 The Mirandalorian Reacts
 The Mirandalorian Reacts
The Mirandalorian Reacts
Hello! My name is Miranda & welcome to my second channel! You can find my main channel @TheMirandalorian where I talk about my obsession with video games and other things. But this channel is where I will react to movies, tv shows, and anything else I find interesting! Thank you so much for subscribing & sharing my first time movie/tv show experiences!
@roberthunter4884 7 минут назад
This had some of the best scenes, but the others were better as overall stories. Anyway, loved the review, love you, take care and stay safe ❤️
@richwelling3409 12 минут назад
David and Richard Attenborough were brothers.
@mjjones8216 20 минут назад
I don’t disagree with the comment below. Rear window is an excellent film, starring James Stewart . but if you’re looking for something slightly more humorous, I’d go for North by Northwest starring Cary Grant . i’m not sure if Hitchcock meant that film to be funny, but it definitely is funny according to actors Alfred Hitchcock was quite a funny guy on the sets of his films . and was not adverse to using practical jokes at other peoples expense !! 👋🏻🇬🇧
@LynMa80 46 минут назад
The scene where Alan is forced to tie the steat belts in the helicopter at the beginning of the movie is a really cool and subtle foreshadowing. Even with 2 'female' ends of the belt, he still found a way to make it work.
@hilmarfinnsson2372 Час назад
I am relatively new to this channel but I need to know if you will watch my favorite Mel Brooks movie "Silent Movie". Love this channel, you are so funny, keep up the good work.
@Moviefan2k4 Час назад
This movie was one of the first (if not the actual first) live-action films I ever saw in a theater. And having loved the first adventure so much as a child, I was rabid in my hunger for more. The alternate timelines were always easy for me to understand, and I give huge credit to both the filmmakers and Christopher Lloyd for that. The character of Doc represents the audience, so his constant exposition is both necessary and appreciated. Chris managed to deliver those lines with such boundless energy and humor, that they all fell into place and you didn't need a science degree to grasp anything.
@TerryYelmene 2 часа назад
Don’t feel small…. How rare and beautiful it is to even exist… The universe was made just to be seen by your eyes…. - Saturn by Sleeping At Last Miranda you’ve given us all a very, very special shared ‘watch party’ experience!
@Slask7 3 часа назад
Respect the glorious past (Chris Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy). Embrace the bright future (Matt Reeves’ Batmanverse).
@Elerad 4 часа назад
I always thought of the "Nazis, I hate these guys," has primarily being a reference to his having run into them before and having had a really terrible time of it. As opposed to just, yeah, we get it... we all hate Nazis. Don't really need to point that out.
@noahharris6724 4 часа назад
You need to watch the 2 Tim Burton Batman movies with Michael Keaton.
@TheHManShow 5 часов назад
For me the two best parts of this movie were Michael Giacchino’s IMMACULATE musical score. And Paul Dano’s INCREDIBLY UNSETTLING performance as the Riddler
@LordBaktor 5 часов назад
If you want more Bill Murray, Groundhog Day is always a fun watch.
@snow3017 6 часов назад
Spamalot is amazing. I've seen it twice, dying to see it again.
@neilburgess9652 6 часов назад
Listen....can you smell something?
@ryundra8754 8 часов назад
We need to get her to the scene that scared her. 🫢🤭
@LordBaktor 9 часов назад
"I'm Brian and so is my wife!" is an insta-send for me.
@christiandocchio5218 9 часов назад
Miss, if you wanna watch THE BEST western movie with THE BEST music in It & THE BEST direction & THE BEST in all & in everything you shall watch "the good, the bad & the ugly".
@ntrly_oliver 9 часов назад
on the begining bruce didnt follow her because of how she looked at him it was because she was wearing the same boots as the woman on the photo
@primafacie5029 9 часов назад
Appreciate your good faith in reviewing the movie but the fragility in response to words and language blows me away as someone from the generation that watched Blazing Saddles when it came out.
@brianhiles8164 10 часов назад
Died of laughter, you say? Gee, _AI Mirandalorian_ is working out quite well.
@paddyola1 10 часов назад
please try Train To Busan . you might need a hankie.
@xanScorp 10 часов назад
Gotta love the plot twist Joker pulled on Batman. He gave him the addresses swapped. Basically, whichever he INTENDED to save would be the one he "let die". So the survivor would know Batman was going to them him/her die.
@nickperkins8477 10 часов назад
“…what the hell?” My best friend is trying to tell me something very important. Listen.
@aidanjanemcintosh6919 10 часов назад
14:42 They wanted to burn the witch -> Why do the witch burn? -> Wood also burn -> Witches are made of wood -> Wood floats on water -> So does a duck -> Someone weigh the same as a duck -> A witch
@nickperkins8477 10 часов назад
In his book “11/22/63,” Stephen King puts it like this: “The past pushes back.”
@nickperkins8477 11 часов назад
Biff Tannen actor Thomas F. Wilson is very kind in reality and an incredible actor!! 😂❤😂
@nickperkins8477 11 часов назад
“Maybe, you were adopted.” 😅. Nah. He just takes after his mom more than his dad.
@justaperson4229 11 часов назад
That scene you described is actually in part 3 and its actually at the beginning of the movie past the tutorial part and all that jazz. 😅
@nickperkins8477 11 часов назад
‘…Tab.” “PepsI Free.” Those were 1980’s soft drinks that didn’t exist in the 50’s, but the guy at the counter assumed other definitions for those words.
@Sizzlik 11 часов назад
Gurly BS...yes..we cant meassure love but it is tangable, we can feel that its there...but it does not trancent through space and time like gravity might do. Love is just a firework of hormones like dopamin in your body, released by your very own brain by your very own thoughts in your very own body. Else justine biebers head might exploded back then when billions of girls would nonstop send him love brainwaves. Get real..love is just a beautifull feeling short circuit in your thinking machine.
@nickperkins8477 11 часов назад
“…a shoddy bomb…” 😂. Such AMAZING dry humor in this script.
@nickperkins8477 11 часов назад
They had to meet at 1:00 AM to reduce the chance people would see the car’s fire tracks. 😂
@4stro6oy 11 часов назад
The both ends of seat belt are female but Dr. Grant finds a way.
@nickperkins8477 11 часов назад
“…a nickel’s worth of free advice…” 😅😅😅
@Mr59Kenzo 11 часов назад
lol yeah quicksand very uncommon mostly in movies, I love all the forth wall breaking, it was legitimate laughter Wilder improved the morons line which Clevon Little just reacted to it naturally Brooks loved it and kept in great directing, et the actors try stuff. the man who wrote the soundtrack Frankie Laine thought he was writing for a serious western movie I highly reccomend looking at the trivia section on IMDB.
@dannygjk 11 часов назад
I can't stand movies that go heavily on deliberately being as stupid as possible. I started to watch this movie decades ago, rolled my eyes then walked away.
@caffeinedelusions 11 часов назад
The reboot is totally worth avoiding... but Afterlife. Afterlife is heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time. It made the best possible narrative choice for carrying on Egon's character after the actor's death, and in many ways it's a beautiful tribute to a departed friend.
@Sizzlik 12 часов назад
"Murphys law' doesnt say "what can happen, will happen" thats a nice thought..but i came from an engineer named murphy after a failed test. Its not known what the exact words were, but in general it had and still has a negative conotation and is more like "if anything can go wrong, it will go wrong eventually at worst time possible" pointing out the error rate of humans. If a human can fuck it up..someone will eventually. Or to generalize it a bit more "Always expect the unexpected". "What can happen, will happen" is a nonesense statement because durr...sure it does. Smash your fist on the keyboard often enough and you will have real words among them...whats the saying about monkeys with a typewriter and shakespere?
@RenkTV7 12 часов назад
We´ve entering the toilet zone!
@RenkTV7 12 часов назад
There is no such thing as gravity. Gravity is a lie. The force, which holds us on the ground is based on electro-magnetism.
@kennethpritchard2230 13 часов назад
And at the hospital the joker was suppose to get on the bus and the rest was suppose to blow up as he drove off. The remote not working was improv.
@joshuacastanedo280 13 часов назад
No one ever mentions Brand has her helmet off meaning that she found our new home!
@kennethpritchard2230 13 часов назад
I love this movie. I watch it all the time. It reminds me of the government now.
@gabbathehut3235 13 часов назад
One of the best soundtracks of all time, and some of the best scenes of all time! truely a timeless classic
@justinedse8435 14 часов назад
@menolikey_ 15 часов назад
What plot of land did this gal grow up in where she needed to nerd out? Asking for science.
@88Cdizzle 15 часов назад
"Romilly did not survive. I could not save him." That line always gets me, TARS delivers it with sincere regret in his voice.
@IMightGuy 15 часов назад
girl you are talking way too much and not reacting at all. my 2 cents.
@LordBaktor 16 часов назад
Last time I watched this one, my friend and I were laughing so hard at the opening credits that when the movie properly started we were exhausted and had to pause it and continue watching the next day.
@sp0oky195 16 часов назад
i got the same first jurassic park encounter trauma as you did hahhaa enjoy the franchise :)