@PP-hu9wv 7 часов назад
The details about becoming animagus are well known
@Spawned-uy8ip 10 часов назад
Rowling said neither James nor Sirius would have let Peter into their group if not for Remus's begging them. She also said James and Sirius would have bullied him as well if he hadn't been in their group. We saw how they treated him in SWM. He was their personal cheerleader and they seemed to tolerate him more than they liked him. Sirius was willing to risk Peter's life, without even asking Peter, just because Sirius thought Peter was too weak/pathetic to be taken as a real threat. Then to top things off, Sirius didn't break out of prison because he was worried about Harry's well-being. He busted of prison to murder Peter. I doubt he would have been so eager to murder James/Remus if they had betrayed him. But then again, he actually liked them. Also, Sirius himself said Peter had a thing for hanging around the biggest bullies on the playground, he admitted the Marauders were bullies.
@michelveenstra9906 11 часов назад
He aint that weak. He blew up a whole street and killed 13 people at once
@Spike-ex5bp 8 часов назад
No he didn't
@MavenWalsh 7 часов назад
@@Spike-ex5bp Yes, he did. It was in the books. Peter was never weak. He was just overlooked due to being in the shadow of the most overated bullies Hogwarts had ever seen. Even Minerva was a James+Sirius fangirl.
@emjayy1233 2 часа назад
Yes he did
@pixiephlox 22 часа назад
I do wonder why the students needed specific permission from a parent or guardian to visit Hogsmeade, but not to participate in the Triwizard Tournament…
@elizabethoneill8612 День назад
Make sense
@elizabethoneill8612 День назад
I found it interesting and informative and very spot on.
@elizabethoneill8612 День назад
@elizabethoneill8612 День назад
The goblet of fire can't test DNA
@tomithot261 День назад
Like your thinking / sharing ... fills in many questions I have had. Keep up the searching!
@Bluefoot65 День назад
The entire student body and teachers are transported in the coach for Beauxbatons and the ship for Durmstrang The classes and Test were done within these transports. The Purpose of the Triwizard tournament is to prevent Inbreeding in the wizarding world. but the organizers could not say this out right. The books are written from the point of view of Harry and his friends, and there is a lot the kids did not understand. Ringtail being able to tell the goblet that Harry is from a fourth school and the only person whos name from that school was placed in the goblet. made him a champion of that school. The adults seem incompetent in the Triwizard because the kids are not being told what is going on. The agenda of the adults is working fine the kids from the three schools are interacting as planed. Note that no student died on school grounds.
@pixiephlox 22 часа назад
Ringtail? Do you mean Wormtail? Bart Crouch jr. put the confundus charm on the goblet of fire.
@strongbraveloud День назад
Tell me you know nothing about Harry Potter when doing a video without telling me you know nothing about Harry Potter when doing a video
@pixiephlox 22 часа назад
Can you elaborate?
@michaelodonnell824 День назад
Regarding the Education question, there's another aspect that wasn't touched upon. Between Halloween and June, the Heads (Madame Maxine and Igor Karkaroff) accompany their students. But they are also the Heads of their own schools. So who runs their schools where the rest of their pupils are? Do they flit off home, leaving the students at Hogwarts with no supervision? We only hear/read that Maxine and Karkaroff accompany their students, there doesn't seem to be any other teacher from either school and we know that the Durmstrang pupils sleep on their ship, so they would need a Teacher with them at all times, so do Maxine and Karkaroff simply abandon the vast majority of their students while they Holiday at Hogwarts for most of a school year?...
@matejmatuska6700 День назад
first and foremost harry didnt need to be 17 to throw the parchment or be in the tournament only thing that he needed to do was to cross the line which anyone older than 17 can do becouse that was just dumbledors measure not ministry or goblet one second book is clear that refusing means death or something worse so harry or anyone cant just refuse they needed to at least try they could be disqualiffied and that way not be penalised but complete turning back from tournament was not passible that is why fleur could just wait until the end of 2nd task but had to go to the 3rd and in 3rd they could get off everything else was staged by voldemort and ministry where lucius malfoy cornelius fadge and dumbledore were the ones that along with barty junior did have free reign to do what they wanted.
@daniellewylie6187 День назад
Read the book! The amount of facts you get wrong in every video makes me think that you don't do your research!!! Fleur did NOT refuse to do the 2nd task, she got attacked by zee grindalows, & had to be rescued. The reason there was no quidditch was also addressed twice.….firstly because the amount of work required by the teacher's & secondly the pitch had to be turned into the maze! Stop making out these books have lots of potholes. The Harry Potter books are a literary works of art.
@michaelodonnell824 День назад
FWIW - they must wait until a Maze is grown? Are they witches or Wizards or not?...
@lissaweers346 День назад
then your saying a ravencrwal could add all the names from at house only the person crossing the line has to be 17
@sethjohnson3650 День назад
Snape was a great potions teacher.
@jajincaable День назад
If the Dursleys were effected by the horcrux, what about Harry? He should have been consumed by an overwhelming amount of anxiety, fear, and moodiness since he possessed the horcrux within. Yet, he was not.
@albertlamar5938 2 дня назад
Sounds like a great story could be the adventures of Charlie and Hagrid with magical creatures.
@elizabethoneill8612 2 дня назад
I like these videos
@paulrindahl2500 2 дня назад
Harry destroyed the diary.
@vekyxeivo5595 12 часов назад
That channel is so nonsense anyway.
@vekyxeivo5595 2 дня назад
6:53 And if Ginny gave Harry the love potion than Harry all child will be like Voldemort. Evil without any loves.
@vekyxeivo5595 2 дня назад
So so bad theory.
@Yetireacts419 2 дня назад
The alternative ending Harry wakes up at the end of the last movie to realizing he is in a a straight jacket in an insane asylum so all the movies where just his imagination
@LaurinGarcia 2 дня назад
If I am remembering right, Dumbledore wasn't the one who expelled Hagrid. Dumbledore was just a teacher at that time. But then again, thinking about it again... If I recall right, the expulsion of a student also lies with the Head of House.🤔
@bilbobagginses4941 2 дня назад
I believe off the top of my head Armando Dippet was the headmaster
@LaurinGarcia 2 дня назад
@@bilbobagginses4941 Dippet was indeed the Headmaster of Hogwarts during Tom Riddle's years at school. 👍 I definitely remember that. But the only reason I second guessed myself was because of Chamber of Secrets where Snape (who is head of Slytherin) said that the responsibility of expelling Harry and Ron lies with Professor McGonagall (who is head of Gryffindor) because the kids were not part of his house. If I recall correctly and I could very well be remembering it wrong, I think Professor Dumbledore was head of Gryffindor during Dippet's Headmaster years and during Tom Riddle's school years. 🤔
@bilbobagginses4941 2 дня назад
@@LaurinGarcia So I just looked. It was the MoM that snapped his wand and expelled him.Albus convinced Dippet to keep him around being an orphan. Also....our governor sucks A$$ 315.
@timnoyb2431 2 дня назад
Even if a head of house can expell a student of his/her house but not from other houses that doesn't mean the Headmaster can't do it and would be able to override the heads of houses.
@melodycuthbert4840 День назад
Hagrid was a Hufflepuff. Wasn’t Dumbledore a Grffyndor?
@Knowledge.to_Come 3 дня назад
2:20 harry actually survived avada kedavra 3 times, when he was being moved before his 17th bday and lucius malfoys wand broke.
@elizabethoneill8612 3 дня назад
And Harry lost all the bones in his right arm at one point
@cyvanzanten553 3 дня назад
Never understood why they al believe wizards to be superior to muggels wizards are still living in the midevil era
@kennethnash598 2 дня назад
When wizardy secrecy drops we'll get the techno mages from Babylon 5
@alesiabradley5399 2 дня назад
@slipstick985 3 дня назад
Actually, the medal for alchemy was lead, but he transmuted it to gold.
@daniellewylie6187 3 дня назад
It makes me laugh how many people (that comment on these videos) pointing out that something is incorrect, get their own facts wrong 😂😂😂
@vekyxeivo5595 2 дня назад
@zoa1-99....... 3 дня назад
24:40 I've always thought of Obscurials as being a person's negative "Poltergeist" energy and the Patronus is the positive version, so it makes even MORE SENSE for the Dementors to be mature Obscurials and the Patronus counters them!
@DrRexie 3 дня назад
Yes too bad Percy Weasley didn't think to use the time turner to go back to apologise for being so rude to the man that raised him on such a meagre budget of money Percy Weasley is the only Weasley of the family that I can honestly not stand he was rude he was disrespectful and selfish and he stuck his nose up the proverbial bottom of Cornelius fudge one of the most corrupt minister for magic ever
@hopehilton 3 дня назад
“Theories that ruin characters without support from the text”
@conradsutton1456 3 дня назад
As a Whovian as well as a Potterhead. According to the Doctor, Harry's Parents deaths would be a "fixed point in time." One you can't travel back to or if you can, you can't change.
@jkrause365 3 дня назад
A very interesting presentation. One thought I have is that is does indeed seem like a lot of bother to create a basilisk.
@ninclow5421 3 дня назад
This guy sound like Stephen Fry.
@2102082 3 дня назад
With the locker rooms bit, I had kind of assumed the locker rooms had privacy curtains/areas for the private bits
@irasoso32 3 дня назад
Neville didn't get his own wand until after the Battle at the Ministry. Therefore, it was using his dad's wand that he qualifies for NEWT level Charms (a wand heavy subject) and NEWT level defense (another wand heavy subject). OTOH, while he does well in Herbology (wand not required), he does not seem to do particularly well in Care of Magical Creatures (can't involve wands, since Hagrid teaches it, and he can't use one due to his expulsion) or History of Magic -- where no one uses the wands. IMO, using his dad's wand was never the problem ... Neville lacked confidence (everyone thinking he was a squib even before Hogwarts) that was boosted significantly after the battle
@jessquinn6106 3 дня назад
Real wizards were hunters of witches. Singling them out so they could be captured and tortured by the church and state. "Wizard" was a church created profession. A profession to accuse innocent people of witchcraft. These films just glorify the evil atrocities of the church.
@sandmaniac3 4 дня назад
A lot of the speculation here is contradicted by additional canon information provided on Pottermore and, subsequently, on Wizarding World
@michaelodonnell824 4 дня назад
Re the "Dementor/Obscurial Theory - Actually in the Half Blood Prince, in the conversation between the Muggle Prime Minister and the new Minister for Magic, we hear that "Dementors are Breeding - that's why all the Misty weather"... BTW Obscurials occur when magical children experience extreme levels of Abuse because of their magic and suppress their magic to avoid further abuse... So Ariana Dumbledore was extremely abused by three Muggle boys and Credence Barebones became an Obscurial because of the extreme Abuse he received at the hands of his adopted Mother Marylou Barebones. Further, Ariana Dumbledore was fourteen and Credence reached adulthood, so the "ten year" age limit is a "fact" with no example...
@michaelodonnell824 4 дня назад
In the movie version of The Chamber of Secrets, Draco Malfoy, in addition to wanton and motiveless vandalism (destroying a book), is also shown using a Racist slur against Hermione, using Racist slurs against all Muggle Borns, and petty theft (casually stealing a fellow Slytherin's Christmas present). NONE of these are redeeming actions - neither was the Act of Vandalism...
@michaelodonnell824 4 дня назад
Re the "Love Potion Theory". As I recall the novel, Harry is in Detention for his Sectum Sempra against Malfoy's Avra Kedavra. The quidditch final is on and he doesn't know the result. He enters the Common Room to a huge noise - Gryffindor celebrating victory. He looks to Ginny and then, immediately, Ginny runs and kisses him - Is that how Love Potions are supposed to work? Because we don't see Romilda Vane trying to kiss Harry. Rather, we witness Ron (who inadvertently ate Harry's Love Potion) pursuing Romilda (or at least trying to...)...
@vinny9988 4 дня назад
Underrated channel
@Jasonarmijo 4 дня назад
Dude the time turner BROKE the whole series for me when I was reading it... All this horrible shit kept happening and I was steadily waiting for the next book to say they obviously had a time turner, therefore so and so didn't have to die... But no. I don't believe they ever mentioned it again in the books. I was waiting for its grand return all along... It broke the whole HP universe. That is bad writing. There is no excuse. Multiverse stuff is 9/10ths bad, lazy writing... and this is no different.
@circleup7415 3 дня назад
I believe Jk Rowling later said that you can’t use the time Turner past five hours. So you can only go back in time five hours at most. One lady had the time turner before hermione used it and it aged her decades. She left a young girl and came back an old lady. It’s not safe to use for going back days, weeks, or years. It’ll make you age how ever many years you went back.
@rayloc420 4 дня назад
probably cuzz he drank that luck potion
@daniellewylie6187 4 дня назад
Has the writer even read Harry Potter, I always hear mistakes in every video???😮
@jkrause365 4 дня назад
But I don't recall reading anything that would hint at or suggest the possibility of Sirius Black's return. Even in the final showdown in the Forbidden Forest, Sirius returns along with Remus Lupin, Lilly, & James who are clearly ghosts, indicating Sirius is one, too.
@2102082 4 дня назад
It's my headcanon that Salazar learned from Helga Hufflepuff regarding the multiplication of food/water and had something setup to automate the process. Maybe a platter or something that constantly replicates the food placed upon it. Maybe a food enchanted not to spoil. Either that or just a metric shit load of rats were eaten over the centuries
@faraanbabar1473 4 дня назад
The TV series is the SURPRISING ONE EVER
@elizabethoneill8612 5 дней назад
That's on MS. Rolling's I hope I spelled her name right 😔
@elizabethoneill8612 5 дней назад
That was Harry's fault because he didn't tell griphook to get them out of the vault and outside gringotts before he'd give him the sword, that was supposed to be part of their deal.