
Is Joni Eareckson Tada Right that God Doesn't Tell Us Messages Directly? - Bob Wilkin 

Grace Evangelical Society
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Joni Eareckson Tada warns against the belief that God gives directions outside of the Bible. Bob Wilkin of the Grace Evangelical Society asks whether Joni Eareckson Tada is correct, and advises where one should be looking to for guidance and direction in one's life.
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2 окт 2024




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@bernhardbauer5301 3 дня назад
There is so much nonsense to hear and see in the religious world that a video like this is refreshing. Galatians 5:1: Stand fast therefore in the liberty with which Christ has made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. Galatians 5:13: For, brethren, you have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another. "Thus says the Lord" is the way the prophets from OT spoke. We now live in the time of the mystery. Christ is made for us to visdom. 1 Corinthians 1:30: And of him are you in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption: Never do evil. Romans 12:2: And be not conformed to this world: but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
@Ydarg09 День назад
What is it you're affirming- specifically , precisely , without exception - one must Necessarily believe and Perform till death in order to be born again with irrevocable Everlasting Life to enter His Kingdom ? Thanks .
@timgrady4630 День назад
"The Lord told me" ought to engage the Acts 17:11 Methodology . 2 Timothy 3:16 is as clear as it gets . Scripture has no wiggle room , unlike alleged experiences that Top Out at mere Subjectivity . Feelings , emotions , dreams , and all manner of fallible phenomena cannot be the Benchmark of one's doctrinal affirmation . Further , any so called "word from the Lord" that contradicts His Objective Guarantee of endless Everlasting Life is sourced in the Blinder and stealer of the seed sown : 2 Corinthians 4:4 ; Luke 8 : 4-15 .
@kathyweckerle6880 3 дня назад
3 T’s, use our Time, Talent and Treasure for the Lord, doing our best for Him. Colossians 3:23-24 - Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve. Proverbs 3:6 - In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight.
@markrichmond2168 День назад
In 1981 March 8th I was in my living room in the midst of a severe panic attack similar to ones I had had for my whole life coming from abuse. I was 25 years old recently married with two stepchildren. I had been witnessed too recently and a man gave me a book called "Prison to Praise" by Merlin Carothers. I was now going into suicidal thoughts. As it became more intense, I heard what to me was an audible voice to pick up the book. It had many references of the gospel of John in it. I started reading and as I did, I was laughing slightly in disbelief when I heard a voice state clearly as far as I can tell "I want you Mark". I thought I was losing my mind. I was reading about Nicodemus, and I came to the verse of John 3:16 I must have read it 10 times and suddenly without any prompting but the verse I believed what I read. Suddenly I felt peaceful and as I looked up from the book, I saw a flash. Later I was told that it was imaginary. I have never forgotten that moment. I don't know it that's the type of thing you are referring to? I assume not. But I have found that our God can do anything at His will and as long as its not unscriptural who am I to say He can't?
@debbiebrown4420 День назад
By all means, what scripture says must be given priority over intuition or what sounds logical humanly speaking either one.
@trevorburns160 День назад
Just because some people abuse the true way God speaks to us,before any scripture was written,its laziness to stop listening to The spirit teaching us through silent understanding,how unwise to use your famous name to stop people listening to our .loving Father,his spirit witness to our spirit we are his children,and We call him father,,no scripture needed for this,or blind and deaf people would be unable to have a relationship with the spirit of God,sadly fame is one of satans wiles,very few people can escape its control,and its unreliable thinking of self importance ,and blinding their minds to simple truth,my sheep hear myvoice and i know them,, how unwise to think that God is limited to communicate to us olny through a translation of the origial inspired word of God,most of the truth ive learnt last 40 years is from Gods spirit,im now 70 years old,i work volenteer in 11 jails res ueing precious souls,for last 12 years,i pay all my own costs,and dont askmoney from anyone,and your trying to tell me the spirit of God dosent speak to us,we seen killers turnied in gentlemen by listeni g and obeying God,please think before you tell God what he can and cant do,old saint,yes we do show Gods love to sodomites,not like big Mac and his fake misled followers of a self righteous movement,they also say they love Gods word,,but when do you ever hear them say i love christ in their coversation, old saint still rescueing precious lost souls and i go into the gutters and human sewers of life to do it,😊
@danstone8783 2 дня назад
Every false prophet starts with 'The Lord told me". JOni is generally right and even overwhelmingly right, but there can be times when God peaks directly, thugh I am always suspect about any such instance.
@stephenvos2380 2 дня назад
Wow. I’m blown away that Joni doesn’t believe in a God the communicates with His children. Yes He does speak messages directly to His kid. Joni. I don’t know what to say. I’ve admired you for decades. We are even the same age ont only biologically. But we were saved almost same year I agree. I abhor tv fake preachers who claim God tells them stuff several times a day. But look. Dreams and visions from the Lord are real. The gifts of the Spirit are reah. Ie. Word of Knowledge. Prophetic sayings. Interpreting tongues. Even NDEs to heaven and hell. God can do anything including speaking through an ass. So limiting God is foolish.
@tomy8339 2 дня назад
I don't think it's wise to say that God never speaks to anyone personally about a particular certain situation or circumstance. To me, that's being rigid and legalistic. Don't get me wrong, I use caution whenever I hear someone claim that God spoke to them about something. But just because others have gotten it wrong, have been received it just make it up about hearing God doesn't discount the fact that he does speak to other people. So no, I'm not in agreement with this video.
@timgrady4630 2 дня назад
What is it you're affirming - specifically , precisely , without exception - one must Necessarily believe and Perform till death in order to be born again with irrevocable Everlasting Life to enter His Kingdom ?
@Ydarg09 День назад
What is it you're affirming- specifically , precisely , without exception - one must Necessarily believe and Perform till death in order to be born again with irrevocable Everlasting Life to enter His Kingdom ? Thanks .
@freegraceau День назад
I have to agree, I’m going to pray to my Father about everything, even if the bible gives me guidelines.
@graftme3168 2 дня назад
I disagree with him for once. Even the apostle Paul was prompted by the Spirit concerning what he should do. What is the purpose of the Spirit living in us if the written Word is the only way God speaks?
@CrabTribe 2 дня назад
Discernment based on Biblical principles isn’t the same as the divine inspiration
@deadburiedrisen 2 дня назад
Being prompted by the HS is not the same as “God told me”.
@dougdoesit3013 2 дня назад
Right! Young Christian listen to this. It is spot on.
@lorenengland4079 2 дня назад
God speaks thru his Word. That’s it!
@Liminalplace1 2 дня назад
That's not the teaching of the biblical authors.
@Ydarg09 День назад
​@@Liminalplace1 Are your (or any mere human alive today) alleged "words from God" infallible ; i.e. "inspired" (Theopneustos) on the same level as 2 Timothy 3:16 ?
@trevorburns160 День назад
Why does jesus say my sheep hear my voice,are you calling him a liar? Old saint
@lchimenz 2 дня назад
I agree with this assesment. Although, I know the Lord did speak to me on one occasion. It was audible as though in my head but yet like in my ears. He said "My blood covers this too" It was while I was in the middle of sinning. And He speaks perfect English.
@NewSongCACM 2 дня назад
Oh this is sad. Claiming divine sanction over your own opinion is a Godless form of persuasion. I agree with Joni! The problem is, we have not learned the difference between our own opinion and God’s voice. That is sad. But we can learn. With trial and error and safe spaces to step out in faith. … and when we lay down all Godless fears that try to persuade us that He doesn’t speak. Preachers preach every Sunday what they hear the Lord to be saying directly to us through His written word into our moment in time. The Bible was inspired by God’s spoken words. We live not by bread alone but also by the words that continuously proceed out of His mouth. His written word is complete and it’s all we need. But He is also so gracious as to also give us fresh Manna for guidance and specific direction. Isa. 30:21.
@t.outpour 2 дня назад
My sheep hear my voice...
@soljos1190 2 дня назад
Audibly ?
@2Chronicles714_ 2 дня назад
​@soljos1190 IF you are a true repentant believer then you are a sheep and listen to the Shepherd's words.
@STEVEinNC 2 дня назад
The Word of God, the Bible, is His voice.
@viewer6634 День назад
​@@2Chronicles714_ Your "Shepherd" is found in 2 CORINTHIANS 4:4 ; Luke 8:12 . All who duplicate the doctrine of the Judaizers/unregenerate Scribes and Pharisees (Matthew 23) have this Blinder as their "Shepherd" .
@2Chronicles714_ День назад
​@viewer6634 My Shepherd is the Lord Jesus Christ which is why I totally reject the simply make a claim of belief in Jesus, live anyway you choose,since you cannot lose your salvation. 2 Corinthians 4:4 The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God Jesus tells us very plainly in Matthew 7:21-23 that those who follow that type doctrine, that even though they did the works He told us to do that He never knew them. Titus 1:16 They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him being abominable and disobedient, and unto every good work. 2 Timothy 2:19 Nevertheless, God’s solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this inscription The Lord "knows" those who are his, and, “EVERYONE WHO CONFESSED THE NAME OF THE LORD MUST TURN AWAY FROM WICKEDNESS.” Nahum 1:7 The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he "knoweth" them that trust in him. John 17:3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. 1 John 3:6 No one who lives in him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has either seen him or known him. They believed in Jesus but their belief was superficial devoid of repentance, they used grace as an excuse to continue living in unrepentant sin so Jesus couldn't "know" them.
@radianteclipse113 2 дня назад
Amen! What I always try to get across to people.
@jeffgray6291 2 дня назад
With all due respect, and having only that small sample clip from Joni, I think she's speaking in a broader sense, many "charismatics" often lead with the phrase "God told me," and in that sense I agree with Joni, it is spoken of as a persuasion to the hearer. I'm not going so far to say that it is Godless but the phrase is too often used as if the speaker is speaking prophetically. And to your second point I believe that God does speak to us His children in all matters as we pray. In a matter as sincere as marriage, the LORD God I believe speaks to us and warns us that this person is not the person for you, the LORD reveals. I'm reminded of Abraham's servant seeking a wife for Isaac that was divine intervention. I believe that the LORD still speaks to us through His divine revelation and that may be about any desire of our heart. So yes God can tell us whom we should marry among other things that we pray for, sometimes it is hard to wait on the LORD, but He's always on time. Thank you for your ministry in the Lord, be blessed and be a blessing.
@Ydarg09 День назад
What is it you're affirming- specifically , precisely , without exception - one must Necessarily believe and Perform till death in order to be born again with irrevocable Everlasting Life to enter His Kingdom ? Thanks .
@Mike-ny6sf 2 дня назад
Well, if God doesn't speak to us personally at least sometimes, then who's voice did i hear speaking to me about my sin? It was a still small voice but an authoritative voice in my mind . There have been other times But, the charismatic movement and name it and claim it crowd has made a mockery of the Holy Spirit.
@Ydarg09 День назад
What is it you're affirming- specifically , precisely , without exception - one must Necessarily believe and Perform till death in order to be born again with irrevocable Everlasting Life to enter His Kingdom ? Thanks .
@stephenvos2380 2 дня назад
Wow. I’m blown away that Joni doesn’t believe in a God the communicates with His children. Yes He does speak messages directly to His kid. Joni. I don’t know what to say. I’ve admired you for decades. We are even the same age ont only biologically. But we were saved almost same year
@viewer6634 День назад
What is it you're affirming - specifically , precisely , without exception - one must Necessarily believe and Perform till death in order to be born again with irrevocable Everlasting Life to enter His Kingdom ? Thanks .
@jamesmcallister9645 2 дня назад
1 Samuel 3:21 The Lord continued to appear at Shiloh,and there he revealed himself to Samuel through his word .( Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever. )
@t.outpour 2 дня назад
Does. God not speak to us today? Did the many prophetic words spoken in Paul's day, make the NT cannon? Nope. Yet those words were Gods words. Only if those words conflict with doctrine of NT scripture, should we pause.Test all things and hold fast to that which is good, Paul said
@soljos1190 2 дня назад
The "prophetic words of Paul's day" ? What specifically and precisely are you denoting ? Not at all clear .
@thinkspot 2 дня назад
Such an "Inspired" message, lol. I both agree and disagree. I believe God can speak to us through His Word AND personally, through prompts, circumstance and inner peace (or the lack thereof). However our discernment must be ours, not for others. Keeping in mind, as imperfect beings, our discernment is also imperfect. Agreed though, that the ONLY PERFECT Word of God..............is The Word of God within the pages of His Word, The Bible. Thank You so much for this wonderful Thought Provoking ThinkSpot.
@karinecarde1254 2 дня назад
I strongly disagree (not that it matters 😂). I've walked with the Lord for 36 years, and I can tell you that He does speak to us often, and in many ways (including dreams). Sorry, this time, you are wrong 😊
@deadburiedrisen 2 дня назад
Are you a charismatic Pentecostal? God speaks to us thru His word.
@STEVEinNC 2 дня назад
Correct about one thing "not that it matters".
@jeffgray6291 2 дня назад
​@@deadburiedrisenand God speaks to each one of His children individually, God's Word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path: the Bible states that when our back is up against the wall, He will speak for us.
@jeffgray6291 2 дня назад
​@@deadburiedrisenI am not a charismatic Pentecostal.
@timgrady4630 2 дня назад
Does God speak to you Audibly ? Can you literally affirm that ?
@kathyweckerle6880 День назад
Joni is a false teacher. I have a recording of her on the radio in 2022 telling people how they know they are saved. 1) look inward at your heart 2) look outward at your character. 3) look back to see if you have been changing. She said, “It is the way to know if you have been written in the Lambs Book of Life” With Joni being a teacher and influencer and completely wrong on Jesus’ saving message, that makes her a false teacher so she should not be promoted in any way by GES. Her opinion does not matter, and nobody should be directed to a false teacher like her.
@Liminalplace1 День назад
I don't think Joni is correct. It's a false division. It's not an either or situation. As Dr John Walton from Wheaton College says "the Bible wasn't written TO us, but it's for FOR us. The Bible isn't speaking directly to US to guide us. The solution is to pray for wisdom with knowledge of God and his plans and purposes from the Bible. Its both
@Ydarg09 23 часа назад
I don't think YOU'RE correct .2 Timothy 3:16 Objectively refutes you're mistaken notion . Undeniably .
@karent743 3 дня назад
Joni teaches a false gospel, none of her words should be promoted, It could lead to people following her and hearing a false message.
@christseinheute 3 дня назад
How so?
@2Chronicles714_ 2 дня назад
What Karen is doing is exactly what 2 Peter 2:2-3 says: Many will follow their shameful ways, and because of them the way of truth will be maligned. 3And in their greed they will exploit you with false arguments and twisted doctrine. Their sentence [of condemnation which God has decreed] from a time long ago is not idle [but is still in force], and their destruction and deepening misery is not asleep [but is on its way].
@Ydarg09 День назад
​@@2Chronicles714_ What on earth are you trying to say ? Never makes sense ... Your working for a Free Gift incoherence has no rival in the annals of History . Only a Blinder (2 Cor. 4:4) who steals the seed could be behind such blatantly impossible attempts to "come in some other way" than simple childlike faith in Him for His doubtless Guarantee of endless Everlasting Life (the imputation of His Free and Never Deserving Gift) .
@debbiebrown4420 День назад
Karent743, I've read that she's a Calvinist, and she's in a circle with other Calvinists including Nancy Leigh DeMoss Wolgemuth, John Piper, R.C. Sproul & John MacArthur. I agree with her about being careful about people saying God told them to do this or that because scripture is the primary means by which he speaks to us. Sadly 😢, that doesn't make up for believing a false doctrine of salvation.
@karent743 День назад
@@debbiebrown4420exactly, so I was just saying GES shouldn’t even mention her and the things that she says, even the true things, because she is wrong on the most important thing, how we are saved. Someone who is searching for truth may be led to listen to her if a channel that knows the correct way to eternal life is promoting her in any way, it could lead them to confusion.
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