Hello there! I'm Isador, and i'm working to bring you information on a bunch of games I've gotten good at. Reviews, guides, discussions, all sort of things, really! Please subscribe to get updated whenever I upload something new!

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I also occasionally stream on twitch:
Kenshi: Outpost Building Guide Part 1
Месяц назад
Kenshi: Starter Guide
Месяц назад
Kenshi: Race Tierlist
2 месяца назад
Space Engineers:  Launch of the S.S. Sayonara
7 месяцев назад
Dwarf Fortress Beginner's Guide Ep 11:  Military
9 месяцев назад
@CHLOEDOUGLASS-hg9tx 22 дня назад
Yoo this helped me so much thanks alot
@isador555 22 дня назад
You're welcome! Glad I could help
@SzalonyKot 27 дней назад
It's only a shame he summons a fucking heavy hammer phantom on NG+
@Leon-vw6hs 27 дней назад
you gate placement stressed me out lol i still liked the video tho, it's informative
@jeanpagette5019 27 дней назад
Shame the Kenshi two is not in unreal 5.3. So much potential in this classic
@isador555 27 дней назад
Switching engines, even just to a newer version of the same engine, is really time-consuming. I'm sure it was a good decision for Kenshi 2.
@tugger 29 дней назад
great vid
@aixos9257 29 дней назад
Cant wait for more, can always use more Kenshi content!
@michalpiskorski9731 Месяц назад
Btw my suggestion for start. - Spent all your money od dried meat. - Go sneak mode and walk around inside the city for literally 5 days so you rank up to lvl 45. - At this point your out of food but youre a ninja, you can go any house or shop and steal more resources to survive - Now you can decide whatever you want to do or whoever you want to be. I always start the game this way.
@michalpiskorski9731 Месяц назад
What is your mod for graphics? Why everything looks like comic? xD
@isador555 Месяц назад
I tried out a few mods to enhance the graphics, ended up not liking most of them. I think I was using the Wastelands mod here, but have since switched over to the Native Stylise mod.
@TheBloofyx Месяц назад
I have more than 1k hours in the game. If you just started out in kenshi, please don't mine. You will get bored to fucking DEATH. Starting in the hub, get your athletics up until you can run at a comfortable 18mph. Then, roam the area to find dust bandits : they're slower, due to their armor reducing their run speed, yet selling their armor will get you much more money than you need in the early game. Lure them into the city and let the guards pound them, steal their gear and SELL IT. You've just made nice money. Save your money to find a companion, and train your companion's running speed as well. This companion will be your "medic", leave them in the town or in a safe place with medical supplies. Now go find some hungry bandits with your first character, and fight them. Hungry bandits have blunt weapons, and are very weak, so you won't bleed out or lose limbs. Get your shit ROCKED. Make sure you don't have food on you, hungry bandits will steal it, they won't steal your equipment though, even if you allow it in settings. Once the area is clear, make your "medic" companion grab your hero and put the hero in a bed (a sleeping bag will heal you faster, and an actual bed at double the speed of a sleeping bag. There are beds for rent at the tavern in every city.) This is how you create a powerful character without needing to spend 3 real life hours grinding materials for no reason. Your toughness and melee defense will be through the ROOF. Use katanas or weapons that only do cutting damage if you want to level dex as well. Also one last "tip" but learn how the KO system works. Basically, no matter what, your character will go down if one of their vital bodyparts go below 0 health. If your KO threshold is -10, and the bodypart is at -11, you will enter a coma until you heal the bodypart up to >0. Otherwise, you'll wake up and play dead. Enjoy
@isador555 Месяц назад
Hey, good suggestion but quick correction: You don't go KO from having -any- body part go below zero. That only goes for your head, chest and stomach. Having your limbs go below zero just disables them, but not the rest of you. In addition, cutting or piercing weapons can make you bleed to death as well. Hitting zero blood is lethal, and if you don't get bandaged by someone else after getting KO'd with bleed damage in a vital (head, chest, stomach) you will continue to stay KO'd and bleed until you die.
@TheBloofyx Месяц назад
@@isador555 yeah l could go on forever honestly but people will figure it out as they play (hopefully), l just don't like the "go mining", it's the most SOUL CRUSHING part of the game as a beginner, you shouldn't have to grind from the first minute of the game
@nielsbuddenbaum6516 Месяц назад
Nice guide, its a safe and sure way to get a feel for the game. However for those who are willing to take a "little" more risk for quick cats without abusing stealth and thieving: Get a traders backpack, some mercenary bodyguards and head into vain. Find a beak thing nest. Let your guards fight and keep your head down. Steal the eggs and sell them. You wont have money problems for a while.
@isador555 Месяц назад
This is great advice, but yeah, if you dont know what you're doing it can be very unsafe
@ChaosPolzun_Archive Месяц назад
The best way to start a game in Kenshi is the "Two slaves" start. You'll be forced to play as the game wants you to and you slowly but surely find your ways to turn it other way around. You will run by yourself. If you move you get bitten almost to death and in a short time realise that the only time you can do something is night. But your *insert skill there* is low, so you look for some odd, but existing ways to upgrade them. IMHO best starting, without going to much in detail. It forces you to do best thing in this game you can do - outplay it.
@tylerbryanhead Месяц назад
Secret Hiver advantages you only notice when you really learn to play them: -run fast -faster combat speeds -bleed out slowly -weak limbs= toughness xp and robotics (annoying early game, great mid-late game) -less food for workers=more profits on agricultural goods -sex appeal At first they are squishy, but after you train them up they are surprisingly resilient. It's unlikely that a fairly tough hiver will succumb to its wounds before another comes to heal them up. The faster combat speed is actually noticeable aswell, they hit fast, block fast, and stumble faster. They can punch slightly above their weight if you have enough of them, which is more manageable seeing as how they eat a quarter as much as a shek does. Get like 10-3-5 ratio of soldiers, princes, and sturdier workers.The soldiers will tank most attacks, workers create gaps with their crossbows, and princes renforce where needed (though their role is more of a noncombat stealth/thief/assassin/medical role). Add a few pack animals and you have a solid caravan. Leave the rest of the worker drones with a small contingent of soldiers and princes home in a sweatshop pumping out whatever food/intoxicant/medic/robotics you think is fun. Theres a mod I want to try that adds portable camp turret crossbows that I think would make my hiver caravan a force to be reckoned with. In all, a lone hiver is weak. Each class has weaknesses that make them less appealing than other races. However, each classes weaknesses are covered by the other twos strengths. When you combine them the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
@The_Reality_Filter Месяц назад
Mining is dull but as a new player it's about as safe a way to earn some cats as you'll get.
@isador555 Месяц назад
Exactly, you don't want to plunge a new player into serious danger right at the start.
@The_Reality_Filter Месяц назад
@@isador555 imo they've already plunged in to enough danger by merely playing Kenshi...
@Southparkplayerandenjoyer Месяц назад
How would I stop the Chelicerates
@isador555 Месяц назад
With stop you mean kill? You need a prawnsuit with a drill and grappling hook. Just hook on to the Chelicerates' sides and start drilling. This will eventually kill them, but it will take a while, and you need to make sure you hook them close enough to the head that they cant twist around and bite you but far enough away from the head that you aren't in reach of their bite. Let go if you take too much damage, run away, repair your suit, then go back in for another ride. Be warned, this does take a while, and you can't control where the rodeo goes once you latch on. You can easily end up getting dragged into the territory of another Chelicerate, or worse, get dragged to the edge of the map into the abyss.
@Southparkplayerandenjoyer Месяц назад
Where are the fragments for the grappling arm?
@richardrolison9932 Месяц назад
SCREW GRINDING FOR ORE !!! Potential spoilers for people who may want to experience this game for the first time the hard way instead, if you're a human, hire a skeleton or hiver. if not human, you can just do this. go to the skin bandits camp. it is a long and harrowing journey, save often. I would train athletics and strength first. You need to be able to carry a human and at least outrun other humans. I recommend swimming as a great alternative strat. Safer but a longer journey. Just stay away from the crabs and fishmen near some of the coasts When you get there, there will be skin bandits! I will let you guess what they do to people with skin. humans should wait outside, preferably in sneak mode. hang around until it's dark and their leader goes to sleep. when he gets in his bed, you can have pretty much any character walk in and pick him up off his bed. if you can you should also lockpick his safe and take his stuff. If you run outside with him and make it to the rest of your people you can have them take his robotic arms off. you now have a criminal who's worth 150000 cats alive or 80k dead in the nearest city, and his endgame robotic arms. This will make the beginning much less of a soul crushing grind, unless that's what you're looking for
@The_Reality_Filter Месяц назад
any new player trying to do that will be enslaved or eaten alive before they ever get there..
@richardrolison9932 Месяц назад
@@The_Reality_Filter shit welcome to the game go hard or go home 😭 either they learn what the games about or they save scum
@richardrolison9932 Месяц назад
@@The_Reality_Filtermore spoilers for new players but they're fairly mild. If you want a more vanilla experience this might not be for you. I'm discussing more advanced ways of playing the game that might ruin the first time experience like instead of grinding in a city where it's safe I tend to grind in dangerous situations. It's why I like a start where I'm enslaved and have one arm, the slave camps allow you to train a thief early and the slavers feed you and take care of you. It's still a little boring but it's much less of a grind than a normal start. You can also train martial arts and toughness by fighting slavers so it's really a great start. Once you have a thief that can pick locks, steal, assassinate etc. you don't need to grind for money anymore, you just steal things and buy stuff with that money. Also in a slave camp strength training is literally automatic you can just leave the game running and come back after work and you'll have like 80 strength. The point is that danger is the most rewarding state to be in in this game. Once you realize that, you can welcome certain situations. That being said, a beak thing will still kill and eat you alive, so as a new player 1) save scum 2) train athletics as high as possible 3) get scout legs as early as possible. If nothing can touch you nothing can kill you. On a side note, an extremely underrated skill is swimming. It's extremely easy to train and I've used it to get away from situations I really shouldn't have, because most things won't follow you into water. I've also been able to use it to avoid dangerous areas altogether, and to escape from slave camps. It's busted.
@Glare108 Месяц назад
Kenshi and DF, a man of taste.
@CyberBeep_kenshi 2 месяца назад
1 important point, there are mods that fix the armor. The cut resistance is bugged in vanilla, its incorrectly calculated. When you fix that, the few more hp/limb don't way up against bleeding. Shek is weaker than I.e. scorchlanders, because they bleed much quicker. Which means you die quicker. Personally i rarely play Sheks. Skellies are obviously op, just not in the first few hours when you don't have a repair kit etc. But after that, they shine, literally ;) The strongest warrior is Obviously Cyber Beep though!
@FrankieWuzHere 18 дней назад
It's not bugged in vanilla.
@777CHEKIST777 2 месяца назад
The problem with tier lists is that they are made by laymen for complete noobs. Anyone who plays a vanilla game is a noob, a noob who is afraid of mods and plays vanilla first is a lifelong noob. Kenshi without the Genesis project is like civilization 5/6 or a game from paradox interactive without DLC. But everything is different there. In first place is the hive of warrior drones. Because they get armor for the body that has 100% coverage for the head. Attention, the head slot is still inaccessible to them - this is the main armor that covers the head 100%. In addition, they simply have better armor that is only suitable for hives, but their recipes are harder to get and craft than armor for people. All this makes them much more durable than Sheks. There is no such armor for skeletons, otherwise they would create an imbalance. But what really creates an imbalance is the hive Praetorians, who can be under your command and wear armor available to hive soldiers. This devalues all Sheks and Skeletons completely.
@777CHEKIST777 2 месяца назад
Praetorians have a hunger accumulation of 600% haha
@trumplostlol3007 Месяц назад
Seriously, what mod is necessary other than 256? The vanilla game is the best if you know how to play the game right. LOL
@777CHEKIST777 Месяц назад
@@trumplostlol3007 When toxic people piss you off and you don’t know what to write to them. I didn't read lol
@trumplostlol3007 Месяц назад
@@777CHEKIST777 LOL keep going. You are a noob who can only play kenshi using some stupid mods. LOL The only mod that is truly necessary is 256. Any other mod is for noobs. LOL
@eVillGaming-eng 2 месяца назад
I think Shek re supreme and need to defeat those greedy Hivers
@JosefSloanson 2 месяца назад
Race Tier List is crazy 😂
@isador555 2 месяца назад
I don't understand what the big deal is!
@The_Reality_Filter 2 месяца назад
@@isador555 some folk are fragile
@JosefSloanson 2 месяца назад
@@The_Reality_Filter 😂 called joking around
@Lasse_kreikemeier 2 месяца назад
skeletons are stronger than shek ,people have tested this ,the armor doesnt matter.
@kraanz 2 месяца назад
All their body parts have almost twice HP of that of the Shek, and I'm still not sure if they are even capable of losing limbs. The Shek? I love them, but holy crap are they dumb. Their horns clipping through armor also looks pretty silly (same with Skeleton legs), which leads to me cutting them off at the first chance. "I know you have a super thick skull, Kang, trust me, my friend, I do. But I still want you to wear a helmet. Cut those horns, don't they grow back anyway? I know you think they're cool, but they're impractical. It would be like me wandering around a battlefield with a 3m long beard. Plus, I heard Rooka (I don't like the name Ruka for some reason), I heard she said you look super tasty without them. Her words, don't look at me like that. And Rane agreed, if you can call a short grunt an agreement, that is."
@trumplostlol3007 Месяц назад
Their hp will decline over time and you have to fix them. Their repair kits are expensive and can only be made in the mid game. They are also a liability if you need to travel through HN frequently. If you have an army of 40 to 50 early on in the game, you will see what I mean. Skeletons are over-rated. They are for people with a teeny tiny small group of thugs. LOL
@The_Reality_Filter Месяц назад
@@trumplostlol3007 hey you say people that have teeny tiny small group of thugs like it's a bad thing! Oh and btw their repair kits are only expensive if you buy them. Horses for courses.
@trumplostlol3007 Месяц назад
@@The_Reality_Filter Tiny tiny small squads are for people who do not know how to manage a real army. There are people who want to manage a group of thugs and people who want to manage an empire. it is up to you.
@The_Reality_Filter Месяц назад
@@trumplostlol3007 with the right tiny squad you don't need to micro manage a "real army". With the right tiny squad you can run an empire npnp. 🤖🤖🤖🤖🤖
@FrogmanhatesQibli 2 месяца назад
the solo naked martial arts using hiver drone is the intended and most balanced playstyle
@MrJennick 2 месяца назад
I don't care how accurate it is, I'm just glad people still keep making content for Kenshi
@greygoo6945 2 месяца назад
It is true that the shek is the best 1 on 1 fighter. But kensi doesn't exist in a vacuum, and I feel you heavily undervalue the strength of the skeleton. Fighting in kenshi isn't as linear and straightforward as you are putting it. Armor values and hp are important, but the most important variables in a fight I find (especially early on) are what happens outside a fight. Shek eat a lot more than every other race, a point you seem to gloss over. With one character, it is hardly noticeable, but with 5-6, you notice how much of a burden this can really be. Food is something extra you have to bring. Something that will eat up your cats, take up your space, and weigh you down more. It's the little things like these that can really add up. The biggest detriment, though, is how slow the shek heal. This, coupled with their high hp, means you will take longer to recover. You will be out of fights longer than other races and won't be able to fight for as long. You may have a higher peak but will have less longevity. This can be especially dangerous if your character needs to get out of a dangerous situation but is unable to fight/run away without help. This completely flips on its head when we talk about the skeleton. Though, the skeleton may have a higher upfront cost and have less armor slots. It has the highest longevity out of all the races in kenshi. By a long shot. Being able to instantly repair cut damage is a huge game changer. It means you can get back into fights more often and at a higher hp average than your opponents. This, along with the highest hp in the game, makes the skeleton a formidable foe. The only real danger to the skeleton I find are blunt weapons (something you don't often have to deal with in the wild) However, all the negatives fade away once you are able to create your own skeleton repair beds. Especially those on the go. You can run into fights, cause a lot of damage, run away to the safety of your base, and be back in a matter of minutes with max hp. They aren't isn't as adaptable as a sleeping bag, but the benefits outweigh the negatives in my mind The no food requirement for skeletons is more of a bonus. Oh and I just rate humans as f teir. Not because they're bad but because the HN suck and humans are kinda boring
@isador555 2 месяца назад
You are correct on all fronts sir. Still, I feel the need to make counterpoints: - Skeletons being able to get up faster in combat is a big advantage, but I would personally rather prioritize them not going down at all, insofar possible. Admittedly not possible until you reach a late game state, which is what I tiered races around. - Once you have a base set up with automated farming & cooking feeding your Shek becomes really easy. Even if you're far away from base you're never far from a town where you can restock, and if you've automated food production then producing cats becomes really easy too. Theoretically you could also just set up skeleton repair beds in every town with a house for sale, but that takes at least as much investment.
@kraanz 2 месяца назад
If your Sheks "eat too much," get better at farming, plain and simple. Food is never an issue for me, nor is space. Need more carry space? Buy/tame some animals. "The biggest detriment, though, is how slow the shek heal. This, coupled with their high hp, means you will take longer to recover. You will be out of fights longer than other races and won't be able to fight for as long. You may have a higher peak but will have less longevity. This can be especially dangerous if your character needs to get out of a dangerous situation but is unable to fight/run away without help." - I agree, but why would you send someone out ALONE unless they're a total TorSolo? "Though, the skeleton may have a higher upfront cost" - AFAIK, there's only 3 unique Skeleton recruits in the entire game. Agree on the rest.
@capnplaidbeard 2 месяца назад
Obviously Hive Worker Drones are S tier, for the sole reason that Beep exists
@isador555 2 месяца назад
Beep #1 follower
@kraanz 2 месяца назад
I like that alkie/druggo Green as well. Both of them have lost their left arm and replaced it with masterwork KLR arms in my game. Both of which Beep made. What does Green make, you ask? Some dank, dank green. Wait, hash isn't green, so it doesn't work. Never mind.
@CyberBeep_kenshi 2 месяца назад
Yes! Beep is the strongest warrior!
@g00b3r22 2 месяца назад
now do one for real life
@jarensmiarowski5493 2 месяца назад
My thoughts exactly
@erickromero5638 2 месяца назад
@esoteric_mememaster 2 месяца назад
Based as fuck.
@EldenRingStreams 2 месяца назад
Saw the thumbnail and that’s what I initially thought
@fooooooooooooooo 2 месяца назад
1. East Asian 2. West Whites 3. East Whites 4. South Asians 5. Latinos 6. Central Asians 7. Arabs/ME/ North Africans 8. Africans
@shovel662 2 месяца назад
1. Greenlanders and Scorchlanders 6. Everybody else Because “Man was made in God’s image, not you!” 🎉genocide intensifies🎉
@isador555 2 месяца назад
I see someone supports the Holy Nation! My favorite place to steal stuff for some extra cats. Hard to feel sorry for them when they always dissing my man Beep.
@kraanz 2 месяца назад
@@isador555 Mere words can not hurt Beep. Beep is the strongest. Beep and Agnu, skeletons together!
@kraanz 2 месяца назад
Which god? Narko or Okran? And, according to Holy Incels, the Scorchlanders are barely tolerable.
@CyberBeep_kenshi 2 месяца назад
religion is weakness.
@CyberBeep_kenshi 2 месяца назад
religion is weakness.
@kylesytsma244 2 месяца назад
You can take the masks off if you kill the hag. Her powers dwindle away once she's dead but unfortunately the only 2 ppl you can actually save are the female dwarf who hasn't been driven fully cray yet and the dwarf turned to stone. Sadly the other 3 ppl will have still lost their minds even after you take the masks off
@kcollier2192 3 месяца назад
@Mike_Oxlong89 4 месяца назад
Thank you men, I've started the game 2 days ago thanks to steam promo with a friend and it was a slaughter. We lost the first mission like 6 times in difficult and were planning to abandon the game already 😂
@isador555 4 месяца назад
Hang in there! Once you figure out the basics the game gets a lot more fun.
@katelyngaston799 4 месяца назад
Are you going to remake these for DF Premium? I noticed you uput out new episodes 6-7 months ago. There isn't really any good videos on setting up Dwarf Therapist and I''ve enjoyed your videos so far.
@isador555 4 месяца назад
I probably won't remake these for Dwarf Fortress Premium as the games are identical in everything save looks. There's a chance that if the game diverges due to updates that I'll come back and update the existing videos. Otherwise I'll make new DF about new topics as opposed to updating the beginner's guide.
@fishcakeVR 4 месяца назад
@klaiken989 5 месяцев назад
You should be strategic about this and stream another faction until the new 4.2 update comes out... Get a lot more viewership if you exercise patience, just saying 🫡
@isador555 5 месяцев назад
Did this campaign a few months ago, the holidays really messed up my schedule and I haven't been in the loop for TWW3. Is update 4.2 gonna result in big changes?
@klaiken989 5 месяцев назад
@isador555 HUGE changes!!! It'll pretty much make all the factions in SOC dlc rehauled factions if they do everything right. The update/rehaul is coming out this month. So better to just upload a different faction on RU-vid than one of the factions that is about to have a HUGE content release in a week or two
@isador555 5 месяцев назад
Ah, cool, thanks for the heads up.
@jonbaxter2254 5 месяцев назад
Thanks man.
@Ep1cT0x1c 6 месяцев назад
great vid on building a cistern! rly helped me a lot!
@isador555 6 месяцев назад
Glad to be of service!
@jasonpwilson01 6 месяцев назад
I tried the same thing, I thought I could save them too.
@themax2go 6 месяцев назад
you should specify it's the non-steam ver
@BrainNeedsFood 6 месяцев назад
I couldn't save them, but there is some interesting dialogue if you go back and have a look at those made an example of in the chamber before them, after you've killed Auntie Ethel.
@codyb.3015 7 месяцев назад
You need to kill the hag before taking off their masks. They don't die if she's dead. Unfortunately, I long rested to see if they were awake, but they all disappeared at that point. Did not even get any dialogue from them, kind of disappointing because I would've just killed them if I knew that.
@CosmicReef 8 месяцев назад
Again a non-Beginners-Guide to Dwarf Fortress. How many years ago you started the series and what version is this about?
@isador555 8 месяцев назад
This video is one of several that are part of my beginner's guide. If you watch them all from start to finish you should have no problem understanding the basics of how the game works, even if you're a beginner. I started this series about 6 years ago, the version of Dwarf Fortress used is in the description of each video. The fundamentals of the game have not significantly changed in that time, so this guide should continue to remain relevant.
@KKolbet 9 месяцев назад
Love it someone still makes classic df videos. Awesome.
@isador555 9 месяцев назад
Your support is greatly appreciated!
@puchalamanca 9 месяцев назад
Actually you can. You have to sneak past them and them defeate ethel. It is a hell of a fight, because she will summon all of them to fight alongside her, but there are ways to cheese it (like shoving her in to the abism in the middle of the area). Only one of the masks can be really saved though. The others are just to far gone and went crazy after years of mind controlling.
@robertsilvermyst7325 9 месяцев назад
You have to kill the hag first
@williamhenry2290 9 месяцев назад
I knocked them out, killed Auntie and came back to check on them. They where still knocked out. I long rested there and when I came back they all dead.
@j.r.hawkins3098 9 месяцев назад
Kill her before looking and they will not die when the masks are removed. The Mask of Regret has dialogue options even. Why did you even bother making this video if you weren't going to try different things? You just declared "there's no undiscovered content here." What a load of BS.
@joffregutierrez3787 10 месяцев назад
It seems it will become a nightmare the moment several participants are “engaged” together
@isador555 10 месяцев назад
Yeah, this system really shines in 1 on 1 combat
@nathanculver9252 8 месяцев назад
This is another example of how it is more realistic
@injasgeyzels6041 10 месяцев назад
Before going through door cast "Protection form evil" on the party and put the mask on, get your party to boss room one by one this way splitten them up. Do boss fight with 3/4 party members use non lethals and get Ethel to under 10life. Ask for myrabelle and +1buf then before Ending conversation kill hag with 4th party member. Cast "protection from evil" on the masked guys and loot/steal there maskes. The little wonen is saved from masked even without doing so. (Tip: you can cast silent bubble on her location before fight to prevent her from casting her masked helpers to aid her) no idea of you will see them afterwards in BG though i'm still in act1
@phoebink1 10 месяцев назад
Do I hear a dutch accent? Love this video and I would love to play the suggested build. its a pitty Im not going to convice my dm playing this after my master summoner shananigans.
@isador555 10 месяцев назад
Omg, why does everyone recognize my accent?? I try so hard to come across as your average american english-speaker and yet it continues to come up! Thanks for the comment
@phoebink1 10 месяцев назад
@@isador555 love the content man! Dankjewel
@nathane395 10 месяцев назад
@Lisferator 10 месяцев назад
did the same XD