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The Doubledown | Dropped Frames Episode 381
2 месяца назад
@Machobunni Час назад
So.... D4 made itself more like PoE, and its better? Ironic
@dsagent 2 часа назад
Hellblade and Homeworld 3 were disappointments. They missed what made the previous games great.
@tonyranallo8306 6 часов назад
@Kinslayu 7 часов назад
I don't think xbox "has" to show their long term roadmap at summer game fest. I know you guys want to hear about future xbox games as soon as possible, but at the end of the day either the games are good or not. Doesn't matter when we hear about them
@Frosh 7 часов назад
Thank you for another great episode. Always good to see Dan on. looking forward to your Keigh3 coverage.
@edwinblakerodriguez 13 часов назад
Im very happy Berg survived the child-hood trauma demon.
@godsbane13 14 часов назад
With hellblade I think there missing the point that the voices are supposed to be how people with real scitzomania say it is. It’s supposed to be unrelenting and all the time.
@woozie3241 14 часов назад
DAN DAN DAN. we love Mr. Daniel S. Gaming
@meysammikanikian499 День назад
DAN ai IS HERE already. music making,item making,story writing, world creating . he talks like its years away . suno and udio is here go check them and make music and blow your mind
@Kasaaz День назад
I think the Pilestedt thing is just getting out in front of speculation.
@Dopesaur День назад
JP, the timestamp for Vrising in the description has a typo.
@Razzying День назад
God i missed dan and his jokes.
@wabajaba2557 День назад
Sounds like a ign monopoly how was that allowed
@telkaivokalma День назад
Pure dex, keen hookclaws are bis not bloodhound or raptor talons. And they are early af. Not totally finished with VOD maybe its discussed, but bloodhound fangs are better on str builds. Hookclaws longer reach and better keen scaling overall if i remember correctly, even compared to talons. Although talons have the drip factor and sexy heavy. One of favorite builds is bloodblade hookclaws.
@alfstenbrunn5679 День назад
Like with the Last of Us 2, the latest "controversy" is just deranged man-babies making a lot of fuss about nothing, or rather about nonsense they made up themselves. Remember how they tried to gaslight people into thinking the character Manny was a Neil self-insert even though Manny's Mexican and looks literally nothing like Neil?
@kl0bba День назад
everytime i heard zeke talk im thinking "zeke please clear your throat !!!"
@Krim_The_Crow День назад
A lot of the AI arguments in this episode, particularly from Dan, seem to hinge on if the AI is good at doing it or not. Are we really just accepting a future where AI does the creative stuff once it's "good" enough at it? That seems like a bleak future to me.
@bobbob-cd9yl День назад
It’s consumerism, in the end most gamers honestly don’t see it as art
@c5on День назад
I don't believe that ItmeJP can read.
@danutz_plusplus День назад
"Hellblade 2 not graphically impressive." Hellblade 2 looked good but nothing to take note of" Holy shit, you guys either need to wash your eyes or I have no idea what you guys were watching. Maybe it's because of playing it on console at a faraway distance? I really can't explain it. It's on a whole new level of graphical fidelity. Cyberpunk which looked great on a powerful rig doesn't looks 50% close to this level of image quality and sharpness. What the hell are people smoking ... (rofl)
@kephalai 19 часов назад
it looks the same, so its boring. nobody cares about what a technical achievement it is. it just doesn't look new nor exciting
@zeneage 9 часов назад
Best graphics I've ever seen. I spent 10 minutes just walking around looking at wet rocks in the first area. Definitely a step up from Alan wake 2 which was the game I'd have previously put at the top for gfx
@danutz_plusplus 9 часов назад
@@zeneage exactly. it's literally on another level, on PC especially if you have a monster rig. Though it is also very demanding at high resolutions. I've spent most of the game capturing screenshot. Don't think I ever did it to this degree on any other game. People saying it's just a unremarkable improvement over the first one need to get their eyes checked. :D
@patharothzhys2365 День назад
In regards to Helldivers 2. Apparently the community have been fairly vocal about their displeasure with the games current balance. Not just recently, people have been upset about AHs "balancing patches" as they've been mostly nerfs, to the point that it has had a negative impact on the community, as well as the player count. As a comparison, imagine if Palworld started nerfing fun things right away, instead of bug fixing. In the Helldiver's community, it came to the point that people started asking other's to not talk about weapons on different social platforms, to avoid them getting nerfed. It is likely a meme, but it also reflects the communities sentiment (a popular one at that), and the community being tight lipped about weapons will only be problematic for the devs. As such, people have on multiple occasions complained to Pilestedt on Twitter, as most people see him as a voice of reason (aside from obviously being the owner of AH). It was mentioned that he (Pilestedt), had arranged meetings, for a internal push to get balancing right. Furthermore, Pilestedt himself has also agreed that they've gone too far in terms of balancing in some areas. Pilestedt becoming CCO means he'll be able to spend much more time working with the team on the game, I imagine communicating with them directly will also be easier. I think a lot of people are hoping that with him being CCO now, game balance is going to - hopefully - be better. He has already mentioned TTK being too long and wanting to look into it. Don't know if any of the DF guys will read this, but just what I've experienced / heard these past few weeks. As always, a good episode and a good show :)
@seppoonmelkonen День назад
Cohh should focus more on his co-hosts and less on interacting with his chat and picking random comments from the chat. Just something I've picked on that's a bit annoying.
@NathanOutdoors911 День назад
I think Cohh should do whatever he wants and enjoys lol
@seppoonmelkonen День назад
@@NathanOutdoors911 Just saying that as a viewer/listener it's annoying when he interrupts his co-hosts because he wants to read some "funny" comment from his chat.
@Dopesaur День назад
Not to discredit Cohh too much, but he's actually been doing this for way more than most people who only watch the vod version would realize. Cohh has in the past picked up points and jokes from his chat, but I think they've (Him and the other hosts) have gotten more used to specifically crediting the source of a joke or quip. I remember watching this show live a couple times, on occasion someone finds something funny in chat and slides it in, in a more natural way. If you didn't happen to spot the message in the chat during the show, you probably wouldn't even know that it was from chat. There's nothing inherently wrong with that, or even with what you're saying. Interrupting people happens naturally in conversation, it sometimes is grating because of this being a show and not a random conversation between friends. I wonder if those people feel betrayed that they didn't get credited for their bit, or honoured that it got mentioned at all.
@sliceofheaven3026 День назад
Its amazing how none of the dropped frames members mentions gamepass and how cheap it is in comparison to for example the price of the game on steam. I wonder if this is because gamepass really doesnt pay sponsorships to streamers so they avoid mentioning it for that reason. Just seems weird not to mention it if someone wants to play the game and avoid paying 50 bucks. If someone would ask me if i want to pay 50 bucks or between 9 to 15 bucks for a 5 to 6 hours long game I know what i would give as a advice.
@Dopesaur День назад
If you're talking about their conversation on Senua's Sacrifice, I think they did mention Gamepass later in the discussion. Specifically to say that the game is worth playing through gamepass, but not worth buying full price. For most people, that is.
@sliceofheaven3026 День назад
@@Dopesaur Good if that is the case. Seem to have missed that mention.
@kephalai 18 часов назад
any game under 20 hours and are just walking simulators towards the next cutscene is automatically never buy. if im curious enough i'd just watch youtube of it
@sliceofheaven3026 16 часов назад
@@kephalai Sure but if the game is included in the gamepass why not play that game also. It doesnt make your gamepass subscription more expensive.
@foreignuser_ День назад
hellblade 2 is trash. there i spoiled it coh now you can play it
@thethirdfrog День назад
The West Wing rules, I am with JP!
@chalando6124 День назад
Im really enjoying 33 immortals!!!!!!!!!!! I think its fucking cool AF and will be BIG
@iJGrimmX День назад
In regards to Cohh's Audio Book discussion, for a fun funny book series I highly recommend Craig Alanson's Expeditionary Force Series. The audio books are narrated by R.C. Bray who is an amazing vocal talent. The series goes in places you wouldn't imagine from where the series starts, but it is very funny and just immensely enjoyable. I listen to them on audible and usually listen to them when I'm driving, doing chores, etc.
@emzdanowicz2775 День назад
Worth noting that Digital Foundry is NOT owned by Eurogamer (or whatever their "mother" company was owned). DF is independent and they just had a deal with Eurogamer to publish their stuff on there. So we won't see DF implemented into IGN channels.
@spartapartypants 17 часов назад
But did DF use other eurogamer resources? I thought some of the other contributors worked for eurogamer? Hopefully not!
@tomaac День назад
The money symbol is Quake bucks, that's why it's sideways quake 2 logo.
@gabrielhedin1697 День назад
Good crew this. :)
@ghstproject День назад
I've never downloaded any fishy cheats and counter strike was always the fear of not only losing the account but also the pin of shame on your account with the vac bans displayed lmao... we used things like no_gravity on lan to have fun with friends and such but that was console commands not cheating! My account now turns 19 years old this november and I never got any game ban :D
@strawman3030 День назад
Jupiter Ascending is a legit great film tho
@reshypoo9447 День назад
I can't think of any way to ask this without sounding rude, but it's been bugging me for years. Is Zeke like an (ex-)smoker or is there something wrong with his throat?
@Dopesaur День назад
I think he's a current smoker, unless he's quit since I've heard him say it last. What makes you say that? Did he cough at some point in particular or something?
@Lemon_Chicken_Yo День назад
Yo, DansGaming 👍
@igoronline День назад
Realm of the Mid God, minus the pay to win economy.
@Shinius День назад
33 Immortals being Epic exclusive, so it'll basically not exist on PC. That's a shame.
@enlightendbel День назад
Most people play Cod and Fifa, not Madden.
@MrShikamaruTV День назад
13 sentinels is the GOAT!!!
@Glowbox3D День назад
As a film and voice actor, 3d artist, and audiobook editor in LA, I'm husslin' ova' here. I absolutely believe we should keep as much human artistry in digital entertainment as we can. I'm totally pro human...but...I urge digital artists and performers to keep abreast on AI tech, learn it, know it. Don't stick your head in the sand or run at AI with pitchforks. This genie is out of the bottle, and it's not going away. And the models we are using today will be exponentially improving every year. We have to learn to leverage these new tools, while keeping what we create as hands-on and human has possible. In the beginning, some companies or individuals will be shunned for using AI, but those that shun AI will fast become obsolete. If you want to keep creating for a living, learn the tools in anticipation of the coming storm. Love you guys.
@nokturnallex2160 День назад
There's successful hero shooters? I'm a pretty avid gamer, but the only hero shooter I noticed that was semi-successful at least to start was Overwatch, but I never paid for anything more than the base game. Every other hero shooter I know has been massive failures. Even monetarily. Like they shut down their servers. Not to mention all the ones with terrible anti-cheat that are just full of cheaters.
@Paragleiber День назад
I think Valorant is pretty successful as well.
@silenceyouidiot День назад
@@Paragleiber That's always a weird thing to consider, Ubisofts Six Siege is a hero shooter technically, right? I guess the confusion is more-so that this is a hero shooter in the style of a MOBA, ala Smite or Battleborn where creeps go through lanes and you can go around and take down 'jungle creeps.' As a Dota fan I don't really have interest in trying a different game, especially when this looks so muddy and grey. Considering how Artifact went, if Valve does release this I don't see it having the success of TF2 at all.
@Dopesaur День назад
I feel like the term "Hero shooter" is being used too broadly in the context of their conversation. I could be wrong of course. But to me it seemed like Hero shooter here was referring to more generically, shooting games with characters and abilities, not necessarily team based like overwatch or Team fortress. Like, if I wanted to really split hairs, Battlefield 2042 could be described as a hero shooter. Now, I think that's a dishonest way of describing it, but it does fit the bill. I think, based on that, Hero shooters are successful, because they can monetize skins and the like. I don't think we're ever going back to buying a game for 40(currency) and just playing the game and enjoying all of its features. Microtransactions make an unethical amount of money.
@ryantansey1437 День назад
Dan and 'chat' saying HB2 isn't really that graphically impressive or a leap in fidelity is absolutely insane to me.
@Emma_Z1 День назад
is easy to make a game like that look good with UE5, there is not a lot of things going on and is very small and short. I don't think is impressive as like Cyberpunk or Alan Wake 2
@ryantansey1437 День назад
@@Emma_Z1 I completely disagree. It is as impressive as Cyberpunk and Alan Wake 2 with path tracing from a fidelity and technical standpoint; a massive leap from HB1 and one of if not the best image quality on the market today. Alan Wake 2 isn't exactly doing a whole lot of special stuff either that Hellblade isn't doing as well.
@ryantansey1437 День назад
and saying "it's easy with UE5" is a complete disregard for the talent at NT. Look at Lords of the Fallen, Robocop, and Immortals of Aveum and Hellblade 2 has no visual downsides unlike all of those games also on UE5
@Emma_Z1 День назад
​@@ryantansey1437 because those are games not a 5 hour movie buddy
@ryantansey1437 День назад
@@Emma_Z1 you clearly have never worked in a game engine before. Just stfu
@nicholasg.5441 День назад
It sounds like hellblade is getting the hifi rush shove out the door, which kind of sucks
@terakahn День назад
I don't remember you doing a randomizer run. You weren't streaming to youtube back then. I gotta go watch that sometime. If you are taking suggestions on a build, can I recommend dex faith? It's pretty unique in terms of popularity, and has some pretty cool interactions. I don't think I've seen anyone ever do a claws build though either. Reduvia is also an option. But its kinda cheesy. Bleed is too strong/boring. I'd say the best early game dex weapon is probably the twinblade from the ruins by the dragon? That's what I used on my early dex runs that weren't bleed. The katana is obviously super easy to get but you have to know where to go. Man, Caelid was always my favorite zone. I just realized sub notifications aren't showing up on youtube. That's pretty cool. Oh this is the cave where you get the scarab talisman. You can use the flail to bleed him but you need the stats. The only thing 2 handing helps with is strength. 52:40 100% talking about fextralife lol. There's no other really good wikis though. It's actually the only reason I discovered that site.
@terakahn День назад
So that's how it works from an indsutry perspective. From an investor perspective, there are projections on what things will make and what they will cost. If those guidances aren't in line with the result, you have to try to close that gap somehow before your earnings report. Because what a company wants is a positive earnings surprise, because that attracts more investors and that lets them do all the things they want to do.
@Murderbits День назад
REMEMBER: It's not "paying to get earlier access". It's "paying to NOT be forced to play it LATER".
@TheParens День назад
Zele confusing astrology with astronomy lol
@theholk День назад
re: gaming sites and guides: Well.... to be fair, that's how games magazines worked in the pre internet times, too. Part pre-views, part reviews, part cheats/walkthroughs/tips and tricks part classified ads and later "part patch/trailer/demo/mod delivery service". So I don't think it would be confusing that they had those sections in the online world too (despite dedicated "game help" sites existing. And I don't find it surprising that it was a big thing in seo terms either.
@zero-3889 День назад
you're already seeing desperate games. Most of the good games from this year have been from out of nowhere. Indie devs that don't have the time constraints are already better.
@johnvaldez5236 День назад
It was a short game that felt way too long
@Chaoscrider404 День назад
the true rogue-like, where the game is generated every run, not just the map...
@vincesergi7339 День назад
I think Cohh is partially right, and partially wrong about SGF, even if a bunch of projects are announced, how many cancellations have we seen in the past few years of huge projects. Them announcing a lot of projects mean nothing anymore. Until I play the game, or its like a week away, your game doesn't exist for me.