As you may have guessed from our strange spelling, UnHerd aims to do two things: to push back against the herd mentality with new and bold thinking, and to provide a platform for otherwise unheard ideas, people and places.

We think this approach is more needed than ever. Societies across the West are divided and stuck, and the established media is struggling to make sense of what’s happening. The governing ideologies of the past generation are too often either unquestioningly defended or rejected wholesale.

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We want to be bold enough to identify those things that have been lost, as well as gained, by the liberal world order of the past thirty years; but we strive to be always thoughtful rather than divisive.

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Welcome to the uniparty election
14 дней назад
Glenn Greenwald: The war on free speech
28 дней назад
How to destroy the censorship complex
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Inside the 'disinformation' industry
2 месяца назад
Sohrab Ahmari: How Israel divided the Right
2 месяца назад
Dinosaurs vs. God: The original culture war
2 месяца назад
The Rewilding Debate
3 месяца назад
Trump vs Biden: What everyone gets wrong
3 месяца назад
Nick Clegg: The Machiavelli of Meta
3 месяца назад
Jonathan Sumption: The case for Shamima Begum
3 месяца назад
The history professor sanctioned by Putin
4 месяца назад
Andrew Sullivan: What I got wrong about Trump
4 месяца назад
Will Europe lose World War III?
4 месяца назад
@joshuacherian6718 54 минуты назад
Islam is not about religion. It is occupying land and then changing everything into their favor.. The strategy adopted is to increase their own population even as population of white people plummeted... This strategy has worked quite well to this day ..
@revolutionaryhamburger 56 минут назад
They lie. The lie and they ban the truth. Typical behavior from the leftist.
@jgrab1 Час назад
I wouldn't line a bird cage with the NY Times.
@chrishollins2262 Час назад
We should have stayed out of Europe’s war 1917 and we should stay out of NATO and central Europe now. It’s their problem. Why can’t Poland be a nucleus for a security alliance among former East Block states? Why can’t the EU take over responsibility for living with Russia? I’m sick of Europe and I’m sick of all the games.
@chrishollins2262 2 часа назад
I hear Putin showed interest in Russia joining NATO and that he was rebuffed. Putin is right in complaining that the US has always applied pressure. I believe those in charge of policy will not stop until there is war. They desperately want it.
@chrishollins2262 2 часа назад
The most effective way for the President to dissuade Putin from crossing the border would have been a deployment of military forces in the theater to communicate our seriousness. The President did not. Ergo, the President wanted war.
@chrishollins2262 2 часа назад
You fail to understand why we are impelling this war. It’s the same reason for our relentlessly hostile policy towards Russia. President described this phenomenon in zJanuary 1961. It’s the need of the military industrial complex to perpetuate itself.
@chrishollins2262 2 часа назад
You cannot defend the negation of the will of the Ukrainian people by a street mob in 2014. The Ukrainian voters decide and not street mobs.
@tiromandal6399 2 часа назад
27:23 People out there just casually switching from being religious to atheist and back to religious again, like changing clothes. Picking a different outfit depending on the mood.
@shenanigans7359 2 часа назад
This lady is a hypocrite. Idk, why people would listen to her?
@billwilkie6211 2 часа назад
I don't think Europe will go fascist or far right. Rather, I think we'll see a solid right corrective to the excesses of the progressive Left, with a new center forming that is a bit more right on key issues.
@Phillip-tw1yh 3 часа назад
Children are dying every day in Gazza? Phillip David d' Silva
@louisapriore 3 часа назад
Bullying…on the left? From the party of tolerance? Noooo!
@jolantaursprung5020 3 часа назад
she is part of the problem. Nelly is a dangerous person
@louisapriore 3 часа назад
Interesting how the left wants to call anything they disagree with “disinformation”
@Moltonmetal776 4 часа назад
Always look on the bright side of life
@user-eh5xn2mc9o 4 часа назад
I can't believe there are grown-ups who listen to ayan. May allah guide her and all of you. She had spiritual bankruptcy when she was atheist? Now let's see if she finds peace with Christianity. Lost soul
@fairwiz5722 4 часа назад
Whites killing whites .
@ruthlongridge2137 5 часов назад
we are part of nature
@ruthlongridge2137 5 часов назад
The "public good' has become a dirty phrase and I encourage people to dissent from all such measures
@amirbahalegharn365 5 часов назад
it just shows education in first two decades of our children whether it came from family values or institutes had gone out of touch for decades with it's intentions & just like how democracy is valuable & easy to forget the costs humans had paid to reach it for masses to comprehend , who hasn't lived under autocracies & systematic oppression in all possible ways , we have to be very strict in educational goals achievements & also teachers assignment instead of institutes become money oriented ones or rather seeking higher points by getting more abroad students and producing more papers toward that goal. they have simply devalued themselves by losing focus on science score eligibility of both teachers & students in check in favor of competing for resources and among themselves which is bonkers in intellectual way of evaluating them when academic places must show prestige in being the ones based on sensibility & mindfulness instead of carrying human's bad traits along like other places & professions. ayaan has saw the issue but has failed to see the why & present solutions. Richard has failed to see issues emerged and also saw how vulnerable education systems are when the issues present there left untreated for years let alone decades.
@justinbentley567 5 часов назад
We’ve been seeing that these extreme progressives have labeled everything as far right - and it’s become increasingly clear that it’s simply everyone to the right of their 1% of the political spectrum. And that’s pretty much everyone.
@ahmedsadisu5329 6 часов назад
She is just a political Christian. Because Christianity as compared to Islam, is still pacifist in practice. However, Islam is filled with fear mongering, rage and an obsession with personal morality
@exjwborn-in2134 6 часов назад
@frankbarron1907 6 часов назад
Three inevitabilities in life: - Death - Taxes - The Left will eat its own.
@BigHugeYES 6 часов назад
If these self-proclaimed arbiters of truth really believe they weren’t just weaponizing the term disinformation to push their dogma, then they have an astounding lack of self-awareness.
@sueseelie 6 часов назад
At 9:15 about women desiring a strong protector? This is controversial?
@ruthlongridge2137 6 часов назад
it is driven by greedy pilantropats -to make us eat ze bugs; only ze bugs that can resisit emf, of course.
@s.muller8688 6 часов назад
It's not listening to the news that makes you depressed, it's believing all of it.
@user-rr7om4nt6v 6 часов назад
GOD give you more power sister
@inesdasilva2085 7 часов назад
Ik ben zo trots op jou Ayan.
@kosmokritikos9299 7 часов назад
Guess we're going to have to find out the hard way again. Ah, the spring... ...of 1945!
@thesoundsmith 7 часов назад
You don't NEED a "conspiracy" when the world's wealthiest all believe that liberal thinking is The Enemy. Their obvious goal is TOTAL world dominance, right now, it's only at 97%, they've just GOT to do better, there are still some people that refuse to worship them.
@kevinowsley1602 8 часов назад
Disinformation is the broken bedrock of our society. As just one example many human skeletons have been found and reported on, that were huge. Ten tro twelve feet tall. There are photos and local news articles that reported these findings in the US. They were sent to the Smithsonian who hides them to this day. The rabbit hole is deep, be prepared and carry on good friends.
@imposs-up1hg 8 часов назад
She's a phoney. So, it's in keeping that she'd be lionised on this channel. 😆
@WednesdayFin86 9 часов назад
He makes points, but in the past people didn't have passports, because the damn feudal lord owned you and moved you around as commodity. Another way to move around was to force yourself onto other peoples land and claim you owned the land or the city now.
@cynthiabrown9596 9 часов назад
“So I went along with it”, says it all. When you sellout your journalistic integrity you are no longer a journalist you’re a propagandist.
@alexanderforceblade3304 9 часов назад
Good debate overall, but its not fruitful to reduce palestinian solidarity and so called "wokism" to demonic influences. Surely theres reasons why christians too would react to the brutal treatment of the palestinian people. We are many who were horrified by 7/10 but that does not excuse the way the palestinians have been treated before and after. It is not antisemitic to protest this, it is in fact a form of love, maybe not in all cases but in many.
@endalezewdie4109 9 часов назад
The fool says there is no God in his heart prov 14:1
@garyhargis4627 9 часов назад
Awesome title.
@Draconisrex1 10 часов назад
I used to give to the ACLU, the SPLC and ADL. All have been institutionally captured by radicals and no longer do 'good work.' Rather, they now promote leftist-extremism coupled with lying to donors (fear-mongering) for profit.
@haydehabdolahian7691 10 часов назад
I am so proud of you and Mr Murray for standing up to criminal religious and bravery telling the truth 👍👍👍👍👏👏👏👏
@thelastengineer2315 10 часов назад
A leopard cannot change its spots, a dumbass will always be a dumbass
@willbrink 10 часов назад
Many traditional Liberals have realized they are no longer welcome in the modern progressive left movement. They are stuck between a rock and a hard place now, can't align with conservatives nor those who attacked them and cancelled them. She's a perfect example of that. Credit to her for pushing back, but likley too little too late. A cult is still a cult by any other name, and that applies to those in far right too...
@andrewlutes2048 10 часов назад
Would anyone care to explain how a fact can be harmful to anything but a lie?
@frankievalentine6112 10 часов назад
You guys. Antifa didn't "control the whole neighborhood of capitol hill." It was a collection of several different groups, most obviously BLM protestors, that set up a camp in ONE park and an intersection. It was an anarchist thing. And the police were NOT "not present"! Their station is on the same corner! They policed and even tear-gassed the crowd ROUTINELY, most notably after Mayor Jenny Durkin promised the city they would stop with the gas. How do I know this? I live ONE block away from the park and woke up choking on gas in my bed every night they did it that summer even with all the windows closed!! If you both honestly believe all these inaccuracies, you have no idea what actually happened!!!
@ScottBrown-ec4sf 11 часов назад
This witch enjoyed destroying people over lies.
@ScottBrown-ec4sf 11 часов назад
How do you like it now.Dont feel sorry for her at all.
@walterclaycooke 11 часов назад
The problem with the term“Christianity“ is that it is much more complex than simply the teachings of Jesus as found in the canonical gospels. It’s all well and good to talk about conversion to Christianity in a comfortable secular setting, but it is much more difficult when you are in church and it’s time for the Creed. where you have to out loud affirm that Jesus was born of a virgin, died, went to hell, and rose on the third day. Of course, you can always stay silent during the Creed or mumble the words, or maybe cross your fingers behind your back. But if you want to be a card-carrying Christian, you have to believe the statements in the Creed as well as the other basic doctrines of Christianity. And then, of course, you have to affirm the peculiar beliefs of the denomination of which you are a member. It would be great if you could combine the ancient rituals of Christianity which are so comforting with a skeptical outlook towards Christian dogma. Back in the 1970s I thought that was the outlook of the Episcopal Church where, as it was said at that time, you did not have to park your brain at the curb. Now, the Episcopal Church and its conservative version the Anglican Church in North America, are each fundamentalist in their own way. And the same is true of Methodism, Presbyterianism, and many other denominations. Unfortunately, you cannot build a church based on skepticism. You have to have true believers who will donate on a consistent basis to build the “Four Seasons” style buildings, underwrite trendy childcare, and provide the various pastors with six-figure incomes.
@gerhardg8101 9 часов назад
Was there this morning. My take: He was born of a virgin that became pregnant as the prophecy proclaimed. For that virgin to become impregnated under Roman occupation was a death sentence for her which is what makes it an effective weapon of war to rape the virgins to either kill themselves or get killed by their own -or at least kill their baby, a way to destroy the occupied society. Her submission to the word of God - to love that neighbour like thyself (not oneself) and raise that child in selfless love - created a miracle, a profound change in reality that can not be explained by physical laws but only metaphysical ones. She and Joseph turned an act of hate and oppression into a beacon of love and hope. And 3days after his death he came alive in his followers, the end of the life of the “ self”. To live forever Is the art To learn to live In Jesus’s heart I wish you to be born again in Jesus as I can not imagine wanting to be born again to be recognised by any of my physical attributes. That sounds like the second fall, wanting to be myself - just like God with eternal life and power
@honestyisthebestpolicy1680 11 часов назад
The house of People like Richard came out by itself like the atheist's earth ..... There is no builder/ creator...... 😂