The Wartburg Castle
The Wartburg Castle
The Wartburg Castle
This channel hopes to be a safe place to consider and discuss theological ideas without fear of intrusion (or embarrassment) from the "Evangelical Industrial Complex." Daniel Long & Steve Kozar wanted to have a place to go into detail about their move from Evangelicalism to Confessional Lutheran theology, and all of the interesting issues surrounding that move.

Why "The Wartburg Castle?"

From 1521 to 1522, Martin Luther hid at the castle, after he had been excommunicated by Pope Leo X. It was during this period that Luther translated the New Testament into German in just ten weeks. This was a huge step in the Protestant Reformation.

Just as Martin Luther needed a safe place to hide from the Pope, we hope this channel will also be a safe place to talk about the theological issues that often get ignored in the shallow streams of modern Evangelicalism.

The Bible. The Liturgy. The Sacraments. Church History. Philosophy. Let's talk about it!