooo much ❤
@melodyofsunbeams9683 2 месяца назад
Fred, σε κάποιον Έλληνα που θέλει να μάθει ιταλικά μόνος τι θα πρότεινες;
@violetsintherain0297 4 месяца назад
Even if you do use technical terms I think it’s necessary for understanding as they truly clarify what each sound is and how they differ. Thank you for this wonderful lesson, even though I’m watching it now(7 years+). Hope you’re well!
@user-bc9de9hx6g 5 месяцев назад
Mr. Fred, Your lesson of the French R is lovely and I am wishing to acquire this pronunciation as perfect as possible with your teachings of it. Perhaps you might have the time to make for us a video of repeating words with the R sounds that will enable us to keep repeating them. I am most grateful to you for this lesson.
@stamatiosoufleris 5 месяцев назад
Μπράβο σου και το εννοώ απολύτως. Κάνε αστεία, είναι φυσικό, αλλά θα σου πω κάτι περίεργο. Υπάρχει ένας συγγραφέας που έχει γράψει μια δύσκολη γλώσσα για όλους μας, μα αξίζει τον κόπο να διαβάσεις κάτι από αυτόν. Λέγεται Αλέξανδρος Παπαδιαμάντης, η γλώσσα του είναι μικτή, καθαρεύουσα και δημοτική αλλά έφτασε σε τέτοια ύψη και βάθη που σε κάνει να νιώθεις βαθιά τι σημαίνει άνθρωπος. Προτείνω να διαβάσεις ένα μικρό διήγημα "Το μοιρολόι της Φώκιας" και ένα άλλο "Έρωτας στα χιόνια". Σου βάζω δύσκολα αλλά θα ανταμειφθείς.
@apolonidisplaton4149 6 месяцев назад
Φίλε είσαι καταπληκτικός πολλά πολλά μπράβο σου έμαθες τα ελληνικά πάρα πάρα πολύ καλό να είσαι πάντα καλά τα χαιρετίσματα μου από Γερμανία Υ.Γ. Χωρίς τα ελληνικά οι Ευρωπαίοι δεν μπορούν να εκφραστούν επομένως τα ελληνικά δεν είναι μόνο στις επιστήμες αλλά και στην καθομιλουμένη π.χ. Μουσική, σχολείο, παύση, εκκλησία, διάλογο, ιδέα, και πολλές αμέτρητες άλλες λέξεις Σε ευχαριστώ πολύ φίλε
@ignisfatuus07 6 месяцев назад
Συγχαρητήρια φίλε μου!
@bojens865 6 месяцев назад
@imagromlin 7 месяцев назад
Your explanation was very good, however it felt the same as how i’d been doing it previously, which has been hurting my throat. I’m not sure what Ik: doing wrong though? Any advice??
@anastasiostasos711 7 месяцев назад
Μπράβο!! Άξιος!! Μιλάς άψογα. Συνέχισε έτσι 🌹💐
@UDG2000 8 месяцев назад
Ciao, sono italiano.. Ascoltare le tue parole (a proposito, il tuo accento è bellissimo e ricorda un po' il modo di parlare degli italiani della Toscana ❤) mi ha fatto fare il pieno di autostima e ha risvegliato in me l'amore per la mia lingua. Davvero complimenti per la perfezione del tuo lessico e della tua pronuncia! Se posso permettermi, e solo per contribuire a questa perfezione, vorrei dirti che nel caso del min 12:44, in italiano noi preferiamo dire "alla fine", mentre "finalmente" lo usiamo più come esclamazione (finalmente!). Il resto era davvero perfetto, sono rimasto senza parole 😃
@tadynyamombe442 9 месяцев назад
Tu es dans quel pays voila
@lofigod5552 10 месяцев назад
7:27 You hope it's clear? Brother, this is the BEST video I've seen on this pronounciation. The way I pronounced it coming into this vs the 16 mins later, my pronunciation sounded MUCH more consistent
@shirleymcclintock3056 10 месяцев назад
You are very good at this.
@sobiasuhaib355 10 месяцев назад
This is the only meaningful and helpful explanation on the 'r' sound one would find on yt
@markmitchell1730 10 месяцев назад
Fred, Just happened upon you in my French adventure and have to ask, did you study linguistics en angleterre. You have a great voice for languages.
@innakurtlakova6047 11 месяцев назад
Hi, there are no more free podcasts in the Hellenic American Union website. Could you suggest another place where beginners can listen to basic Greek conversations? P.S. I am learning Greek now and your videos as super helpful! Thank you
@mathainoellinika 8 месяцев назад
Have you tried the Omilo podcasts? - www.youtube.com/@OmiloHellas
@kossmy3785 Год назад
Επέτρεψέ μου να σου εκφράσω τα θερμά μου συγχαρητήρια. Είσαι αξιοθαύμαστος. Με εξέπληξε ιδιαίτερα η προφορά σου. Ίσως ομιλείς καλύτερα και πιο ορθά τα Ελληνικά από αρκετά εκατομμύρια Έλληνες.
@davidkirtley9331 Год назад
Salut Fred. A very nice lecture on how to produce the French R. One question, however: why did you not discuss the position of the tip of the tongue kept low behind, or touching, the lower teeth when producing the French R? This might be helpful for Americans who might tend to raise the tip of the tongue to the palate (as for the American R) when trying to learn the French R, resulting in an Americanized uvular fricative but not an accurate French R. Anyway, it was an interesting video.
@HKotolos Год назад
That comment is true in the beginning. I've never heard someone learning Greek or who's not native or learnt as a child speak at any level of fluency and general have terrible pronunciation, you speak greek at a good pace, pronunciation most of the time is an 8-9/10, you can tell you learnt greek because of the occasional error/pronunciation and slight accent but otherwise yeah very good, this is by far the best spoken greek ive heard from someone whos learnt greek as an adult
@AgeofDoom Год назад
My friend, you are the epitome of "Αν αγαπάς κάτι, το μαθαίνεις."
@claudesaint-nuage Год назад
merci beaucoup! c’est la meilleure vidéo sur ce sujet que j’ai trouvé.
@jnllllllllll Год назад
I’ll come back when I can produce the French “R” 🤠
@benbox2064 Год назад
👍♥️ Ton tempérament, ta profondeur, ta curiosité, ton talent, ton équité, ton audace, ton opiniâtreté, ton appetit intellectuel, ta soif de connaissances linguistiques, ta liberté d'esprit et ton indulgence viennent de moi, tu es un guerrier bienveillant, tu n'es pas banal, ta mère et sa forte personnalité combiné à la mienne a produit un fruit extraordinaire, j'aime ta mère et ton oncle ainsi que le choix de ta mère, soyez bien, je suis secrètement très fier de toi. J'aime beaucoup ta toute petite amie, je suis pas étonné de ton choix, elle a les yeux qui pétillent d'intelligence.
@jgonsalk Год назад
Macche! Parli perfetto!
@Sumario777 Год назад
Τα γαλλικά μαζί με τις σλαβικές και τις σκανδιναβικές γλώσσες είναι οι πιο δύσκολες ευρωπαϊκές γλώσσες για μένα. Μιλάω ελληνικά, γερμανικά, αγγλικά, ιταλικά. Όποτε μιλάω με έλληνες ή ή γερμανούς ή άγγλους καταλαβαίνω τι λένε, όποτε έχω μιλήσει με γάλλο ή βέλγο δεν έχω καταλάβει τίποτα.
Does anyone have the transcripts of the hellenic american union podcast? They are no longer available on the website. Thank you!
@user-zq1pw8bj2n Год назад
Mas aresei
@ffhdfxgvfhhx8065 Год назад
Thank you very much for explaining the nuances. I thought that's something is wrong with my pronunciation when trying to pronounce words, for example, like "rire", "partir", "courir" with the same sound "r" in the beginning and the end with no success. And now you explained that it's just natural to have different sounds. Thank you!
@elenaandreoletti1871 Год назад
Ti ho trovato cercando un video di qualcuno che parla in greco, e devo dire che parli stra bene l'Italiano!!
@user-nc8sk6or1w Год назад
@user-nc8sk6or1w Год назад
@user-nc8sk6or1w Год назад
Im from greece
@gioulihouliara9913 Год назад
Καλοσειρθες !!!!
Excellent Video! A friend of mine wants to know how long will it take to speak French fluently or at least at some common conversational level. he has been in the US for over 25 years, he is in the middle age, also, where can he start to seriously learn French from the beginning to the most advanced level (French Literature). again, thank you so much!
@fazarra5355 Год назад
Hope you're doing well man
@CleverNameTBD Год назад
In parts of Canada, Louisiana and Africa, we still roll and tap our Rs with the alveolar trill
@panosioakim4442 Год назад
re alani telika me th gomena pws phge
@gpappas79 Год назад
Είμαι Ελληνίδα και πραγματικά με εντυπωσίασες!!!! Μπράβο και πάλι μπράβο!!!
@laura-annechambers452 Год назад
Fantastic English accent!
@prf1340 Год назад
Προαστιο ειναι αδερφε οχι προαστο
@Dimitris_and_Aggelos Год назад
Am I the only one who kinda heard all of these Rs as if they were the English/Italian/SingleSpanish/SinglePortuguese ( let's say : cReeper/toRnare/peRo/pReto) R ? I only managed to hear the difference between Spanish Double R / Portuguese Double R (Correcto/ Terreiro) and the standard R after months of my friend trying to make me understand it. I literally didn't hear any difference 😢I am damp or something .... What's wrong with my ears . Usually in french shows and songs I hear all of the R sounds as if they were the standard English R (stRing)
@EvaPev Год назад
That's so funny because I do intend to sing opera in France haha. Thanks for the video.
@JohnKaman Год назад
Excellent lesson, not too technical. The difficulty remains for an anglophone in actually producing the sound.
@zephyr84 Год назад
Fred, i'm so sad you don't make any french videos anymore :'( such a treasure trove of information for french learners
@fernandobotello1190 Год назад
Dude where are you? We need more videos from you! Merci.
@suvietunioncat5623 Год назад
Εμ σε εμένα δεν είναι δύσκολα επίδη είμαι στην Ελαδδα
@suvietunioncat5623 Год назад
Ζω δηλαδη
@blackjacklives7616 Год назад
@obaidulhaque3534 Год назад
Merci beaucoup prof. Ça fait longtemps je cherche cette course. Finalement j'ai trouvé...😍