just documenting my life and things i find interesting :)
Alone In Mexico City | broke boi S1 E3
Месяц назад
6 месяцев назад
My First V6 Boulder
Год назад
Who is Hexia?
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trash is sometimes a gift
Год назад
The Beauty of Travel
Год назад
i regret not going to college
Год назад
how to save money on gas
Год назад
Tahoe Beach Party
Год назад
How I Lost All my Money
Год назад
Pi Day 7
2 года назад
UC Berkeley's 4 Rules for Sleep
2 года назад
pissing off my teachers with bananas
3 года назад
i took cold showers for 1000 days
3 года назад
they took me to the psych ward
3 года назад
be spontaneous
4 года назад
Goodbye 2017
6 лет назад
Check the description
7 лет назад
AP World Periodization 2016-17
7 лет назад
Stuff We did at Genesis 4
7 лет назад
@cykablyat9333 24 минуты назад
watch some tate. time to start your red pill arch.
@Verdez_ Час назад
Whatever passenger said, ig...
@LudaPlaysRetro Час назад
I´m crying and thanks for that, is very important know our feelings and understand what is going on in our mind. I´am in my third month, and feel happy but sad sometimes.
@SmileCS2 Час назад
Thanks for sharing! I'm on my 7th month of my breakup after a 7 years relationship and i've been working on my self and my anxiety, and i can honestly say i've never felt better with my self! I'm glad to see that theres others out there sharing the same feelings as me
@mariaalafkham1321 Час назад
Honestly, I have never loved a video so much in my life. It shows you how real and hurtful a break up is. But it also shows you that regardless of how much hurt you might experience while going through a break up, the journey can be so positive. I'm currently going through a break up my self, almost 5 months now, and i believe the reason i loved this video so much is because of how much it relates to me. I went through a phase of absolute sadness, anger, relief, missing that person, happiness, peacefulness and more. Times in which i wish i could go back to the times we shared and so much more. This break like you said has been 100% my worst break up yet, but i will never regret being with him. If it weren't for him and this break up, i would have never learnt the things that i know now. One being literally how to be better partner and what i want in a partner. I've learned to value myself incredibly, and more than ever i now believe i am so capable of loving again and even more. If i was able to love a person so deeply, i am 100% able to love EVEN MORE in the future. I am a strong believer of the saying "everything happens for you, and not against you" and i can 100% see how this situation was meant to happen only for the good. i won't yap anymore, id just like to say, i absolutely loved this video. Thank you so much for sharing, and i hope you heal even more and experience greater things in life :).
@garrylarry890 2 часа назад
5:27 pretty muddy is quite the understatement
@andrei4488 4 часа назад
great video fr, congratulations king
@howndie 4 часа назад
concord booooooooooys ! amazing work dude really cool to experience this thru your eyes especially being from the same area. made it feel all the more relatable. take care
@diaryluminary1033 4 часа назад
I'm proud of you. You processed your emotions in a healthy way
@liljumpyyy 4 часа назад
I‘m so sorry to hear about your heartbreak. I experienced kind of the same thing. He was losing interest and for me it seemed unreal because we were together for a long time. But I had to protect myself and end it. Otherwise I would have just hurt myself a million times more. But because I was still in love with the version of him that actually loved me back, it was soooo hard. In 4 days it will be exactly 6 months since I ended things but sometimes I think about him again and what could have been. I wish you a lot of strength and time heals. I have heard this phrase a lot from my friends and now I know what it means. But for me it takes a lot longer to move on than I thought. And it also takes longer than for him which is frustrating. But I‘m getting there and you are too. Wish you all the best.
@lordyamis354 4 часа назад
I think i can text it here without anybody i know actually finding this We’ve known each other for a little while now. I think i met her something like 6-7 years ago. We were in our first year of secondary school (kind of a fusion between middle and high school) and i didn’t get to know her that much. We weren’t really friends or even known each other at the time. I just acknowledged her existence, while i am not even sure that she knew i existed. Fast forward 4-5 years. I just learned that the girl i was into wasn’t in me. I accepted that fact pretty quickly, even tho i was in love with her for 2 long years, it didn’t hurt as much because i simply knew that me and her were made for each other. We both were in the same friend group, a group that usually went ice skating together and not much else. The group was already falling appart because of the relationship of a friend, who basically, after starting to date another girl from the group, changed and became a cold and more egocentric. He barely even talked to me at the time, now he doesn’t even bother. So, because we already "knew" each other, we started talking in math class. We started talking about space, about how much we love it, what our favourite things up there are, and so on. The very same day, she sent me a nebula, and we talked about it, then everything, for hours a day. She became my confident and also my best friend in a few days. During the winter break, i talked with a friend whose grandma passed away recently. We decided to go ice skate with him, the girl i was talking to, and one of her friends. It was amazing and we had so much fun that we decided to go again, but only me and her. I was trying to get her attention all the time, without much success. After that, we went back to the train station, i hugged her, and then ran off to take my train. We ended up in a weird situation, where I didn’t really know what we were for a time. At some point, she started to develop feelings for me, and, after a quick date after class, started the best 4 months of my life until now. Me and her were just having so much fun, we laughed, we cried, we loved each other every day. It was like she understood me and i understood her, and things were going so perfectly between us. But, recently, she started acting a bit more distant to me, to the point, where we didn’t even talk that much anymore except saying good night and good morning. I wanted to fight, to try things for us. But she didn’t have any feelings left. So, for a few days, i fought, tried, failed to get her to love me again. But it never worked. In the end, i wrote her a long text, saying how much i loved her and how much she meant to me. And… it didn’t do anything. So we decided to part ways yesterday. It was the hardest decision in my life, and i don’t know what to chase now. I guess i should find out. Or maybe i shouldn’t. I guess i’ll find something, eventually. In the end, i wish her nothing but the best, and hope she will find the one. I love you Cassandra, you were my sun for a time, and i wish you will find someone that had the same effect you had in my life (without the break up ofc)
@senseisajin 5 часов назад
Love you man
@zuku8243 6 часов назад
great video man. genuinely
@RecentlyTrending 6 часов назад
good video
@mijuka3652 9 часов назад
month 3 day 11 :) we got this.
@ElyaRushdan 9 часов назад
I loved this video so much and just discovered your channel. I want you to know that I feel the same about traveling too, I don't just care about the destination but I love having the time to freely look out the window without a thought in my mind and just enjoying the ride. I love the meaningfulness of your videos and how you document pure memories and moments.
@AnimeLover-hg4sg 9 часов назад
I have been huge introvert my whole life and always had hard time opening to other…infact even whom I once called best friend I never truly opened up until I meet this girl again… We knew each other since 9 years ago and rekindle into relationship about a year ago…She made me feel like I could trust her and I opened up with her about my depression I am going through as well which I never talked with anyone.. I was most vulnerable and open I ever been with anyone… we had it going strong and I thought she would never break up and she is different from other girls…I was wrong.. one day suddenly she said she don’t feel anything … the worst part is she had always been telling no one fought for her and even her family member don’t value her.. I fought with my family for her and I loved her so much and we were suppose to get married in a year or two…one day she says she want to love herself and not focus on love or man and will never marry anyone in this life…I been mourning the loss for 2-3 months almost crying every night and this girl after all she told me, she said she is developing romantic feeling for this coworker of hers 🤣… it’s funny how we never think it will happen to us but life has other decision for us … I used to love night time in past and now night has become like torture where you want to sleep but you can’t and tear falls down . I don’t hate her nor do I hate anyone who did bad to me… I hope she find happiness with whomever she ends up.
@aastha001 9 часов назад
you were together for 3 years and we were for 4+ years, it's the same, this is the most realistic video I've ever watched regarding a heartbreak, sadly I'm going thru the same what you went thru, idk how things drastically changed in the last 1 year and everything just got so worse, it's been day 2 I'm so tired of getting constantly blocked, verbally abused, no emotional support, only arguments I'm so tired of seeing and facing things all alone, feels insulted but I really loved him alot even in the arguments, my growing feelings, being in the 4th plus year I have gained much more feelings for him than before, even in the bad I still feel for him I miss him I miss us, i stopped listening to music because it has so much related to us it makes me scared. Something in me which cannot let go of him, which still loves him the same (even more than before) i genuinely feel for him, I'm sad, my ability to think more is lost, i just miss him so much oh god idk why he! Maybe his interest is over, it's hard, wish he loved me the same. My room doesn't feels like a room, im scared winter is near and im alone, i get so panicked that i get the strong urge to talk to someone but i have no one to talk to, i miss being wholesome with him, seeing him, holding him, i wish if he calls me or text me or wishes to see me. I never share my feelings and thoughts to anyone but to him cause he was the only person i had. Im sharing my thoughts for the first time because i feel this video as an emotion, its so easy for influencers and speakers to say that you will get thru it very soon, focus on yourself, do stuffs which makes you feel happy, how am j even suppose to do so? I have lost the most precious relation of my life, am i even in my mind ? its like mourning someone that is still alive is a pain like no other. The only think i can right now is just stay quiet, hope that things get better, sometimes i cannot breathe i get panics, start to get a chest pain while crying my eyes out. Its sad that the other person maybe never felt the same way, it hurts
@chernille4916 5 часов назад
Oh god I am so so sorry, you deserve better, will get better. You are injured, take as much time as you need to heal. As you said just let time pass and it will pass. If it helps, it took me about 6-8 months to get out of the crushing chest pain. A year to be able to look back without bitterness or pain. 3 years to be able to be vulnerable with someone again. I never thought i would make it out but I did and now met someone who really does make me a happier person. It might not work out but that's okay too, people leave so we can meet different new people. Time will pass, it will hurt less and look far less painful
@aastha001 5 часов назад
@@chernille4916 when the dawn hits it reminds me of him and all the memories we had, I'm sure this will pass but things have left the mark, my brain can never erase those, before this I was in a relationship of 1 year and it took me a whole year to completely move on and after 3 years I found someone eles, i felt hesitant and afraid at first remembering it took me a whole year to move on from my previous one but I still gave this a chance and sadly it broke me too but this time idk, this is the worst one, because it takes alot from recollecting all your broken pieces and you attach them successfully but then there comes someone eles and again happens the same
@FIZZZ_369 10 часов назад
@prediction3624 10 часов назад
if this video showed anything is that everything takes time, its what you do with that time is what matters.
@ferno4953 10 часов назад
Thanks for posting this, i just lost her a month ago and it hasn't been easy some days the pain isn't as much and the other days it feel like my heart is on the verge of exploding in my chest.
@mikeystanfield 11 часов назад
gamergod88 reference is awesome, proud of you for posting this ❤️
@BimmyT2 11 часов назад
I got broken up with about the same time you did. Glad I wasn’t alone even if it seemed like it.
@kevin-jd5gf 11 часов назад
put up something like Kickstarter, Indiegogo, GoFundMe, Ko-fi, Buy Me a Coffee, Patreon, Substack, Podia, Drip, Liberapay, Crowdfunder, Seed&Spark in the mean time
@lilyw9324 11 часов назад
❤❤❤ Jesus loves you! sending so much love
@LeTimeDevourer 12 часов назад
thanks for the cringe
@abbykeeps 12 часов назад
i know its not the point of this video but i hope one day someone will care about me as much as you cared for her, its beautiful to care for another person so deeply even if it brings pain. proud of you for being strong and making the right choices for yourself to be able to heal! also David huberman is incredible
@Jacob-rf8bi 12 часов назад
Re-experiencing these emotions with you through 11 minutes was one hell of a roller coaster, great video
@kayleet03 12 часов назад
This was me 2 years ago and I’m now feeling heartache again but I’m dealing with it so much better. I’m so glad I came across this video❤. Hope you’re doing amazing!
@Hingus5 12 часов назад
there has never been a video that has made me cry in 30 seconds until now
@Hingus5 12 часов назад
dear lord man. I'm also going through a breakup after 3 years, and I really needed this. Much love dude
@Jeamhon 13 часов назад
My ex and I broke up 7 months ago, and I could really relate to that empty feeling, the blame, and all the ups and downs. I don’t really comment much, but such a well put video, makes me more optimistic of the future and less lonely on this journey.
@blacksnow3716 13 часов назад
you such a kiddo, wake up and focus on your career
@gabrieljantzi6366 14 часов назад
womp womp. mama aint raise no bitch.
@ABLAUTOSYT 14 часов назад
Just went through this shit and like fuck man it really does hurt I’m 3 months past it and it’s still just shit because there’s also more going on in my head and I’m just fed up existing
@bigfatjuicee 15 часов назад
I miss him so much, I don’t understand why he had to treat me so bad.
@gabrielibarra5551 15 часов назад
Dude i feel you on so many levels, i broke up with my ex in october but for me the breakup really happened on thanksgiving weekend last year because thats when our attempt at keeping some type of connection going completely fell apart and we saw eachother for the last time. Thanks for sharing this Edit: i just finished watching, your growth is amazing man, you seem so much healthier both physically and mentally, hoping great things for you in the future. And you made me feel better about still missing my ex all this time later, its not as intense as it used to be, like 24/7 thinking about it with small moments where im distracted enough to enjoy the moment
@lainahwhoisthis.. 15 часов назад
its nice to see that everyone goes through heartbreaks and that no one is alone
@manwich 16 часов назад
sobbed a LOT watching this
@FilmsByQuinn 17 часов назад
Wow, I've never related to a video harder than I did this one. I think the most interesting thing about that first heartbreak is how it never really leaves. It's been years since the first time I had my heart broken and despite moving on from the relationship and the person I was while I was in it, I still feel it sometimes when I am driving and a song comes on that reminds me of them, or an old photo pops up from my snapchat memories. The nice thing is that as time passes it hurts less and less. What was a breakdown, is now a slight tug at the heart, and it passes quickly. I see you dude. Great video, thank you.
@JuliaDare 17 часов назад
Do you have an Instagram? I’d follow you. (to the ends of the earth)
@Cheezbalz26 17 часов назад
I’m one month and 10 days in. We were together for 2 and a half years, I thought we were going to get married. Things fell apart very quickly because we were having communication struggles, and ultimately decided it was best for the both of us to break up and grow alone. I dream about her every night, and I miss her terribly. There’s so much I wish I would’ve done differently, and I’m having such a difficult time not wishing for her back, and trying to not text her. I still want to marry this girl, and it’s hard not to feel like with enough time apart, and enough growth, we could really work well together. Ugh. It feels like I’ve been dying every day. I really hope things work out in the end, I can’t picture myself with anybody else.
@autoterminals 18 часов назад
I had kind of the same experience with my first breakup. It was with this girl who I really liked and there was a time I was going to fly out to her and see her however, she kinda just ghosted me and didnt reply and when I was back home I tried talking to her on valentines and it was a quick "oh, thank you for the gift" and then after that before I knew it the last time I spoke to her was the week before my birthday and then just didnt speak to me or any of my friends for 7 months. I almost allowed her to come back into my life however I chose to be with my now boyfriend and in 4 days itll mark our 1st year together.
@ciando6341 18 часов назад
it takes balls to show off like that man, i respect it
@flouride 18 часов назад
did not expect yung lean
@vophie 18 часов назад
This convinced me to climb more and get a haircut
@mzzuki 18 часов назад
hes poor eyes I see want to hug them :c
@vophie 18 часов назад
Green carharrt feature
@martaboceta9802 18 часов назад
Its been a year since we broke up and I totally love the person I am right now, and I actually do not miss my ex at all. However, I miss giving my love to other person, I miss the feeling of kisses, warm hugs, holding hands, I miss hearing the heartbeat of my beloved. I think I was born to love and that is one of the most beautiful things in life.
@lackyloooser 18 часов назад
lasted longer then me brother i texted her after a week