Julian Thurgood
Julian Thurgood
Julian Thurgood
Videos mainly of steam charter trains in Cumbria.

I have been a computer programmer all my working life - 45 years or so - and for the last 30 years have been a partner in a small business - Instinct Training - producing computer based safety training programs.

Photography has been a hobby since i was a teenager - which i have used to produce the website www.visitcumbria.com, started over 20 years ago.

I got my first video camera some 35 years ago - a huge Sony camera and separate Betamax recorder which were incredibly heavy - mainly used for family home movie stuff.

Together with my colleague Jan Fialkoswki we have been photographing steam on the Settle to Carlisle line for the last 10 years or so, and 5 years ago I decided to have a go at video.

See also www.visitcumbria.com/carlset/ for many still pics of the Settle to Carlisle Railway.

(As at May 2019).