Alliance for Responsible Citizenship
Alliance for Responsible Citizenship
Alliance for Responsible Citizenship
Decline is not inevitable. Purpose is found in contribution. Join us on the adventure.

ARC is being established as an international community with a vision for a better world where every citizen can prosper, contribute, and flourish. Our ambition is to draw on our moral, cultural, economic and spiritual foundations to imagine a future where empowered citizens take responsibility and work together to bring flourishing and prosperity to their homes, communities, and beyond. We are citizens from around the world but each of us recognises that our societies are at a turning point: the time to develop a better story is now, and we invite you to join us in building this vision together.
Why Boys Need Dads | ARC Vision Series
21 день назад
Candace Owens' advice to Gen Z & Alpha
5 месяцев назад
Unlocking Africa's Potential | Magatte Wade
6 месяцев назад
@thomasbentele2468 15 часов назад
...why Hitler was bad... Was it mainly, because he side tracked CoL and Wall Street with autonomous, debt free credit-creation as Churchill is said to have explained, even before the war and any other evil started?
@thomasbentele2468 16 часов назад
I hate the idea, that societies cyclically go down. But there are old sayings like: "A new war normally can only start, when most of the participants of the last war died of." or, "Bad times make good men, good men make good times, good times make bad men bad men make bad times."
@thomasbentele2468 17 часов назад
The west is heavily indebted. Yes, but where did the money come from. Is it fair, that the five biggest private banks have the monopoly to create these huge amounts of money out of nothing, lend it to "investors", who then lend the money at interest to the states and to the economy, with bail outs for these private banks, if their customers, the "investors" miscalculated their bets? Why not going back to beneficial constructions, where our states create the money they need, regulated by us, the people? Why not having community owned banks, who finance the economy of the community, assisted by regional owned bigger banks, who finance the bigger companies, accomplished by state owned infrastructure banks, who all spend every cent of their profits like philanthropists in the community/region/state?
@hakerem 18 часов назад
He excludes the key to insight: Human nature does not change. Culture changes, economy changes and much more. Yet human nature endures, actualizing in each and every context. This is why many are able to see over the horizon.
@user-el5oz2gs3v 21 час назад
The UK is toast ,, it’s now an Islamic Caliphate! No turning it back now !
@tupouakau8983 22 часа назад
Florence going back to her mother Malone.
@tupouakau8983 22 часа назад
@sandynicolosi1712 22 часа назад
I love Os Guiness!! I love Winston Marshall!! Thank you both for sitting down and enlightening our minds and hearts with the truth in this conversation. I didn't want it to end.
@utubeuser5312 День назад
China more original tech than Soviet Union? Nope…
@arctic004 День назад
@epicphailure88 День назад
Decline is inevitable. British Empire ruled most of the world and the colonies eventually fought back. China and India were subjugated and are now rising powers.
@robertmcclintock8701 День назад
\(^_^)/ This is an artistic proof of a created universe. When you paint a shadow it's the opposite color of the object that made the shadow. Nobody knew what the opposite color of white was so the artists avoided painting white on white. The opposite color of white is baby blue and baby pink. The first artist to figure it out was Norman Rockwell. I was the second artist to figure it out. I saw it in the corner of a white room. The lighting was perfect to see it.
@robertmcclintock8701 День назад
(^_^) this is an artistic proof of a created universe. When you paint a shadow it's the opposite color of the object that made the shadow. Nobody knew what the opposite color of white was so the artists avoided painting white on white. The opposite color of white is baby blue and baby pink. The first artist to figure it out was Norman Rockwell. I was the second artist to figure it out. I saw it in the corner of a white room. The lighting was perfect to see it.
@jimluebke3869 День назад
"If people want housing to be more affordable, you'd think they would be against green belts, instead of tying themselves to trees" No, most of them just start noticing that there's a housing shortage because of the millions of people being imported into Britain. But, when they object to that, the Establishment says "Racist!" or "lalalalala, not listening".
@koralmcmullen3846 День назад
Os is completely correct about migrants wanting to become in my case American. It seems like they want the citizens to change to their way of thinking. But this is America and my country and if they choose to live here they need to become Americans not the other way around.
@dannysullivan3951 День назад
I don’t see any mention of the threat of violence and attacks on democracy by the right, I’m American. Since democracy is arguably the highest achievement of western Civ, that’s a big oversight.
@margaretgrey4238 День назад
'Power vs Force, by David R. Hawkins. Positive energy is more powerful. You can make a difference. Read. Hug. Be honest and kind. Big Hug All...
@andyjones1982 День назад
Someone please tell me that Os Guinness is not actually friends with Mike Johnson as Mike Johnson wants to claim. But only if it is true. Most of all please tell me Os Guinness still has his eye on our domestic weaknesses and has not fallen for the "foreign adversaries" distraction.
@weneedsenses День назад
gates/soros/fink are villains that need to be stopped. the people need to fight back against this
24:30 #ZED 🙄
@forgiven2812 День назад
"Slouching Towards Gomorra" ~Judge Bork Lot pitched his tent toward Sodom. No to revolution; yes to revival!
@jaruha1 День назад
Putting my life's moto into words !" It is refreshing to hear.
@visservrouw7485 День назад
US debt is unsustainable and bank system essentially broke more a year ago but sure economy will be fine. Watergate compared to the last 3 years? Cope Also pretending that republicans had ever had any serious intention of reforming the system just shows you don't understand politics
@anna3046 День назад
I know people that used to be communists, they belonged to their political party, all the people did not know the history of communism and they were responsible for the murder of millions! Lack of values and ignorance are our worst enemies!
@FlashdogFul28 День назад
Difference between now and the past they radicals have hold of the institutions.. The long march through education and now those people are in the work place. Plus black rock and DEI which isa Trojan horse.
@FlashdogFul28 День назад
I watchvlost of black and white war films growing up my children don't watch them with so Mich but I put them on a they hear them and I give them Dad lecturers on history.
@rjw4762 День назад
Just a couple of days ago, the great Prof Matt Goodwin said that in uk the word " we" doesnt have the same meaning it used to have even 20 years ago. Thanks to wide open borders and liberalism, there is no 'we' any more, just us, them, them over there etc etc - an ever growing number of ANTI-British folk now live here. All thanks to 27 years of LIBERAL Government.
@monkeyboynz День назад
Awesome Konstantin! If you ever want to come to New Zealand to spread your awareness, you have a place to stay mate!
@nigel6862 День назад
BBC should show this on a Panorama program.. but why not? because of the globalist agenda maybe
@rogerzen8696 День назад
Niall, You are part of the problem that young people face. So stop spewing BS.
@randycliff4045 День назад
As a boomer with grandchildren, I believe families would be far better on these issues if children learned early, that they "will" be married and "will" have children. Then there's reduced confusion on making life choices, hopefully removing the 11hr recognition that life's important desires have passed them by. (my wife and I met when we were 20 and married at 23, which I thought felt old)
@daviddjakovic9428 День назад
@Seek_Truth День назад
God is merciful. We all have to turn from our wicked ways. Repent. Read 2 Chronicles 7:14-20.😇
@chriswatson1698 День назад
This video is disingenuous. The relevant ratio is NOT worker/taxpayers vs retired people. It is worker/taxpayers to ALL dependents who don't pay tax, including mothers who are caring for the dependent children. In my family of origin the worker/dependent ratio was 1:5. My father supported 5 people as well as himself and 3 of us went on to tertiary education. A ratio of one taxpayer to 1 retired person is very generous.
@dannysullivan3951 День назад
Louise Perry is the second coming of Phyllis Schafly, ie just another anti feminist, throwing out bogus nonsense and ignoring historical facts.
@gloriacrook603 День назад
People need to stop listening to all of this noñsense..Mother Earth knows how to balance herself..
@simonhawker9277 День назад
the truth is this country is populated with victims of the colonial English, we should try to help heal , its normal after trauma not to trust easily, but we know when our hearts are in the right place to want to help, they are our brothers and sisters in this i wont refer to you all as anything other than my countrymen, the only colour that matters is that you are all true blue, may the land bless us all,
@KenIn_NH День назад
No greater mission than to suck the last drop of oil out of the earth and the last penny from the working class. While killing the planet...all for maximum profits and simple greed. It's not a sustainable model and ARC is a mere schill for big oil. Look up their board of Directors and primary sponsors. The only thing green about ARC are the oil covered bills in their wallets.
@vich1393 2 дня назад
An excellent discussion indeed. Remembering 1973 having hitchhiked across the United States and flown Icelandic to Europe, I recall the marvelous attitudes of the people I encountered the whole way across. Every night was a new adventure and one that impressed me as to the common sense of life and purposed Americans had. I had lived outside of the country for the 4 years prior, and realized quickly upon returning what a false image the media had painted of the country in those days.
@chriswatson1698 2 дня назад
Economic growth is ruining the Earth. Dynamic economies are destructive. Perpetual population growth is not possible. Our planet is not infinite.
@JohnSmith-pn2vl 2 дня назад
ok boomer, this is complete BS
@SuperNewf1 2 дня назад
No matter how great we seem, we are still killing cripples for money.. We live in a world of Fascism and Communism. Never have we had Democracy.
@macmudgee 2 дня назад
Christendom, the West killed off Jesus, with the lies of Darwin, Marx and Freud which has become an open invitation for Satan to step in and destroy us and what a mighty fine job he is doing. Jesus is the only one who has overcome Satan, follow him and you will find yourself on the path of life.
@Primaate 2 дня назад
Great speaker 😂
@kennethj.benton8641 2 дня назад
I wonder if she is peo life and will admit the lgbtq godless nihililsm also is destroying ALL civilization. Lastly western countries raped robbed and pillaged Africa....and it continues.
@larrysherk 2 дня назад
All empires that have existed have eventually collapsed, and we're next.
@demitrisharilaou9536 2 дня назад
Mr Kisin you made the wrong decision betraying your country you will be asking to go back soon as the West is getting naked
@amystand7799 2 дня назад
Brilliant interview. Thanks for this. I am relatively new to Winston's podcast ( before the Pelosi debate, well done.) Now going back and watching several episodes that I missed.
@ramys.4313 2 дня назад
Israel and America are the hegemons of this planet. The war in Gaza is showing us how Israel and America do not give a fu.. about international law. They're threatening the prosecutors of the ICJ, killing the UN workers, bombing and slaughtering aid workers, killing thousands of kids and women and nobody dares to speak out,not even China. Russia is struggling just to preserve its backyard in Ukraine, China is not even capable of annexing Taiwan, Japan and Germany are like leashed puppies, the EU are ready to destroy their own economies just to satisfy America's fantasies, the Arab world is on its knees with Arab leaders at the mercy of Washington, Iran is incapable of protecting its own president, Africa is on the brink of starvation giving away its valuable resources for pennies to American multinational companies, South Americans are dreaming just to cross the Rio grande. The American empire has never been stronger than today, the American people never been poorer, overworked and exhausted than today. The questions are: What's the meaning of empire? What's the meaning of dominance? What's the meaning of democracy if the people are unhappy, if the rich get richer and the poor gets poorer? What's the meaning of progress, high-tech and GDP if people cannot afford housing, affordable healthcare, decent food, quality education without bankrupting people? Is this what America is fighting for ? With 900 military bases all across the globe and a colossal army with almost a trillion dollars Budget and nukes capable of destroying 10 times mother Earth. What's the purpose of the Strongest empire in history of mankind when 80% of the average citizens are struggling to afford basic necessities of Life like decent healthy food, housing, healthcare and education??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!! There's a saying in the bible that says: "...And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul?"
@alanhat5252 2 дня назад
that Biblical quote says it all 😢