Ethics and Public Policy Center
Ethics and Public Policy Center
Ethics and Public Policy Center
Journalism, Religion, and Vocation
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The Spirit of Our Politics
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Religion and Journalism: An Integrating Workshop
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Journalism, Religion, and Hope
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Poverty, Religion, and the New Marriage Debate
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The State of the American Church
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Christian Political Theology in Polarized Times
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Wolfgang Blau: Climate Change and Religion
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The War in Ukraine
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Pluralism, Identity, and Diverse Democracies
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Rowan Williams
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Storytelling and Hollywood
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Work and Religion in Silicon Valley
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The Future of American Spirituality
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Faith Angle Europe
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Islam and American Pluralism
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The Rise of Christian Nationalism
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The Future of Democracy in Europe
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War and Religion in Ukraine
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Past Is Prologue in China
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@aronkleinsasser970 Месяц назад
Wise words
@sandycooper9593 6 месяцев назад
@robertjarman4261 7 месяцев назад
Satanic Anglican.
@goondugoondu 7 месяцев назад
The germanic tribes aka barbarians are continuation of greeks and Romans, to germanic tribes 1260-year dominion was given, it started on December 25 800 AD. Read my book " The great wickedness of Christ's saints, his elect and all Christians" by Jonathan Bijja
@hellie_el 7 месяцев назад
@scottlapointpsyd2399 Год назад
Few men have impacted my life both personally and professionally as Philip has. As a former wanna-be journalist, I know his journey of fundamentalism and now his role as a "survivor" of brain injury as one of his brother's primary supports and caregivers/partners. Vulnerability and transparency are Philip's trademark, and his battle of reconstructing his faith gives me hope in a world bend on destroying my own. Thank you!
@torreysanders21 Год назад
Conservative voices are censored in big tech because that industry was established by liberals. So big tech doesn’t reflect conservative values and has every right to censor them. It’s funny, no one complains when progressive voices aren’t more represented in say, the field of economics, because no one expects that field to be something it is not.
@LReno-di9cm Год назад
Christians of all colors under seige. You seek to di B ide Christians based on race. Shame on you. Jesus, bind them and expose their agenda.
@christinewoods1589 Год назад
Christians per se aren't under siege, Christian EXTREMISTS are and ought to be. ANY group that seeks to grab power to control the rest of us, change laws for their own benefit, and demonize OTHER groups who are different from them are fascists. BTW, Jesus was a dark-skinned Mid-Eastern Jew-how's that for irony?!
@UprisingConsulting Год назад
Referring to Qanon as a sort of gnosis is spot on, and I haven’t heard anyone else use that term regarding their movement.
@timothywebster8059 Год назад
Calling anyone who disagrees with or questions his analysis or policy recommendations "children" is really something. Weigel was all in for the Iraq War and has learned nothing from that disaster. A healthy public debate is critical. Weigel just wants to shout down people who disagree with him.
@MuhammadAli-vp7qt Год назад
@MrJohnmartin2009 Год назад
Mark Ritter and the Duran have a better analysis of the situation including the Ukraine's corruption and about 30 bio-labs. Russia is not always the evil progenitor without references to the many abominations of the Ukraine and the many broken promises of Nato.
@bobhyde7361 Год назад
First rate analysis! A very worthwhile viewing!
@igorbabenkov6565 Год назад
Is sad.... . This person does not know history!
@jenna2431 Год назад
Ukraine is a money-laundering cover-up operation. There. I saved you 61 minutes.
@michellejessey8654 Год назад
@isaiahceasarbie5318 Год назад
Absolutely fascinating. Thank you for doing this.
@erikathompson5077 Год назад
Russell Moore is still pretending to be christian, I see. What an embarrassment.
@JSRINTX Год назад
Wow so instead of trying to further advocate for pro life or trying trying to talk about how important it is for people to understand the horrors of abortion your main takeaway is Donald Trump still bad. Look I'm no way going to try to sit here and say trump was some perfect heroic figure, but he did pull off a huge win. I think you have let your own pride blind you to moving the cause forward.
@antanasurma 2 года назад
Fantastic! Thank you! 💙👍👍
@absquereligione5409 2 года назад
Atheism only addresses one problem: The continued failure of theism to demonstrate that their preferred god exists.
@abalint8097 2 года назад
Then we should discuss the nature of proof and method of obtaining proof.
@absquereligione5409 2 года назад
@@abalint8097 Yes we should. - Now there is the scientific method. It researches the natural world (not god) - So please, what method do theists have to research the supernatural?
@absquereligione5409 Год назад
@@arslansultanbekov Why are you asking?
@newglof9558 Год назад
"The atheist is not interested in anything except attacks on atheism"
@rishabi6936 9 месяцев назад
Atheism is idiotic lol
@johntobey1558 2 года назад
Garden variety Jimmy Carter Democrat, Sojiurners Magazine, and Evangelicals for Social Action. Very mennonite.
@johntobey1558 2 года назад
Very fringe indeed.
@johntobey1558 2 года назад
Bring Mark Noll to speak and more researched historians.
@johntobey1558 2 года назад
A.J.Gordon in the late 1800's was a good example of gentle male Christian Yankee paternalism that embraced the role of women as teaching elders in his 1895 address to the Boston Missionary society to fight the liberal drift at what became Andover Newtown Seminary and transcendentalism at Harvard Divinity School. Do you homework better.
@johntobey1558 2 года назад
King David was a warriors King, was he just a victim of his own, "toxic " masculinity.
@johntobey1558 2 года назад
embarrassing. Carrying member of Christians for Biblical Equality and male bashing society of the revolution against patriarchy in the Church today. Secular egalitarianism and advocate of general fluidity.
@johntobey1558 2 года назад
She does not represent the best of Evangelical thought today, just third waive secular feminism. How embarrasing.
@johntobey1558 2 года назад
This women discredits Christian Colleges, maybe she would be more comfortable teaching at a third waive feminist institution like Wellsley College and other militant lesbian institutions
@lies-hurt_Love-Heals 2 года назад
If we want to see a good change it’s going to take a lot of awareness and Simple Truths to break evil manipulative cycles. I was raised lds by the way and me my mom, my grandma and my great grandma were all married to wolfs in sheeps clothing I guess. After I spoke out about my father touching me, then my mom and my grandma talked about stuff that happened to them. I’m the first to divorce a sex addicted narcissist. But we’ve been totally lied to and brainwashed and now our world leaders are getting away with the greatest evils as well. Also many other lds women that I told my story to could relate. This is really sad.
@lies-hurt_Love-Heals 2 года назад
Makes me think of how positives and negatives attract and retract. Cycles and history repeating itself.
@SoteriaAllen 2 года назад
Thank you!! A big help!! God bless you ALL!! 🙏💕🙌
You wonder why people don't trust the government? They tried to use force! Those peddling your miracle cure are caught liars! It isn't Christian to lie and fudge stats either. I would show you how wrong your stats are and how many who got your shot still got infected, but maybe you should look that up from a few sources. The take our word for it does not cover it anymore. Supply your sources not your belief or opinion. Then maybe you can build trust. Those in the media lie everyday and citizens with cameras expose it. Honk for freedom!!!
@cuppabeetea7301 2 года назад
Sick. See, this was one of their goals, to get men I .women's private spaces. So frightening women have to put up with this.
@mattmatt2417 2 года назад
This is a shortened/the shortest version I could put together about section 230/companies first amendment rights/company policy/user agreements/TOS, it doesn't have A LOT of info behind these thoughts, BUT IF you understand ENOUGH, you can understand MOST, IF NOT ALL, of this. I think the even crazier thing is/funny/ironic thing is/ A LOT of people seem to want to punish these companies/honestly at this point, there is no logic, behind what people are TRYING to do, IF you remove section 230, you will force companies to moderate EVERYTHING vs just what they are moderating now/IF you violate a companies 1st amendment right, to run thier OWN business, how they want, your not solving anything, IF you try to use the Monopoly card, that doesn't make sense either, because to much business/opportunity is in the market, for EVERYONE, for that to make sense/Apps/Websites/Servers/online shopping/messaging/sending pictures/videos,buying things online, online stores/browsers/ads, are available from thousands, if not more companies/big tech doesn't have ANYTHING, another company doesn't already have/their not doing ANYTHING, other companies aren't ALREADY doing. What are you fighting for? Freedom of speech doesn't apply in private business/on private property/IF you go in Walmart yelling and screaming, you will be escorted out/kicked out/MAYBE banned from the store. If these companies are considered editors/publishers, then you will be censored EVEN MORE. Then even after section 230 gets removed, these companies have TOS/User Agreements/Company Policy/Contracts and so on, to fall back on. These companies can ALSO claim that the censorship, is a direct reflection, of their customers/the companies/people paying for ADs, don't want certain content, around their ADs. ALSO I think a company has a right to disassociate its self with certain things/certain companies, MAY not want to be affiliated with certain things. Meaning SOMEONE could post something crazy like, mouth wash will cure the pandemic, as a company/business, you might not want to be affiliated with that/you MAY not want your customers to think of you, when this is talked about/you may ALSO feel morally responsible, IF thats on your website/server, ALSO these companies/Employees/CEOs, aren't doctors, so they don't want certain drug information about curing something, on their website/it MAY be a political free website/it may be certain hateful attitudes, they MAY not want to be affiliated with, point being is, a company should be able to form, what ever community they want, good or bad/thats the vision the creators, of the website, had/have, IF someone wants to create something else, they can do that and they can make it, whatever they want it to be, as well. What's the point/what's the end game? The ONLY other thing I see here is, its a game/a charade/a show/political/talk/ basically its congress/the government/other political people just talking, to make it sound like their doing something, even though they don't understand what their trying to achieve/do, other than make their voters, THINK they care/for them to TRY and get re-elected, I mean beyond this, I can't see a purpose, for ANY of this. ALSO honestly I don't think the government NEEDS OR SHOULD be involved in any of this/I think the market will figure its self out/IF someone doesn't like a certain business,because they were censored/because they don't like a business's business practice, then, people/consumers/users have the option to not use that service/not use that business AND IF ENOUGH people feel this way, then the business will adapt/change OR no longer exist, in this BIG market/the internet, people have a LOT of options, so basically, let the customers/users/economy/market sort it out. We ALREADY have government regulated constitutional laws/the FTC/FCC/DOJ and other regulatory organizations, handle the things that need to be handled, EVERYTHING, is ALREADY in place, the way it NEEDS to be. We don't want to get to a point where the government ONLY allows us, to see certain things/the government doesn't need to control these things/we don't need to turn into china/have to have a VPN, to get news/information. These two companies MAY be REAL monopolies TSMC and ASML, Samsung MAY be combating this SOON/Samsung is opening/building a chip manufacturing facility, in the US, other REAL monopolies, utility companies, water,electric,gas,internet,trash companies, SOME areas MAY only have one option, for these services, that is what a TRUE monopoly is,being big, alone, doesn't make you a monopoly.
@mattmatt2417 2 года назад
When it comes to whistle blowers, Honestly none of this matters, UNLESS the company is breaking the law/allowing things that are illegal, on their site, that falls on them and isn't protected under, user agreements/TOS/Company Policy/Contracts/the first amendment OR section 230. The definition of hate speech/things that need to be censored, is up to/defined by the individual company/property owner. The main thing is, the first amendment protects companies AND individuals, from the government, meaning the government can't regulate speech, to an extent, BUT theres a thing called, disturbing the peace, BUT companies can/home owners can/speech can be regulated on/over private property, that could be a house/property/ Walmart/item,that could be a privately owned server,website or APP, ALSO each business/property owner has the right to make their own rules on their own property OR over their own property. Its not Jack Dorsey/Bill Gates/Ben Silbermann/Bernard Bergemar/Craig Newmark/Zhang Yiming/Sundat Pichai/Tim Cook/Mark Zuckerberg, responsibility to monitor your kids internet usage, thats the PARENTS responsibility/job,ALSO a website/company has a right to have what ever algorithms, community guidelines/user agreements/company policies, that they want, on their own site/property. We ALREADY have ratings on content/age restrictions/regulations/the FTC/FCC/DOJ/other regulatory organizations and laws are ALREADY in place. Another reason this doesn't matter, is, think about this, if Facebook was to TRY and stop, certain age/kids, from accessing FB, what's stopping your kids from looking at other content on the internet,such as pornography/communicating with child molesters/other people/content, parents should be monitoring/have other systems/router security, in place, to prevent, certain devices/users, from going to certain sites/searching certain words/phrases/be a PARENT/take responsibility of your children. Examples of why section 230's principles work, and why EVERYONE should be responsible, for their OWN ACTIONS/WORDS,MAYBE the ONLY EXCEPTION to that, is IF the person CAN PROVE, WITHOUT A SHADOW OF DOUBT, that they were COERCED,a few examples of why section 230's principles work: Its a tool,IF you miss use the tool, thats not the manufacturers fault/IF you use the tool to murder someone, thats not the manufacturers fault. A car company could sell a car, to someone and that person could use that car for sex trafficking, thats not what the car company built/manufactured/sold the car for/thats not what facebook/thats not why other websites/companies were made, BUT thats what it was used for. This should DEFINITELY fall on the sex traffickers, NOT a platform/car manufacturer. The car company AND the platform/website profited, from this, with car sales and the platform, through ad revenue,BUT thats not what the car/platform/website was built for. This responsibility either falls on the parents or the adult/of age person, to prevent things like this from happening, and OBVIOUSLY, the crime falls on the sex traffickers and DEFINITELY NOT THE PLATFORM, LOL, can you imagine car companies having to take responsibility for drug dealers, delivering drugs or car companies having to take responsibility for reckless drivers, that would be crazy. The ONLY exception in/to this, is if a law is in place, ALREADY/by/through the FTC/FCC/DOJ or other regulatory organizations and these laws NEED to continue to not violate anyone's constitutional rights/they can't violate companies 1st amendment rights OR certain laws shouldn't ONLY apply to a handful of companies, because someone doesn't like a certain company,we ALREADY have Monopoly laws and company policy, is something every company in the US can implement,legally. These companies can also do what ever research they want on their business/websites/servers/its not against the law to do SEO work/ look at data/algorithms/analytics, to determine what the best courses of action are/is, to make your/their business/businesses thrive and become/continue to be/remain successful. ALSO these company's, research/algorithms/data research, CAN come back with MULTIPLE DIFFERENT outcomes/answers, depending on the algorithm/data its fed/if one things left out, of the equation, the answer/outcome CAN/COULD be wrong/totally different, ALSO, because analyst know this, MULTIPLE studies are made/a LOT of data is examined, with varying answers/outcomes,so one study alone can't always give you the right answer/one study alone doesn't mean much. Whistleblowers arent completely protected; Whistleblowers are required to present information and other documents that can back up their claims when filing a dispute. If it is found that they are lying, they may be subjected to criminal charges. ... Whistleblower Protection does not always protect federal workers. A whistleblower does not have unfettered permission to take documents. “Nothing in this subdivision shall be interpreted to prevent any law enforcement authority from bringing a civil or criminal action against any person for violating any provision of law. Going public, isn't always the best option either: Whistleblowing legislation is designed to protect people who blow the whistle in the right way, and for the right reasons. If you reveal your concerns via social media or by going to the press, you may not be entitled to receive the legal protection you'll need. This may also mark you as a risk/problematic employee/prevent you from getting another job in the future. NDAs forfeit whistleblowing eligibility and this is DEFINITELY something you need for certain things, for proprietary things, like inventions/recipes/algorithms/projects/hardware and so on. So whistleblowers do have their limitations and as you can see, they can also be limited/stopped all together, SOMETIMES, whistleblowers are good, but in this case its just a publicity stunt.
@mattmatt2417 2 года назад
This is how these companies protect their selfs, in the future, without section 230 AND this is how these companies do what they do now, with your data/you give them permission to/you agree to it. These companies have to moderate, because these companies NEED to make money/be SOMEWHAT family friendly, for their customers/companies/people paying for ads. So their ONLY choice, in general, BUT DEFINITELY without section 230, is to moderate EVERYTHING, well everything that violates Terms Of Services/User Agreements/Company Policy. Also The User Agreement,TOS and Company policy was created to protect that specific company/that individual company, meaning that company can make what ever decisions they want, about their own company/private property/servers. Another example, if I have guest over at my house and I set rules for them, they have to follow those rules, but I don't, I could also choose to enforce those rules, how ever I want to, meaning, if I have a close friend, I can tell them, they don't have to worrie about that, or I can say, if you pay this much, those rules don't apply to you, or I could have a separate contract with an individual company, where they get another version of TOS. Heres some more examples of how section 230 doesn't matter as much, as people think it does, well it does, if you don't want to be censored, but if censor ship doesn't bother you, repealing section 230, won't effect you. If section 230 is removed, user Agreements/Terms Of Service and company policy will protect these companies, the ones, we ALL agree to, when we access/use these companies websites/apps. Also these companies can claim they are not biased, the censorship is a direct reflection of their customers/the people buying ads, don't want certain content around their ads. Also EVERYTHING will be moderated/censored, EVEN MORE, IF section 230 gets removed. You can't go to Walmart yelling and screaming profanity, without getting thrown out and MAYBE even banned from the store, because of company policy, no shirt no shoes, no service; no mask, you can't enter the building. Also as another example have you ever read what you sign when you go to the Dentist? Some of what that says, basically says, if we break your jaw/deform you, we are not responsible and you can't sue the company or employee. Also to go a little further with that, Amazon, to protect them selfs, from law suits/reviews on their websites that are bad, companies would have to have an agreement, with these companies, meaning, if you want your product at Walmart/Amazon, you will need to agree to this, then that product would be approved, meaning that company can no longer sue Amazon/Walmart, for a bad review, a buyer/user leaves. This would protect the company from what the user says and does AND this would protect the companies selling other companies products as well. This could also go further, with website agreements too, meaning your ISP/Internet Service Provider, would ALSO be responsible for what you say and do, on the internet, so, certain sites would be on an approved list, based on their user agreements/you would have access to some websites, that are approved and some websites, you can't access. So MORE censorship.
@mattmatt2417 2 года назад
This was originally written, to show companies, that work with other companies, why they can't violate contracts/TOS/Terms Of Service, when using other companies services,this also shows how companies can still accomplish what they want and need to, they just have to use their own servers/websites/browsers/stores and so on,so their not bound by contracts and TOS,but this also shows where this is going,IF things become unconstitutional,when it comes to the government, were not here YET, at least with the unconstitutional issues, YET,but this is the final steps, IF THEY NEED TO BE TAKEN: This is MAINLY about Parler,BUT parts of this, COULD ALSO apply to other companies,IF the government violates companies 1st amendment rights/if regulation starts becoming unconstitutional,other companies MAY have to ALSO use these tactics, BUT Parler still have/has plenty of options, a long with A LOT of other companies, BUT companies that are doing business, with these companies, ALSO have to follow these companies TOS/Terms Of Service,User Agreements,Company Policies and contracts. Meaning, IF you have controversial ideas, MAYBE, you should have your OWN servers/not pay another company for cloud servers, binding you to ANOTHER agreement/TOS/Contract, if you want something like this, you need your OWN, physical servers/Website, APP and browser, IF Duck duck go/Opera, doesn't work for you. Also either a store or just allow your APK, to be downloaded, from your website. ALSO, IF you have an idea/platform/APP, that has no censorship/moderation/that violates A LOT of companies TOS/Terms Of Service/User Agreements/Company Policy and so on, MAYBE OPEN SOURCE/FREE SOFTWARE/ALSO Linux/different distros, WOULD be a good option, IF thats where your business NEEDS to be, BECAUSE, it violates MOST companies, Terms Of Service/Company Policy/User Agreements and so on. Richard Stallman liked/likes free software, free as in, you are allowed to modify the code, not free as in price, that MAY be something you MIGHT want to look into as well,I'm not saying I'm COMPLETELY on board with him as a person,BUT it is an option. Also Parler CAN still have their APP, on the Play Store/Apple Store and their servers, BUT they need to moderate better/change WHAT EVER, it is thats violating TOS/ Terms Of Service. Another example, when SOME RU-vid channels don't fit/conform to RU-vid properly, A LOT of creators turn to patreon and MAYBE sponsors. Anyway OTHER OPTIONS are out there. You can't violate these companies TOS/Terms Of Service,User Agreement or company policies. You can do what ever you want on your own website/servers, BUT I suggest, the company should ALSO be careful with that too, also your APP can TECHNICALLY be side loaded, to devices, IF Android/Google or Apple doesn't notice, because its their OS/Operating System, BUT technically you should be good, just have instructions on your site, how to become a developer/tap build number 7 times and enable your device to side load the APP or allow the APK to be downloaded/installed, from your website. If Parlers not figuring out simple things, like TOS/they didn't realize this, they DEFINITELY don't realize whats going to happen NEXT. They will NEED to keep their servers out of the US/ at the least VPNs/re-routing traffic, will help, for their CURRENT problems OR have your OWN servers, in the right area. Meaning Parler has to also follow laws, so the government doesn't shut them down, or at the least keep their servers out of the US/register their business somewhere else. ALSO doing things this controversial, I would DEFINITELY code in a language that can EASILY be scaled/moved/MAYBE Java/Python, along with the NORMAL stuff, HTML,CSS,PHP,Java Script, MAYBE also C, IF needed AND so on, anyway it needs to be a company/code that can really adapt, to any situation, QUICKLY. Also Parler needs a serious look at security as well, their platform is TERRIBLE, when it comes to security. Anyone debating about using Parler, I would advise them not to, because of their security issues. Hopefully this helps them/points out OTHER problems though, meaning, once they get their own servers, IF their in the wrong areas/IF their not using VPNs and so on, they will STILL be having issues/the government could shut them down, IF they don't think first,ALSO, IF the government continues this/some things from the government, is normal,BUT these un justify able targeted attacks, against big tech, NEED to stop OR other companies MAY NEED to do these things as well/get out of the US,including Google, the government aren't supposed to do things like this/what's been going on recently/I have a feeling, its going to turn into something thats COMPLETELY unconstitutional.
@mattmatt2417 2 года назад
A lot of people seem to think these companies are monopolies, I'm not seeing it. To start with, we CAN'T bail companies out that don't understand the market/that aren't understanding the times/moving with the times/adapting/making good business decisions, companies like Sears,Kmart,ToysRUs,Blockbusters and so on, companies that are already dead/that are going to inevitably die anyway. The Last Blockbuster, MAY become a museum and survive/have an admission fee, BUT traditional brick and mortar won't survive. Companies that think brick and mortar is forever/newspapers that still use actual paper, just to give a few examples, IF a company is obsolete, we can't punish the companies that actually understand the market/the main things are, low price, convenience and remember we live in a digital world. A LOT of people claim these companies are monopolies. How do you think they are Monopolies? What makes them monopolies? Infact I would argue A LOT of them rely on each other, to be as successful, as they are and they are competing with one another too and they have other competition too. Meaning Google/Apple/Amazon/Microsoft, supply the store, for download/to get the APP, but also other stores exist, such as F-droid,Opera store,Linux stores, such as the Ubuntu Software store, the Snap store,FlatPak,repositories, also playstation and many others, that I'm sure I'm failing to mention. Also Amazon have removed googles apps, from their store/devices before, apps such as RU-vid/the google play store, to get them on those devices, they have to be side loaded/the APK has to be downloaded. they also ALL have browsers/ multiple browsers exist, Chrome,Safari,Amazons browser/silk browser,Microsoft/Edge, also other browsers exist FireFox, Duck Duck Go, Opera,brave,tor and many more, I am failing to mention too, im sure. Also A LOT of them have different types of media/video platforms, RU-vid,DailyMotion,Amazon Prime,Apples streaming service, also MANY other companies are in the market, Netflix,Hulu,HBO MAX,Disney+,Starz, direct tv, sling tv,playstation tv and so on. Also they ALL have streaming devices, but so does, Roku,Nvidia Shield TV and so on, also home devices, Google has them, Apple and Amazon. Also they work with A LOT of companies, so smart devices, such as lights,doorbells,security cameras, apps and so on, can be compatible with their smart devices, through voice and in general. Also ALL kinds of apps are on these stores, not just Amazon's,Apple's,Microsoft's and Google's. Also like I said, these companies compete with each other and other companies, on a day to day basis, for our time/to go to Facebook,RU-vid,Twitter,Pinterest,Reddit and so on. Bitcoin exists Twitter also has square, their payment system. Facebook has Libra. Apple has Apple Pay. I'm sure Google will have their own as well. A long with Amazon. Walmart has talked about creating their own currency as well. I'm sure Disney and A LOT of other companies will ALSO do the same as well. Also Microsoft has Cortana,Amazon has Alexa,Apple has siri. Also Microsoft,Amazon and Google have cloud servers as well/you can rent/lease these servers and use them, they do have TOS/Contracts/rules though, just like EVERY other thing we rent, rented vehicles have contracts/rules as well. Also ALL of these companies are competing for our time as well and business. Google sells ads/products, such as chrome cast,Google home devices,Pixel phones,Amazon sells products/ads, they ALL rent server space, also linux have servers too though/Red Hat/other distros support servers. Also Walmart, Amazon,Wish, Alibaba and Home Depot exist, along with A LOT of other companies,they ALL deliver too, with Doordash,UPS,USPS, FedEx and Amazon. Microsoft has social platforms/also owns GitHub, along with,Yammer,Teams,Skype,Linkedin Facebook owns: Oculus VR, Instagram,Whats app. Google:RU-vid. Just to name some other social platforms: Voat,Quora,4chan,We Chat,Tumblr,snapchat,TikTok,Weibo,Wechat/weixin,QQ,Viber,Telegram,Medium,Clubhouse,Rumble,MeWe,Gab,Triller,WT Social,Valence,Flip,Popbase,Elpha,Yubo,Peanut,HouseParty,Caffeine,Steemit,GoodReads,CaringBridge,WattPad,Crunchyroll,italki,Ello,Vimeo,Giphy,Tribe,Kuaishou,lmgur,influenster,FilmAffinity,Open Diary,Bubbly,Soundcloud,Mocospace,CouchSurfing,just to name a few. Also if you wanted, you could run linux/Ubuntu Touch/SailFish OS/Plasma Mobile, and also use F-droid and use Opera, anyway alternatives are out there. Also if you have an Apple device, I would think you would want that closed environment/ecosystem. Also if we opened up these stores to EVERYONE/didn't have any security/vetting process, I don't think that would be good. I guess you could ALREADY argue that these stores, ALREADY have malware/adware on them/they track,spy and so on, BUT I still think a vetting process should be in place. My main point is, NONE of these companies have something another one doesn't, meaning another form of the exact same thing, ALREADY exists out there/people have other options/they are not forced into using a certain company. I don't see a monopoly here, infact I see ALL of these companies, fighting for our time and business. Real Monopolies/POTENTIAL monopolies are internet companies,electric companies,water companies,Gas companies and garbage companies, SOME locations don't have other options, in that area, but one company, so they could charge what ever they want and treat their customers, how ever they want, with no consequences. TSMC and ASML MAY ALSO be TRUE Monopolies, MAINLY, because they don't have MUCH or ANY REAL competition and TONS of companies rely on them,Samsung MAY be changing this,SOMEWHAT SOON, they plan to open a chip manufacturing company, in Texas.
@mattmatt2417 2 года назад
This is ANOTHER thing thats been brought up lately, that EVERYONE is doing, NOT just Facebook/Amazon, ANYONE running a website/selling ANYTHING on the internet, IF their not, then they don't understand the market/don't understand business/SEO; Internet Privacy is a whole other issue/problem. Its one thats really hard to get around/baisicly impossible, unless your willing to sacrifice A LOT. Its a little late to do much now, they ALREADY have the info, MAYBE if we started this 20years ago. To completely eliminate this, you would need to buy an old vehicle/one with out a computer in it. Also tires are an issue,car computers,phones,tablets and computers are an issue/a vulnerability. A VPN, and encryption/encrypting your files/firewalls/blocking trackers/https helps, to an extent. For SOME things, You would also need to worrie about browser Finger printing, this BAISICLY, in a short description. Browser fingerprinting logs your devices hardware/software/determines its you, by knowing, what CPU is in your device, how much RAM you have/by knowing which applications you have installed. It BASICALLY identifies you, by knowing what your system is, and how its setup. Thats a real brief description, if you or someone else, wants to know more, they can look it up. Also to add to that, just a little bit. Each browser has a browser fingerprint ID, thats linked to you/your device, for every browser you use/every browser has a different browser fingerprint ID, thats linked to you. SO A LOT of people separate their browsing, by using different browsers, for different things, so some data would be in/linked to one browser/browser fingerprint ID and some to others. This helps SOME, but I'm sure all of this info can be linked back togeather, SOME HOW, MAINLY, because all of these browsers are sharing this info/data, so if all of this data is shared, and they've already ID'ed/identified your system/you, they MOST LIKELY, can tie ALL of this back, to you/your device, once they put the data back togeather/use other browser finger printing ID, data /info/once its fed back into the algorithm. To disable everything/what you can disable, would become annoying/you MAY get banned from certain servers/sites,sites MAY not load properly, you may have to prove your not a robot, A LOT, by selecting all the pics of bicycles,cross walks, traffic lights and so on. I don't care about cookies, the browser add on, MAY help with this, but it MAY just create ANOTHER vulnerability/you would have to trust the creator. Anyway, a lot of sites won't load properly, without SOME cookies/Java Script and so on. Plus you have to worrie about browser finger printing, trackers, also bluetooth,wifi/EVEN covid contact tracing/tracking, is a vulnerability. Also as SOON as you install FB, nothing else matters, well A LOT doesn't matter, after that. Also Microsoft and Apple's OSs/Operating Systems are a huge issue/you have to rip a lot out of Windows 10/it has a built in keylogger, ad software/an AD ID, thats linked to you and your machine. For Google/Android, A LOT of people, will rip out all of google's services and install thier apps from F-droid vs the play store. This COULD and most likely will cause problems. Also allot of people use a VPN as well. Also people use other tactics like disinformation, meaning they create lots of profiles/personas/muddy the water/make the info/data, not make sense. Firewalls/blocking certain servers, is a good tactic, IF it doesn't break something/lock you out. Anyway to be completely incognito, is really really hard, to do properly AND A LOT of compromises have to be made/you may not even be able to go to certain websites/servers/load them and its time consuming, clicking all of the pictures of a certain thing, and diagnosing problems/trying to figure out, why certain elements are broken/won't load/Google, FB, Apple, Microsoft and Amazon, REALLY don't like it when you, stop them, from spying on you. Also if your hiding/trying to stay hidden from the FBI/government, it gets even harder, because they MAY not be able to see you, but they can use deductive reasoning/get a warrant, to check towers/internet/IP/server paths/your VPN provider/ISP/the company you pay for internet/Internet Service Provider, to baisicly start putting the puzzle togeather/check certain things, at specific times, anyway, the government has the ability, to look where others can't. So yeah, things get really complicated, when we bring privacy into the equation/conversation. I know thats a lot, but privacy, is definitely a huge subject and I just highlighted a few things/just scratched the surface, when it comes to privacy.
@americanliberal09 2 года назад
Is this video trying to conflate irreligion with atheism?
@abalint8097 2 года назад
Sophistry, is what you did there.
@americanliberal09 2 года назад
@@abalint8097 What?
@MybridWonderful 2 года назад
If you watched this and are pondering whether De Noce's insights into human nature are truly predictive then I can definitely say one is much better off reading "The Blank Slate, the modern Denial of Human Nature" by Steven Pinker. Original sin is not human nature and there is no accounting for it in nature. Conversely we are also not blank slates either. We very much have natural compulsions and predilections. Pinker frames this in one chapter as modern societies struggle with Nature versus Nuture. Liberals believer that nurture can determine a person's character. The religious with the notion of original sin believe sin defines are birth nature. Both are incorrect. We now know conclusively that parents have no influence over their children's character, that character is determined not original sin but a cocktail of early childhood development, genetics, and culture in general. Both original sin and the blank slate are seductive because they are simple. All humans sin or we are all blank slates. Pinker has a chapter on the studies done on identical twins who were separated at birth and raised in different cultures. These twins had highly correlated personalities even when brought up in different religions. This is the problem with philosophy. It doesn't adhere to any science, just rationalization and history. Joan Fedor said after the fall of the Berlin Wall that subsequently the biggest threat to Democracy (and modern society) was oversimplified solutions to complicated problems. Philosophy is far too simple to meet the demands of modernity.
@MybridWonderful 2 года назад
I watched this entire interview and as a atheist and secularist I find the problem of Philosophy is far more severe. Philosophy has brought us nothing in the day-to-day lives of the common person. Everywhere we turn we run into the products of science. Those of us in the west are attached to our phones. Name just one such equivalent attachment the common person can point to regarding philosophy. Yung used archetypes as a fundamental philosophy that was baked into our psyche the way original sin was being bandied about here. The problem with the models of Yung and religion in general is they only work in hindsight. Ultimately philosophy ascribes to ideology as an ideal that society must struggle to meet and when society fails the problem is never with the ideology but the society. Science has the exact opposite approach. We don't blame drivers when people die in car crashes, we look for ways to build better cars and have dramatically increased car accident safety. Philosophy cannot provide forward models. Yung, De Noce and all philosophers who are considered important can only be seen as such in hindsight. You talk about what De Noce got right, but like all philosophers failed to admit what he got wrong.
@newglof9558 Год назад
"Philosophy is only good insofar as the common person can use it." Am I understanding this correctly?
@BavidDigg Год назад
​@@newglof9558 hey what are the chances of finding you here after you point me towards this Del Noce guy. Probably pretty high I guess
@CatherineStanford 2 года назад
My interest peaked decisively when Professor Lancellotti said Del Noce discussed Antonio Rosmini. I have read that Rosmini was condemned after his death, and his books were put on the Syllabus of Errors. This was a great injustice to the man. I will start with Del Noce's The Crisis of Modernity to get started. I wish more Italian scholarship would be translated into English. Thank you for the conversation!
@fliesatdawn 2 года назад
Great book.
@eliazruis4761 2 года назад
I’m filing a lawsuit against Thomas J Aragon (CA’s health official) because I suspect he’s violating the 14th amendment’s equal protection clause. Immune and not immune is what matters not fully vaccinated or unvaccinated. I’m also filing a lawsuit against my school district because I suspect that they are regarding me as having a disability (ADA) and discriminating against me. Also, I suspect that they are violating my right to remain silent. Schools officials are employees of the state and violating the county’s isolation and quarantine order is misdemeanor punishable by fine or imprisonment. My employer requires that I self-screen daily which could be self incriminating evidence. Last, I suspect my employer has extorted my protected health information from me by coerced consent. My employer does not have a right to my personal health information. To help reduce the spread of a contagious disease, my employer could legally obtain my protected health information without my consent by utilizing 45 CFR 164.152(j) and Civil Code 56.10(c). My employer needs to stop coercing my consent to obtain my private property. California Penal Code 523 and 518.
@jaynegeorge2128 2 года назад
This is an excellent conversation with very thoughtful comments and practical ideas. Highly interesting all the way to the end.
@michellejean11 2 года назад
The Ethics and Public Policy Cencter is Washington, D.C.’s premier institute working to apply the riches of the Judeo-Christian tradition to contemporary questions of law. Thiest themed propaganda organization that believe their archaic superstitious abrahamic beliefs should supersede our civil law and the rights of non abrahamic religions and atheist. In other words freedom, and the Constitution really don't matter to them. Ethics, please your transphobia mock the concept of ethics.
@jmindy7 2 года назад
Very insightful thanks. Shocking how immunity is ignored by CDC. Some hospitals are taking antibody tests.
@michellelioness7577 2 года назад
According to BishopAccountability, the Catholic Church has paid over $4 billion in claims and settlements through over 8,600 cases. That number is likely to continue to grow by another $4 billion and 5,000 new cases, per the Associated Press. To date, the largest successful payout is $660 million. And the Catholic church is still covering up sex abuse.
@erickallen7280 2 года назад
There has been no excuse for the abuses or cover-ups that have happened within the ranks of the Catholic Church. The Church is finally stepping up to the plate and taking ownership of these abuses, as the financial settlements you refer to indicate. However, to bring this up here is a red herring. That some very few clerics (few by percentage) have sinned against their parishoners in no way discredits the message or the efforts of those who seek to prevent the abuse against children taking place through the radical LGBTQ+ movement and the corporate-educational-political-medical complex.
@brewerin 2 года назад
Thank you all for this presentation. So important for people to know what is happening in the schools.
@GarrettMullet 2 года назад
Speaking to Anderson's point about the consequences of Big Tech censoring moderated, reasonable voices and how that might lead to increased polarization and more measured persons deciding to throw bombs - I can't help wondering if that isn't partly the idea. Read Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals.' That's one of the key ingredients for community organizing. And why would organizing online communities be an exception? Create an issue, then polarize it. Then offer yourself up as a leader and spokesperson to one of the polarized sides of this issue. Voila! Now you have political power. The inconvenient wrench thrown in comes when you have very reasonable people who are not firebrands on one side or the other carefully peeling back the curtain on the nuts and bolts of what's going on with some of these central issues and aspects of the cultural divide.
@bensilliman7325 2 года назад
You guys are giving Big Tech too much of the benefit of the doubt. This is clearly a case of intentional bias. "Facism should be more appropriately called Corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power." -Benito Mussolini
@jwardell2561 3 года назад
Fabulous discussions and ideas! #CivilDiscourse was excellent!
@mattmatt2417 3 года назад
This is the SHORTEST version, I could put together, about section 230/companies 1st amendment rights,because this is a complex subject. I mentioned Trump, because he started this, most recently/made this popular, BUT I understand that A LOT of people aren't comprehending section 230/A LOT of people are going to be censored, A LOT more, if section 230 is removed. The thing A LOT of these people don't understand, is, one, IF these companies are responsible for what we say and do, they are going to have to moderate A LOT more. These companies NEED to stay SOMEWHAT family friendly, for ad revenue/for their customers/the people/companies that are paying for ads. They also NEED to moderate according to their customers, meaning they NEED to keep their customers happy. These companies can also claim they are not biased, all of the moderating is a direct reflection, of our customers. Also User agreements/Company Policy/TOS will protect them, in the future. These servers/Websites/APPs are private property. Freedom of speech, USUALLY ONLY applies when government is involved, not in private companies, meaning IF you go in Walmart yelling and screaming profanity, you will be escorted out/kicked out/ MAYBE even banned from the store. Also have you ever read the agreements, you have to agree to, at the Dentists, it says things like, if we break your jaw or deform you, we/the company nor the employee are responsible and we can't/you can't sue the employees/company. Also to go a little further with that/explain how these companies further protect their selves, Amazon, to protect them selfs, from law suits/reviews on their websites, that are bad, companies would have to have an agreement, with these companies, meaning, if you want your product at Walmart/Amazon, you will need to agree to this, then that product would be approved, meaning that company can no longer sue Amazon/Walmart, for a bad review, a buyer/user leaves. This would protect the company from what the user says and does AND this would protect the companies selling other companies products as well. This could also go further, with website agreements too, meaning your ISP/Internet Service Provider, would ALSO be responsible for what you say and do, on the internet, so, certain sites would be on an approved list, based on their user agreements/you would have access to some websites, that are approved and some websites, you can't access. ALSO either the comment section/areas where we post are removed or ANY posts we make ANYWHERE we post online/on the Internet, will take time to post/need to be reviewed, by either a person,Algorithm or AI, because with out section 230, these companies would be responsible, for what its users post AND, because A LOT of these companies NEED to stay SOMEWHAT family friendly, to continue to get paid for ads. So MORE censorship. This is about as short I can make this subject, meaning its a complex one/it causes A LOT of harm, if its/section 230 is removed. Not just for these companies, but for EVERYONE.
@mattmatt2417 3 года назад
A lot of people seem to think these companies are monopolies, I'm not seeing it. To start with, we CAN'T bail companies out that don't understand the market/that aren't understanding the times/moving with the times/adapting/making good business decisions, companies like Sears,Kmart,ToysRUs,Blockbusters and so on, companies that are already dead/that are going to inevitably die anyway. The Last Blockbuster, MAY become a museum and survive/have an admission fee, BUT traditional brick and mortar won't survive. Companies that think brick and mortar is forever/newspapers that still use actual paper, just to give a few examples, IF a company is obsolete, we can't punish the companies that actually understand the market/the main things are, low price, convenience and remember we live in a digital world. A LOT of people claim these companies are monopolies. How do you think they are Monopolies? What makes them monopolies? Infact I would argue A LOT of them rely on each other, to be as successful, as they are and they are competing with one another too and they have other competition too. Meaning Google/Apple/Amazon/Microsoft, supply the store, for download/to get the APP, but also other stores exist, such as F-droid,Opera store,Linux stores, such as the Ubuntu Software store, the Snap store,FlatPak,repositories, also playstation and many others, that I'm sure I'm failing to mention. Also Amazon have removed googles apps, from their store/devices before, apps such as RU-vid/the google play store, to get them on those devices, they have to be side loaded/the APK has to be downloaded. they also ALL have browsers/ multiple browsers exist, Chrome,Safari,Amazons browser/silk browser,Microsoft/Edge, also other browsers exist FireFox, Duck Duck Go, Opera,brave,tor and many more, I am failing to mention too, im sure. Also A LOT of them have different types of media/video platforms, RU-vid,DailyMotion,Amazon Prime,Apples streaming service, also MANY other companies are in the market, Netflix,Hulu,HBO MAX,Disney+,Starz, direct tv, sling tv,playstation tv and so on. Also they ALL have streaming devices, but so does, Roku,Nvidia Shield TV and so on, also home devices, Google has them, Apple and Amazon. Also they work with A LOT of companies, so smart devices, such as lights,doorbells,security cameras, apps and so on, can be compatible with their smart devices, through voice and in general. Also ALL kinds of apps are on these stores, not just Amazon's,Apple's,Microsoft's and Google's. Also like I said, these companies compete with each other and other companies, on a day to day basis, for our time/to go to Facebook,RU-vid,Twitter,Pinterest,Reddit and so on. Bitcoin exists Twitter also has square, their payment system. Facebook has Libra. Apple has Apple Pay. I'm sure Google will have their own as well. A long with Amazon. Walmart has talked about creating their own currency as well. I'm sure Disney and A LOT of other companies will ALSO do the same as well. Also Microsoft has Cortana,Amazon has Alexa,Apple has siri. Also Microsoft,Amazon and Google have cloud servers as well/you can rent/lease these servers and use them, they do have TOS/Contracts/rules though, just like EVERY other thing we rent, rented vehicles have contracts/rules as well. Also ALL of these companies are competing for our time as well and business. Google sells ads/products, such as chrome cast,Google home devices,Pixel phones,Amazon sells products/ads, they ALL rent server space, also linux have servers too though/Red Hat/other distros support servers. Also Walmart, Amazon and Home Depot exist, along with A LOT of other companies,they ALL deliver too, with Doordash,UPS,USPS, FedEx and Amazon. Microsoft has social platforms/also owns GitHub, along with,Yammer,Teams,Skype,Linkedin Facebook owns: Oculus VR, Instagram,Whats app. Google:RU-vid. Just to name some other social platforms: Voat,Quora,4chan,We Chat,Tumblr,snapchat,TikTok,QQ,Viber,Telegram and Medium, just to name a few. Also if you wanted, you could run linux/Ubuntu Touch/SailFish OS/Plasma Mobile, and also use F-droid and use Opera, anyway alternatives are out there. Also if you have an Apple device, I would think you would want that closed environment/ecosystem. Also if we opened up these stores to EVERYONE/didn't have any security/vetting process, I don't think that would be good. I guess you could ALREADY argue that these stores, ALREADY have malware/adware on them/they track,spy and so on, BUT I still think a vetting process should be in place. My main point is, NONE of these companies have something another one doesn't, meaning another form of the exact same thing, ALREADY exists out there/people have other options/they are not forced into using a certain company. I don't see a monopoly here, infact I see ALL of these companies, fighting for our time and business. Real Monopolies/POTENTIAL monopolies are internet companies,electric companies,water companies,Gas companies and garbage companies, SOME locations don't have other options, in that area, but one company, so they could charge what ever they want and treat their customers, how ever they want, with no consequences.
@mattmatt2417 3 года назад
This ALSO covers SOME of the concerns people are mentioning as well, ALSO by interfering in the market/trying to stop companies from bundling services, like AT&T does/Amazon does and so on, this is going to hurt consumers/prices will go up, you won't get as many perks/benefits from being an Amazon Prime member, ALSO not allowing people/developers to create something and sell it to Amazon/Apple/Google/Microsoft/Disney/Walmart and so on, is not right either. Also IF you want to handle ALL of this, A LOT of companies don't want to handle all of this, this as in SEO, advertising,coding/HTML/CSS/PHP/Java Script/Python/maintaining physical servers/websites and so on, you can do that,BUT this is why A LOT of companies pay OTHER companies to handle these things/its time consuming/it cost money/you NEED to know A LOT, to do so, A LOT of companies want to focus/spend their time on their business and not ALL of these other things. Also some people are mentioning these things too/products that pop up, when you search for things,related to the site. These results,say sponsored/advertisement, right beside it AND your ACTUAL results are directly below the sponsored/advertisement results. ALSO if your on Amazon and it says Amazon basics, right by the product, we ALL understand its an Amazon product, its not a secret lol. ALSO ANOTHER thing people seem not to understand,IF you wanted to open your OWN website, to sell products, you can do that, AND IF you understand SEO, you can be really successful,BUT this is why E-Bay/Amazon/Square Space and so on, charge a fee/a customer finders fee/they also receive this money, to maintain their websites/servers as well, but to be successful, on your own, you have to build an audience/clientele, to be able to sell your products, on your own site, BUT these companies ALREADY have customers/have ALREADY built their market and you can even use Amazon as a warehouse/as storage, for your product OR you can never see products and drop ship/buy inventory from Amazon or pay for advertising, through Facebook,Google,Amazon and so on. ALSO ANYONE can make money through there own website/by understanding these things: The MOST important things to remember is, low price, convince and remember we live in a digital world,BUT on top of that. Innovation is what makes you a good business person/IF you're not CONSTANTLY changing and adapting/making things BETTER,you're failing as a business, Also A LOT of people have this info/its not just Google/Amazon/Apple/Microsoft/Facebook/Twitter and so on, that have the ability to understand algorithms/understanding data, ANYONE doing SEO work NEEDS to understand ALL of this/it MAY be creepy, but knowing what people are buying/selling/knowing where their going/where they've been, physically and digitally, helps when you're trying to connect the right people/EVERYONE can see this info though, as long as they have the know how to and IF you work in SEO, you NEED to know how to do ALL of this,BUT technically you can use Google/they supply ALL of the tools you NEED to prosper/you can get listed through Google, use their analytic tools, to track/study your customers, anyway ALL of this can be done, for free/the systems designed to do, what you want/need it to do, you COULD ALSO hire an SEO professional,BUT its NOT NEEDED,IF you have the time/patience to understand ALL of this. Honestly the only thing a start up company/a new company, doesn't have, that Google has, is money, ALL of this knowledge is out there, for EVERYONE/its code, if you can read the code, then apply that to an algorithm, you can do EXACTLY what googles doing/ what EVERYONE else, that are successful, are ALREADY doing. Also by understanding SEO, you SHOULD be able to make money EASILY and FAST,IF you understand SEO, coding and Algorithms will/would help as well, ALSO IF you don't know how to sell you're self/IF you can't find a market for you're product/IF the market doesn't exist, that CAN/COULD be a problem TOO though, so you either have to create a market or realize you're idea/product, is obsolete AND YOU NEED TO MOVE ON. ALSO companies like parler/Fortnite, that think its a good idea, to violate companies TOS/Company Policy/contracts/User Agreements/not moderating/trying to advertise your website on someone elses website/bypassing payment methods/offering another price on your website, thats Advertised, on someone elses platform, doing things this controversial, I would DEFINITELY get my OWN PHYSICAL servers, I would also code in a language that can EASILY be scaled/moved, MAYBE Java/Python, along with the NORMAL stuff, HTML,CSS,PHP,Java Script, MAYBE also C, IF needed AND so on, anyway it needs to be a company/code that can really adapt, to any situation, QUICKLY.
@mattmatt2417 3 года назад
This is another thing people seem to not understand as well. Nothing you or ANYONE else uploads, to these sites, belong to you, once they've been uploaded, to these sites,UNLESS its a copy right issue. IF SOMEONE on their platform does something to someone, the victim NEEDS, to go after the RIGHT person/the person that actually did the act towards them/that user. Your accounts don't even belong to you/TOS/User Agreements/company policy, protect these companies. Honestly, if someone uploads something to their platform and a user wants it to be removed, this isn't even really the companies responsibility to handle, MOST OF THE TIME, CERTAIN content has to be moderated,IF its against the law/copy right material,BUT, MOST of the time, these decisions are left up to the individual company/its a PRIVATE companies policy/a decision these companies have to make, that they have the right to, because of the 1st amendment, either to moderate or not moderate/ban users or not ban users/run their business how they want and honestly, they don't NEED section 230 to do this,BUT EVERYONE benefits from section 230/MORE is able to be said, because of section 230/IF these companies were responsible for what we said and did, they would be moderating A LOT more. This is the users responsibility/parents responsibility,depending on age, to prevent SOME of these things from happening. Meaning car companies shouldn't be responsible for drivers that drive terribly/recklessly/movies have ratings/routers exist that can block certain content/word searches and so on/this is either a parents responsibility OR, because the person is a certain age/of age, they take that responsibility, just like alcohol/cigarettes and other adult activities/responsibilities. You can't blame a company, for your bad decisions OR child neglect/for you not handling your responsibilities/you can't sue the city, because your child was abducted in the city or you can't sue Walmart, because your child was abducted in Walmart. Another example, its a tool,IF you miss use the tool, thats not the manufacturers fault/IF you use the tool to murder someone, thats not the manufacturers fault. IF SOMETHING slips by/a certain court doesn't understand ENOUGH, to make a good decision, this is why this is wrong; This is wrong on its own, MEANING, an example, a car company could sell a car, to someone and that person could use that car for sex trafficking, thats not what the car company built/manufactured/sold the car for,BUT thats what it was used for. This should DEFINITELY fall on the sex traffickers, NOT a platform/car manufacturer. The car company AND the vehicle manufacturer profited from this,BUT thats not what the car/platform was built for. This is wrong, the courts NEED to go after the RIGHT people/the ACTUAL sex traffickers. This is going to end up being REALLY BAD, FOR EVERYONE. MEANING, IF these companies become responsible for what Thier users are doing, they are going to be censoring A LOT MORE. ALSO this goes against what A LOT of people want any way, MEANING SOME PEOPLE, don't want ANY censorship. AND, at the same time, this is why SOME people want censorship, BUT at the same time, this is still a companies 1st amendment right, to create their own company policies/run their business how they want/make their own decisions about their business, good or bad. ALSO IF we want to bring the carrier side of things into this, the difference between a phone company and an internet platform, is people pay actual money to use their phones/for their phone services/plans,with Facebook/Twitter, its free, when it comes to money,ALSO these phone companies have contracts/they can ALSO terminate your service, IF you violate that contract. Companies/people paying for ads, fund social media/RU-vid, YES these companies are paying for your view/your data,BUT that is ALSO something users agreed to give, in exchange for access to RU-vids/Facebooks and so ons, private servers/websites/APPs and so on. ALSO as I've said, these companies can ALSO claim they are not biased/ALL of the moderating is a direct reflection of our customers/the people paying for ads don't want certain content associated/around their ads/business. ALSO another thing to keep in mind is, CURRENTLY, the phone company isn't responsible for what its users say or do, with their devices/services/phones. ALSO most of the time a phone is used to call, someone you know/allowing what ever anyone wants to say, on their phone, doesn't really matter/its not like Walmart/companies that work with advertising companies/that don't want their customers to view them in bad ways/advertisers/companies could decide not to do business with them, because they didn't like the content on their site/when these companies were designed/created, they had/have a certain vision in mind, that makes it, what that company is/other companies exist, that align more with what other people may want/options are out there.
@mattmatt2417 3 года назад
This is a newer side of it, FOR SOME PEOPLE, this is MAINLY about parler/companies, that are doing business, with these companies, ALSO have to follow these companies TOS/Terms Of Service,User Agreements and Company Policies. Meaning, IF you have controversial ideas, MAYBE, you should have your OWN servers/not pay another company for cloud servers, binding you to ANOTHER agreement/TOS, if you want something like this, you need your OWN, physical servers/Website, APP and browser, IF Duck duck go/Opera, doesn't work for you. Also either a store or just allow your APK, to be downloaded, from your website. ALSO, IF you have an idea/platform/APP, that has no censorship/moderation/that violates A LOT of companies TOS/Terms Of Service/User Agreements/Company Policy and so on, MAYBE OPEN SOURCE/FREE SOFTWARE/ALSO Linux/different distros, WOULD be a good option, IF thats where your business NEEDS to be, BECAUSE, it violates MOST companies, Terms Of Service/Company Policy/User Agreements and so on. Richard Stallman liked/likes free software, free as in, you are allowed to modify the code, not free as in price, that MAY be something you MIGHT want to look into as well. Also Parler CAN still have their APP, on the Play Store/Apple Store and their servers, BUT they need to moderate better/change WHAT EVER, it is thats violating TOS/ Terms Of Service. Another example, when SOME RU-vid channels don't fit/conform to RU-vid properly, A LOT of creators turn to patreon and MAYBE sponsors. Anyway OTHER OPTIONS are out there. You can't violate these companies TOS/Terms Of Service,User Agreement or company policies. You can do what ever you want on your own website/servers, BUT I suggest, the company should ALSO be careful with that too, also your APP can TECHNICALLY be side loaded, to devices, IF Android/Google or Apple doesn't notice, because its their OS/Operating System, BUT technically you should be good, just have instructions on your site, how to become a developer/tap build number 7 times and enable your device to side load the APP or allow the APK to be downloaded/installed, from your website. If Parlers not figuring out simple things, like TOS/they didn't realize this, they DEFINITELY don't realize whats going to happen NEXT. They will NEED to keep their servers out of the US/ at the least VPNs/re-routing traffic, will help, for their CURRENT problems OR have your OWN servers, in the right area. Meaning Parler has to also follow laws, so the government doesn't shut them down, or at the least keep their servers out of the US/register their business somewhere else. ALSO doing things this controversial, I would DEFINITELY code in a language that can EASILY be scaled/moved/MAYBE Java, along with the NORMAL stuff, HTML,CSS,PHP,Java Script, Python, MAYBE also C, IF needed AND so on, anyway it needs to be a company/code that can really adapt, to any situation, QUICKLY. Also Parler needs a serious look at security as well, their platform is TERRIBLE, when it comes to security. Anyone debating about using Parler, I would advise them not to, because of their security issues. Hopefully this helps them/points out OTHER problems though, meaning, once they get their own servers, IF their in the wrong areas/IF their not using VPNs and so on, they will STILL be having issues/the government could shut them down, IF they don't think first.
@mattmatt2417 3 года назад
This is how these companies protect their selfs, in the future, without section 230. These companies have to moderate, because these companies NEED to make money/be SOMEWHAT family friendly, for their customers/companies/people paying for ads. So their ONLY choice, in general, BUT DEFINITELY without section 230, is to moderate EVERYTHING, well everything that violates Terms Of Services/User Agreements/Company Policy. Also The User Agreement,TOS and Company policy was created to protect that specific company/that individual company, meaning that company can make what ever decisions they want, about their own company/private property/servers. Another example, if I have guest over at my house and I set rules for them, they have to follow those rules, but I don't, I could also choose to enforce those rules, how ever I want to, meaning, if I have a close friend, I can tell them, they don't have to worrie about that, or I can say, if you pay this much, those rules don't apply to you, or I could have a separate contract with an individual company, where they get another version of TOS. Heres some more examples of how section 230 doesn't matter as much, as people think it does, well it does, if you don't want to be censored, but if censor ship doesn't bother you, repealing section 230, won't effect you. If section 230 is removed, user Agreements/Terms Of Service and company policy will protect these companies, the ones, we ALL agree to, when we access/use these companies websites/apps. Also these companies can claim they are not biased, the censorship is a direct reflection of their customers/the people buying ads, don't want certain content around their ads. Also EVERYTHING will be moderated/censored, EVEN MORE, IF section 230 gets removed. You can't go to Walmart yelling and screaming profanity, without getting thrown out and MAYBE even banned from the store, because of company policy, no shirt no shoes, no service; no mask, you can't enter the building. Also as another example have you ever read what you sign when you go to the Dentist? Some of what that says, basically says, if we break your jaw/deform you, we are not responsible and you can't sue the company or employee. Also to go a little further with that, Amazon, to protect them selfs, from law suits/reviews on their websites that are bad, companies would have to have an agreement, with these companies, meaning, if you want your product at Walmart/Amazon, you will need to agree to this, then that product would be approved, meaning that company can no longer sue Amazon/Walmart, for a bad review, a buyer/user leaves. This would protect the company from what the user says and does AND this would protect the companies selling other companies products as well. This could also go further, with website agreements too, meaning your ISP/Internet Service Provider, would ALSO be responsible for what you say and do, on the internet, so, certain sites would be on an approved list, based on their user agreements/you would have access to some websites, that are approved and some websites, you can't access. So MORE censorship.
@mattmatt2417 3 года назад
A lot of people seem to think these companies are monopolies, I'm not seeing it. To start with, we CAN'T bail companies out that don't understand the market/that aren't understanding the times/moving with the times/adapting/making good business decisions, companies like Sears,Kmart,ToysRUs,Blockbusters and so on, companies that are already dead/that are going to inevitably die anyway. The Last Blockbuster, MAY become a museum and survive/have an admission fee, BUT traditional brick and mortar won't survive. Companies that think brick and mortar is forever/newspapers that still use actual paper, just to give a few examples, IF a company is obsolete, we can't punish the companies that actually understand the market/the main things are, low price, convenience and remember we live in a digital world. A LOT of people claim these companies are monopolies. How do you think they are Monopolies? What makes them monopolies? Infact I would argue A LOT of them rely on each other, to be as successful, as they are and they are competing with one another too and they have other competition too. Meaning Google/Apple/Amazon/Microsoft, supply the store, for download/to get the APP, but also other stores exist, such as F-droid,Opera store,Linux stores, such as the Ubuntu Software store, the Snap store,FlatPak,repositories, also playstation and many others, that I'm sure I'm failing to mention. Also Amazon have removed googles apps, from their store/devices before, apps such as RU-vid/the google play store, to get them on those devices, they have to be side loaded/the APK has to be downloaded. they also ALL have browsers/ multiple browsers exist, Chrome,Safari,Amazons browser/silk browser,Microsoft/Edge, also other browsers exist FireFox, Duck Duck Go, Opera,brave,tor and many more, I am failing to mention too, im sure. Also A LOT of them have different types of media/video platforms, RU-vid,DailyMotion,Amazon Prime,Apples streaming service, also MANY other companies are in the market, Netflix,Hulu,HBO MAX,Disney+,Starz, direct tv, sling tv,playstation tv and so on. Also they ALL have streaming devices, but so does, Roku,Nvidia Shield TV and so on, also home devices, Google has them, Apple and Amazon. Also they work with A LOT of companies, so smart devices, such as lights,doorbells,security cameras, apps and so on, can be compatible with their smart devices, through voice and in general. Also ALL kinds of apps are on these stores, not just Amazon's,Apple's,Microsoft's and Google's. Also like I said, these companies compete with each other and other companies, on a day to day basis, for our time/to go to Facebook,RU-vid,Twitter,Pinterest,Reddit and so on. Bitcoin exists Twitter also has square, their payment system. Facebook has Libra. Apple has Apple Pay. I'm sure Google will have their own as well. A long with Amazon. Walmart has talked about creating their own currency as well. I'm sure Disney and A LOT of other companies will ALSO do the same as well. Also Microsoft has Cortana,Amazon has Alexa,Apple has siri. Also Microsoft,Amazon and Google have cloud servers as well/you can rent/lease these servers and use them, they do have TOS/Contracts/rules though, just like EVERY other thing we rent, rented vehicles have contracts/rules as well. Also ALL of these companies are competing for our time as well and business. Google sells ads/products, such as chrome cast,Google home devices,Pixel phones,Amazon sells products/ads, they ALL rent server space, also linux have servers too though/Red Hat/other distros support servers. Also Walmart, Amazon and Home Depot exist, along with A LOT of other companies,they ALL deliver too, with Doordash,UPS,USPS, FedEx and Amazon. Microsoft has social platforms/also owns GitHub, along with,Yammer,Teams,Skype,Linkedin Facebook owns: Oculus VR, Instagram,Whats app. Google:RU-vid. Just to name some other social platforms: Voat,Quora,4chan,We Chat,Tumblr,snapchat,TikTok,QQ,Viber,Telegram and Medium, just to name a few. Also if you wanted, you could run linux/Ubuntu Touch/SailFish OS/Plasma Mobile, and also use F-droid and use Opera, anyway alternatives are out there. Also if you have an Apple device, I would think you would want that closed environment/ecosystem. Also if we opened up these stores to EVERYONE/didn't have any security/vetting process, I don't think that would be good. I guess you could ALREADY argue that these stores, ALREADY have malware/adware on them/they track,spy and so on, BUT I still think a vetting process should be in place. My main point is, NONE of these companies have something another one doesn't, meaning another form of the exact same thing, ALREADY exists out there/people have other options/they are not forced into using a certain company. I don't see a monopoly here, infact I see ALL of these companies, fighting for our time and business. Real Monopolies/POTENTIAL monopolies are internet companies,electric companies,water companies,Gas companies and garbage companies, SOME locations don't have other options, in that area, but one company, so they could charge what ever they want and treat their customers, how ever they want, with no consequences.
@mattmatt2417 3 года назад
This ALSO covers SOME of the concerns people are mentioning as well, IF you want to handle ALL of this, A LOT of companies don't want to handle all of this, this as in SEO, advertising,coding/HTML/CSS/PHP/Java Script/Python/maintaining physical servers/websites and so on, you can do that,BUT this is why A LOT of companies pay OTHER companies to handle these things/its time consuming/it cost money/you NEED to know A LOT, to do so, A LOT of companies want to focus/spend their time on their business and not ALL of these other things. Also some people are mentioning these things too/products that pop up, when you search for things,related to the site. These results,say sponsored/advertisement, right beside it AND your ACTUAL results are directly below the sponsored/advertisement results. ALSO if your on Amazon and it says Amazon basics, right by the product, we ALL understand its an Amazon product, its not a secret lol. ALSO ANOTHER thing people seem not to understand,IF you wanted to open your OWN website, to sell products, you can do that, AND IF you understand SEO, you can be really successful,BUT this is why E-Bay/Amazon/Square Space and so on, charge a fee/a customer finders fee/they also receive this money, to maintain their websites/servers as well, but to be successful, on your own, you have to build an audience/clientele, to be able to sell your products, on your own site, BUT these companies ALREADY have customers/have ALREADY built their market and you can even use Amazon as a warehouse/as storage, for your product OR you can never see products and drop ship/buy inventory from Amazon or pay for advertising, through Facebook,Google,Amazon and so on. ALSO ANYONE can make money through there own website/by understanding these things: The MOST important things to remember is, low price, convince and remember we live in a digital world,BUT on top of that. Innovation is what makes you a good business person/IF you're not CONSTANTLY changing and adapting/making things BETTER,you're failing as a business, Also A LOT of people have this info/its not just Google/Amazon/Apple/Microsoft/Facebook/Twitter and so on, that have the ability to understand algorithms/understanding data, ANYONE doing SEO work NEEDS to understand ALL of this/it MAY be creepy, but knowing what people are buying/selling/knowing where their going/where they've been, physically and digitally, helps when you're trying to connect the right people/EVERYONE can see this info though, as long as they have the know how to and IF you work in SEO, you NEED to know how to do ALL of this,BUT technically you can use Google/they supply ALL of the tools you NEED to prosper/you can get listed through Google, use their analytic tools, to track/study your customers, anyway ALL of this can be done, for free/the systems designed to do, what you want/need it to do, you COULD ALSO hire an SEO professional,BUT its NOT NEEDED,IF you have the time/patience to understand ALL of this. Honestly the only thing a start up company/a new company, doesn't have, that Google has, is money, ALL of this knowledge is out there, for EVERYONE/its code, if you can read the code, then apply that to an algorithm, you can do EXACTLY what googles doing/ what EVERYONE else, that are successful, are ALREADY doing. Also by understanding SEO, you SHOULD be able to make money EASILY and FAST,IF you understand SEO, coding and Algorithms will/would help as well, ALSO IF you don't know how to sell you're self/IF you can't find a market for you're product/IF the market doesn't exist, that CAN/COULD be a problem TOO though, so you either have to create a market or realize you're idea/product, is obsolete AND YOU NEED TO MOVE ON. ALSO companies like parler/Fortnite, that think its a good idea, to violate companies TOS/Company Policy/contracts/User Agreements/not moderating/trying to advertise your website on someone elses website/bypassing payment methods/offering another price on your website, thats Advertised, on someone elses platform, doing things this controversial, I would DEFINITELY get my OWN PHYSICAL servers, I would also code in a language that can EASILY be scaled/moved, MAYBE Java/Python, along with the NORMAL stuff, HTML,CSS,PHP,Java Script, MAYBE also C, IF needed AND so on, anyway it needs to be a company/code that can really adapt, to any situation, QUICKLY.
@mattmatt2417 3 года назад
This is relevant/ties in as well: This is the SHORTEST version, I could put together, about section 230/companies 1st amendment rights,because this is a complex subject. I mentioned Trump, because he started this, most recently/made this popular, BUT I understand that A LOT of people aren't comprehending section 230/A LOT of people are going to be censored, A LOT more, if section 230 is removed. The thing A LOT of these people don't understand, is, one, IF these companies are responsible for what we say and do, they are going to have to moderate A LOT more. These companies NEED to stay SOMEWHAT family friendly, for ad revenue/for their customers/the people/companies that are paying for ads. They also NEED to moderate according to their customers, meaning they NEED to keep their customers happy. These companies can also claim they are not biased, all of the moderating is a direct reflection, of our customers. Also User agreements/Company Policy/TOS will protect them, in the future. These servers/Websites/APPs are private property. Freedom of speech, USUALLY ONLY applies when government is involved, not in private companies, meaning IF you go in Walmart yelling and screaming profanity, you will be escorted out/kicked out/ MAYBE even banned from the store. Also have you ever read the agreements, you have to agree to, at the Dentists, it says things like, if we break your jaw or deform you, we/the company nor the employee are responsible and we can't/you can't sue the employees/company. Also to go a little further with that/explain how these companies further protect their selves, Amazon, to protect them selfs, from law suits/reviews on their websites, that are bad, companies would have to have an agreement, with these companies, meaning, if you want your product at Walmart/Amazon, you will need to agree to this, then that product would be approved, meaning that company can no longer sue Amazon/Walmart, for a bad review, a buyer/user leaves. This would protect the company from what the user says and does AND this would protect the companies selling other companies products as well. This could also go further, with website agreements too, meaning your ISP/Internet Service Provider, would ALSO be responsible for what you say and do, on the internet, so, certain sites would be on an approved list, based on their user agreements/you would have access to some websites, that are approved and some websites, you can't access. ALSO either the comment section/areas where we post are removed or ANY posts we make ANYWHERE we post online/on the Internet, will take time to post/need to be reviewed, by either a person,Algorithm or AI, because with out section 230, these companies would be responsible, for what its users post AND, because A LOT of these companies NEED to stay SOMEWHAT family friendly, to continue to get paid for ads. So MORE censorship. This is about as short I can make this subject, meaning its a complex one/it causes A LOT of harm, if its/section 230 is removed. Not just for these companies, but for EVERYONE.
@mattmatt2417 3 года назад
This is a newer side of it, FOR SOME PEOPLE, this is MAINLY about parler/companies, that are doing business, with these companies, ALSO have to follow these companies TOS/Terms Of Service,User Agreements and Company Policies. Meaning, IF you have controversial ideas, MAYBE, you should have your OWN servers/not pay another company for cloud servers, binding you to ANOTHER agreement/TOS, if you want something like this, you need your OWN, physical servers/Website, APP and browser, IF Duck duck go/Opera, doesn't work for you. Also either a store or just allow your APK, to be downloaded, from your website. ALSO, IF you have an idea/platform/APP, that has no censorship/moderation/that violates A LOT of companies TOS/Terms Of Service/User Agreements/Company Policy and so on, MAYBE OPEN SOURCE/FREE SOFTWARE/ALSO Linux/different distros, WOULD be a good option, IF thats where your business NEEDS to be, BECAUSE, it violates MOST companies, Terms Of Service/Company Policy/User Agreements and so on. Richard Stallman liked/likes free software, free as in, you are allowed to modify the code, not free as in price, that MAY be something you MIGHT want to look into as well. Also Parler CAN still have their APP, on the Play Store/Apple Store and their servers, BUT they need to moderate better/change WHAT EVER, it is thats violating TOS/ Terms Of Service. Another example, when SOME RU-vid channels don't fit/conform to RU-vid properly, A LOT of creators turn to patreon and MAYBE sponsors. Anyway OTHER OPTIONS are out there. You can't violate these companies TOS/Terms Of Service,User Agreement or company policies. You can do what ever you want on your own website/servers, BUT I suggest, the company should ALSO be careful with that too, also your APP can TECHNICALLY be side loaded, to devices, IF Android/Google or Apple doesn't notice, because its their OS/Operating System, BUT technically you should be good, just have instructions on your site, how to become a developer/tap build number 7 times and enable your device to side load the APP or allow the APK to be downloaded/installed, from your website. If Parlers not figuring out simple things, like TOS/they didn't realize this, they DEFINITELY don't realize whats going to happen NEXT. They will NEED to keep their servers out of the US/ at the least VPNs/re-routing traffic, will help, for their CURRENT problems OR have your OWN servers, in the right area. Meaning Parler has to also follow laws, so the government doesn't shut them down, or at the least keep their servers out of the US/register their business somewhere else. ALSO doing things this controversial, I would DEFINITELY code in a language that can EASILY be scaled/moved/MAYBE Java, along with the NORMAL stuff, HTML,CSS,PHP,Java Script, Python, MAYBE also C, IF needed AND so on, anyway it needs to be a company/code that can really adapt, to any situation, QUICKLY. Also Parler needs a serious look at security as well, their platform is TERRIBLE, when it comes to security. Anyone debating about using Parler, I would advise them not to, because of their security issues. Hopefully this helps them/points out OTHER problems though, meaning, once they get their own servers, IF their in the wrong areas/IF their not using VPNs and so on, they will STILL be having issues/the government could shut them down, IF they don't think first.
@mattmatt2417 3 года назад
This is how these companies protect their selfs, in the future, without section 230. These companies have to moderate, because these companies NEED to make money/be SOMEWHAT family friendly, for their customers/companies/people paying for ads. So their ONLY choice, in general, BUT DEFINITELY without section 230, is to moderate EVERYTHING, well everything that violates Terms Of Services/User Agreements/Company Policy. Also The User Agreement,TOS and Company policy was created to protect that specific company/that individual company, meaning that company can make what ever decisions they want, about their own company/private property/servers. Another example, if I have guest over at my house and I set rules for them, they have to follow those rules, but I don't, I could also choose to enforce those rules, how ever I want to, meaning, if I have a close friend, I can tell them, they don't have to worrie about that, or I can say, if you pay this much, those rules don't apply to you, or I could have a separate contract with an individual company, where they get another version of TOS. Heres some more examples of how section 230 doesn't matter as much, as people think it does, well it does, if you don't want to be censored, but if censor ship doesn't bother you, repealing section 230, won't effect you. If section 230 is removed, user Agreements/Terms Of Service and company policy will protect these companies, the ones, we ALL agree to, when we access/use these companies websites/apps. Also these companies can claim they are not biased, the censorship is a direct reflection of their customers/the people buying ads, don't want certain content around their ads. Also EVERYTHING will be moderated/censored, EVEN MORE, IF section 230 gets removed. You can't go to Walmart yelling and screaming profanity, without getting thrown out and MAYBE even banned from the store, because of company policy, no shirt no shoes, no service; no mask, you can't enter the building. Also as another example have you ever read what you sign when you go to the Dentist? Some of what that says, basically says, if we break your jaw/deform you, we are not responsible and you can't sue the company or employee. Also to go a little further with that, Amazon, to protect them selfs, from law suits/reviews on their websites that are bad, companies would have to have an agreement, with these companies, meaning, if you want your product at Walmart/Amazon, you will need to agree to this, then that product would be approved, meaning that company can no longer sue Amazon/Walmart, for a bad review, a buyer/user leaves. This would protect the company from what the user says and does AND this would protect the companies selling other companies products as well. This could also go further, with website agreements too, meaning your ISP/Internet Service Provider, would ALSO be responsible for what you say and do, on the internet, so, certain sites would be on an approved list, based on their user agreements/you would have access to some websites, that are approved and some websites, you can't access. So MORE censorship.
@mattmatt2417 3 года назад
This is another thing people seem to not understand as well. Nothing you or ANYONE else uploads, to these sites, belong to you, once they've been uploaded, to these sites,UNLESS its a copy right issue. IF SOMEONE on their platform does something to someone, the victim NEEDS, to go after the RIGHT person/the person that actually did the act towards them/that user. Your accounts don't even belong to you/TOS/User Agreements/company policy, protect these companies. Honestly, if someone uploads something to their platform and a user wants it to be removed, this isn't even really the companies responsibility to handle, MOST OF THE TIME, CERTAIN content has to be moderated,IF its against the law/copy right material,BUT, MOST of the time, these decisions are left up to the individual company/its a PRIVATE companies policy/a decision these companies have to make, that they have the right to, because of the 1st amendment, either to moderate or not moderate/ban users or not ban users/run their business how they want and honestly, they don't NEED section 230 to do this,BUT EVERYONE benefits from section 230/MORE is able to be said, because of section 230/IF these companies were responsible for what we said and did, they would be moderating A LOT more. This is the users responsibility/parents responsibility,depending on age, to prevent SOME of these things from happening. Meaning car companies shouldn't be responsible for drivers that drive terribly/recklessly/movies have ratings/routers exist that can block certain content/word searches and so on/this is either a parents responsibility OR, because the person is a certain age/of age, they take that responsibility, just like alcohol/cigarettes and other adult activities/responsibilities. You can't blame a company, for your bad decisions OR child neglect/for you not handling your responsibilities/you can't sue the city, because your child was abducted in the city or you can't sue Walmart, because your child was abducted in Walmart. Another example, its a tool,IF you miss use the tool, thats not the manufacturers fault/IF you use the tool to murder someone, thats not the manufacturers fault. IF SOMETHING slips by/a certain court doesn't understand ENOUGH, to make a good decision, this is why this is wrong; This is wrong on its own, MEANING, an example, a car company could sell a car, to someone and that person could use that car for sex trafficking, thats not what the car company built/manufactured/sold the car for,BUT thats what it was used for. This should DEFINITELY fall on the sex traffickers, NOT a platform/car manufacturer. The car company AND the vehicle manufacturer profited from this,BUT thats not what the car/platform was built for. This is wrong, the courts NEED to go after the RIGHT people/the ACTUAL sex traffickers. This is going to end up being REALLY BAD, FOR EVERYONE. MEANING, IF these companies become responsible for what Thier users are doing, they are going to be censoring A LOT MORE. ALSO this goes against what A LOT of people want any way, MEANING SOME PEOPLE, don't want ANY censorship. AND, at the same time, this is why SOME people want censorship, BUT at the same time, this is still a companies 1st amendment right, to create their own company policies/run their business how they want/make their own decisions about their business, good or bad. ALSO IF we want to bring the carrier side of things into this, the difference between a phone company and an internet platform, is people pay actual money to use their phones/for their phone services/plans,with Facebook/Twitter, its free, when it comes to money,ALSO these phone companies have contracts/they can ALSO terminate your service, IF you violate that contract. Companies/people paying for ads, fund social media/RU-vid, YES these companies are paying for your view/your data,BUT that is ALSO something users agreed to give, in exchange for access to RU-vids/Facebooks and so ons, private servers/websites/APPs and so on. ALSO as I've said, these companies can ALSO claim they are not biased/ALL of the moderating is a direct reflection of our customers/the people paying for ads don't want certain content associated/around their ads/business. ALSO another thing to keep in mind is, CURRENTLY, the phone company isn't responsible for what its users say or do, with their devices/services/phones. ALSO most of the time a phone is used to call, someone you know/allowing what ever anyone wants to say, on their phone, doesn't really matter/its not like Walmart/companies that work with advertising companies/that don't want their customers to view them in bad ways/advertisers/companies could decide not to do business with them, because they didn't like the content on their site/when these companies were designed/created, they had/have a certain vision in mind, that makes it, what that company is/other companies exist, that align more with what other people may want/options are out there.