Latter Gay Stories
Latter Gay Stories
Latter Gay Stories
Real Stories | Real People | Real Talk
This is the intersection of sexuality and reality where we discuss topics relevant to the LGBT community in or out of Mormonism (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints).
186: Dan and Sara Fisk: Being Prepared for Allyship
9 месяцев назад
183: Richard and Josh | A Love Story
Год назад
171: David Doyle | @NerdyGayMormon
Год назад
162: Colter Wild | Finding My Inner Peace
2 года назад
Mormon No More | Utah Screening Event
2 года назад
@assumptionassumptions3696 6 часов назад
I really don't understand how can you make two kids if you didn't have any sexual attraction to your wife and girls generally? I know it's too intimate, but maybe someone would like to answer? I do not understand. Can you @LatterGayStories explain?
@stevenbuchanan3854 3 дня назад
Hi Gorgeous 🥰
@MrMelvinSchlock 5 дней назад
I knew Todd in his mission/Rick’s years. It’s funny/interesting to hear him talk about that time. All of it - true. Like most of us he’s much more subdued than the Elder Jones I knew. Todd was a delightful people person who was always concerned about people. Great guy. Impossible to forget.
@johnandrick64 6 дней назад
Weston, your velnerable beauty shines through and will be so appreciated by the one who will share your life. When I was a teen I also knew that I was gay and my Catholic answer was to become a priest, so I joined a missionary society where I would live a celibate life and serve the people in a Christlike fashion. My guard was down and at 22 I fell in love with another seminarian, also gay and destined for the priesthood. The Catholic Church could never accept this, and as we wanted to share our lives together we both left the seminary, and abstained from the Church. We built our life in Toronto as a couple within the neighbourhood, with our exposure to many of our neighbours as their first contact with a gay couple. This great love lasted 54 years and I lost him in Sept. 2022. You can be a great Christian in your own community and show God's love to your neighbours....that was Rick's and my mission once we left the organized Church. May it also be yours, in a long life of love and happiness.
@johnandrick64 7 дней назад
Especially enjoyed hearing of his love and respect for his wife who allowed him to ask himself questions that would separate them from each other. His NEW self-love just bubbles out of him most beautifully. What a great guy ! He'll be "a keeper" for some lucky man out there.
@ngatihine6072 12 дней назад
I couldnt even go on dates even after my mission 10 years after my mission i married the first person I dated at 31years of age. I was super uncomfortable on wedding night. I dont know how I got through it. We divorced 14 years later. We are best friends, still live together (I support her financially), and we are not intimate. I had 1 gay relationship, and it lasted 3 years, we were engaged. But I missed my ex-wife and kids. That's how much the church conditioned me, growing up.
@RovingRoninEDC 13 дней назад
Let me guess .. this was made by a “tolerant” liberal who fights against “labels” and “assumptions” about people
@picklesadventures 15 дней назад
Watched whole thing. Not found offence. I'm atheist. No loyalty to any invisible friend or holy book. But this man raises amazing points about the watering down of family. Especially how we treat old people in the west. Yes, he has absolutely outdated views on homosexuality. But I don't hear hate. I hear ignorance. This is a man who really wants people to look after their families. I don't get the sense of any hate. I honestly think that if he lived now he'd gave the same speech just without suggesting homosexuality destroys families. Theres a big difference between not knowing enough about something and being someone who hates. This is not a hateful man. I've heard hate against what I am. Plenty. I've also heard ignorance. That can be often changed with information.
@isaacwatanabe9599 17 дней назад
Fighting homosexuals? Say less
@HankHartley-md4du 12 дней назад
@1984Sawyer 18 дней назад
You are of the post-2000 generation. Your life has both immense challenges and opportunity that earlier generations did not. You have a choice in your life’s path.
@tdw1826 19 дней назад
They should be charged for vandalism
@douglaswilkinson5700 21 день назад
It us illegal for parents/guardians to throw a minor out of the house -- at least in California.
@douglaswilkinson5700 22 дня назад
I joined the Catholic Church 5 years ago. There are dozens of ways to be involved, youth groups, meet people, help others including an officially sponsored LGBT+ ministry which receives $10,000 per year for outreach, education, projects, etc.
@dianedaniels1755 22 дня назад
@ligayalacdao1814 22 дня назад
@ligayalacdao1814 22 дня назад
These are not God-Fearing people at all. God is love and not hate so called law makers and so-called God-fearing people.
@alexmaynez1432 24 дня назад
This proves why we don’t have dinosaurs but decided to love our neighbors.
@douglaswilkinson5700 26 дней назад
" ... getting a PhD in poli-sci from UC Berkeley." Berkeley is a hard-core leftist school, especially poli-sci department.
@andreweff1284 27 дней назад
Just another official who speaks for his constituents. Nex died because HIS parents refused to give HIM proper mental health treatment.
@droidy347 Месяц назад
You hate on the church, and for what? Does it bring you peace to dog other people’s faith?
@Dracosphinx2 9 дней назад
Yeah. It does.
@droidy347 9 дней назад
@@Dracosphinx2 that’s not very sustainable. Good luck with that. I hope you won’t hate yourself in 10 years
@globofgreen Месяц назад
ANY sexual depravity or immorality is a sin, but we are ALL SINNERS. A man that commits adultery is just as bad as a homosexual man. I’ve never understood why some church goers specifically act like gayness is an ultra sin. All sin makes you further from God. We should encourage abstinence from all sinning as much as we can. LGBTQ people should absolutely be welcome at churches, but a church that has pride flags all over or mixes the cross with the pride flag is most certainly disgusting.
@aidenfreedom Месяц назад
Very passionate and honest testimony Weston, i have been where you were to a tee, life was just too challenging not being able to be me and be accepted, loved and understood. You made me cry as i listened to your heartache because you describe exactly how i felt then, my family were deeply religious, 24x7 we were never allowed to be ourselves, i refer to the place where i grew up as "the prison" because it was, no love only judgement, strict Christianity in a backward sect. I was a square peg in a round hole with no way out and all alone, i have lived threw hell my friend and lived to be me. love light and blessing to you Weston always, remember "you are always beautiful on the inside" mirrors can be deceiving, it depends on the LIGHT. XXX
@douglaswilkinson5700 Месяц назад
@TootsieRoll-qv4ot Месяц назад
You are a stain on gods earth
@bus-cy5vw Месяц назад
y’all entire personality is hating on byu 😭 don’t have a life fr
@Dracosphinx2 9 дней назад
Can't say I blame them. BYU is kind of the worst anyway.
@russellwaters2659 Месяц назад
He said in the blessing that he would be able to control his porn usage lol. If you think that porn is a helpful thing then you obviously haven’t experienced it.
@douglaswilkinson5700 Месяц назад
It is illegal -- at least in California -- for parents to throw a child who is a minor out of the house.
@douglaswilkinson5700 Месяц назад
Wow! My Catholic parish (local church) has an official LGBT ministry and receives $10,000 every year for outreach, education, projects, etc.
@douglaswilkinson5700 Месяц назад
You told the LDS bishop about the relationship with boy at a secular school event? How did the school find out? If I confessed this to my Catholic Priest or Bishop they could not divulge this to anyone. Period.
@douglaswilkinson5700 Месяц назад
Friends feel that -- although an aerospace engineer-- I am weird for speaking 5 languages & learned Classic Middle Egyptian & Coptic.
@benjaminbywater1594 Месяц назад
@douglaswilkinson5700 Месяц назад
I just turned 70. Wish this advice, information, counsel and personal experience had been available 55 years ago!
@toobad_sosad Месяц назад
Why are you against Christianity? Because you would rather hate God than accept his love?
@LatterGayStories Месяц назад
Projecting much? Who said anything about hating Christianity-or God? Oh yeah, you did. 🥴
@brucegordon5765 Месяц назад
So very glad you survived. You inspire me. One of the saddest things is to see one so beautiful as you, articulate and intelligent not experiencing your awesomeness and glory really tears at my heart. I'm SO happy that you shared yourself with us. God bless you.
@douglaswilkinson5700 Месяц назад
My family is believed to be distantly related to him. Wonderful!
@douglaswilkinson5700 Месяц назад
Weston Smith's story (on this channel) had a major impact on me!
@douglaswilkinson5700 Месяц назад
His surname comes from Basque and means "hollow oak."
@Fizzy-froggie-x2j Месяц назад
As a homosexual this is so fricking funny 🤣
@Ongo-Goblogian Месяц назад
Growing up my mom said she would accept me if I was gay.We also lived with my grandparents who were right winger conservatives, who talked mess about queer people since I was 7yo.Then when I was 14 my “accepting” mom called me a f*gg0t when I was trying to see my gf. All this is why it took me 14 more years to come out as trans. Family like mine really Fs you up 😢
@douglaswilkinson5700 Месяц назад
In my Roman Catholic parish we have an official LGBT+ Ministry funded at $10,000/year for outreach, education, support, etc. Our priests are authorized to bless Gay marriages -- with several terms and conditions. However, it is a real step forward!
@mystiksketcher Месяц назад
Being gay isn’t a choice, doing gay things is a choice. There’s a difference
@ShaneStoneOfficial Месяц назад
Nothing wrong with being gay. Nothing wrong with being trans. I am a huge ally the lgbtq community… some of the most genuinely kind hearted people on planet earth, but don’t tell me I have to call you a woman when you have a penis. Don’t tell me men can get pregnant. Get rid of pronouns and “misgendering” and watch how much more support y’all will receive. Trying to force beliefs on anyone for any reason is wrong. Just like you not wanting someone to shove Christianity down your throat. Gotta give the same respect you want to receive. Thats my only gripe and I’m pretty sure that’s a lot of other straight people’s only gripe. 🏳️‍🌈&🇺🇸 not one or the other
@bfosterRNMSN Месяц назад
Weston you are very articulate and well spoken young man! I do feel compelled to share with you that nothing of your experience is your fault! Please stay safe and keep hope alive!
@amazingdrew4234 Месяц назад
Are you making fun of my religion?
@automaticwriting4220 Месяц назад
Yea, it’s as fair game as anything else.
@Luckyslevens Месяц назад
Dumb people will make dumb videos.
@Joe-go4ht Месяц назад
Nice kids!
@billsau868 Месяц назад
I appreciate your story and it's honesty. But something to consider. There is a reason it was Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden not Adam and John. This same eternal principle is why it requires a man and a woman to have eternal increase. A man and a man can have a great relationship and help each other. And as Dallin Oaks states will have great glory in the world to come. We get what we want. Eternal increase may be something you do not want which is fine. But the church can't change a biological eternal principle.
@krisofamerica Месяц назад
My God bless those mormons.I love them.
@juanitacmagallanez6518 Месяц назад
I like how Josh is I hope he is still around he'd be a great friend Juanita from California
@ginaking2529 Месяц назад
Thank you ,great episode!