Grace Evangelical Society
Grace Evangelical Society
Grace Evangelical Society
Grace Evangelical Society (GES) was founded in 1986 to promote the life-giving truth that God offers man the free gift of everlasting life through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, apart from works done before or after the new birth (John 3:16; 5:24; 6:35, 47; 11:26).

Another of our aims is to promote Christian growth by emphasizing the Biblical truths about eternal security, assurance, and eternal rewards. For more info visit:
Is Luke 5:32 the Saving Message?
День назад
Have We Lost Part of Mark’s Gospel?
14 дней назад
A Centurion Contemplates Christ
14 дней назад
Did Jesus Want to Avoid the Cross?
14 дней назад
The Mitey Widow Woman
21 день назад
The Fruitless Fig Tree: Israel
21 день назад
@freegraceau 8 часов назад
Awesome! Also I think see Dix, that t-shirt is a dead giveaway.
@judefernandez4932 11 часов назад
Please don't teach man's ideas! Please go read the whole Bible then come and preach here!
@karinecarde1254 13 часов назад
It would be so wonderful for this video to have 20.000 likes, for it would mean that Salvation is understood by people to be the free gift from God that it is. But so few understand who the Lord is. Thank you for your ministry. It's so refreshing.
@aussierob7177 13 часов назад
@DannyLoyd 14 часов назад
btw, we become children of God by faith when we are baptized into Christ, when we PUT CHRIST ON, Gal 3:26-27
@DannyLoyd 16 часов назад
John 3:20 " For every one who does evil hates the light.....But he who does what is true comes to the light...... He who does not OBEY the Son shall not see life..." John 11:26 " whoever lives and believes in me shall never die" Luke 6:46 " Why do you call me, Lord, Lord, and not do what I tell you? Every one who come to me and hears these words AND DOES THEM...." John 14:23 " If a man loves me, he WILL KEEP MY WORD, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. He who does not love me DOES NOT KEEP MY WORDS..." Romans 1:5 " to bring about the obedience of faith..." Romans 6:16 " Do you not know that if you yield yourselves to any one as OBEDIENT SLAVES, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin which leads to death, OR OF OBEDIENCE....." Romans 16:26 " to bring about the obedience of faith" 1 John 4:9 " God sent his only Son into the world, so that we MIGHT LIVE THROUGH HIM". 1 John 2:17 " He who does the WILL OF GOD ABIDES FOREVER". 1John 2:4 " He who says, " I know him" but disobey his commandments is a liar and the truth is not in him; BUT WHOEVER KEEPS HIS WORD, in him truly love for God is perfected" 1John 1:7 " Walk in the light, as he is in the light.....and the blood of Christ cleanses us from all sin......if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive our sins"... This is what it means to BELIEVE IN JESUS!!!!!
@ConstantiaVerted 17 часов назад
Lovely vid, thanks.
@2Chronicles714_ 17 часов назад
The teaching that we must be convinced to believe in Jesus is simply not found in scripture. That's not what faith is. Thomas was only convinced by seeing the nail holes in our Lord's hands to believe He had risen from the dead. John 20:29 Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” Im convinced that Ken and Katherine are real people because Ive seen them on video, that doesn’t mean I have faith in them. Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Noah could have said I have faith alone. I won't do works so I'm good with God. Hebrews 11:7 By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family. By his faith he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness that is in keeping with faith. Of course, if Noah would've said I'm convinced that God is real, but he displayed, his faith with evidence by his works, without his faith his family would have died in the flood, ending mankind. Paul echos what James says in Acts 26:20 First to those in Damascus, then to those in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and then to the Gentiles, I preached that they should repent and turn to God and demonstrate their repentance by their deeds. Show evidence of your repentance which is the consequence of faith by your works/conduct/lifestyle.
@BruceMilnes-v9b 15 часов назад
Ye must be born again,only you and God know if you’ve had this supernatural rebirth,either you’ve had it or you havnt,the wind blows where it will,he runs not.
@easttexan2933 17 часов назад
Brother Ken, you make it sound like everyone is going to be saved and that is not what I understand from reading Rev 20:11-15. "the dead" refers to the rest of the dead in verse 5; they are all judged according to their works but ultimately, if their name is not in the Lamb's book of life they are cast into the lake of fire. the severity of their punishment would depend on the quality of their works (Heb 10:26-31).
@robertperez679 17 часов назад
The problem with this topic is...So many Pastors want to make believe/faith some type of complicated process which it is NOT! The Bible itself defines what faith that saves is... Rom 4:21 And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform. Rom 4:22 And therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness. The verses above are right from the Bible...Faith is just taking God at His word...It is simply a mental process by which you are convinced something is true...It is so simple a child can do it...But Oh No! the false prophets and false teachers & educated elites...want to add to the simplicity & take away the beauty of childlike Faith...They will say well let me see your works & I will tell you if your faith is real, or your faith is spurious faith (false/fake) there is NO SUCH THING...how very foolish and evil to try qualifying faith...you either have it at that moment or you don't. When you go to sit in a chair if you trust the chair will hold you up you sit on it...There see how simple...you just exercised your faith...It is just that simple!
@2Chronicles714_ 17 часов назад
Paul actually says show evidence of your repentance by your works.
@minorsingingairhead 18 часов назад
You CAN decide to put your faith in Jesus.
@michaelparsons7474 17 часов назад
How does one decide that he is convinced that Jesus's promise of everlasting life is true?
@Liminalplace1 20 часов назад
Good talk. If what you say is correct why add the component "believe what Jesus said, or promises" (as in the promise of everlasting life) ? The way I read John 3:14-16 (context) is that Jesus was lifted up (the Christ -event/death etc) was so those who were believers would not perish but have eternal life. The believing in Jesus didn't involve believing his death or resurrection as it had not occurred yet and neither Nicodemus or the disciples understood it yet. BUT they believed. But Martha said she believed "you are the Messiah, the son of God, the one who is to come into the world". Note she doesn't say. "that you gave me everlasting life or anything like that. That is too advanced. Believing in him is just in reference to who Jesus is . Many scholars argue that the Greek Pistis isn't equivalent to our English word "believe",(for example John 2:24) your case is valid but it needs to be proved by context use of the word, which I think you do in part . A good takk
@jonathancruz1764 18 часов назад
I hope this gets responded to. I have very similar objections/questions
@2Chronicles714_ 18 часов назад
GES is in error because they use John 3:16 as the message of salvation (Putting the cart in front of the horse) rather than its a beautiful promise for those who continue in the faith until the end will indeed have everlasting life with God.
@GESvids 17 часов назад
*Do You Believe in Santa? Jesus?* October 31, 2023 by Mike Lii faithalone.org/grace-in-focus-articles/do-you-believe-in-santa-jesus/ During this time of year, children are often asked, “Do you believe in Santa?” It is interesting to note that when it comes to answering this question, people have nowhere near the level of confusion or over-analysis that they have about answering the question: “Do you believe in Jesus?” Most interpret the question, “Do you believe in Santa?” to mean, “Do you believe Santa exists?” or, “Do you believe Santa will bring gifts to children who have been good?” Most are simply satisfied that a child’s answer of “Yes” or “No” accurately reflects what the child believes about Santa. There are no follow-up questions, such as: “Do you really believe in Santa?” “Is this a heart-faith in Santa versus a head-faith or mere intellectual-assent to Santa?” “Have you decided for Santa?” “Have you surrendered your life to Santa?” “Have you given your life to Santa?” It is unfortunate that patently nonsensical questions about a children’s fantasy are thought to reveal theological insight when applied to the question, “Do you believe in Jesus?” The nature of the faith or belief in Santa is the same as the nature of the faith or belief in Jesus. In both instances, the faith or belief is a conviction that some proposition or promise is true. The key difference isn’t in the nature of the faith or belief, but in the person in whom one has faith or belief. One person is pure fiction and fantasy; the other Person is a true historical figure who proved His promises and the truth of His guarantees by dying on the cross and rising from the grave. Everyone understands that the question, “Do you believe in Santa?” must be a shortened form of a question involving a proposition about Santa. The expression, “I believe in Santa,” makes no sense devoid of something about Santa that is believed. The expression “believe in Santa” must be an abbreviated version of some larger proposition that is believed about Santa, such as his existence or his promise to bring presents to good children. Similarly, one cannot believe in Jesus absent a specific proposition to believe about Jesus. A question that clearly addresses this is: “According to the Gospel of John, what is the proposition to be believed concerning Jesus?” The Apostle John uses the verb believe almost 100 times in his Gospel. The most common use (thirty-one times) explicitly references believing in Jesus for eternal life or the concept of everlasting life-a life that can never be lost; a life with Jesus in a wonderful place forever.1 For example, John 3:16 explicitly references eternal life: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” Although the term everlasting life is not used in John 14:1-2, the concept of everlasting life is present in the passage: “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.” Less than ten occurrences of believe in John’s Gospel explicitly refer to something other than believing in Jesus for eternal life.2 For example, the nobleman in John 4:50 believed Jesus’ word that his son would recover from his sickness: Jesus said to him, “Go your way; your son lives.” So the man believed the word that Jesus spoke to him, and he went his way. Another example is the Jews in John 9:18, who did not believe that Jesus healed a man born blind: But the Jews did not believe concerning him, that he had been blind and received his sight, until they called the parents of him who had received his sight. Sixty-four uses of the term believe in the Gospel of John are not explicit about the content of the belief. These occurrences are most commonly expressed as “believe in Him,”3 “believe in His name,”4 “believe in Me,”5 and “believe Me.”6 It is important to ask, “In these occurrences, what is the content or proposition that is being believed?” Among those who diminish the stated purpose of John’s Gospel-evangelism-these statements about believing in Jesus are frequently taken out of context in order to advance the position that eternal life is the result of believing some truth about Jesus that is not specifically related to eternal life. According to this view, eternal life is not part of the content or focus of belief. However, each use of the word believe in John’s Gospel, whether specifically related to eternal life or not, must be understood not only in its immediate context but also within the context of the entire Gospel, especially regarding John’s stated purpose. If the proposed content does not fit both the immediate context and the overall purpose of the Gospel of John, then such proposed content must be rejected. The purpose of John’s Gospel is stated in 20:30-31: And truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His Name. The purpose of John’s book is that the reader or listener “may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God.” What does “Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God” mean? We are given its meaning in John 11:25-27. Jesus says to Martha: “I am the Resurrection and the Life. He who believes in Me, even if he dies, will live. And everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?” Notice that Jesus tells Martha that He is the Resurrection and the Life, that every believer in Him will live even if he dies, and that every believer who lives will never die spiritually.7 In other words, Jesus tells Martha that He guarantees and gives eternal life to everyone who believes in Him for eternal life. Jesus then asks Martha, “Do you believe this?” He is asking, “Do you believe what I just stated?” Notice Martha’s response in John 11:27: “Yes, Lord, I believe that You are the Christ, the Son of God, who is to come into the world.” Martha responds affirmatively to Jesus’ question and instead of repeating what Jesus has just stated, Martha responds that Jesus is “the Christ, the Son of God.” Martha has just equated the title “the Christ, the Son of God” with Jesus’ statement about eternal life. Martha’s response can, therefore, be understood to mean: “Yes, Lord, I believe that You (the Christ, the Son of God) guarantee and give eternal life to everyone who believes in You for eternal life.” Since the purpose of the Gospel of John is to direct the reader to believe that Jesus is “the Christ, the Son of God,” this is the same as directing the reader to believe that Jesus is the One who gives eternal life to everyone who believes in Him for eternal life. Whenever John uses the word believe without specifying the content of such belief, it makes no sense to pick something from the immediate context as the content to be believed and then state that eternal life results from believing that content. For example, one may argue that “His disciples believed in Him” in John 2:11 refers to their belief that Jesus changed water into wine and that anyone who believes Jesus changed water into wine receives eternal life as a byproduct, whether they know it or not. But the only interpretation of 2:11’s “His disciples believed in Him,” which is consistent with John 3:16 and John 20:30-31, is that because they had just seen Jesus change water into wine, His disciples believed that He gives eternal life to everyone who believes in Him. In the same way, when John’s Gospel does not specifically state the content of belief, we can understand the expressions “believe in Him,” “believe in His name,” “believe in Me,” and “believe Me,” as shorthand for believing that “Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God,” the One who gives eternal life to every believer in Him. The nature and quality of believing in Santa and believing in Jesus are similar. Both terms reflect a belief in some proposition regarding the object of belief. In both instances, belief is understood as a persuasion or conviction that some proposition is true. It makes no sense to believe in Santa or to believe in Jesus without specifying the content of what is believed. However, the difference between believing in Santa versus believing in Jesus is vast-not because of a difference in the level of belief, but because of the difference between the objects of belief. Believing in Santa for gifts at Christmas is futile because Santa is fictitious and therefore powerless. On the other hand, believing in Jesus for eternal life is believing in the One who created the heavens and the earth, who willingly sacrificed Himself on the cross for every single human being, and who triumphantly rose from the grave. Faith in Jesus for eternal life never fails because we have Jesus’ own word on it. Jesus has promised: “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me has everlasting life” (John 6:47).
@GESvids 17 часов назад
Footnotes for "Do You Believe in Santa? Jesus?" 1 See John 3:15-16, 18, 36; 4:42; 5:24, 38-40; 6:35-36, 40, 47, 69; 7:31; 9:35-38; 10:24-28, 36-38; 11:25-27; 12:47; 14:1-2; 20:31. 2 See John 2:22, 23; 4:21, 50; 5:46-47; 9:18. 3 See John 2:11; 4:39; 6:29; 7:5, 39, 48; 8:30; 10:42; 11:45, 48; 12:37, 42. 4 See John 1:12; 2:23; 3:18; 20:31. 5 See John 7:38; 12:44, 46; 14:12; 16:9; 17:20. 6 See John 5:46; 8:46; 10:38. 7 We know He is not talking about physical death because, in the previous verse, He referred to believers who die physically. In v 25, the Lord explains that at “the resurrection,” He will resurrect believers into His kingdom. In v 26, He explains that as “the life,” He gives everlasting life that cannot be lost to living people who believe in Him for that life.
@timgrady4630 21 час назад
Being convinced/persuaded that He is telling the truth when He Guarantees endless Everlasting Life simply by faith in Him FOR it , is Biblical faith : John 1:12-13,3:1-18,4:1-39,5:24,6:28-47,11:23-27,20:31 ; 1 Timothy 1:16 ; 1 John 5:1,10-13 ; Acts 16:31 ; Galatians 2:16,3:26 . Faith in anything other than the Christ (Jesus) for His doubtless Guarantee cannot regenerate . It is instead faith in one's Perseverance in Performance (works) that is as impossible to achieve as it is contradictory to every single Evangelistic/Everlasting Life/endless Justification before God passage in the Bible : Ephesians 2:8-9 ; Romans 3:20-5:11,11:6,29 ; Titus 3:5 ; Philippians 3:9 & the book of Galatians remain the insurmountable Barrier to all working for a Free and Never Deserving Gift attempts . Rendering all such self righteouness blatantly Absurd to the uttermost .
@montebeard6232 21 час назад
Love your videos !
@2Chronicles714_ День назад
John 11:26 And whosoever LIVETH AND BELIEVETH in me shall never die. Believest thou this? What our Lord Jesus is saying here is both an invitation and a requirement It teaches us to not only believe in Jesus but also to live according to that belief. Living in faith means surrendering our lives to Christ, allowing Him to transform us from within. It means abiding by His teachings, emulating His character, and pursuing a life of righteousness. The story of the rich young ruler in Matthew 11:6-22 serves as a reminder of the importance of living by our faith. (Putting our faith in action). Jesus said to him, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; AND COME, FOLLOW ME.” Despite his sincere inquiry about eternal life, the rich young ruler was unwilling to let go of his worldly possessions, he wanted to do things his way, he was unwilling to put Jesus in charge. To truly live and believe in Christ is to place Him above all else, trusting that His ways lead to eternal life. That parable also teaches the concept of eternal death, which is the consequence of unbelief in Jesus. Jesus asked sister of lazarus, Martha, "Do you believe this?" In this simple question, Jesus compelled her to examine the depth of her faith. Similarly, this question demands a response from every believer today. Do we genuinely embrace Jesus as our Lord and Saviour? If so, we must let go and let Christ be at the helm of our lives. [Matthew 6:33] The picture of surrender is that once we were enemies and our lives were at odds with God. We did not submit to him. We were not surrendered to him. We were our own masters, doing our own will, robbing God of not only everything he’s given to us, but our souls as well. Then a miracle happens: We’re born again, and everything turns around. We don’t want to withhold anything from God anymore. We are eager to be totally at his disposal: to do anything he wants at any cost. We want to do it in the power that He supplies, so that in everything Jesus gets the glory. That’s what it means to be saved from the old way. If our faith in Jesus is steadfast, we should be willing to wholeheartedly surrender to His Lordship and have faith in His loving plans, even when the realization of our heartfelt desires remains unseen.
@soljos1190 22 часа назад
So , your works righteousness affirmation makes faith in Him for what He actually Certifies , impossible . You're instead believing in Stuff you'll perform (works) till death . Blatantly impossible to achieve , Cuz entrance into His Kingdom is ONLY by means of the imputation of His PERFECT Righteousness given entirely apart from all attempts to WORK FOR IT : Romans 4:1-8 . Working for a Free and Never Deserving Gift of Endless Everlasting Life is as incoherent as it is contradictory to every conceivable Evangelistic/Everlasting Life/eternal Justification before God passage in the Bible . You're essentially worshipping yourself , having disbelieved His doubtless Guarantee, and Spit on His Cross , having regarded His PERFECT Propitiation for all sins as having been less than Satisfactory . Your doctrine is Cut out of the Same Cloth as those who had Jesus Crucified . The unregenerate Scribes and Pharisees (Matthew 23) looked to their "Stellar" and "Better than Thou" behavioral performance (works) as a "surefire " means of Kingdom entrance as well ... Birds of a Feather , indeed .
@Ydarg09 21 час назад
How Good to you Gotta be (Behaviorally/works) till death to earn , merit , DESERVE...the Free and Never Deserving Gift of Endless Everlasting Life ? Objectively ?
@timgrady4630 21 час назад
​@@Ydarg09 The question answers itself ... Never gonna happen in a Universe where the Laws of Logic are Operational . All self righteous attempts are merely a duplication of the heart of the Pharisees , drunk on their "Better than Thou" contempt for others .
@Ephesians2_8-9-10 21 час назад
Galatians 2 21 "I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain." Thank You Jesus for your amazing love and grace and for the gift of everlasting life through faith in You. 🙏
@Be_An_Esther 18 часов назад
The only reason these people are attacking you @2Chronicles714_ is because they aren't truly Christian. You are abiding by the great commission, being both salt and light to the earth. Scripture tells us that those in darkness hate the light. What do we know of salt? It's a preservative, before refrigeration, salt is what was used to cure meat to keep it from rot. It also can burn if it gets into a wound. Salt is abrasive to wounded and rotting flesh, but to those being saved, it is preserving. Don't give up the good fight
@karinecarde1254 День назад
Only believe that He is who He said He is and that what He did on the cross was enough for your salvation! It's so simple, like the faith of a little child 😊
@soljos1190 22 часа назад
Belief in Him FOR His doubtless Guarantee of Endless Everlasting Life alone regenerates forever (John 3:16 & Ephesians 2:8-9) . Jesus and His regenerated Disciples never made His attributes/works He performed (DBR) the Object and Content of one's faith whereby one is irreversibly born again .
@2Chronicles714_ 21 час назад
What about conversion? It's a result of repentance through faith which is required for Salvation. It's the only way sins are forgiven. Matthew 18:1-5 At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? 2And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them, 3And said, Verily I say unto you, EXCEPT YE BE CONVERTED, and become as little children, YE SHALL NOT ENTER INTO THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN . 4 WHOSOEVER THEREFORE SHALL HUMBLE HIMSELF as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 5And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me. Mark 4:12 That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should BE CONVERTED, AND THEIR SINS SHOULD BE FORGIVEN THEM. Acts 3:19 REPENT YE THEREFORE AND BE CONVERTED, that your SINS MAY BE BLOTTED OUT, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord.
@timgrady4630 21 час назад
​@@soljos1190 Amen .
@kuttikkaden52 День назад
God gave His 10 commandments after the 6days creation was over and when we look at Genesis 2:1-3 the 7th day God blessed this day and hallowed it so that day is coming in the 4th commandment we should observe them. That is what God's will is that all His creatures should keep and must have the testimony of Jesus which is found in Revelation 19:10
@scherfcom День назад
Very good!
@inChristLife День назад
Romans 4:20-22 20 He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God, 21 and being fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform. 22 And therefore “it was accounted to him for righteousness."
@jimkraft9445 День назад
Amen Brother. God is not the author of confusion. Acts 16;31 Period. Romans 11:6. Romans 1:16. Colossians 2:13. He has forgiven us ALL TRESPASSES. Romans 5:19-21. Where sin abounds, grace much more abounds. First Corinthians 15:1-4. Believers are no longer condemned. John 3:18. The fruit inspectors are judging others by their actions. Faith is apart from actions. Romans 4:5. But to Him that worketh not, but BELIEVETH on Him who JUSTIFIETH the UNGODLY, his FAITH is counted for His righteousness. Romans 4:6. Without His righteousness no one will see God. Romans 6:23. For the penalty for sin is death, but, (the good news) the GIFT of God is eternal life, through Jesus finished work on the cross. Can a born again believer, Ephesians 1:13-14, become unborn again? No. Ephesians 4:30. And Grieve not the Holy Spirit in whom ye are SEALED UNTO THE DAY OF REDEMPTION. The gift of God is eternal life. No one can earn it or work for it. It is a free gift. Paid in full by the GIVER. John 10:28-29. Hebrews 13:5. For He hath said, I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU OR FORSAKE YOU. Gods promise to us. God is not like us, He keeps His promises. John 6:47. verily, verily, I say unto you, he that BELIEVETH on me, (apart from any works) hath everlasting life. First John 2:2. John 3:16. Jesus said it, we believe it, and that settles it. Romans 1:16. John 5:24. John 6:40. John 6:29.
@mary-xk9dc День назад
pre-wrath-is the way.
@pastorernestalbuquerque4770 День назад
Lordship salvation is monumental disaster, we sympathise with him for what he is going through because of what he has done, but his major problem lies not what he has done but in what he believes. Hope he turns to free grace theology.
@kathyweckerle6880 День назад
Joni is a false teacher. I have a recording of her on the radio in 2022 telling people how they know they are saved. 1) look inward at your heart 2) look outward at your character. 3) look back to see if you have been changing. She said, “It is the way to know if you have been written in the Lambs Book of Life” With Joni being a teacher and influencer and completely wrong on Jesus’ saving message, that makes her a false teacher so she should not be promoted in any way by GES. Her opinion does not matter, and nobody should be directed to a false teacher like her.
@frankc7085 День назад
Calvinism is the strong basis of their theology n teaching..perseverance of the saints or don't cut it..works, errant false doctrine! Misleading..thanks for addressing this problem n opening the scriptures correctly!
@Liminalplace1 День назад
I don't think Joni is correct. It's a false division. It's not an either or situation. As Dr John Walton from Wheaton College says "the Bible wasn't written TO us, but it's for FOR us. The Bible isn't speaking directly to US to guide us. The solution is to pray for wisdom with knowledge of God and his plans and purposes from the Bible. Its both
@Ydarg09 21 час назад
I don't think YOU'RE correct .2 Timothy 3:16 Objectively refutes you're mistaken notion . Undeniably .
@markrichmond2168 День назад
In 1981 March 8th I was in my living room in the midst of a severe panic attack similar to ones I had had for my whole life coming from abuse. I was 25 years old recently married with two stepchildren. I had been witnessed too recently and a man gave me a book called "Prison to Praise" by Merlin Carothers. I was now going into suicidal thoughts. As it became more intense, I heard what to me was an audible voice to pick up the book. It had many references of the gospel of John in it. I started reading and as I did, I was laughing slightly in disbelief when I heard a voice state clearly as far as I can tell "I want you Mark". I thought I was losing my mind. I was reading about Nicodemus, and I came to the verse of John 3:16 I must have read it 10 times and suddenly without any prompting but the verse I believed what I read. Suddenly I felt peaceful and as I looked up from the book, I saw a flash. Later I was told that it was imaginary. I have never forgotten that moment. I don't know it that's the type of thing you are referring to? I assume not. But I have found that our God can do anything at His will and as long as its not unscriptural who am I to say He can't?
@chrissherri1614 День назад
I don't agree with your assessment that Rev.14 is not offering salvation. The book of Jude says "some save with fear". The wrath being poured out is mean to shock the unregenerate to turn from their ways. You cannot use this one verse to change the meaning of the word "gospel"
@7071.5cents День назад
REALLY you are dumping on R.C. dude your not in the same league....same family(maybe) but no where near the study of this man R.C. had, for example...you say transcript@ 6:34 regeneration and salvation are the same in the bible(thismaybe) you give no technical which would back up your statment.....R.C. SPROUL i am sure was able to back anything he ever said?.....shame on you for this video 1.5 cents thrown in merci ps@ 7:07 c.c. john 3:16 ----everlasting life----regeneration---- TWO different words W/ different definitions ONE in the verse the other not. pss he (rc) was a teacher(myguess) dude this vid hot air justsaying pss great ending truly thx
@trevorburns160 День назад
All truth in correct context is inspired by God,there is no other source of truth in the universe it all come by Gods spirit,so all truth can only come from God himself,,why listen to other brainwashed thinking,when we have the spirit of truth in us,oh yes im to ignore the living God and just believe mans translation,i did that part of my first seven years after christ saved me,,they ruined my life,i left a broken man after 7 years but at least i learnt all their false doctrine,now christs spirit has guided me into all truth,and raised me up to be a strong believer,and teach others how to love him,,christ died on the cross for me,not one of the many translations of the original bible,you want me to ignore the spirit of christs who saved me,and was communicating with me before i was saved,no thanks ,?what about all the words the translaters left out?who were unsaved scribes told what to do by king james under threat of death,you want me to trust in a written book of the new testament ?the early christian church had no such thing for approx 30 years after christ rose from the dead,they only had Christ spirit to guide them,and look what happen,?today we have his so called book and im to ignore christs precious spirit who changed me to be more like himself?no thanks,,,p,s we do give bibles in prison we visit,but we write disclamers in them to warn people never read without Gods spirit guiding them,, because we love them and do t want them deceived luke i was,early in my hrist life,😊😊😊old saint
@karinecarde1254 День назад
Thank God that He never changes and cannot lie. This is a great video, great truth in it. Thank you.
@trevorburns160 День назад
Just because some people abuse the true way God speaks to us,before any scripture was written,its laziness to stop listening to The spirit teaching us through silent understanding,how unwise to use your famous name to stop people listening to our .loving Father,his spirit witness to our spirit we are his children,and We call him father,,no scripture needed for this,or blind and deaf people would be unable to have a relationship with the spirit of God,sadly fame is one of satans wiles,very few people can escape its control,and its unreliable thinking of self importance ,and blinding their minds to simple truth,my sheep hear myvoice and i know them,, how unwise to think that God is limited to communicate to us olny through a translation of the origial inspired word of God,most of the truth ive learnt last 40 years is from Gods spirit,im now 70 years old,i work volenteer in 11 jails res ueing precious souls,for last 12 years,i pay all my own costs,and dont askmoney from anyone,and your trying to tell me the spirit of God dosent speak to us,we seen killers turnied in gentlemen by listeni g and obeying God,please think before you tell God what he can and cant do,old saint,yes we do show Gods love to sodomites,not like big Mac and his fake misled followers of a self righteous movement,they also say they love Gods word,,but when do you ever hear them say i love christ in their coversation, old saint still rescueing precious lost souls and i go into the gutters and human sewers of life to do it,😊
@debbiebrown4420 День назад
By all means, what scripture says must be given priority over intuition or what sounds logical humanly speaking either one.
@stephenvos2380 День назад
TY Bob for teaching me Biblical truths regarding salvation
@HChartierKJV День назад
Every promise in the book is mine, Every chapter, every verse, every line, All are blessings of His love divine, Every promise in the book is mine!
@HChartierKJV День назад
Yep I would say 99% of so-called Christianity is going to go to hell when they die.
@HChartierKJV День назад
I can 100% be in agreement with you guys on free Grace and salvation not by works but by faith in Christ Jesus. But where i cant be in agreement is when it comes to Dispensationalism, and Dispensationalists are not Bereans when it comes to Escatology, there position is "Shut up and believe in the Pre-Trib Rapture because i said so".
@hueysimon2726 День назад
Jesus never tells us to pay government taxes. He said render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's and unto God that which is God's. What belongs to God? Romans 13 follows along this same logic. Paul is telling people to pay according to whom is owed. What does it mean to owe? have an obligation to pay or repay (something, especially money) in return for something received. What if you are not receiving or don't want what they are offering? Are you obligated to pay Burger King if they deliver 500 Whoppers to your house when you never ordered them and don't want them? Of course not. So why is it assumed to be legitimate when government does it? I owe no one in government anything because I never contracted with them for anything. Since everything on Earth belongs to God, what then belongs to Caesar? Nothing. But we are given stewardship over what God blesses us with, including money we earned with the labor from our body God blessed us with. And to say we owe government a portion of that is to say they have some legitimate claim over our body. What will government do with the money? As you know, many evil things. So, when you willingly pay them because you believe they are owed it, you are helping them to commit evil. That's not being a very good steward. People killed all over the world by our military, many of whome never did anything wrong and received no due process. Government gives money to abortion clinics to murder babies. I'm not saying to get yourself in trouble with the government. This is the message of Romans 13. We are to conform where we have to because force is being applies, called coercion. You serve no one by being victimized by the government. But government is not OWED anything. It is a massive criminal organization filled with millions of criminals and is under the dominion of Satan. Luke 4. So they are all employees of Satan. That is unequally yoking yourself.
@HChartierKJV День назад
So God didn't preserve his word through the King James Bible? I believe God preserved his word to all generations. The King James is correct. And no it's not teaching a worksbased salvation.
@timgrady4630 День назад
"The Lord told me" ought to engage the Acts 17:11 Methodology . 2 Timothy 3:16 is as clear as it gets . Scripture has no wiggle room , unlike alleged experiences that Top Out at mere Subjectivity . Feelings , emotions , dreams , and all manner of fallible phenomena cannot be the Benchmark of one's doctrinal affirmation . Further , any so called "word from the Lord" that contradicts His Objective Guarantee of endless Everlasting Life is sourced in the Blinder and stealer of the seed sown : 2 Corinthians 4:4 ; Luke 8 : 4-15 .
@SSNBN777 2 дня назад
To be a dispensationalist, one must crumple up all of Paul's Epistles and throw them out. The Cross of Christ broke down the wall of separation between the Nation of Israel and all the other nations. The Israel of God continues, from the Old Covenant, under the New Covenant, which was MADE WITH THE PHYSICAL NATION OF ISRAEL in 33 AD, not with "Gentiles". The first Christians were Messiah believing Israelites, so by dispensationslist standards, Gentile converts to Christ should never call themselves Chtistians, that belongs to Jews by birth. The New Covenant is the FULFILLMENT of the Abrahamic EVERLASTING covenant. Are you expecting Jesus to replace the New Covenant in His Blood when He comes? With what? His Sacrifice was ONCE FOR ALL PEOPLE, FOR ALL TIME? One can accept that or reject it. In the days of the fourth kingdom (the Roman Empire occupying Jerusalem) shall God set up His kingdom and it will last forever - the everlasting New Covenant. Daniel 2:44 KJV *_And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed:_* and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever. John 3:3 NASB95 Jesus answered and said to him, "Truly, truly, I say to you, *_unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God."_*
@neilabercrombie5430 2 дня назад
Should the church excommunicate believers who continue practicing sin from the church, as Paul mentioned?
@jflangerii 2 дня назад
Ephesians 2:8,9
@jflangerii 2 дня назад
Faith alone in Jesus Christ alone for the free gift of everlasting life.😊
@NewSongCACM 2 дня назад
Oh this is sad. Claiming divine sanction over your own opinion is a Godless form of persuasion. I agree with Joni! The problem is, we have not learned the difference between our own opinion and God’s voice. That is sad. But we can learn. With trial and error and safe spaces to step out in faith. … and when we lay down all Godless fears that try to persuade us that He doesn’t speak. Preachers preach every Sunday what they hear the Lord to be saying directly to us through His written word into our moment in time. The Bible was inspired by God’s spoken words. We live not by bread alone but also by the words that continuously proceed out of His mouth. His written word is complete and it’s all we need. But He is also so gracious as to also give us fresh Manna for guidance and specific direction. Isa. 30:21.
@grahamebennett3875 2 дня назад
Is it not obvious ? Unless you repent of your sin, its no longer covered !Read the scriptures in context and you would not ask irrelevent questions.
@GESvids 2 дня назад
*Turn or Burn? - Do I Need to Repent of My Sins to Be Saved?* - Bob Wilkin ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-R7ojRyeD0DM.html Have you ever been told that you need to turn from your sins or you will burn in hell? Have you ever been told that you need to repent of your sins for salvation? Bob Wilkin looks at what one needs to do in order to receive everlasting life, and whether repentance is needed in in addition to believing in Jesus for everlasting life.
@2Chronicles714_ День назад
According to Jesus we must repent of our sins to have them forgiven. Without sins being forgiven you will not have everlasting life with God. Paul recounts his conversion with Jesus. Jesus speaking in verse 18: Acts 26:18-20 To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, SO THAT THEY MAY RECEIVE FORGIVENESS OF SINS and a place among those who are SANCTIFIED BY FAITH IN ME.’ 19“So then, King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the vision from heaven.20First to those in Damascus, then to those in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and then to the Gentiles, I preached that they should REPENT AND TURN TO GOD (believe) and demonstrate their repentance by their deeds. (works/lifestyle).
@GESvids 7 часов назад
*What Does Acts 26:20 Say About Repentance and Salvation?* - Bob Wilkin & Ken Yates ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-KwUBgXZtiBI.html Bob Wilkin and Ken Yates are answering a question from the story about King Agrippa in Acts 26. Does this passage teach that repentance is necessary to acquire and to continue and maintain eternal salvation?
@johnbrew2428 2 дня назад
I wonder if you are confusing George Ladd with a geologist in Missouri at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.
@IL-948 2 дня назад
I really appreciate your encouragement to be discerning about all teachings, including those of GES. Now these people were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so. (Acts 17:11)
@Mike-ny6sf 2 дня назад
Well, if God doesn't speak to us personally at least sometimes, then who's voice did i hear speaking to me about my sin? It was a still small voice but an authoritative voice in my mind . There have been other times But, the charismatic movement and name it and claim it crowd has made a mockery of the Holy Spirit.
@Ydarg09 День назад
What is it you're affirming- specifically , precisely , without exception - one must Necessarily believe and Perform till death in order to be born again with irrevocable Everlasting Life to enter His Kingdom ? Thanks .
@srohre9513 2 дня назад
Mysticism and Gnosticism have gained a great foothold in the professing evangelical church due to people such as Beth Moore, Priscilla Shire, Henry Blackaby, Sara Young and Rick Warren. Their teaching has been influenced by dabbling in Contemplative prayer. For a definition of Mysticism see the first ~14 minutes of this video from the Masters Seminary m.ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-mHwmdnfGPWY.html&pp=iAQB Lighthouse Trails has material on Contemplative Prayer (originating with the Catholic Mystics).
@viewer6634 День назад
So has works salvation . Those that teach repentance from sins as a NECESSARY condition of Everlasting Life ...
@ashermarcus5242 2 дня назад
Free gracers have taken osas to a different level...it saddens me but more importantly it saddens God. I believe 💯 in osas but from God's point not a mere sinner like mine.
@GESvids 2 дня назад
*Don’t People Who Believe in “Once Saved, Always Saved” Promote Sinful Living?* - Bob Wilkin & David Renfro ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-kQnE4pJE9MU.html Bob Wilkin and David Renfro are responding to the accusation that free grace theology promotes sin and licentious living. So what about the sin problem, and how did Christ deal with that? How should we then deal with it? What does the Bible say about this? What is the true source of motivation to live godly in Christ Jesus?
@ashermarcus5242 День назад
@GESvids thanks for sharing. So since homosexuals, thieves, murderers, rapists have put their faith in Christ for salvation than they will live on the new earth when God's kingdom and the kingdom of heaven become one for eternity. I wouldn't even trust any of those people in my home or around my little children in this earthly life. Plus we should all be quiet when homosexual pastors are on the pulpit claiming to be teaching God's word. We should all promote homosexuality because they are still brothers/sisters in Christ because they believe Jesus is ok with their life. We should rejoice when a Christian abandons the faith completely till dying breath and has turned to Islam and Allah simply because they once put their faith in Jesus for salvation and yet the remainder of their days had nothing to do with Him? Is that what your saying? I am sure you will respond no but even my 14 year old would say you are based on how you are speaking and teaching. Once again I 💯 agree in osas but not even remotely close to the way you guys are talking about it....especially with people who continue to freely live in homosexuality. Calvanism osas is also an atrosity against the bible but your views are just as frightening because they will lead many away from Jesus or lead them closer to a false assurance. Works don't save you 10000000% agree but blatantly ignoring Jesus by not following Him to the best of our mere sinful human ability is also scary. The works a Christian does do is not of himself...it is of God when a true believer is indwelt by the Holy Spirit. "Faith without works is dead"....those works are of God and not of my mere human self. Yes many none believers also do some awesome works and bless them but they are of them and not of God. You will ask than what the difference between the works? I say a Christian will know when it is of God and when it is not.
@GESvids День назад
*Do You Fear a Dead Faith? - James 2:14-26* by Bob Wilkin ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-e5p5dVUEJsY.html Do you fear that a dead faith (faith without works) means that you do not have saving faith? In this video, Bob Wilkin of the Grace Evangelical Society explains what is a dead faith in James 2:14-26.