An small Aussie girl who writes and reads and watches things.
@Kevin-Green 2 дня назад
My super villain name would be Dākuabatā. That name translates to Dark Avatar.
@IamMeHere2See 2 дня назад
14:43 The worst thing about Havard for Police is that they still only offer 3 month degrees.
@poluticon 15 дней назад
Jesus, what an annoying person. No wonder your channel never grew. RIP.
@trufamilybromontqc 21 день назад
@luhguren 26 дней назад
OMGGGG, I looooooooove Ice Princess, starring Michelle Tratchtenberg, famous indeed for playing Georgina Sparks(You can tell Jesus that the b*tch is back) in Gossip Girl!!!
@luhguren 28 дней назад
I'll reply one of your comments totally out of context because I don't want to spoil anything: You'll be pleasantly surprised.
@darkdg4106 Месяц назад
When it comes to Buffy you are going to see a whole bunch of things you recognize from tropes to lore ideas and the reason for that is because 90% of them started from this show.
@darkdg4106 Месяц назад
When they put the soul back into Angelus' body, they are punishing the person, but also trapping the demon inside that person which to the demon, when it comes to a person like Angel, must be torture.
@killuanatsume Месяц назад
How about the Nightmare episode or the Puppet show or the Out Of Sight out of Mind those are the best of the season.
@carlnOrco Месяц назад
Love thiS . All in one
@IDyce88 Месяц назад
my early high school never had cliques really; it was just the "cool guys" the "girls" and everyone else. my secondary building (high school) was a converted manor house so the library was an actual genuine stuffy old library, books on both sides and a desk at the far end near the windows where the librarian was, it had a few computers but not many. 5:50:39 Buffy is like "wait a minute...i know what this is...do I? maybe...should i act normal or say something..." maybe it was my early experience with girls...but early in life, before you could call it "relationships" a lot of girls liked me and i kissed a fair few girls either because they wanted to kiss me or the opportunoty just came up. by the time i was in high school and you form real "dating" relationships i was more quiet and a loner and i only had one relationship. it wasn't until i left school that i finally met the person i'm with now.
@becait Месяц назад
The episode is always interesting in retrospect when you consider how it foreshadows in really innocuous ways.
@brendanfalvy1281 Месяц назад
There is a Hellmouth directly beneath the school though...
@IDyce88 Месяц назад
hyena's are the cowards of the animal world; they are supposedly an impure mix of cat and dog (yeah they are basically animal rednecks), they are meat eaters and scavengers, they go for anything vulnerable and alone...weak animals, somethnig lost and alone...half dead...maybe a baby seperated from a group. They will even kill each other sometimes if desperate. However african tribes have many legends about them.
@IDyce88 Месяц назад
The Pack was almost banned, it was the first REALLY dark episode and wasn't very well received in some places at first. It was only after it was better looked at and people understood it was more about the possession and teenage social interaction that it was accepted. Hyena's prey on the weak, that is their nature, they don't attack strong prey...so Buffy is too strong for them. But Willow and that other boy are seen as weak to them. After the zoo Xander's behaviour shows many signs of a Hyena if he stands like a man; he sniffs Buffy's hair, stands by his women and dislikes bread (hyena's eat meat not bread), he then begins to hang with the bullies (his fellow hyena's) and pick on people...primarily Willow. He shows a sign of losing intelligence when studying, unable to focus. With Buffy he becomes more primal and tries to sexually assault her due to his feelings for her. But of course the main similarity between Hyena's and Human teenagers is as Giles said "testosterone, it is a great equalizer...turns all men into morons" this along with "preying on the weak" helps Buffy realise the connection between Xander and Hyena's.
@somerotter Месяц назад
I was always a little annoyed by that episode, seeing as hyenas are matriarchal, fight lions and hunt much larger and more powerful species, and generally act nothing like the archetype being portrayed. But I like the episode anyway, and Buffy writers can’t be expected to be zoologists.
@IDyce88 Месяц назад
@@somerotter hyena's do prey on the weak though and THAT was the important element of the episode...they go after vulnerable prey. also the zoo keeper did say these were a rare breed of hyena so maybe they behave different from the average hyena. they weren't focusing on making it realistic, i saw an interview about this episode...it's about human behaviour vs animal behaviour...humans prey on others...they bully...bullies are cowardly...hyenas do the same. and both teens and hyenas have testosterone turning them into primal morons...it's about the similarities...but also the differences.
@somerotter Месяц назад
@@IDyce88 I get what it’s about, that’s why still like the episode. But hyena are no more likely to prey on the weak than a lion or wolf; and more likely to attack a comparatively larger and more powerful animal than either wolves or lions.
@IDyce88 Месяц назад
@@somerotter i'm not so certain about that, pack hunting animals aren't necesarily cowardly i guess, you maybe right there...but they use group hunting to the advantage when it comes to a stronger foe. Buffy is an alpha in their eyes...and is there is obviously a reason that everytime Buffy faced them they backed off...but with willow or the other kid they attacked...i mean even in the volleyball they went for their own team mate over buffy. i also just looked up hyenas, it said "for generations people have despised them for picking on livestock, children and corpses" so it's more of a stereotype than fact. but BTVS is full of stereotypes.
@brendanfalvy1281 Месяц назад
Leather is conductive. Like skin. Because it’s skin :P
@ernesthakey3396 Месяц назад
The whole season?!? Yowza!!! That's a long-ass video!!! Welcome back! Haven't seen you pop up in my feed recently, how've you been? Been about a month...
@21samclarke Месяц назад
You know I never actually realised until now how smart Buffy actually is she figured out almost everything going on before Giles does! Did anyone just realise that too or is it just me? she figured out a LOT before Giles did and Giles followed her thought process! I think I need to rewatch the other seasons now :)
@startingQB Месяц назад
Buffy never got enough credit for how smart she is. Her SAT scores get looked over as well.
@MarsMellow84 Месяц назад
She's very smart. In season 3 buffy gets into Northwestern college.
@MarsMellow84 Месяц назад
​@@startingQB buffy hardly had time to study and go to class too. She was too busy saving the world.
@niamhfox9559 Месяц назад
E09 the principal is Quark from DS9, I can't remember how long he's around.
@niamhfox9559 Месяц назад
E08 I'll bet that angry tech kid has now lost a shitload of money on bitcoin.
@peterd9698 Месяц назад
I wathed Buffy the Vampire thlayer for the firtht time and all I got wath this teeth hurt. (points to gaping neck rupture)
@niamhfox9559 Месяц назад
Oh the wee little baby actors who went on to other things!
@TerryNutkins3 Месяц назад
R.I.P Principal Flutie we hardly knew you
@not-that-Chris Месяц назад
just by the hyena? you didn't get "jacked in" during episode 8? Fritz: "The only reality is virtual. If you're not jacked in, you're not alive."
@UTU49 Месяц назад
Hi, Jab. I really enjoyed your Buffy videos. I'll be happy to watch more whenever you are able to post. Every season of Buffy is so good. Like anyone else, I have my favorite seasons, but there are no bad seasons, and every season is worth watching. Every season has its own unique style... and selection of amazing episodes.
@UTU49 Месяц назад
All of Season 1 in one video? Fun!
@Buffy8Fan Месяц назад
I love the video title, but without looking at the video itself it made me assume it was just 1x06 and I knew she was passed that point.
@slightlymorepotatoes6551 Месяц назад
28:42 I love the animation on his coattails
@christopherjunkins 2 месяца назад
A hor with a D? Yea, that's Scanland! 🤣
@spamfilter32 2 месяца назад
This was one of the first shows to really show the effects of trauma in characters and show people dealing with it. before Buffy, it was never in mainstream shows to show a character that was traumatized by their past.
@spamfilter32 2 месяца назад
Do smaller bands play at the Bronze? That depends on what you mean by "smaller" None of the bands that played at the Bronze would fill a 60k seat stadium, but they were known at the time. This particular band, Chibo Mato, one of the members is John Lennon and Yoko Ono's son.
@spamfilter32 2 месяца назад
The hair cut is actually the first sign we are given that Buffy is suffering from depression. That conversation of Buffy's parents is also a major sign that Buffy suffers from depression. More specifically long term or life-long depression. She is going through an episode during this episode, but her depression predates her death experience and will carry on past this episode.
@spamfilter32 2 месяца назад
I'm 10 month's late, but you could drink an alcoholic beverage during the stream as a reward for the Bingo! If you don't drink alcohol, then you could substitute Coffee or a Pop. For potential future Bingo's
@spamfilter32 2 месяца назад
The Demon that was coming through the mouth of hell had three heads. It was Cerberus. Fun Fact: Cerberus means "Spot" Cerberus was a dog with a mottled coat.
@spamfilter32 2 месяца назад
You missed the PSA's in Nightmares, like "Smoking kills"
@spamfilter32 2 месяца назад
Remember a couple of episodes back, in Nightmares, Buffy dreamed that she was fighting the Master and she was powerless against him? Buffy's dreams are prophetic. Her dream came true. A lot of people think that dream was just a part of the nightmares that were affecting everyone, but that one was a Slayer prophecy dreams.
@spamfilter32 2 месяца назад
Watching Buffy reactions has convinced me that they have stopped teaching the 3 "L's" Because I had the code figured out after just the first clue. But "LOOK, LISTEN, LEARN" was practically beaten into me by my teachers.
@spamfilter32 2 месяца назад
Cordelia is correct that it is better to be alone surrounded by people than to be alone by yourself.
@spamfilter32 2 месяца назад
How is 6 months ago the most recent dead or missing child? Well, most recent since before Buffy showed up. All the ones more recent than that Buffy already knows what happened to them.
@spamfilter32 2 месяца назад
The Voice from the beyond really hits on a good point.
@spamfilter32 2 месяца назад
While I am not specifically scared of clown, I have not liked them ever since I saw Vampire Space Clowns on TV one day as a kid. (I know that is not the real name of the movie, but it accurately describes the movie. Vampire Clowns from outer space put people in cotton candy cocoons and drink their blood through swirly straws)
@spamfilter32 2 месяца назад
In this episode we get the 3rd birthdate for Buffy. The year of her birth on the tomb stone is different than the 2 we are given in I Robot, You Jane.
@spamfilter32 2 месяца назад
Giles is from Europe. Speaking 5 languages isn't impressive there like it is here. In Europe that is kind of normal.
@spamfilter32 2 месяца назад
"Has she (Willow) got a picture of Giles in her locker?" Yes. Yes, she does.
@spamfilter32 2 месяца назад
The poster with the picture of a gun with smoke coming out of it and the words, "Smoking kills" was also a PSA for your Bingo.
@spamfilter32 2 месяца назад
"If I can face my fear, it cannot master me." That was your PSA bingo!
@spamfilter32 2 месяца назад
Xander got major rope burn on his hands to save Giles.
@spamfilter32 2 месяца назад
Always trust Buffy is a good rule to live by.
@spamfilter32 2 месяца назад
THIS is the Jabberwocky reaction video. 🤣
@spamfilter32 2 месяца назад
"It could be anyone. It could be me! It's not though." Nice recovery Dexter-Willow.