The Polymath's Paradise
The Polymath's Paradise
The Polymath's Paradise
POLYMATH (noun): a person with a wide knowledge of many subjects (Oxford English Dictionary)

Welcome to The Polymath's Paradise; a channel focused on delivering quality academic content suitable for both the discerning and casual audience. We offer a wide variety of videos on a wealth of topics; from literature and history, to physics and philosophy.

The channel's hosts are Miles and Charlie. Miles is a Ph.D research student in Political Theory, specialising in the topic of Political Dissidence, after completing his Master's and Honours Degree at King's College London. Charlie is a Joint Honours Master's student at King's College London, reading Physics and Philosophy; he aims to progress his existing work on physics to pursue doctoral research in Quantum Theory. Our academic interests and shared passion for explaining things has brought us to your screens. So, sit back, relax, and as the late Richard Feynman once said, indulge yourself in 'the pleasure of finding things out'...
@generalnapoleonbonaparte3186 4 дня назад
Germany Didn't Start WW1, It Was Started By Russia And France. France Wanted To Dissolve Germany, In Order To Regain Hegemony Over Western Europe. While Russia Wanted To Dismember Germany For Opposing Its Planned Annexation Of Austrian Poland.
@kwimms 4 дня назад
THere is no such thing as "vegetarianism" ... it's more cruel than eating meat and a terrible diet choice.
@DapperHesher 18 дней назад
This is fucking brilliant. Great work, sir!
@suzettespencer 26 дней назад
Yeah strokes do not cause paranoia. It causes weakness, paralysis, slurred speech, face droop, etc. Neurology vs psychiatry. Of course there is some overlap but not here.
@justsomeguywith1rinnegan709 Месяц назад
Who is here because of that young Sheldon edit
@darksydeeee Месяц назад
Who's got the job now Smith or Jones ?
@icyflame8420 Месяц назад
What was the software you used?
@HenryCasillas Месяц назад
@JosephSmith-ex7du Месяц назад
Missing from this list is former U.S. President Andrew Jackson, who was behind, and implemented the Indian Removal Act of 1830 that was the greatest action of ethnic cleansing in the Unites States. Under the Indian removal Act, it became illegal for the indigenous population to live within the confines of the U.S. and they were forced out there homes at gun point to be kicked out of the U.S. If they resisted, it was perfectly legal to murder them. Jackson's goal was to make the United States free of Indians (preferably to die outside of the U..S of starvation, disease or exposure), the way Hitler would later try to make Europe free of Jews. Certainly two evil goals.
@anoukd256 2 месяца назад
So easy to understand, thanks so much for posting this! The treaty of V was actually not as harrsh as typical history books describe it. I have my IGCSE orals in a month, hope it goes well :)
@KarnodAldhorn 2 месяца назад
The banality of evil is unsettling, bcs it destroys the soothing idea that good and evil are inherently separate. However, once you recover from this shock, you realise a reassuring truth: Evil can be reasoned with. And it is always a means, not an end.
@m0zz4re11a1 2 месяца назад
music is a bit ominous
@paulbeardsley4095 2 месяца назад
Quite entertaining, but it feels like "big words to state something very very obvious". The issue was even featured in (among many other places) the Only Fools and Horses episode with one character's broom having had the head replaced several times and the handle also replaced several times.
@nicolasdelaforge7420 2 месяца назад
"evil" then is just "my good" - Milton may have explained the notion of "evil".
@AmellsGrace 3 месяца назад
Personally I feel like the ship of theseus is the ship theseus is using. The moment theseus died it stopped being "the ship of theseus" and started being "the ship theseus last used". In the same vein if theseus used a different ship, even for a single trip, that ship would be "the ship of theseus". Objects aren't just things that exist, they are meant to be interacted with.
@CharlseNgirazi 3 месяца назад
Quite thought provoking. How can this approach be adopted to enhance analytical thinking in the contemporary?
@Vampyrdanceclub 3 месяца назад
pls sigh*
@marco1963 3 месяца назад
Thanks for this great video!
@khajiitimanus7432 3 месяца назад
I think the mereological essentialism makes the most sense. Many criticise it since everything is changing, so everything ceases to exist in every new moment. My response is: "So what?" Pointing that out isn't criticizing a mistake. It is making a statement. I do agree that the Statue of Liberty of today is not the same Statue of Liberty of a century prior. Yes, on a purely "come from" basis, it is the same, but in function? Time has changed it. It is no longer the same. It will never again exist as it did a hundred years ago. Similarly, I oft try to apply this concept to myself. I am not today the same individual as I was as a child. I've grown, changed. The past is done, dead. I can even believe this applies to every existing moment, depending on the needs of specificity.
@udayjoshi3508 3 месяца назад
Vegetarianism has been the practice amongst most Hindus all along.
@pz13 4 месяца назад
awesome, thank you
@remuvs 4 месяца назад
Dead Space is my favourite example of Cosmic Horror. Humanity believed they were alone amongst the stars. But really, the emptiness was the aftermath of a war between an extra terrestrial war of alien moons and an intelligent alien species trying to stop universal decimation. It's when the weapons of the moons, the marker(s), are found we get a reminder of how insignificant and powerless we are in the grand scheme of the universe.
@ccandeas 4 месяца назад
Just rewatched it, truly great great video! Helped a lot!
@benquinneyiii7941 4 месяца назад
A female dog
@ccandeas 4 месяца назад
Great video! Very well explained.
@worldgate989 5 месяцев назад
How important is one... ore?
@JeffRebornNow 5 месяцев назад
I still believe in the reality (or usefulness) of the analytic/synthetic dichotomy. When I was in graduate school I wrote a paper critiquing Quine's "Two Dogmas of Empiricism."
@kimba381 5 месяцев назад
You know what they say..."You can't go home again"
@ChickpeatheTortie 5 месяцев назад
Most of the planet's greatest thinkers were veggies/vegans.
@kwimms 4 дня назад
Because eating meat is disgusting by design... we are fruit eaters... eating meat is a sin.
@VikingSummer 5 месяцев назад
Israeil society is the definition of the banality of evil.
@Original50 5 месяцев назад
Porn, noire and so many other cultural phenomena cannot be defined by what they are or do, but by how they influence and 'stimulate' the emotions. Am I the Fedora-wearer, am I the Vamp, or am I the burnt-out bum sitting in the gutter?
@careyatchison1348 5 месяцев назад
Arthur Machen - pronounced [Mack-n], (Great vid, BTW!)
@raffaellasapalidis3394 5 месяцев назад
the background music is blocking me from subscribing
@grantbartley483 6 месяцев назад
Hume's fork only rules out God if you assume materialism. But materialism is false. Mind is not material.
@paulschumacher4308 6 месяцев назад
This is excellent
@viviendaquino8364 6 месяцев назад
Great work! Slaughterhouse workers suffer high rates of PTSD and have very high rates of domestic violence. These are facts. As humans, we have a natural aversion to killing. It is generally not in our nature. When we see an animal suffering, our first instinct is to help it.
@Frilleon 6 месяцев назад
For me the ship is always itself, even if every component has changed for better or worse
@roberthornack1692 6 месяцев назад
Don't forget the biggest state sponsor of murder; America!
@chicopjota 7 месяцев назад
Very interesting, thank you! Well, I want to write my own game story, and I've chosen noir. My idea is a character getting out of the big city and going back to their hometown, only to find the same problems, if not worse. I want to add factions and a personal goal to clear the family's reputation in the city because there was a crime involving the family when the protagonist was too young. But i know nothing, so its a gem when i find content about writing, films and games here on yt, so thank you for this video, it helped a bit. Any advice on storytelling? my first stories sucked lol
@teeniequeenie8369 7 месяцев назад
@edtrob 7 месяцев назад
Kant started from the assumption that Hume ‘s metaphysics was wrong. Why would you then use Kantian terminology to explain Hume? Especially since modern science has vindicated Hume over Kant?
@jorgei.alonso9959 7 месяцев назад
Man that's sad what Russell said. Did he ever knew that Jesus came in the flesh? I'm making a connection with Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. Hosea 4:6 (KJV) I also remember this one (I'm interpreting both) And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. 1 John 4:3 (KJV)
@ulrichtietz1327 7 месяцев назад
While Heraclitus contends that the same man cannot step into the same river twice, one might playfully argue that while the same man cannot step into the same river twice, nothing stops him from stepping into two different rivers at two different times. For every river, like every moment, is distinct and flows on just the same.
@Mrcoolassassin 8 месяцев назад
You can also look at us humans in this way. We all change through our lives. We are not the same person we were as children. When, if ever, do we lose our "identity"? Is our "indentity" in our name? Because that is the one thing that never changes in our lives.
@celestialhylos7028 9 месяцев назад
Morgoth's Ring
@ianbrewster8934 9 месяцев назад
Great stuff
@mattlien5844 9 месяцев назад
Noir involves what Richard Slotkin called "The man who knows indians." That is a hero who is one of the bad guys. He has lived as one and knows how to defeat them, but makes the choice to help the innocent rather than prey on them. At least in this one case. I tend to think of Hammett as noir but Chandler as not. I think of the scene in The Big Sleep where Marlowe throws the drug addled psychopath out of his apartment because while he mignt have to work for her father he doesn't have to put up with her in his home. Compared to The Maltese Falcon where the desk Seargant politely asks Spade if he knows where Archer's wife might be. Because he knows that she is lying next to Spade in his bed. Chandler's Marlowe is a good guy in a bad world, while Hammett's Spade is a bad guy, somewhat reluctantly doing the right thing. I always think of the end of Karl Edward Wagner's fantasy short At First Just Ghostly where the victim/ protagonist asks the hero Kane; "Now that I've met the bad guys, when do I get to meet the good guys?" Kane responds "There are no good guys, there is just us."
@steviejc666 9 месяцев назад
So for a deeper one let's discuss triggers broom
@marisaelenenadiejamusiccom3974 9 месяцев назад
This is a really good video. Thank you for sharing. I have also a composition cold, Socrates, experimental, music, associate Suter, but it’s not meant to be fictitious because I believe in the teachings of Socrates.
@CrazycockSays 10 месяцев назад
Is it Panta rhei or Panta rei? 1:35