Jungfrau Media Productions
Jungfrau Media Productions
Jungfrau Media Productions
Seilbahnen, Eisenbahnen, Flugzeuge, Boote - Hauptsache es bewegt sich in irgendeiner Form.
Chemins de fer de Provence (FR)
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Impressionen Tendabahn (IT/FR)
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@MrPummi88 3 дня назад
War da tatsächlich eine Kurve verbaut?
@maysusana1 12 дней назад
If we buy Tageskarte 24 hours, are we must Pay extra for Gondelbahn Betelberg too? Or Tageskarte already inclusive?
@ludwigsamereier8204 17 дней назад
Danke für das seltene Dokument. Eine Ansicht der Lok und ein Datum wäre schön.
@seilbahntech_07 22 дня назад
Bin diese ZUB gern gefahren. Hat auch meine Kindheit ein wenig begleitet. Aber eine 3S mit ihrer Imposantheit ist fast ein gleichwertiger Ersatz.
@AspectOne Месяц назад
Klingt komisch, aber bei einer 2S Bahn mit solchen Bodenabständen hab ich mich immer unwohl gefühlt 😅😂 warum auch immer.
@finleydoyle 2 месяца назад
I can remember riding this telepherique when I was little back in 2009 with the Olympic cabins. Shame it is gone now.
@jropeways 3 месяца назад
Thanks very much for this amazing video on such a unique lift, which I had always wanted to figure out how it worked!
@AndrewJones-tj6et 4 месяца назад
Wow that's a crazy lift! It looks like the rope line slows down for each exit/entry point rather than the basket's detaching from the rope line.
@Gottenhimfella 3 месяца назад
That's nothing. It also is able to negotiate sideways curves, in BOTH directions!
@dieseldragon6756 4 месяца назад
Eine automatisches körblift, viel konvenienz... *Kostenlos?!?!* Daß wurde hier in „Vereinigtes“ Königreich nie möglich... 🚠🇬🇧💸😉 Danke Schön für dieses upload! 💯🚠😇👍
@anguscovoflyer95 4 месяца назад
Got any more videos of Chamonix? Such as plan joran or cornu lifts?
@paulmuehlboy6396 5 месяцев назад
Was ist das denn für eine gigantische Schieblok?
@user-tl1et9wg1k 4 месяца назад
@paulmuehlboy6396 4 месяца назад
Alle ausrangiert!Da hattest du ja noch Glück bei deinem Video in 2020@@user-tl1et9wg1k
@aswisshuman637 4 месяца назад
mittlerweile werden 940 dafür eingesetzt
@theMezianaThai Год назад
Bonjour, c'est merveilleux. Superbe balade, cela donne vraiment envie de naviguer sur les fleuves. Merci.
@steffenpollak6369 Год назад
Und ich habe ihn mit gebaut ☝️😏
@MacGT_theOriginal Год назад
Ohne diese „Musik“ vermutlich interessante, mit diesem Lärm allerdings nicht zu ertragen…
@jungfraumedia Год назад
Musikgeschmack ist subjektiv würde ich mal sagen. ;-) Ich kann verraten: Der O-Ton gibt auch nicht unbedingt viel mehr her.
@marcuskeulertz5852 Год назад
Insbesondere die starken Zugkräfte die von den großen Umlenkrollen in der Tal und Bergstation erzeugt werden.
@marcuskeulertz5852 Год назад
Diese Drahtseile müssen aber extreme Belastungen standhalten.
@marcuskeulertz5852 Год назад
Für Maschinenbau und Elektrotechnik Studenten eine coole Sache😊
@marcuskeulertz5852 Год назад
Gondeln mit Rundumblick. Bei diesem Alpenpanorama. Ich meine die können auch langsam rotieren,damit man schöne Fotos machen kann.
@marcuskeulertz5852 Год назад
Sehr spektakuläre Auffahrt mit diesem Panorama. Sankt Anton kenne ich vom Arlbergpass ich bin leider nie mit der Vallugabahn gefahren.
@jungfraumedia Год назад
Was nicht ist kann ja noch werden. 🙂
@adriandahler2917 Год назад
schöne Bahn. Vor 50 Jahren war ich dort in der Bergstation im Skiferienlager, und habe damals schon mehr die Seilbahn angeschaut als die Pisten.
@adriandahler2917 Год назад
schöne Gondelbahn, wo man noch die konstruktive Sorgfalt bestaunen konnte.
@ThomasK3004 Год назад
Seit dem Bau der Seilbahn Zugspitze, die nicht weniger als drei Weltrekorde beinhaltet und die gesamte Seilbahnszene anzieht wie ein Riesenmagnet, wird diese Bahn kaum noch beachtet. Kauft man sich jedoch eine Fahrkarte für die Zugspitzrundreise, dann kann man diese Pendelbahn so oft benutzen, wie man will.
@RopewayReport Год назад
Danke für diese Aufnahmen, ist echt ein geniales Teil! War auch ziemlich Flott unterwegs an dem Tag!
@rojaanvanophoven4052 Год назад
So eine schöne Tour. Zeitrafferaufnahme verhagelt das ein wenig.
@jungfraumedia Год назад
Es wäre in Echtzeit mit rund 30 Stunden wohl ein etwas arg langes Video geworden. ;-) Die Route ist aber zweifelsfrei wunderschön, ich kann sie bedenkenlos empfehlen.
@thomasw2096 Год назад
Sie wurde 2019 abgebaut, nicht in 2018 Sonst schöne Aufnahme!
@jungfraumedia Год назад
Steht ja auch so im Video. ;-) Das Jahr 2018 im Text bezieht sich auf die Norsjö-Bahn in Schweden.
@CBF1 Год назад
I swear that Doppelmayr-Garaventa and the other 3 ropeway tyrants(Leitner, Poma, Bartholet) are the most evil ropeway manufacturers in history, they are nothing but global tyrannical monopolies that take everything that makes the world interesting away from us and force their monopolistic mass-produced crap that is all the same against us. A better description to them would be a quadropoly. How could they replace a more than century old funicular with historical status?! Just for modern contemprorary tourism?! Europeans are sick. Sick, demented, twisted and psychotic, all manipulated into following everything that the governmental and corporate authorities and businessmen tell them to... European people can't stand to see anything old or historic or anything remotely different to their praised mass-produced contemprorary modern trash that has nothing special to it at all, can they?! Governmental authorities and corporate businessmen are overall tyrannical as well, they don't care one bit about history or mechanical specification... all they care about is modern contemprorary tourism because that makes them the most money. ANYTHING that makes them money they will put above all else including reason. People should stop leaving things up for governmental authorities and corporate businessmen to decide. They will just take everything old-fashioned and interesting away from us and destroy it all just to replace it with worthless mass-produced modern contemprorary trash just to make money. They will force their will on us just for money. They manipulate people into trusting everything they say as well to make once again EVEN MORE money. They don't know what's good for us, and neither do they care. WE MUST TAKE OUR RIGHTS TO DECIDE BACK. What democracy is there, when governmental authorities and corporate businessmen just instantly announce, that they're going to commit such a heinous crime as tearing down a historical facility, and replacing it with something bland and modern YOU WILL SEE LITERALLY EVERYWHERE, WITHOUT us DEMOCRATICALLY VOTING FOR WHAT THEY ARE PLANNING?! That's one reason why the USA doesn't have anywhere as near many amusement parks now as it did back in the early 1900's. Shops or some shit were more popular and made more money, again, that's all that people care about. Just f***ing money. The replacement of the Burgenstock funicular, although I've literally just discovered it from you(Jungfrau Media Productions), is easily one of the worst I've ever seen. 129 years all thrown down in the bin just for money and what's popular. People must make the decisions themselves, NOT leave the decisions to any governmental authorities and corporate businessmen!
@vonrollskyway1 Год назад
Prefer a Von Roll over all other manufacturers. Built Von Roll tough
@CBF1 Год назад
Great to have some Von Rolls rather than no Von Rolls. Good to at least have the one surviving VR101 in Czech although I wholeheartedly agree the modern safety standards are nothing but a grab for corporate and governmental power and control. Von Roll lifts are rare though, even the VH400's are. Not many were built to simply put it. For me on the other hand, Poma lifts are my favourites, but only the really old ones from anywhere up to 1936 to 2005. The Poma Type S/Sacmi gondola lifts are my favourite ropeways of all time. I grew up with the first one made in Val D'Isere(sadly replaced). They have certain mechanical beauty to them that no other ropeways could ever have in my opinion... my favourite ropeway of all time is a Type S, it's the Combe des Juments chairlift in La Clusaz. The most beautiful existing ropeway and the last Type S chairlift of only 11 made, it's not getting replaced for at least a few years from now, thank goodness...
@strassenbahntk Год назад
Danke für den Film! Die Stilllegung ist einfach unverzeihlich und typisch Österreich, in Japan oder in der Schweiz hätte man so ein technischkhistorisch wertvolles Gesamtkunstwerk gehegt und gepflegt und touristisch weitergenutzt.
@jungfraumedia Год назад
Persönlich kann ich schon verstehen dass man Attraktionen die ein Defizit einfahren ab einem gewissen Punkt nicht mehr betreiben kann. Dass man aber in einer Region mit vergleichsweise wenigen ähnlichen Angeboten keine Lösung für die Finanzierung gefunden hat, will mir bis heute nicht wirklich nachvollziehbar erscheinen.
@marcelfischer1611 Год назад
Von welchem Jahr sind die Aufnahmen?
@jungfraumedia Год назад
Die Aufnahmen entstanden im Jahr 2005.
@CBF1 Год назад
The Federal Transport Office and the Doppelmayr-Garaventa group must pay the price in the future for all of the hatred and extremism they have forced against wonderful locally-produced pieces of jewellery such as old Spielboden. All I ever got to see was the modern globalized piece of scrap that's there now. It's a miracle that Chur has the VERY FIRST Von Roll VR102 but it lost A LOT of it's original parts when it left Flims-Laax-Falera. I'll still pay a visit to Chur though! I've recently returned to Saas Fee to document all of the other great old ropeways of Saas Fee... Alpin Express, Metro Alpin, Langfluh, Felskinn, and Plattjen. I already documented the Hannigbahn back in 2018. Would love to personally OWN the Hannigbahn after it's replaced. The old ropeways should've been brought to MY country(Great Britain) instead of being melted down. When will people realise that these old lifts are fun mechanically different amusement rides and works of art and not just "pUbLiC TraNsPoRT tHaT tHe BuNdEsAmT FuR VeRkeHr sHoUlD FoRce ExTREmIsM AgAINsT fOr CoRpoRaTE BEnEfIt"? Have you also done the Komari Vizka chairlift in Krupka? I highly doubt you've seen the Combe des Juments chairlift in La Clusaz, Aravis, France... That chairlift is THE JEWEL OF ALL JEWELS, it's THE MOST BEAUTIFUL CHAIRLIFT EVER BUILT!!! A uniquity as well as it's the only Poma Type S detachable chairlift left in existence of only 10 - 11 produced, with more than 40 Poma Type S gondola lifts made from 1966(Val D'Isere, La Daille) until 1983(Argentina)! I highly recommend you see both of those lifts(Komari Vizka and Combe des Juments), along with those in Saarbrucken and Dortmund... I don't call the shots on what you film though!
@jungfraumedia Год назад
Well, there are a few nice looking modern ropeways as well but yes, I totally agree that you can´t compare them to the older ones. Today quite many lifts don´t only look very similar but also rather cheap in term of their station buildings. It´s more about getting to the mountains in the quickest possible way than about an experience. Time changes I suppose... ;-) However, I´d like to see some more heritage lifts, especially when it comes to gondolas.
@CBF1 Год назад
@@jungfraumedia Totally, those modern complicated pieces of scrap aren't going to go on for anywhere near as long as the old ones have without requiring seriously difficult maintenance thanks to how many more parts they have compared to the old lifts from before the standardization was imposed. When it comes to times changing... Blame the manufacturers for it. It's their tyranny again, they are the ones who make the crappy newer lifts that are bigger and faster, therefore they are the ones who impose the rules and totalitarian regulations... Old lifts are already fast. When will people realise that the old lifts are more than just "OuTDateD PuBlIc TraNsPoRT"? Pretty sure people will be as toxic and as mad for efficiency as to replace ALL ropeways for teleporters if they become a thing. We must save what's left. We must save the 4 Giovanolas, the Kanzeli Von Roll VR102 lift, the old Poma gondola lifts in France, etc... the old Staedeli lifts, the old Garaventa and other old Von Roll lifts, all of the locally produced lifts, we need to take out of the ski resorts and bring into new locations... Humans have saved antique American carousels, old steam locomotives and other historical buildings, etc... No reason why the same can't be done with ski lifts! We must form our own organization that'll ultimately preserve these lifts permanently for all generations to come.
@CBF1 Год назад
BY GOLLY THAT IS A JEWEL OF A ROPEWAY. Sadly I only rode on the modern piece of monopolistic scrap that's there now. There's only so few swiss ropeways left and only one Habegger gondola lift left in existence(Vorab Gletscherbahn, Flims Laax Falera). Too many have been scrapped, all in the favour of global monopolies. We no longer have any local ropeways produced in our own countries any more, it's just the same monopolistic standardized global shit repeated over and over again. STOP THE 4 GLOBAL CORPORATE ROPEWAY MONOPOLIES
@Paraglider200 Год назад
Also das Baujahr kann nicht stimmen, denn damit bin ich schon als Kind, ende der 70er nach Dorf Tirol rauf gefahren. Schöne Erinnerung, danke für das Video!!
@jungfraumedia Год назад
Freut mich dass dir das Video gefällt! Das Baujahr stimmt schon. Der Lift wurde 1987 erneuert. Andere Quellen geben dafür 1986 an.
@GondelbahnMonde Год назад
Have you filmed before 2002 Châble-Verbier-Ruinettes-Attelas from Giovanola !?
@jungfraumedia Год назад
Unfortunately I didn´t. I´ve been there for the first time in 2004. I was using DVCAM equipment back then but I´m not sure if I took it with me that day. I don´t have the original tapes anymore but if I did there would be some copies somewhere in the cellar, although on VHS. Haven´t gone through them yet as there are many as well. :D
@GondelbahnMonde Год назад
@@jungfraumedia Because before 2002 you had this really long gondola and later to 2006 only the last part Attelas
@CBF1 Год назад
@@GondelbahnMonde Long Live Savoleyres
@GondelbahnMonde Год назад
Nice video 🎉❤
@vonrollskyway1 Год назад
R.I.P. Von Roll VR 102
@CBF1 Год назад
1976 - 2016, last one in it's original shape. What should we do about the modern ropeways honestly? We need to stop them! We must go back in time(If that ever happens which it most likely never will) and bring our locally-produced jewellery back...
@vonrollskyway1 Год назад
Mighty Von Roll
@jungfraumedia Год назад
A bit short but indeed a very nice one.
@kabinenzug Год назад
Kleines Detail: Bis auf Fernüberwachung und Steuerung original, denn die Steuerung wurde zusammen oder fast Zeitgleich mit der Fernüberwachungsanlage ausgetauscht. ;)
@jungfraumedia Год назад
Danke für den Hinweis! Ich habe mich auf die Angaben aus dem Seilbahninventar verlassen. 🙂
@kabinenzug Год назад
@@jungfraumedia Das Seilbahninventar ist eben leider nicht immer korrekt was gewisse Angaben betrifft. Beispielsweise ist das Getriebe dieser Bahn mit dem Hersteller Kissling eingetragen, ist aber effektiv ein Von Roll-Fabrikat. Anderes Beispiel: Die Steuerung ist mit BBC dokumentiert, auf jeglichen Fotos erkennt man aber die Herstelleranschrift der Frey AG Stans. LED 7 Segment-Anzeigen für die Erstfehlerdiagnose sind zudem zu NewSchool für 1967 😂
@vonrollskyway1 Год назад
Why was this Von Roll removed?
@kabinenzug Год назад
The aerial tramway is still running as seen in this video. However there are plans to renew or replace it after 2024.
@jungfraumedia Год назад
It´s still there but in only runs during winter, usually from December to March.
@GondelbahnMonde Год назад
Nice video !
@jungfraumedia Год назад
@vonrollskyway1 Год назад
What happened to all of these cabins?
@GondelbahnMonde Год назад
@@vonrollskyway1 Some are in a VonRoll Bartholet cablecar in Chur (Graubunden)
@CBF1 Год назад
@@GondelbahnMonde Great to hear. Can't we all agree though that the exitence of modern ropeways is a disaster that must be stopped before traditional locally-produced lifts go extinct?
@everkingilllili-_iil5163 Год назад
Warum wurde diese schöne Bahn abgerissen und nicht modernisiert ? versteh ich nicht... (edit) entschuldigung habe die Beschreibung noch nicht gelesen sorry ^^
@vonrollskyway1 Год назад
There should be a historical marker placed there. The 1st detachable monocable grip was born. 1945 Von Roll VR 101
@CBF1 Год назад
Ski resorts are cruel to their lifts. I hate people who see ropeways as nothing more than "skier transport". Nobody has any sanity for ski lifts/ropeways, literally, that's why they're replaced. Corporate greed from Doppelmayr-Garaventa and the other ropeway monopolies also is an enormous contributor to the extremism against old ropeways.
@Varadero124 8 месяцев назад
@@CBF1 I think this is only half the truth. At least in Switzerland (as far as I know), the state must allow the operation of each lift. After a certain amount of time, to keep this allowance gets really expensive (new safety regulations etc). That is also a big factor. For example, the old Giovanola System (gravity clamps) is quite rare, because it is considered (rightly so) as not that safe compared to other systems. Therefore huge amounts of money need to be spent (maintenance) to keep them in an operable state. This can be hardly done given the disadvantages.
@CBF1 8 месяцев назад
@@Varadero124 The thing is though with regards to the Giovanola grips when has a deropement/cable derailment ever happened to any Giovanola-gripped system? They've been working flawlessly for 73 years now and all of a sudden they're not safe just because they don't fit into cable catchers, when again they've worked just fine for nearly 3 quarters of a century. I'm sorry but that sounds like it's more than just "safety regulations" because if this was truly about safety then Giovanola systems would generally be allowed to operate. I highly believe this is a corporate lobby from the ropeway manufacturers, through paying the authorities into introducing these regulations that don't need to be there. Seriously they don't need all of this totalitarian regulation when a grip has been deropement-proof even if it doesn't fit into cable catchers. The authorities and businessmen being the money-oriented c*nts that they are don't have a passion for the lifts either. Just money really. I highly suspect that this contributes to why old lifts are assassinated. People who are passionate about lifts would want to keep them running provided they are safe to run as passenger lifts and the Giovanola and VR101 gripped lifts are. They just don't have deropements, even if the grips are too wide to fit into cable catchers. When can us humans learn that if we want things to be done right(including regulating ski lift safety) we have to do things ourselves, rather than rely on rich middle-aged c*nts who only want to make lots of money and will look for any exploit possible?
@vonrollskyway1 Год назад
Beautiful video.sad that this classic Von Roll isn't around anymore. What is there in its place?
@jungfraumedia Год назад
Nothing. There are plans to add a section the the currently being built Flem Express in a couple of years which would the reach the Cassonsgrat again.
@Luki-xr2ih Год назад
Ist die Aufnahmen aktuell? Welche Höhe hat die Talkstation
@jungfraumedia Год назад
Nein, die Aufnahmen stammen aus den Jahren 2009 und 2011. Ich bearbeite gerade mein MiniDV-Archiv aus dem Zeitraum von 2004 bis 2012, daher auch die ganzen Videos von nicht mehr existierenden Anlagen. :-) Die Talstation liegt auf 1095 Metern.
@technikfreak_ch Год назад
Ist das die Schwaigerklemme?
@me262omlett Год назад
Ja, da die Sesselbahn entstand unter Lizenz von Doppelmayr.
@jungfraumedia Год назад
Exakt, die Bahn wurde unter Doppelmayr-Lizenz gebaut.
@InfinityCoasters Год назад
Ob der Wagen da noch steht?
@jungfraumedia Год назад
Soweit ich weiss ja.
@Purple_Ax0l0tl Год назад
No, its 8-MGD, not 8-EUB
@jungfraumedia Год назад
Depends on your native language. ;-) As I publish content mostly in German I use German abbreviations. EUB stands for Einseilumlaufbahn. The "detachable" is missing as you might notice as there are only very few which aren´t.
@CBF1 Год назад
I absolutely detest, loathe and abhor the 4 remaining global corporate ropeway manufacturers and the governmental agencies that they have lobbied, including the Swiss Bundesamt Fur Verkehr/Federal Transport Office. Now the Giovanolas are next on their list of extinction, what a joy... I'm being totally sarcastic here, it ain't no fucking joy at all. The only reasons these standards are in place is because of the toxic competitivity of the ropeway market, and so that the 4 remaining global ropeway manufacturers can make more money. All the individual ropeway manufacturers including Von Roll couldn't compete with Devilmayr, Leitnazier and Poma, so they were all taken over. The manufacturers lobby the governmental agencies into forcing old ropeways to be destroyed with all of these extremist safety standards. If they really were about safety then they wouldn't be so extremist and hateful. Giovanola and Von Roll VR101 grips have proven deropement-free for 72 and 77 years. Their excessive capacity expansion and comfort increase lobbies people into wanting their shit modern ropeways and going into full rage mode like a fucking toddler as soon as they see something that is NOT a Devilmayr UNI-Gruesome or Demon-Line, a Pomaleficent Multix or a shit modern Leitnazier or Bartholet 8 or 10-seater gondola lift or 6-seater chairlift. The bastards in power, who don't deserve to be in power, including Devilmayr, Leitnazier, Pomaleficent, Bartholet, and the Bundesamt fur Verkehr are nothing but tyrants and they have no care for any mechanical or historical importances which are far more important than such a shit excuse of a reason for forcing everything to be the same such as corporate lobbying, speed and comfort. After all of the old ropeways those bastards have destroyed I genuinely hope those tyrants either die, get overthrown, or get murdered like how they seriously fucking deserve to be. Governmental and corporate bastards constantly intervene with innocent old-fashioned things just to ruin them, corporatize them, promote hatred and extremism against them, and make a lot of euros/swiss francs/dollars out of it all. And they of course order lots of security so they can force their will on the public and not allow anyone to stop them EVEN WHEN WHAT THEY ARE DOING IS FUCKING WRONG. Good thing for the United States and Krupka, even more for Krupka, as Krupka now has what has become THE OLDEST AND LONGEST SERVING DETACHABLE MONOCABLE ROPEWAY IN HISTORY!!! Tell me, what other detachable monocable ropeway has ever gone on for a full 70 years? The best part is that it's legally protected as a historic landmark too, Devilmayr and their 3 cuntbuddies AIN'T FUCKIN' standardizing Krupka!!! As soon as I get my own car, the FOT and the ropeway manufacturers will be DAMNED. PERMANENTLY. Like how they fucking deserve to be.
@vonrollskyway1 Год назад
Sad this Von Roll VR 101 isn't with is anymore. Such a beautiful ropeway. Had character. Personality. It talked like all VR 101s do. Thank God In the USA we have 10 of these treasures..long live Von Roll VR 101s
@CBF1 Год назад
Great thing for our beloved Komari Vizka chairlift too... It's legally protected as a historic landmark as far as I've heard. 70 years ongoing. No other detachable monocable ropeway has ever lasted that long and it's only due to sheer arrogance of governmental and corporate tyrannical businessmen in power(which have ZERO deservance of being in power AT ALL). Had Doppelmayr, Leitner, Poma, Bartholet, the Bundesamt fur Verkehr and the other tyrannical ropeway authoritarians not come and impose all of these standards against the old ropeways, the other VR101's and all other detachable ropeway systems from BEFORE the standardization, SPECIFICALLY the 1940's - early 1990's detachable ropeways, would've all been more than capable of going on for a full century accident and deropement-free. Fun fact also... the Oeschinensee chairlift was the same age as my youngest grandparent, opened shortly after she was born. She was Swedish.
@vonrollskyway1 Год назад
@CBF1 Great words.Thank God that the USA has Grandfathered into all codes the remaining 10 Von Roll VR 101s.
@CBF1 Год назад
@@vonrollskyway1 Indeed... the swiss and all of the governmental agencies lobbied by Doppelmayr/Leitner/Poma/Bartholet have no humanity at all. We need to overthrow them... I made an entire 1-hour-30-minute long commentary about modern ropeways on another channel of mine I've just recently summoned. We have many more ropeway systems to preserve... Staedeli, Giovanola, Garaventa, old Poma ropeways, old Girak/Swoboda/old Doppelmayr(true Doppelmayr) ropways, et cetera...
@vonrollskyway1 Год назад
Allways sad to see a Von Roll retired.
@beerentoter3546 Год назад
Ein Video dieser Anlage habe ich jahrelang vergebens gesucht! Wunderbar🤩