Just a nerd who loves talking about movies.
The Perfect Fall Horror Film
2 часа назад
My Top 7 Favorite Jackie Chan Movies
12 часов назад
The Perfect Rom Com
14 дней назад
Ranking All 6 Scream Movies
21 день назад
Ranking the Films of Quentin Tarantino
Месяц назад
The Perfect ’80s Action Movie
Месяц назад
The Most Underrated Horror Remake
Месяц назад
The Only GREAT Alien Sequel
Месяц назад
I Finally Watched Furiosa
Месяц назад
The Most Divisive Batman Movie?
Месяц назад
The Crow: No Remake Necessary
Месяц назад
Batman: 35 Years Old and Still AWESOME
Месяц назад
The Best Vampire Movie in Years?
2 месяца назад
I watched Falling Down for the first time
2 месяца назад
Two Vampire Movies that came out in 1987
2 месяца назад
Casino: Goodfellas' Spiritual Successor
2 месяца назад
Goodfellas: Scorsese's Magnum Opus
2 месяца назад
Ghostbusters: Great Movie, Bad Franchise
2 месяца назад
Why I Love Raging Bull
3 месяца назад
@jwnj9716 4 часа назад
Yup. It's still my favourite.
@MyEnemy 5 часов назад
This is definitely the best film in the series. I also agree that The Final Chapter is the second best. Other than the paintball segment, I think Jason Lives is an absolute masterpiece. It and Dream Warriors stand above the crowd in regard to 80's slasher movies. They transcend the genre and are just flat-out great films. 🗡
@nathanmoore5435 5 часов назад
Dream Warriors is another banger. My favorite Feddy movie.
@c3leung 7 часов назад
Notice how all the ladies have bad haircuts (except Demi Moore)… it’s incredibly distracting.
@modernsophist День назад
I so loved this review! It’s what I’ve been telling people.! This is in my Top 3 of Halloween/October films. To me, this is peak Tim Burton, even though Batman is my favorite (Ed Wood coming in second). He mixes his pure Gothic tastes with fantasy, American history and horror, and like you said, he does horror so well! You are so right about Burton perfecting the Gothic spirit in autumn. Even though the plot was very distant from the legend, the dialogue, character development and twist were fun treats- by the amazing writer of Seven. Depp and the cast were amazing, the sets and cinematography were so well balanced in color and ambiance. The most impactful aspect of the movie was Danny Elfman’s score- there was an abundance of beauty, classicism and horror in his music. I loved the fact that you referenced Coppola’s Dracula, because Wojciech Kilar’s score rivals Elfman’s Sleepy Hollow in terms of horrific expression entwined with romance. Great review!
@modernsophist 3 дня назад
Thank you for this review! This was a movie had on my list due to it being considered a classic. You did a great job pointing out the most important flaw in this film. Regarding your comment on Joel Schumacher, I strongly recommend “Flawless”- it’s really good, maybe his best work. There’s definitely much more character development Schumacher’s script.
@itaystav6111 4 дня назад
This video is really well made! Cool shirt btw
@roberttulibacki9184 4 дня назад
Burr use too be funny till his woke wife toke his humor and balls from him .
@StrongStyleFiction 5 дней назад
As far as my personal list, it is pretty similar to yours. The only change I would make with mine is swapping Shanghai Noon with Rumble in the Bronx. Rumble was the first Jackie Chan movie I saw and I saw it in the theater and its a personal favorite. I do like Shanghai Noon quite a bit still. Also, since you are on a Hong Kong kick, if you haven't seen it I'd highly recommend Fist of Legend with Jet Li. Probably my favorite final fight of any movie.
@nathanmoore5435 5 дней назад
I absolutely LOVE Fist of Legend. It's even better than the original Fist of Fury in my opinion.
@j.b.e.5149 5 дней назад
I think this movie was made in reverse. Get the whos who of the time, put them in expensive clothes and get some shorts of them in various backdrops. Now we need to connect the shorts with some kind of script.
@wet-read 6 дней назад
I think this is one of the more depressing films I've seen. I don't hate it or even not like it, but feel a strong sort of indifference towards it. I tried to like it but there isn't much there to like. I think it is an overly cynical take on stereotypical immature young adults and that it does indeed have no likable characters. But that latter point isn't in itself bad (noir stuff is essentially made up of this), it just subverts what we usually see in movies.
@Maniac1607 6 дней назад
The most pretentious movie EVER.
@movie-mandan 6 дней назад
I can’t put individual scenes in order. The best I can do is rank his best films: 1. Hard Boiled 2. The Killer 1989 3. Face/Off
@tmn8547 7 дней назад
It’s so great because every actor acted their butts off in the movie. Everything came together so well like the lighting in each scene, the editing, the clothes, the sets, and everything worked so well.
@scottspencer6899 9 дней назад
7 days in May.
@nathanmoore5435 9 дней назад
I made a minor mistake here. I accidentally called Chow Yun Fat's character in A Better Tomorrow II Kit. His name is Ken. My humblest of apologies.
@EmlynBoyle 10 дней назад
This movie is a guilty pleasure for me. I know it's bad, yet somehow end up watching it at least once a year. There are the extremely irritating characters, the stalker-like aspect of Emilio Estevez's character (can't remember the name), the OTT 80's styles, Rob Lowe's annoying man child, that ridiculous theme song (look at the music video and watch how uninterested the cast members are to be there).I always think of this film as The Anti-Breakfast Club. Maybe the only good thing that came from this, is that Joel Schumacher got to do The Lost Boys.
@Lance-Stroll 12 дней назад
That movie is not a documentary. It's full of half truths and lies. There have been several shooters to match the bolt action shooting. The "back and to the left", is crap. A bullet doesn't force the target to move in any direction. Yes it's entertaining but it's full of itself
@wunkskorks2623 12 дней назад
I love when RU-vid uses Wikipedia as the juxtaposition to what their algorithm says is antithetical to their narrative.
@aaronz7056 12 дней назад
Just a few of the over 80 demonstrable lies Oliver Stone tells as he lets Kennedy's murderer off the hook and paints a lot of innocent people as conspirators in murder and treason: Stone: Mayor Cabell changes parade route to assist assassins. Truth: Parade route was never changed, accurately described by newspapers from the beginning. Cabell was traumatized by the assassination. Stone: Conspirator has fake seizure in plaza, disappears. Truth: Jerry Belknap went to Parkland Hospital after recovering from real seizure. Stone: Oswald a lousy shot. Truth: Oswald scored 18 out of 20 in rapid fire at targets 200 yards away and it's right there in his Marines scorebook. Stone: "Backyard" photo of Oswald faked. Truth: Extensive analysis over the years has failed to find any evidence of fakery, and has proved the photo was taken by the Oswald's own camera. Oswald's wife confirmed she took the photo herself at her husband's request and he showed it off to others. Stone: 3 shots over 5.6 seconds. Truth: 3 shots over 8-9 seconds, as clearly demonstrated by victims' reactions in Zapruder's film. Stone: "Impossible" for Connally to still be holding his hat after being shot. Truth: Connally was still clutching his hat in that hand when he arrived at the hospital. Stone: Jackie pulls JFK down, allowing Connally to be shot. Truth: No such thing happened, as is plainly demonstrated by Zapruder's film. Stone: Jean Hill sees knoll shooter, is immediately seized, sequestered and menaced by sinister agents. Truth: Hill was making no such claims throughout the 1960's, nor does she mention one word about it when interviewed on live TV the day of the assassination. In fact, immediately after the shooting she went with Mary Moorman and Jim Featherston of the Dallas Herald straight to the press office of the Sheriff's office as confirmed by both Moorman and Featherston. Stone: 3 fake tramps fake arrested, disappear. Truth: The tramps are real tramps, John Forrester Gedney, Harold Doyle and Gus V. Abrams, they were ID'd that same day, cleared and released with no evidence against them, their arrest records existing to this day. Doyle was interviewed on camera more than once. Stone: Depository employees never see Oswald running downstairs, thus clearing him. Truth: They came downstairs after he did and hilariously Stone never explains how the "real assassins" got away since they never saw them either! Stone: EVERYTHING pertaining to Beverly Oliver character. Truth: Oliver is a notorious con artist and demonstrable liar with zero credibility, so naturally Stone snapped her up as an advisor. Stone: Tippit shot by two men. Truth: Clemons words make it clear enough she saw at best a shooter and bystander who was almost certainly Benavides or Cimino, and she didn't even see the actual shooting herself. Stone doesn't bother telling you that other witnesses much closer firmly said there was but one shooter, and that in fact Oswald was ID'd by nearly a dozen witnesses. Stone: Police arrive at Texas Theater to arrest a man for not paying admission. Truth: The man, Oswald, was a good match for the suspect just seen shooting a police officer nearby. Stone: Mean cops rough up unarmed Oswald in theater. Truth: Oswald tried to shoot the first cop to approach him and fought so violently 3 officers were injured just disarming him. Those officers risked their lives to capture their suspect alive as per their duty, but as you can see Stone couldn't care less who he implicates so long as it suits him. Stone: Lee Bowers murdererd. Truth: Bowers' words make it clear enough he saw diddly squat that would threaten any conspiracy, he didn't die until some 2 years after he had already testified anyway, and his car accident was investigated by the police, the HSCA and researcher David Perry, none of whom found any evidence of foul play. Stone: Guilt-ridden David Ferrie starts cooperating with Jim Garrison, is murdered. Truth: Ferrie died of Berry aneurysm after failing health, always hotly denied any knowledge of the assassination, and was preparing to se Garrison for harassment. Stone: Garrison advised by mysterious Mr. X. Truth: Mr. X never existed, he was based on notorious lunatic Fletcher Prouty, the man who proved flying saucers are real. Stone: 112th Military Intelligence Group ordered to "stand down." Truth: Flatly contradicted by sworn HSCA testimony of C.O. of Group, which provided extra men to assist Secret Service in Dallas. Stone: Clay Shaw, during booking, admits to alias "Clay Bertrand." Truth: Flatly contradicted by witnesses and highly implausible. Stone: Two actors seated bolt upright, at the same level and plane, both facing forward, demolish "gross lie" of single bullet theory. Truth: Connally was seated lower, inboard and turned sharply to his right, strengthening single bullet theory. Stone: Single bullet theory is a lie. Truth: Victims' reactions in Zapruder's film, 1-2 frames apart, clearly show they are hit by the same bullet. View of the entry wound would demonstrably have been blocked by Kennedy's body, the same bullet has to have gone through both of them. Victims' wounds demonstrably line up on a trajectory and track straight back to the sixth floor window. Witnesses directly under that window firmly said the shots all came from directly overhead. Stone: Assassin fires from knoll. Truth: Witnesses directly under the sixth floor window had a clear view behind the knoll fence and would plainly have seen any gunman there. All bullets and fragments ever found were matched to Oswald's rifle. Kennedy is clearly seen to suffer a massive exit wound exploding at the right temple consistent only with a shot from behind. It's vastly implausible anybody would ever assume they would frame this on a lone shooter while firing from multiple directions with different guns and bullets. Stone Justice Department "does nothing" with regard to HSCA's conclusions of "probable conspiracy." Truth: J.D. investigated the evidence used by the HSCA to reach that conclusion, the dictabelt recording introduced at the last minute, and discovered it to be erroneous and invalid as evidence, completely debunking it more than 40 years ago. Stone: Limo filled with bullet holes. Truth: Only damage to the limo is a bad crack to the windshield caused by a bullet fragment which also damaged the chrome plating... from the inside. Stone: Bogus bullet planted at Parkland Hospital (by Jack Ruby, no less). Truth: That bullet was matched to Oswald's rifle and hilariously Stone never explains how anybody planting a bogus bullet at the hospital within one hour of the shooting could possibly have known: a) a bullet needed planting at all b) he could get in and out of the locked down emergency ward c) he could be certain to plant it where it could plausibly be tied to Connally d) he wasn't simply planting one bullet too many into evidence and blowing the whole plot... Stone: Clay Shaw unmasked as a conspirator. Truth: Garrison's "case" against an innocent man whose life he ruined fell apart within minutes of reaching his hand-picked jury. Stone doesn't mention the real Garrison was soundly condemned by the American Bar Association for his unprofessional conduct. Stone: Kennedy assassinated by a conspiracy. Truth: As presented here this would require safely approaching scores of witnesses, police, FBI, Secret Service, military personnel, Oswald family members, doctors, pathologists, x-ray technicians, ballistics experts, photographers, whole commissions, lawyers, counsels, senators, congressmen, the D.A., the Chief Justice, etc., and persuading them all to obey illegal orders to commit crimes and bend over backwards making themselves all eternally loyal accessories to murder and treason. Stone: Film's narrative is based largely on the works of Jim Marrs. Truth: Jim Marrs spent years giving his middle finger to the family of a decorated police officer slain in the line of duty as he accused the man without evidence of being a conspirator so long as it suited his despicable "theories," the pain his words caused them be damned, made up a bogus "mysterious deaths list of witnesses" where everybody on it either had little or no connection to the case, and gave us the "multiple clones of Oswald running around Dallas" idiocy. Marrs also lectured sternly that UFO's are real. Stone: Jim Garrison unmasks conspiracy to assassinate President Kennedy and overthrow the government. Truth: Stone doesn't mention that Garrison variously implicated ALL of the following as being conspirators and accessories... FBI CIA Secret Service Dallas PD President Johnson Chief Justice Warren entire W.C. staff Ronald Reagan Governor Rhodes of Ohio Governor Tieman of Nebraska Bobby (!) Kennedy Johnny Carson NBC CBS Newsweek Washington Post Los Angeles Times NASA oil industry John Birch Society 13 State Regional Democratic Organization aerospace industry lawyers defending people he suspected a Marine buddy of Oswald's Garrison decided was an Oswald "lookalike" [read all about it in conspiracy author David Lifton's classic article "Is Jim Garrison Out of His Mind?"] conspiracy authors critical of him (at behest of CIA) a man who'd made inflammatory comments about Kennedy and had been in El Paso during the assassination neo-Nazis Cuban guerrillas White Russians the telephone company ("an extension of the U.S. government") gays and masochists pulling off a "homosexual thrill killing..."
@nickcharles1284 12 дней назад
Very good, but 'greatest' ?
@nathanmoore5435 12 дней назад
What are some of your favorite Political Thrillers?
@nickcharles1284 12 дней назад
@@nathanmoore5435 I also would not characterize JFK as a "thriller". Riveting, absorbing, impactful. But is it a thriller? Thriller would indicate a more Hollywood-esque, entertainment genre. "The Parallax View" could be called a political thriller as there was a lot of cat and mouse, and a final act dramatic chase scene. "All the Presidents Men" maintains a tension, but is procedural, down to earth, based on real events. Not a 'thriller' per se. Much like JFK. At least as I understand what a 'thriller' is.
@movie-mandan 9 дней назад
@@nickcharles1284 I am with Nathan on this. Just our view.
@hottipmedia7191 12 дней назад
You are totally wrong in saying Oswald was an average shooter. Oswald was an expert rifleman. He held a Marine Corps range record in Okinawa for decades.
@nathanmoore5435 12 дней назад
Here is some information I found while researching his Rifle records in the marine corps. - Lee Harvey Oswald scored 212 on a shooting test in December 1956, which was above the requirements to be designated a sharpshooter in the Marine Corps. However, in May 1959, he scored 191, which lowered his rating to marksman. Oswald was court-martialed twice, once for accidentally shooting himself in the elbow with an unauthorized handgun, and again for fighting with a sergeant. He was demoted from private first class to private and briefly imprisoned. Oswald received a hardship discharge in September 1959, claiming his mother was ill and her hospital insurance had lapsed.
@Slippindisc 12 дней назад
expert rifleman in the Army and Marines is really the standard and doesnt mean much, especially in the infantry. It's a nice thing to be able to say, but in the army it just means you hit 37/40 targets. I know the marines are a little tougher, but its not that big a deal.
@nickcharles1284 12 дней назад
@@Slippindisc So a standard needing to be met to be a Marine "doesn't mean much"? I think not. It means that you are a marksman. Dealy plaza is not a big place. Also: time doesn't stand still. Oswald most certainly maintained his skill with practice and most certainly practiced with the Carcano, which is a very capable weapon.
@aaronz7056 12 дней назад
@@nickcharles1284 Oswald's wife recalled him practising with that Carcano for hours on end, the gun every bullet and fragment ever found were matched to. Oswald owned and smuggled the bloody thing, left his latent print on it, lied to police about his whereabouts, immediately fled the crime scene (the only employee inside the building during the shooting to do so and never return) and just shrugged a hollow rambling reply when asked on live TV, "Did you shoot the President?"
@brandonbath6097 12 дней назад
@@nickcharles1284lol I’ve shot with Marines. It doesn’t mean much. At all.
@ChubbyChecker182 12 дней назад
13 Days is another great Kevin Costner movie based on the Cuban Misssile Crisis... It is like a sequel to Oppenhemier in a way....things came so close to annilhation.
@nathanmoore5435 12 дней назад
I haven't seen that one yet. It sounds really interesting though!
@Starkardur 13 дней назад
QT has been using stuff Stone did in NBK in his future projects. Bullshit he didn't watch it, he studied it.
@jwnj9716 14 дней назад
Its very energetic. Just hits you bam! Bam!
@mistahmata 14 дней назад
Just rewatched last week, just a staggering piece of work
@nickcharles1284 11 дней назад
Yes, but a staggering work of fiction.
@movie-mandan 14 дней назад
It is the greatest and not even close.
@MicahHeard 14 дней назад
This is a safe list base on popularity not on sheer performance. Makes me sick. Layne and Chris should be on here.
@nathanmoore5435 14 дней назад
Layne is on the list. And I have a part two where Chris is also featured. The link is in the description.
@MicahHeard 12 дней назад
@@nathanmoore5435 this song?? Try Slaves and bulldozers live from the early 90’s, one of the videos is that good of a performance but the other is masterful. Nobody else in history could perform that song THAT good.
@MicahHeard 12 дней назад
@@nathanmoore5435 it’s the pink pop92 video
@hmdwgf 14 дней назад
St. Elmo’s Fire is not a bad movie. It is a f***ing AWFUL movie. It has some of the most repugnant characters I have ever seen in a movie. There are few movies I have seen that I have such intense animosity towards.
@danielwhite1233 15 дней назад
Of course Opie and Anthony ask the real questions
@toddjackson164 15 дней назад
What is strange is that most of the general public myself included never associated Andrew McCarthy with the Bratpack.
@kimmyfreak200 16 дней назад
the key lime pie scene sums up what NBK is..its an acquired taste.. i loathed it at the beginning but now i like it... its creative, dark, annoying, and funny lol the Godfather of weird movies. KING. if crack psychosis was a movie it'd be NBK...
@remeklucczak 17 дней назад
Poor boy.Somebody committed a highest crime of rewriting his script.NBK is one of the best movies ever made and crying Tarantino will not change it
@jeffbebe5085 17 дней назад
NO NO ... Sleepless was NOT directed by Rob Reiner. He had a cameo in it as Hank's boss. Nora directed this one from her own script. Do your research before you make a video.
@nathanmoore5435 17 дней назад
My mistake. No need to freak out about it lol
@deleteduser121 18 дней назад
At least natural Born Killers was original
@nathanmoore5435 18 дней назад
Yeah Tarantino was the one who came up with the idea lol
@deleteduser121 18 дней назад
@@nathanmoore5435 tarantina was known and did just copy and paste scenes from other movies. I mean he has no originality he's a Habsburg. He has a Habsburg jawline. He's from elite family that's why they kiss his ass
@roberttudor5859 18 дней назад
I love it,,, i dont care.. So why you sell it mr. Q.. be like Stallone in Rocky 💪🏻👍🏻
@bauhausera 18 дней назад
Tarantino makes great films that i love, but my God, he is beyond annoying in every interview, so pretentious and wants to go on and on and on about minutia
@jadet900 20 дней назад
perfect list! any true fan of the scream saga would (should) agree
@yournamehere6002 20 дней назад
Yet Kelly Preston plays the exact same character in both NBK and From Dusk 'Til Dawn
@JulieHenderson-z2l 21 день назад
It was the 80s we all needed therapy-but the kids are alright.
@DirtySoapSurelyDope 21 день назад
Tarantino just pissed that Oliver Stone made a better Tarantino movie than Tarantino
@gorequillnachovidal 21 день назад
Rodney Dangerfield is great in it...and he complains about this??? that is like the best and funniest part in the movie. He doesn't have the right to change it??? the arrogance.
@gorequillnachovidal 21 день назад
if you are going to bitch and cry about a director changing your script then direct it yourself. You sold the script. You no longer have any say of it.
@gorequillnachovidal 21 день назад
It was a better movie than QT could have ever made of it
@tommyrandazzo8091 22 дня назад
Scream 4 is a great quality movie! I agree with your choices, facts are facts
@markus_r_realiest 23 дня назад
Always enjoyed this movie. It may be time to watch it again, it's been a while
@anthonyparkernearlifeexp 23 дня назад
I hated natural born killers. I REALLY hated that sitcom scene. Totally agree with Quentin here.
@PeterMayer-w7i 24 дня назад
It’s so crazy hearing ant talking to a major celebrity. He’s doing a racist podcast for four people now
@avengersfan301 26 дней назад
Great video man, I’ve really loved these deep dives into films you’ve been doing. Gary old man in True Romance and The Professional made me believe he can do anything on screen. Have you seen the film Four Rooms? I always dug the Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino parts of the movie. Keep on making this videos, they’re addictive haha
@StrongStyleFiction 26 дней назад
Get ready for a hot take. I think Tony Scott is a better filmmaker than Ridley Scott. Now, Tony did not have the highs that Ridley has (Gladiator, Alien, Blade Runner, The Duelists) but he never had the lows either (Prometheus, Kingdom of Heaven and 1492). Tony could do pop action/adventure like Top Gun, psychological suspense thrillers like Crimson Tide and offbeat genre-fusion films like True Romance. Having watched all of Tony Scott's movies, I just see a more consistency in quality and a real understanding of storytelling. Tony always seemed to be able to spot a good story and know when not to meddle with it too much. Tony may have changed the structure and the ending of True Romance, but he knew how exactly to strike the right tone to make it work.
@nathanmoore5435 26 дней назад
Very well said 👍
@petergmred2005 27 дней назад
This movie was made just to show off the young stars. Really bad movie and pretty bad acting. I liked a few hughes movies but this is a 1/10.