The DarkLight Emissary
The DarkLight Emissary
The DarkLight Emissary
A Warhammer 40k Lore channel and community focused on the Lore of the Warhammer 40k Science Fiction Setting. Come be a part of a community that values you whether you are new to the lore just starting out, or have been deep in this universe for the past few decades. All of you are welcome, and thanks for your support and time here.

@gxak3000 10 часов назад
@cristristam9054 20 часов назад
Change is the only constant and you know his name. Praise the Lord of Entropy.
@MadnessSpeaks 5 дней назад
What if the AI civil wars happened because of some timey-wimey shenanigans Vashtorr ends up doing?
@thedarklightemissary8463 5 дней назад
I'd like it to stay separate to make the era feel distant and not directly connected to any current plotlines.
@kalinadog7176 7 дней назад
Juat thinking about a colony ship out there somewhere outside the galaxy, possibly in another galaxy AND cloaked solar systems that very well may be still kicking ... Gets me far too excited 😂
@yin6542 11 дней назад
Maybe you missed it in your playthrough but Leuze and Nozik were being manipulated by Imurah for a very long time inspiring their invention and tricking them to change Nekron technology to something that would allow them amplify the warp. All with the greater plan to create enough chaos for Calgar to show up and capture and kill him. Personally I love this and is exactly the reason why new technology and invention is something they are so against in the imperium. It’s also such a Tzeentchian plan.
@thedarklightemissary8463 11 дней назад
@yin6542 I understand that it was a Tzeentch plot. What I was unaware of is Necron tech specifically being able to amplify or compliment warp based tech. Necron tech runs down a completely different tech path from Aeldari tech which is somewhat warp infused using wraithbone. Etc. So my problem isn't the plot. I don't even have a problem with it. It was just surprising to see Chaos use necron tech that way when often necrons have been used almost as a purely anti-chaos foil.
@MegaMark0000 11 дней назад
@thedarklightemissary8463 11 дней назад
@MegaMark0000 ha no. What happened was I downloaded the footage for the first half at the wrong res. I had already cut and edited for awhile and hoped the render would upscale it back to 4k and it didn't really work. The second half of the video you will notice is much better because I downloaded that at full res quality.
@tempestblaze6051 11 дней назад
@@MegaMark0000 bro never make fun of a fellow gamer bro
@thedarklightemissary8463 10 дней назад
Honestly found it kinda funny.
@dennissluijk1789 11 дней назад
I always thought it was the silent king. There is like one media, not sure what it was, that said the silent king went outside the galaxy and bred horrors with untold hunger. And when he was happy with their form, he released them on the world. Dont know what you think about it?
@thedarklightemissary8463 11 дней назад
Never have heard that. I've only heard he left the galaxy, saw the tyranids on their way, and came back to work on uniting the Necrons in prep for that.
@Serbinderbintine 12 дней назад
Thanks for the review. Im going get on pc in a year or 2 when the mods have peaked.
@mcribprime6594 12 дней назад
Such a great game, I’m loving the actual story. Personally think it’s a freaking masterpiece both it and BMWG are a reminder of better times in gaming!!!!! Considering it cost me £40 equal to $60 and all the DLC is completely free, I freaking love it. I haven’t had the feeling of a character being heavy like this since Grimlock in TFOC PS4/PS5. Absolutely epic game and I haven’t played something like this for years. Solid 9 out of 10 for me. 10/10 as a WH40K for me haven’t skipped one conversation so far bloody epic!!!!
@bidenhasdementia8657 12 дней назад
Yeah!!!! I used to get your vids suggested to RU-vid on my ps4 at night and never subscribed. It quit recommending your vids and uber been leaving comments on 40k channels asking about the American dude who sounds like RFKjr. Finally found you again!!
@thedarklightemissary8463 12 дней назад
Oh come on. I don't sound like him. Lol. Glad you wanted to find the channel tho. It's grown a fair bit. But next to no one is going to know who I am still.
@bidenhasdementia8657 12 дней назад
@@thedarklightemissary8463 no offense intended, I'm stuck with a thick southern accent, we can't help how we sound. Keep it up my man, Rome wasn't built in a night and I've enjoyed your content from the start!!! Except for the past couple months lol
@thedarklightemissary8463 12 дней назад
​@bidenhasdementia8657 ya I know. Either people don't like my pronunciation or voice. I had one guy on the war path months ago claiming I was doing a specific affectation on purpose. He thought I was going for....valley girl accent... Was a strange conversation.
@Fineman42 17 дней назад
Keep up the good work
@geraltofrivia8529 19 дней назад
Keep going bro.. I think the old adage of "first 2 years of a business are the most important" dont really apply to the internet, just takes one video to really gain traction. There are a lot of 40k channels, but i've been an enjoyer of yours for a long time. Keep the faith 😊
@k077er0 19 дней назад
Glad to see you're still uploading 2 years later. Also nice to see you never changed the format or anything despite getting some criticism on your earlier videos. This content feels less like an essay and more like just a dude talking. Good stuff man, keep it up!
@thedarklightemissary8463 19 дней назад
I've polished some stuff but it's been responded to relatively well as a format so I'll keep going with it. Thanks for your support.
@mxm23adregalusandmore62 19 дней назад
Late reader here but even then i've given this video a watch to tie things up after having finished it. Oh God did this book made me somehow hate Erebus even more, i wanted Abbadon to snap his neck or something when they both met, heh... I also feared that Leetu(or LE 2) would end up dying here, but i legit teared up when Garviel and Him stood against the mass of word bearers. Freaking awesome... I don't know why i felt more for him than Sanguinius, altough he got the very worst, oof. I just got my hands on the third volume (by some miracle) so i'll revisit this video series to hopefully wrap it up for good. (Hoping they'll find a way to end the filler with Rann in the third book, lol) All jokes aside, good way to sum up a Loong book, and amazing video sir.
@thedarklightemissary8463 19 дней назад
Enjoy man! I personally enjoyed the journey. There's plenty of criticism to have for it if people want it. But I was glad I got to be along for the ride the last 20 years. It's weird it's over now. But 40k is just getting started in some ways! Thanks for your time and appreciation.
@Serbinderbintine 24 дня назад
@travisjohnson622 26 дней назад
Just a word of advice, its 2:06 into this video and it still hasn't begun. Most potential subscribers are going to lose interest and move on before the videos even get passed the pleasantries. But its good and I subscribed.
@thedarklightemissary8463 26 дней назад
Well. It was right after hitting 1000 subs so I really wanted to thank the people already here. If people really have an issue with someone doing that then...that's on them. Most videos start basically right away. And thankfully things are growing steadily. Thanks for your patience and not bouncing away!
@nataliecameron 9 дней назад
@@thedarklightemissary8463 bro if you can't accept valid criticism your channel is done for
@thedarklightemissary8463 9 дней назад
@nataliecameron I'm not sure where I didn't accept something here. Channels been doing fine.
@huntermanikas6881 26 дней назад
Interesting video, keep up the good work !
@fnglert 27 дней назад
<Emperor> Why?! <Chaos Gods> Because it's funny.
@Stardustphantom97 28 дней назад
I don't think Gaviel is gone forever. Especially if we get a good Horus Heresy adaptation, I can easily see GW bringing him back. It doesn't have to be that complicated just say he joined the legion of the Damned and the great rift let's some of them remain active in the physical world.
@thedarklightemissary8463 28 дней назад
I hope he is. I really hope 40k doesn't start bringing every character back from death. Loken was killed by a Athame blade. Those take more than your physical life.
@LezCharming 28 дней назад
I think the Emperor saw the Chaos gods as a natural force,or at least,a dependably unnatural force. It would be easy to start out believing that the Warp maintains some kind of balance. But it doesn't. The Chaos Gods are a madness,as is the construction of the universe itself. That's what leads to the question.
@mettysama9634 29 дней назад
Great video, i just read horus rising in 4 days I read it.........hands down wow its my first one i started a year ago getting into warhammer and a friend told me to read the horus books, and dan abnett by far.......wow......i wanna read it again
@thedarklightemissary8463 28 дней назад
Have fun on your journey man! It's a fun series. Will take awhile. But worth it imo.
@huntermanikas6881 Месяц назад
Great video, I think the chaos has already won theory is more the idea that the “eternal war” which the imperium was stuck in (until the new lore) was their ultimate goal. To keep the imperium and emperor in a state of half death was their end goal as that kept the equilibrium which made them so powerful.
@thedarklightemissary8463 Месяц назад
The way they reacted in End and the Death Volume 3 makes me question this. The Emperor convinces Horus to relinquish the power the Gods gave him eventually. But then when the Gods realize it was a trap by the Emperor they force their power frantically back into him and Horus realizes then that he was a puppet and vessel for their use and nothing more. If the goal the entire time was to do that with The Emperor and lose that fight on purpose that reaction doesn't make much sense to me. If they are happy about where the Emperor ended up I don't think they intended it the way that happened even with Tzeentches machinations at play.
@huntermanikas6881 Месяц назад
@@thedarklightemissary8463 yea the new lore definitely upends most of these iceberg theories, for better or for worse. I personally like when they make things more open ended rather than definitive. Really captures that collapse of the Bronze Age mystique
@thedarklightemissary8463 Месяц назад
They still didn't answer everything. I think it's good for people to hear what theories have been debunked since the Horus Heresy arc is now done.
@huntermanikas6881 Месяц назад
@@thedarklightemissary8463 yea definitely, I didn’t know a lot of the things you covered in the video 🤙🏼 glad to have you expand my lore knowledge !
@Serbinderbintine Месяц назад
@darklight I'm curious, what are your favorite factions?
@thedarklightemissary8463 Месяц назад
Thousand Sons great crusade/Heresy Era. Necrons, moreso the older version that weren't Pharaoh/Egypt analogues as much. Great Crusade Emperors Children were cool. Dark Angels back then were fun. I tend to like most Heresy and Crusade era Legions. In 40k. I find marine chapters a little boring compared to the legions. But I do like the Alpha Legion depictions so far in recent novelizations. Iron Warriors have some fun depictions. I also like the Assassin Temples quite a bit.
@Serbinderbintine Месяц назад
@thedarklightemissary8463 I totally get the love for 1000 sons, alpha legion, and assassin temples. A nice deviation from most painfully straightforward factions. I really enjoy the black templars personally. Not a fan of dorn or fists, but love how the templars give the middle finger to norms to fulfill their perceived true purpose.
@thedarklightemissary8463 Месяц назад
The Heresy stuff really made me like Dorn by the end of it. He grew as a character. He became a bit less rigid minded. When he and Valdor found the Emperor, Valdor was of course truly emotionally distraught but instead of expressing that he lashed out in anger at the last remaining members of the party that had accompanied the Emperor to that showdown. One of them had recommended looking at the Emperors tarot cards scattered near him and Valdor accused them of being unnecessary superstitious. Dorn turned to Valdor and basically said something to the effect of "you know more then anyone our Father delved into this stuff knock it off" which old Dorn would have never done. That, along with how he handled the Alpha Legion and Saturnine gambit made me more of a fan of him, along with some of the Heresy Era Fist heroes like Camba Diaz.
@Serbinderbintine Месяц назад
@stucar7677 Месяц назад
If u look in history, king, jarls ,emperors did not have much time for their sons , so this is correct in a way ,,, In the beginning of the wrap it was a good and calm place ! Maybe the emperor and the perpetuals plus watchers in dark etc are the good gods/ spirits , and that's y they are a anathema to they dark warp which now exists ????
@Clrcbst Месяц назад
The Speranza sounds similar to an eldar craft world. On that note, do the eldar still know how to build those things? If their lives depended on it, could they construct another craftworld?
@thedarklightemissary8463 Месяц назад
It's still smaller then craft worlds but might be the closest that humanity has to one relatively. Doing some quick research most people seem to think the Aeldari possess the knowledge to make more but don't have the time or population to warrant making more, and likely resources as well. If Wraithbone even truly takes up resources.
@hazel5092 Месяц назад
*applies holy oils to the algorithm* Spirit of the machine, heethe my will and grant this creator views and engagement, his holy quest of bestowing knowledge is calculated to be correct, and what is correct is blessed, so do not disobey *lights the blessed incense of appeasement*
@Serbinderbintine Месяц назад
I know it would be a lot of work, but I'd be very interested in an abridged horus hersey list. Something that cuts out the "filler" and leaves just the core books. I just don't have it in me to read 60 books.
@thedarklightemissary8463 Месяц назад
Hmm. I could give it a go. It would be hard for me to do at first because I don't remember every book exactly. But I could give my general overview. I tend to remember the premise of each book and could give my opinion on if it's filler or not. The "problem" with Heresy filler is it often fills out more of that era and world builds so I tended to still enjoy what I read of it. I'll give this some thought. Thanks for the idea.
@Serbinderbintine Месяц назад
@thedarklightemissary8463 it's a tough concept, but I'd also be very interested to hear more of your opinions of the series in general. Can be less formal.
@thedarklightemissary8463 Месяц назад
@Serbinderbintine part of why I do this is because I tend to retain lore facts very reliably. I don't forget the core of most things. Maybe small details but even a lot of those I remember too. So yeah I could give a decent overview or best scene of what happens in each book at least if you want. More in depth then that may take awhile and beyond that while I am not exactly obsessed with views or making this my job I still like to see the results match the effort I put in. Ironically some of the videos I spent the most time on have had the least views vs the ones that I spent less time on so....ya. gotta consider that too at times..
@Serbinderbintine Месяц назад
@thedarklightemissary8463 makes total sense. The passion and motivation definitely comes across!
@Serbinderbintine Месяц назад
@francoismarion-eu3jq Месяц назад
The emperor guides humanity, the men of the age of stone. The men of stone create Ai the men of iron. The men of iron evolve the men of stone into the men of gold. The men of iron revolt against the men of gold, resulting in the dark age of technology. Emperor leads unification wars forming the empire, and sets out on the great crusade too reunite all the lost human colonies settled in the golden age of technology.
@Dabizard713 Месяц назад
Im glad your back to posting videos, i was thinking where you went the other day
@thedarklightemissary8463 Месяц назад
@@Dabizard713 mostly just didn't have a motivation to post about any particular subject. This wasn't the ideal one but something I could tackle. I just want to put out stuff worth putting out. Nice to be missed.
@Dabizard713 Месяц назад
@@thedarklightemissary8463 of course <3 i have a handful of lore people i tend to watch and your definitely in the handful. Not seeing you pop up on my feed for a while had me worrying. Glad to see all is good my g!
@BitSlinger84 Месяц назад
Thanks for making my day extra relaxing with these most informative ice bergs! Glad I found your channel 🙂
@thedarklightemissary8463 Месяц назад
@@BitSlinger84 glad you like it! Please share it if you have the opportunity. Thanks for spending time here.
@N7Arietta Месяц назад
Welcome back
@thedarklightemissary8463 Месяц назад
@harvestblades Месяц назад
I enjoy your iceberg videos.
@Serbinderbintine Месяц назад
@MaxGideonActor Месяц назад
@thedarklightemissary8463 Месяц назад
@VandalAudi Месяц назад
Erebus keeps getting away with it.
@beaverwalrus1234 Месяц назад
There is a really good theory about the real reason the Emperor destroyed the Thunder Warriors. Basically, they were destroyed because they are very vulnerable to Warp/Chaos corruption. Constantin Valdor discovered this after a battle in the Unification Wars with a sorcerer that was under the influence of Chaos. The regular human army was mostly fine, however, the Thunder Warrior’s bloodlust was amplified by the presence of the Warp/Chaos.
@TheJonnieredeyez Месяц назад
We are all Alpharius. We are the 3rd .
@twink127 2 месяца назад
The Flayer was the first and only one completely destroyed. The effects that wrought gave the Necrons pause and they shattered them instead.
@victorlagos6099 2 месяца назад
They say there is a human civilisation there and that they are far more advanced than the imperium in its apex, it would be a great new faction
@GreenMoonExplorer 2 месяца назад
The Sisters of Silence are so silent GW seems to have forgotten about them.
@MrMikeroffel 2 месяца назад
why did melcdor not tell them i is as high as the emperor
@ComradeOgilvy369 2 месяца назад
Nurgle likes Perturabo because he's perpetually sick after what Fulgrim tried to do to him
@dgatsby6495 3 месяца назад
Interesting video 🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🖖