High on the Holyghost
High on the Holyghost
High on the Holyghost
Born again ex Jehovah’s Witness in love with spreading the gospel of grace. I pray God uses this channel as a resource for radical testimonies, evangelism techniques, and encouragement to help save the lost. May God bless you all!
@jholsey День назад
My grandmother in law is a JW and I have only had one conversation with her about Jesus. She called one her friends to talk to me trying to justify why they think Jesus and Michael are the same person. We never finished the conversation but I have never heard a testimony from an ex-JW. Thank you for being obedient and sharing. I feel encouraged to evangelize to her again
@jazielo9814 2 дня назад
😭😭😭 1 year later this video is still FIRE 🔥 thank you JESUS for revealing yourself as God to my sister. Thank you for sharing this incredible video.
@Highontheholyghost 2 дня назад
@@jazielo9814 thank you so much❤️
@barbarapeppers2182 3 дня назад
JW aren’t allowed to study or research other material than their false, partially made up Bible.
@GhezzLoc5th 4 дня назад
So do you acknowledge (Jehovah’s) name as The only True God are you just happy you knew the verse.. did you learn anything cuz you sound vindictive
@johncolage1651 8 дней назад
The Bible clearly states that before humans appeared on the earth, only Jehovah's family of witnesses existed in the universe. The first witness to leave the family was the angel who became "Satan" the first apostate. Today, either one serving Jehovah or the adversary Satan. There is no sitting on the fence.
@GThePreacher 9 дней назад
Good church and ministry to learn apologetics from is good fight ministries and blessed hope chapel
@jacobfield4848 9 дней назад
The Trinity is a pagan doctrine and has no support in the Bible.
@archieliburd3794 15 дней назад
@archieliburd3794 15 дней назад
SO NOW THAT YOU FOUND JESUS, DO YOU OBEY THE COMMAND HE GAVE AT ACTS 1 v 8? " YOU MUST BE WITNESSES OF ME IN JERUSALEM AND IN ALL JUDEA AND SAMARIA AND TO THE UTMOST PART OF THE EARTH?" Do you know that he who claim to know him yet they do not obey his commands is a liar and the truth is not in him? ( 1 John 2 v 4)? So what do you now do about Acts 5 v 42? What do you do about Acts 20 v 20? Would you say that Matthew 10 v 11 to 15, pertains to you, or JEHOVAH witnesses? So I assume you now opt to become a ONE DAY A WEEK CHRISTIAN, one who just go one day a week and listen to someone talking some God THINGS and some JESUS THINGS, and with that you going to Heaven? Do you know that MANY ARE CALLED BUT FEW ARE CHOSEN? (Matthew 22 v 14 ) Do you know that those chosen few are joint heirs with Christ? ( ROMANS 8 v 17) Do you know what an heir is? SOMEONE WAITING TO TAKE UP OWNERSHIP OR RULERSHIP. Do you know that REVERLATIONS 14 v 1 to 5 speak of those chosen few who are going to Heaven? Do you know that verse 6 speak of THE EVERLASTING GOSPEL FOR THOSE WHO DWELL UPON THE EARTH? Do you know that Matthew 5 v 5 says BLESSED ARE THE MEEK FOR THEY SHALL INHERIT THE EARTH? Do you know that Psalms 37 v 11 says that THE MEEK SHALL INHERIT THE EARTH AND SHALL DELIGHT THEMSELVES IN THE ABUNDANCE OF PEACE and verse 29 says THEY SHALL DWELL UPON THE EARTH FOREVER? Can you explain why Jehovah has to give Jesus everything? John 5 v 26, THE FATHER HAS LIFE IN HIMSELF, SO HE HAS ( GRANTED) THE SON TO HAVE LIFE IN HIMSELF. SO WHAT HAPPENED BEFORE THE SON WAS ( GRANTED) TO HAVE LIFE IN HIMSELF? IF SOMEONE GRANT YOU SOMETHING, OBVIOUSLY YOU DID NOT HAVE IT BEFORE IT WAS GRANTED TO YOU? SO CAN YOU NOW EXPLAIN 1 CORINTHIANS 15 v 24 to 28.?
@jeffreyvanhorn1996 17 дней назад
Young lady, my sister in Christ… You have a gift!! Bless you. Please hear me. You are very articulate as well as knowledgeable, and God is using you, and will continue to do so for His Kingdom. I’ve been studying the JW’s and the history of the Watchtower org for years. This was amazing. Exceedingly well spoken, and so helpful. I could write so much about a lot of things, but I mainly wanted to tell you how much I appreciate what you have shared here. I’m so grateful I found your channel, and pray that God will enlarge the ministry you have regarding the Jehovah’s Witnesses. They are hurting people, people in pain, and we must see them that way instead of them being our enemies. They have no idea how brainwashed they are, they have no idea if they’re truly saved, and it’s heartbreaking to know that the Watchtower organization consists of eight very fallible men in Brooklyn, New York, who are causing so many to end up in hell. Stay close to Jesus, anchor yourself in God’s Word, listen to the Holy Spirit, and stay humble! I know you already do these things. 🎈 The last thing I want to say is that an extremely high percentage of Christians have no idea how to rightly divide the Word of truth because they don’t know fully what the Watchtower actually teaches. But there are people like us whom God has prompted to study and learn and try to reach this false religion, this cult. Jesus died for them also. Praise God for your ministry. So grateful I found you! Glory to the Lamb of God.
@Igotab350 18 дней назад
I never knew Jehovah’s Witnesses had such a bad reputation. I’m getting nervous to go out and preach
@user-nk6kk1rk5n 2 дня назад
@@Igotab350 don’t believe everything on the internet
@jwl89 24 дня назад
He does clarify that jehovah is his FATHER......show me in various bibles your proof
@tinahancy8885 26 дней назад
So good!!!!
@tinahancy8885 26 дней назад
This is great. My dear sister is a jw and it breaks my heart but your testimony gives me soooo much hope!!!
@fayboswell3479 27 дней назад
I'm so happy for you. God bless you. You not crazy. You more normal than most people. Your story will be of such help in the extention of his kingdom. ❤
@travishager6156 27 дней назад
Something just dawned on me watching this video. Is it just me, or have you noticed since all their beliefs and doctrines are being exposed online, they have been changing rules all the sudden. Like the beards, the way the treat the disfellowshipped, and turning in time and all that. They are trying so hard to keep people from leaving is what it looks like too me. Just a thought
@jeromejenkins7886 Месяц назад
By the way ,this young lady is beautiful
@jeromejenkins7886 Месяц назад
All religions have a "God complex" as if they're not only the only ones who are right, but will brow beat you as if they are thee holiest and you're not! Every and all.... Has the devil gotten directly into the straight path between God and his family? The answer is YES !! LAST DAYS BLINDNESS
@lowlyslaveofslaves4231 Месяц назад
MATTHEW 7: 21-23 “21. Not everyone saying to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the Kingdom of the heavens, but only the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will. 22. Many will say to me in that day: ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and expel demons in your name, and perform many powerful works in your name?’ 23. And then I will declare to them: ‘I never knew you! Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness!"
@felicitydeikos5250 27 дней назад
This is symbolic bible meaning, not literally.
@LetJesusTouchUrLife Месяц назад
We had two JW women come to our front door about a month ago after we had finished eating breakfast. She asked us a question about the end times and said, "Did you know that at one point God will end all this suffering on Earth?" I said, "Yes, when Christ returns, Scripture says that He will stand on the Mount of Olives and it will divide in two and He shall destroy his enemies and we will reign with Him for eternity!" She said, "Well, I see that you're all eating breakfast so we will leave you to it, have a good day" and she walked off. I turned around and looked at my family and said, "That was it? That's all it took?" My dad said, "Wow, the words you spoke must have hit her with so much authority from the Lord that she had to leave. Her spirit must've trembled inside her." Glory to God. I pray these people stuck in this false heretical religion can one day realize that in Christ there is freedom.
@Highontheholyghost Месяц назад
Wow! That is impressive! And yes! If somebody knows scripture they don’t even try. Should be red flag to them that they can only convince blank canvases!
@Highontheholyghost Месяц назад
Wow! That is impressive! And yes! If somebody knows scripture they don’t even try. Should be red flag to them that they can only convince blank canvases!
@NewCreationInChrist896 Месяц назад
14:45 There will be a new Heaven and new Earth but that doesn’t change the fact that they have false doctrine. Their doctrine is layered with deception because they like the Mormons are rooted in freemasonry. Revelation 21:1-6 Ephesians 1:11-23
@Chris_Sheridan Месяц назад
Jesus wasn't created through himself - all things were created through Jesus and for Jesus.
@Chris_Sheridan Месяц назад
Idiot approaches Jehovah's Witnesses and makes a fool of himself because he doesn't understand the scriptures - Jehovah's Witnesses know the Bible far better than anyone else ..
@fionataylor2286 Месяц назад
Which is the true Church I should be looking for, I live in the UK and I am really struggling on my own, recently lost my dear mum and Husband brought up in JW,s unbaptized but still truly believes in them as truth? For context we studied for years with JW's and his Grandma was one, so he truly believes I will see my Mum again at Armageddon when she is resurrected, can someone help as I feel JW's is off, TIA. I am in the U.K, specifically Yorkshire
@Highontheholyghost Месяц назад
Once a person is born again of the spirit, then they themselves BECOME the church, that’s how You enter into the church that Christ Created. It isn’t about a denomination. There are people in every Christian denomination who are truly born again and those that aren’t. (JWs aren’t a Christian denomination). My exaltation to you Would be to search for Jesus, not a specific church. It is about being born again. Read John 3:1-5. And then read all of John lol
@fionataylor2286 Месяц назад
Thankyou 🙌
@fionataylor2286 Месяц назад
Suddenly has dawned on me, they profess to be Christians yet believe Jesus Christ is the Arch Angel Micheal???
@Highontheholyghost Месяц назад
Yes lol
@andaway1 Месяц назад
Wow I loved this and your narration of this. First time seeing your channel. Welcome me I just subscribed 😂❤
@Highontheholyghost Месяц назад
Thank you it was fun!
@CarolinaRiack Месяц назад
I still feel though.. we should be always compassionate about these blind and bounded people, in a way to not sound accusing (am not saying it’s what pastor Richard did, but I tend to lack that when it comes to deceived stubborn individuals) and ask the Holy Spirit for guidance to approaching them so that we tell them they don’t have to live that way, they can be free if they accept to hear about the REAL God Jesus ❤
@CarolinaRiack Месяц назад
This is absolutely AWESOME 👏🏻 ❤
@CarolinaRiack Месяц назад
Awesome! Very well said! ❤
@CarolinaRiack Месяц назад
Perfect! Excellent point 👏🏻
@CarolinaRiack Месяц назад
Just found you and just found this video and am already a huge fan of your story, I can relate to it so much ❤ I have also been saved and born again from religion and tradition and sin - Jesus came to me and baptized me with His Spirit in 2020 (07/11th) in my living room, I was by myself during the pandemic after having been raised a Christian and baptized in water at the age of 13 years (23 years after that) - thank you for your testimony ❤ I love you without knowing you in person 🫶🏻😘
@MyDogBooBoo Месяц назад
Hmmmm They teach Jesus was hung on a straight pole not a cross. I remember a watchtower study on this years back explaining they put the nails in his wrists because in the hands the flesh would just rip because of the bone structure. But Jesus showed Thomas the nail prints in his hands. How did that get by me all those years ago?!
@Highontheholyghost Месяц назад
Some things they say are so outrageous it’s hard to even respond to in the moment
@susanberry6157 Месяц назад
Zechariah 12:10 in the kjv bible which I only read says, AS ONE THAT MOURNETH FOR HIS ONLY SON 🤔🤔🤔 Not his only brother, it's why I only read kjv,because other bibles change it and many leave out the same scriptures the Jahovahs witness book, not bible do.
@susanberry6157 Месяц назад
@danieljonhson6367 Месяц назад
The God of Israel is named Yahweh.
@robrenehan2126 Месяц назад
Yes but you don't believe that Jesus is Michael - because it is not written. The same reason that JW's don't believe that Jesus is God - because it is not written. I know what you are trying to say in this video, but you have highlighted a flaw in your own logic in your attempt to highlight the flaw in theirs...
@Highontheholyghost Месяц назад
It is written.
@robrenehan2126 Месяц назад
@@Highontheholyghost Where though? With respect, and I’m not being contentious, but where? I know that it is alluded to, insinuated, and inferred strongly in multiple places, and depending on who is reading it, it can be construed that Jesus is God. But it is not written. Not clearly. Not once. In the entire Bible. Surely surely, that counts for something?
@Highontheholyghost Месяц назад
@@robrenehan2126 if you are truly seeking you will find. In the word. Not in a comment section. It is clearly written. And even “strongly inferred” in multiple places is way more than the witnesses have for Jesus being Micheal lol. But it is overwhelmingly written. Jesus is referred to as Yahweh multiple times.
@Highontheholyghost Месяц назад
Multiple isn’t even the right word lol
@robrenehan2126 Месяц назад
@@Highontheholyghost Except that it doesn't. Not directly, not once. I've debated this countless times, and nobody has ever been able to show me where it is written that Jesus is God. It's frustrating for those who want to believe He is, but throughout His journey on Earth, Jesus just refused to state that He is. So does the Bible - it's simply not written. I understand that it is implied, but nowhere in scripture does it say that Jesus is God.
@richbaker7187 Месяц назад
Maybe I didn't hear him mention this, but the BIGGEST part of Hebrews 1 is the 2nd part of what the Father is sayuing ABOUT THE SON. In Hebrews 1:10-12, the Father calls the Son Yahweh. it's a continuous dialouge by the Father, about the Son in 1:8-12. The Father first calls the Son, God, then calls Himi Yahweh, in verse 10. Hebrews 1:10 quotes Psalm 102, verses 8-0 quote Psalm 45:6. Without a doubt, Jesus is called God by the Father.
@mollygonzalez9131 Месяц назад
I CANNOT express how much this means to me. 30 years praying for lost family. You speak Gods truth! Amen❤
@Highontheholyghost Месяц назад
Never underestimate the power of prayer! A part of my story I don’t think I got to in this video is how I’m adopted but my Biological family, on my dad’s side are all Christians. My birth mom kept me a secret, her entire Pregnancy and didn’t tell anybody about me until my birth father passed away when I was 3, and she wanted to put a picture of me in his casket. After his family found out about me, and found out that I was being raised as a JW, they went to spiritual war for my soul. 23 years. Never stop praying for your family! The org is continually changing so much I believe there will be a mass exodus!
@AV__joint-heir_Timotheus Месяц назад
The eternal God's name is not yahweh. You have much studying to do, stay at it and he will give you the revelation of who he is by the revelation of Jesus Christ.
@davidantonucci1161 Месяц назад
Colossians1:16 because by means of him all other things were created in the heavens and on the earth, the things visible and the things invisible,whether they are thrones or lordships or governments or authorities. All other things have been created through himr and for him. 1 Peter 3:22 He is at God’s right hand,p for he went to heaven, and angels and authorities and powers were made subject to him. 1 Corinthians15:24 Next, the end, when he hands over the Kingdom to his God and Father, when he has brought to nothing all government and all authority and power.e 25 For he must rule as king until God has put all enemies under his feet.f 26 And the last enemy, death, is to be brought to nothing.g 27 For God “subjected all things under his feet.”h But when he says that ‘all things have been subjected,’i it is evident that this does not include the One who subjected all things to him.j 28 But when all things will have been subjected to him, then the Son himself will also subject himself to the One who subjected all things to him,k that God may be all things to everyone.l So don’t you get it Jesus is going to hand back the kingdom to God And he is going to subject him self to God just as we are going to subject our selfs to God It’s really simple
@Highontheholyghost Месяц назад
lol love that you used collisions 1:16- you realize the word “other” is exclusive to your own bible and added in by watchtower admit-tingly? Check your kingdom interlinear. Major issues when the men you follow think they are better authors than God himself. That alone should be enough to make you leave. Major blasphemy! Have a bless day seek truth!
@davidantonucci1161 Месяц назад
@@Highontheholyghost ok remove the word OTHER 😂😂 what’s your point still says the same thing , all things where made through him ?? Meaning he was created still 😂😂 And your the one following men of doctrine by saying what I’ve heard a thousand times , why don’t you address the fact that Jesus is going to hand back the kingdom to Jehovah God ? Oh yeah coz you haven’t been taught what to say
@Highontheholyghost Месяц назад
@@davidantonucci1161 think harder. If it meant the same thing there would have been no reason for them to add the word.
@davidantonucci1161 Месяц назад
@@Highontheholyghost yes it does all things where made through him and for him ? That doesn’t mean Jesus is God , show me where that means that ? If you think harder you can clearly see , things where made FOR HIM MEANING SOMEONE ELSE MADE IT POSSIBLE FOR THAT TO BE CREATED THROUGH HIM , like the scripture says I was beside him as a master worker
@Highontheholyghost Месяц назад
@@davidantonucci1161 if you would like to do a live debate on my channel email me at hall.taleah@yahoo.com. Other wise please keep reading your Word and stop obeying men as ruler rather than God alone.
@davidantonucci1161 Месяц назад
it's proving he's not jehovah by first referring to jehovah as the one who exalted him to a position that is one person he was not in before you can't split up the natures one person god already to you not to us because he's been made lower than the angels hebrews 2 last adam first corinthians 15. so to us it's easy he's been made a life-giving spirit and exalted to god's right hand simple done son of god given the all the authority in heaven on earth sitting on god's throne christians get that too rule from heaven on god's throne revelation 3 so he was not god always he couldn't have been because there would have been been no need to exalt him to a superior position doesn't get any higher than that and there really is no way to address the point you said it yourself he's one person so as one person he's being exalted to a position he didn't have before and if he was already god he would already be in that position both natures and all you're the one who has to split them up to account for him receiving something that's inconsistent with what you say he already had which would then be inconsistent with what paul says he didn't already have and which is consistent with polycarp right here which again says god raised him from the dead and gave him glory and as we know in philippians 2 right jesus talks about receiving the glory that he had with the father before the world was just like john 1 1 describes in heaven just like wisdom itself describes proverbs 8 11-35 consistent with micah 5 1-4 which uses the same term referring to the goings-forth or activity of the pre-human messiah so we can account for all of our beliefs biblically and the receiving of glory shows he didn't have that glory before. trinitarians you say he always had it he just veiled it this doesn't say he unveiled it it says he gave him glory , trinitarians that means he didn't have it you see giving something that means they didn't have it uncovering something yes okay that means unveiling that's not what it says so again this is being raised to a spirit in heaven but that's the glory he's receiving and the throne at his right hand consistent again with everything we read in the biblical text all these things were made subject to him because they weren't subject to him already he wasn't god already he gave up being a god or being in the form of god like the other sons of god to become a man lower than those gods those angels and of course god so your doctrine is refuted all over the place it's not scriptural it's a tradition you try to bring from out of place into these texts and even into these early writers and say this is trinity no no trinity one god the father sons of god are gods who either represent their father or who become their own gods like satan
@realn.d4296 Месяц назад
@jimjuri6490 Месяц назад
Jesus as do all created beings have to work at being good. God doesn't. That was Jesus' point when he said: Mark 10:18 Jesus said to him: “Why do you call me good? Nobody is good except one, God. 1 Peter 2:22  'Jesus' committed no sin, nor was deception found in his mouth.
@Highontheholyghost Месяц назад
Well that’s a head scratcher of an explanation 😂 he actually didn’t say, “there’s only One who doesn’t have to work at being good” lol.
@jimjuri6490 Месяц назад
@@Highontheholyghost : Why would Jesus answer the way he did if he wasn't referring to the fact that the term GOOD is relative to created beings. But NOT TO GOD. God is the epitome of good. Why would Peter say Jesus committed no sin if he was talking about God who CANNOT SIN? Like to hear an explanation, if any.
@nikoladjordjic9566 Месяц назад
He was simply showing that compared to God, no one is 'good', but evil. Luke 11:13 !! You believe that Jesus is not as good as the Father? He is always the same, yesterday, today and tomorrow:) Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, shew us the Father? John 14:9 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. 2 Cor 5:21 He literally knew no sin, he came from God the father. And He never denied his divinity, thats why "many times" religious people wanted to stone him, but couldn't do anything about it. The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God. John 10:33 And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life. 1 John 5:20
@jimjuri6490 Месяц назад
@@nikoladjordjic9566 : How could Jesus make himself into God? Please read what transpired. (John 10:33) The Jews answered him: “We are stoning you, not for a fine work, but for blasphemy; for you, although being a man, make yourself a god.” Jesus answers by quoting Psalms 82. (John 10:34) Jesus answered them: “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I said: “You are gods”’? So it was about trying to make himself into a god. Not being Almighty God. How does Jesus reply? (John 10:36) do you say to me whom the Father sanctified and SENT into the world, ‘You blaspheme,’ because I said, ‘I AM GOD'S SON’? Jesus clearly shows that he was set apart for sacred service and SENT by God. What did he claim? To being God or God's son? Clearly showing that he was NOT God. Ignoring what Jesus said about GOOD doesn't answer why he said what he did.
@12345familyofyah 2 месяца назад
Don't Be Proud miss
@12345familyofyah 2 месяца назад
Miss we're are at
@jessehernandez8616 2 месяца назад
john 1:3 is a good one as well they can't answer.
@erichendricks1120 2 месяца назад
Always remember, God, Anointed God, with God! I thought the scriptures say God Anointed Jesus with Holy Spirit? Jesus is a liar, Jesus is a liar, that's what trinitarians are saying and want you to believe! Get out of babylon the great which is the world empire of false religion! The trinity is a lie!
@erichendricks1120 2 месяца назад
Let him do what he do, I wonder if Jesus spoke like that?
@Highontheholyghost 2 месяца назад
Yes he did call him a “He,” if that’s what you mean 😉😘
@erichendricks1120 2 месяца назад
@Highontheholyghost I was talking about, let him do what he do. Shouldn't it be, allow him to do what he does? Do do do!
@Highontheholyghost 2 месяца назад
@@erichendricks1120 so you admit Holy Spirit is a him! Fantastic! Splendid
@erichendricks1120 2 месяца назад
@Highontheholyghost So if the Holy Spirit is a "him" where was he in Acts 7:55 when Stephen peered into heaven and seen God's glory with Christ standing at his right hand? The Holy Spirit must have been out getting ice cream for everyone, huh? Sure is weird that Stephen seen two separate beings, where was the holy spirit person? The Christ must have lied at John 10:30 when he said I and my father are one, did he forget the third part of himself or are you just totally lost? John 17:11 so does this scripture mean all of Christ followers will morph together and become one being, really?
@erichendricks1120 2 месяца назад
@Highontheholyghost So apparently you don't understand that spirit creatures are sexless!
@erichendricks1120 2 месяца назад
I know are at Heb 3:1 Jesus is called an apostle meaning one that is sent forth, so Jesus is not Almighty God. At Rev. 1 why did God have to give the revelation to Jesus if Jesus was and is Almighty God than why did he have to have the Revelation given to him, wouldn't he have already have had it?
@Highontheholyghost 2 месяца назад
Very juvenile arguments. Want to debate live on my channel?
@erichendricks1120 2 месяца назад
@Highontheholyghost How am I stating juvenile things when I am quoting scriptures, how much do I make debating on your channel, half of what you make?
@Highontheholyghost 2 месяца назад
@@erichendricks1120 yes half I what I make. Half of zero, is zero lol
@erichendricks1120 2 месяца назад
@Highontheholyghost I honestly don't see that there is anything to debate, you follow teachings of man and twist what the Holy Scriptures say!
@Highontheholyghost 2 месяца назад
@@erichendricks1120 oh okay! Yeah totally right! I have a governing body for sure