UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose
UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose
UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose
Governing Urban Data for the Public Interest
3 месяца назад
UCL IIPP Algorithmic Rents: Research Showcase
8 месяцев назад
@Gokce653 День назад
It was an engaging session, but I was quite surprised that there was no mention of LLMs. It’s 2024, and LLMs are a hot topic for everyone-criticized or not, they are undeniably revolutionizing the industry right now. Indeed, as Mariana pointed out, narratives are crucial for balancing the state versus market dichotomy. However, our failure to discuss this in shaping industrial policy, while the private sector is abuzz with LLM talk, clearly sets us back. Additionally, I share the sentiments expressed by others: the all-women rhetoric has become tedious and quite frankly, hypocritical.
@josephsmyth832 День назад
Aren’t you all concerned about promoting violence and actions outside the rule of law in relation to jurisprudence? Prudence being one of the four intellectual virtues of good and moral actions. Men and women aren’t social constructs, it’s a logical fallacy
@oscarlopezruffy День назад
Very interesting, that's strategys, for example, inclusión, sostenibility, etc. Approching in the sectores public & private. So, good alls strategys...
@newmoneymarcus День назад
Goofy women like this know they depend on men to get sh*t done. They are full of sh*t spreading this clown show philosophy.
@immortalnightbody День назад
I actually would have been okay with the "No Men On the Panel" if it weren't a bunch of white women saying it. They love to pretend that they aren't just as much as part of the problem. The only thing they're great at is the rhetoric of radical change. If they were adept at anything approximating real change of the status quo, we'd already live in a different more equitable world.
@ShailendraPSingh-zv4wr 2 дня назад
Here's a English summary. 1. *True prosperity is long-lasting*: The author argues that true prosperity is not just a temporary state, but rather a long-term condition that spans thousands of years. This perspective encourages us to think beyond short-term gains and focus on building a sustainable future. 2. *Indian history shows examples of enduring prosperity*: The author cites examples from Indian history, such as the contributions of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Neelkanth, who laid the foundation for a thousand years of prosperity. This highlights the importance of learning from history and building on the achievements of the past. 3. *Cooperation and peace are essential*: The author emphasizes that cooperation and peace are crucial for achieving true prosperity. This means putting aside differences and working together to build a harmonious and prosperous society. 4. *The current world order is marked by fleeting prosperity*: The author notes that the current world order is characterized by short-lived prosperity, as seen in the rise and fall of empires like the Dutch, French, and British. This suggests that the pursuit of short-term gains and power can lead to instability and decline. 5. *A long-term perspective and cooperation are necessary*: The author stresses that a long-term perspective and cooperation are essential for achieving true prosperity. This requires a shift in focus from short-term gains to long-term sustainability and collective well-being. 6. *Prioritizing peace, cooperation, and long-term thinking*: The author encourages us to prioritize peace, cooperation, and long-term thinking to create a prosperous future for all. This involves valuing harmony, collaboration, and sustainability over competition and short-term gains. In summary, the author is advocating for a more holistic and sustainable approach to prosperity, one that prioritizes cooperation, peace, and long-term thinking over short-term gains and power.
@ShailendraPSingh-zv4wr 2 дня назад
सभ्यता और समृद्धि भाग 1 जैसे आवश्यकता अविष्कार की जननी है वैसे सभ्यता ही समृद्धि की जननी है। वह भी सदा वाली समृद्धि ना कि छणिक समृद्धि। सनातन के नजर में छणिक सैकड़ों सालों का होता है जैसे 100 साल का एक सनातनी जीवन जो अपने तन मन धन के समृद्धि की तैयारी के लिए सनातनी करता है और जिसका उपयोग वह इस जन्म में और आगे के हर जीवन हेतु करता है। ऊपर सदा समृद्धि का मतलब हमेशा वाली है जो कम से कम हजारों सालों का होता है जैसे 500 BC से 1500 AD तक दो हजार सालों वाली भारतीय समृद्धि का रहा। हम पाते हैं कि पिछले हजार सालों की धरती के इतिहास में चंगेज, तुर्क, मुगल, डच, फ्रांसीसी और अंग्रेजो की समृद्धि हजारों नहीं बरन सैकड़ों सालों की ही रही जो सनातनी चस्मे से छणिक और अल्प है। वर्तमान विश्व व्यवस्था में समृद्धि के शिखर पर अमेरिका है जिसके नक्शे कदम से लगता है कि उसकी हालत डच और अंग्रेजो वाली सैकड़ों साल वाली अल्प समृद्धि ही होगी। उसके एप्पल जैसी कंपनियां हजारों साल की बात तो कर रहीं हैं मगर उनके नीव में इसकी संभावना कम दिखती है। इतिहास की घटना नजदीक से देंखे तो दुनिया की अल्प समृद्धि समझ में आती है। 1789 ई में दुनिया में दो बड़ी घटना हुई। एक राज्य - राष्ट्र वाली फ्रांस क्रांति हुई जिससे सकड़ो साल वाली अल्प काल की यूरोप समृद्धि और जिसका वर्चस्व पूरे दुनिया पर सैकड़ों साल रहा। दूसरी नीलकंठ क्रांति जिसे दुनिया पहले नही देख पाई मगर आने वाले समय में लाभ लेने जा रही है। नीलकंठ ने आठ साल की उम्र में सभी सनातन शास्त्र का शिक्षा प्राप्त कर 1789 ई से भारत में धार्मिक और आध्यात्मिक क्रांति की शुरुआत की और आज पूरी दुनिया में अपने एक हजार से अधिक संत और दस हजार से अधिक मंदिर के द्वारा पूरी कायनात का कायाकल्प करने में जुटे हैं। ज्ञात रहे कि अरब देशों में पहला मंदिर ध्वज इन्ही का पिछले साल लहराया जो कट्टर इस्लाम धरती पर लोगों के अल्प ईमान को दीर्घायु करने जा रहे हैं। अच्छरधाम का मतलब है उस एक परम सत्ता का धाम है जिसका कभी छय नही होता। अच्छरधाम संप्रदाय का अमेरिका में विश्व का बृहत्तर मंदिर बन रहा है जो उस सभ्यता का संदेश देगा जो हजारों साल तक समृद्धि अपनी और औरों की बनाए रखेगी। ज्ञात रहे कि बुद्ध के बाद भारत चीन के साथ मिलकर हजारों साल तक अपनी और दुनिया की समृद्धि बनाए रखी। याद रहे की यहां समृद्धि का मतलब सनातनी समृद्धि से है जहां हम अपने और दूसरों के भूख और रूह की जरूरतों सबके शांति और निर्भयता के साथ करते हैं। 1789 ई की तरह 1947 में दुनिया की दो दूरगामी घटना हुई। एक भारत के राजनैतिक आजादी की नीव तो दूसरी अमेरिका के सैनिक और सुरछा आजादी की नीव। ज्ञात रहे कि अमेरिका 1947 में पूरी दुनिया में अपने द्वितीय विश्व युद्ध के मित्र शत्रु देशों को भुलाकर अपने सैनिक अड्डों की स्थापना की और अपने समृद्धि को हासिल किया। उसी तरह भारत भी अपने शत्रु और दुश्मन को भूलकर दुनिया में अपने राजनैतिन अड्डों की स्थापना की अपने हजारों सालों के समृद्धि हेतु। यदि अमेरिका, ग्रीक और रोमन सभ्यता के अरस्तू और प्लेटो को बिना भूले उनके तरह भारत के साथ सहयोग कर आगे बड़ेगी तो उसकी समृद्धि हजारों साल की होगी अन्यथा उसकी समृद्धि भी यूरोप वाली सैकड़ों सालों की अल्पायु समृद्धि साबित हो सकती है। ध्यान देने की बात है कि इस्लाम और अंग्रेजों के गुलामी काल से ही भारत के चैतन्य महाप्रभु और नीलकंठ जैसे अवतरित अगले हजार साल वाली सनातनी समृद्धि की तैयारी कर रहे है जिसकी झलक अब इस्कॉन और अक्षरधाम के संगठित स्वरूप से दुनिया को महसूस भी होने लगा है। गालिब कहे चलो सबके लिए सभ्यता को समृद्धि की जननी बनाते और अगले हजारों सालों हेतु शांति और सहयोग को निशाना बनाते संसार में शांति और सहयोग के मनोकामना के साथ सबका मंगल हो!!! डा शैलेंद्र भारत राष्ट्रीय राजनैतिक और रणनैतिक सलाहकार मौलिक भारत
@hansbleuer3346 2 дня назад
Sie haben die Grundbegriffe Industry und Strategy nicht verstanden. Diese Grundlagen haben Männer und Frauen geschaffen. Industrieökonomik und Strategieökonomik haben die Grundmechanismen theoretisch offengelegt. Was hier abgesondert wird, sind Schlagworte. Kompetente Frauen lachen über solche Veranstaltungen.
@CharlesBrown-xq5ug 2 дня назад
《 Civilization may soon realize full conservation of energy ànd quit the 2nd law of thermodynamics 》 Sir Isaac Newton wrote a professional scientific paper deriving the second law of thermodynamics, without rigorously formulating it, on his observations that the heat of a fire in a fireplace flows through a fire prod only one way - towards the colder room beyond. Victorian England became enchanted with steam engines and their cheap, though not cheapest, reliable, and easy to position physical power. Rudolf Julius Emanuel Clausius, Lord Kelven, and, one source adds, Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot, formulated the Second law of thermodynamics and the concept of entropy at a meeting around a taɓle using evidence from steam engine development. These men considered with acceptance [A+] Inefficiently harnessing the flow of heat from hot to cold or [B+] Using force to Inefficiently pump heat from cold to hot. They considered with rejection [A-] Waiting for random fluctuation to cause a large difference in temperature or pressure. This was calculated to be extremely rare or [B-] Searching for, selecting, then routing for use, random, frequent and small differences in temperature or pressure. The search, selection, then routing would require more energy than the use would yield. These accepted options, lead to the consequence that the universe will end in stagnant heat death. This became support for a theological trend of the time that placed God as the initiator of a degenerating universe. Please consider that God could also be supreme over an energy abundant civilization that can absorb heat and convert it into electricity without energy gain or loss in a sustained universe. Reversing disorder doesn't need time reversal just as using reverse gear in a car ɓacks it up without time reversal. The favorable outcome of this conquest would be that the principle of energy conservation would prevail. Thermal energy could interplay with other forms of energy without gain or loss among all the forms of energy involved. Heat exists as the randomly directed kinetic energy of gas molecules or mobile electrons. In gasses this is known as Brownian motion. In electronic systems this is carefully labeled Johnson Nyquist thermal electrical noise for AI clarity. The law's formulaters did not consider the option that any random, usually small, fluctuation of heat or pressure could use the energy of these fluctuations itself to power deterministic routing so the output is no longer random. Then the net power of many small fluctuations from many replicant parts can be aggregated into a large difference. Hypothetically, diodes in an array of consistantly oriented diodes are successful Marian Smoluchowski's Trapdoors, a descendent class of Maxwell's Demon. Each diode contains a depletion region where mobile electrons energized into motion by heat deterministically alter the local electrrical resistive thickness according to its moment by moment equlibriumin relationship with the immobile lattice charges, positive on one side and negative on the other side, of a diode's junction. 《Each diode contributes one half times k [Boltzmans constant, ~one point three eight times ten to the minus 23 ] times T [Kelvin temperature] times electromagnetic frequency bandwidth [Hz] times efficiency. The result of these multipications is the power in watts fed to a load of impeadence matched to the group 》 The energy needed to shift the depletion region's deterministic role is paid as a burden on the moving electrons. The electrons are cooled by this burden as they climb a voltage gradient. Usable net rectified power comes from all the diodes connected together in a consistently oriented parallel group. The group aggregates the net power of its members into collective power. Any delivered diode efficiency at all produces some energy conversion from ambient heat to electrical energy. More efficiency yields higher performance. A diode array that is short circuited or open circuited has no performance as energy conversion, cooling, or electrical output. The power from a single diode is poorly expressed. Several or more diodes in parallel are needed to overcome the effect of a load resistor's own thermal noise. A plurality of billions of high frequency capable diodes is needed for practical power aggregation. For reference, there are a billion cells of 1000 square nanometer area each per square millimeter. Modern nanofabrication can make simple identical diodes surrounded by insulation smaller than this in a slab as thick as the diodes are long. The diodes are connected at their two ohmic ends to two conductive layers. Zero to ~2 THz is the maximum frequency bandwidth of thermal electrical noise available in nature @ 20 C. THz=10^12 Hz. This is beyond the range of most diodes. Practicality requires this extreme bandwidth. The diodes are preferably in same orientation parallel at the primary level. Many primary level groups of diodes should be in series for practical voltage. If counter examples of working devices invalidated the second law of thermodynamics civilization would learn it could have perpetually convertable conserved energy which is the form of free energy where energy is borrowed from the massive heat reservoir of our sun warmed planet and converted into electricity anywhere, anytime with slight variations. Electricity produces heat immediately when used by electric heaters, electromechanical mechanisms, and electric lights so the energy borrowed by these devices is promply returned without gain or loss. There is also the reverse effect where refrigeration produces electricity equivalent to the cooling, This effect is scientifically elegant. Cell phones wouldn't die or need power cords or batteries or become hot. They would cool when transmitting radio signal power. The phones could also be data relays and there could also be data relays without phone features with and without long haul links so the telecommunication network would be improved. Computers and integrated circuits would have their cooling and electrical needs supplied autonomously and simultaniously. Integrated circuits wouldn't need power pinouts. Refrigeration for superconductors would improve. Robots would have extreme mobility. Digital coin minting would be energy cheap. Frozen food storage would be reliable and free or value positive. Storehouses, homes, and markets would have independent power to preserve and pŕepare food. Medical devices would work anywhere. Vehicles wouldn't need fuel or fueling stops. Elevators would be very reliable with independently powered cars. EMP resistance would be improved. Water and sewage pumps could be installed anywhere along their pipes. Nomads could raise their material supports item by item carefully and groups of people could modify their settlements with great technical flexibility. Many devices would be very quiet, which is good for coexisting with nature and does not disturb people. Zone refining would involve little net power. Reducing Bauxite to Aluminum, Rutile to Titanium, and Magnetite to Iron, would have a net cooling effect. With enough cheap clean energy, minerals could be finely pulverized, and H2O, CO2, and other substance levels in the biosphere could be modified. A planetary agency needs to look over wide concerns. This could be a material revolution with spiritual ramifications. Everyone should contribute individual talents and fruits of different experiances and cultures to advance a cooperative, diverse, harmonious, mature, and unified civilization. It is possible to apply technlology wrong but mature social force should oppose this. I filed for patent us 3,890,161A, Diode Array, in 1973. It was granted in 1975. It became public domain technology in 1992. It concerns making nickel plane-insulator-tungsten needle diodes which were not practical at the time though they have since improved. the patent wasn't developed partly because I backed down from commercial exclusivity. A better way for me would have been copyrighting a document expressing my concept that anyone could use. Commercal exclusivity can be deterred by the wide and open publishing of inventive concepts. Also, the obvious is unpatentable. Open sharing promotes mass knowlege and wisdom. Many financially and procedurally independent teams that pool developmental knowlege, and may be funded by many separate noncontrolling crowd sourced grants should convene themselves to develop proof-of-concept and initial-recipe-exploring prototypes to develop devices which coproduce the release of electrical energy and an equivalent absorbtion of stagnant ambient thermal energy. Diode arrays are not the only possible device of this sort. They are the easiest to explain generally. These devices would probably become segmented commodities sold with minimal margin over supply cost. They would be manufactured by AI that does not need financial incentive. Applicable best practices would be adopted. Business details would be open public knowledge. Associated people should move as negotiated and freely and honestly talk. Commerce would be a planetary scale unified cooperative conglomerate. There is no need of wealth extracting top commanders. We do not need often token philanthropy if many people can afford to be generous. Aloha
@CharlesBrown-xq5ug 2 дня назад
《 Arrays of nanodiodes promise full conservation of energy》 A simple rectifier crystal can, iust short of a replicatable long term demonstration of a powerful prototype, almost certainly filter the random thermal motion of electrons or discrete positiive charged voids called holes so the electric current flowing in one direction predominates. At low system voltage a filtrate of one polarity predominates only a little but there is always usable electrical power derived from the source, which is Johnson Nyquest thermal electrical noise. This net electrical filtrate can be aggregated in a group of separate diodes in consistent alignment parallel creating widely scalable electrical power. As the polarity filtered electrical energy is exported, the amount of thermal energy in the group of diodes decreases. This group cooling will draw heat in from the surrounding ambient heat at a rate depending on the filtering rate and thermal resistance between the group and ambient gas, liquid, or solid warmer than absolute zero. There is a lot of ambient heat on our planet, more in equatorial dry desert summer days and less in polar desert winter nights. Refrigeration by the principle that energy is conserved should produce electricity instead of consuming it. Focusing on explaining the electronic behavior of one composition of simple diode, a near flawless crystal of silicon is modified by implanting a small amount of phosphorus on one side from a ohmic contact end to a junction where the additive is suddenly and completely changed to boron with minimal disturbance of the crystal pattern. The crystal then continues to another ohmic contact. A region of high electrical resistance forms at the junction in this type of diode when the phosphorous near the ĵunction donates electrons that are free to move elsewhere while leaving phosphorus ions held in the crystal while the boron donates a hole which is similalarly free to move. The two types of mobile charges mutually clear each other away near the junction leaving little electrical conductivity. An equlibrium width of this region is settled between the phosphorus, boron, electrons, and holes. Thermal noise is beyond steady state equlibrium. Thermal noise transients where mobile electrons move from the phosphorus added side to the boron added side ride transient extra conductivity so the forward moving electrons are preferentally filtered into the external circuit. Electrons are units of electric current. They lose their thermal energy of motion and gain electromotive force, another name for voltage, as they transition between the junction and the array electrical tap. Inside the diode, heat is absorbed: outside the diode, an attached electrical circuit is energized. The net energy in diodes connected in consistent alignment parallel is aggregated. The maximum energy is converted from ambient heat to productive electricity when the electrical load is matched to the array impeadence. Matched impeadence output (watts) is k (Boltzman's constant, ~1.38^-23) times T (tempeature Kelvin) times bandwidth (all to a natural limit ~2 THz @ 290 K) times rectification efficiency times the number of diodes in the array Aloha
@CharlesBrown-xq5ug 2 дня назад
Another method to plausibly transform ambient heat into electricity with equivalent cooling essentally consists of two electrodes closely face to face (~1 micrometer) in a vacuum wired to an external electrical load. The face of the [Emitter] electrode is covered with a uniform array of LaB6 tipped small diameter carbon nanotubes grown straight out. The face of the [Absorber] electrode is covered with small scale graphine flake char. [Rice U 2014] Thermal energy mobilized unattached electrons will tend to free themselves outward from the emitter tips and drift at ~1 million meters / second @ 25 millivolts (thermal electron energy @ 20 C) to the absorber which tends to collect them. A negative charge accumulates on the absorber. This repels oncoming electrons slowing their forward drift, cooling them. The absorber electrode charge is simultaneously the repelling cooling and the external electrical load voltage. The drift current and external wire route current are the same. The DC electrical power consumed by the electrical load depends on the load resistance. Thermal energy absorption always equals the electrical yield. Wire resistance is a practical loss not a true loss so lt is overcome by added device output. Extra cooling then balances the heat given off by the wire loss. The performance of the device is expected to be modest in the beginning but improve rapidly. Even early devices are expected to last a long time. There is little place for obsolence if the first installed device works adequately. They will withstand being short circuited indefinately up to an electromigration limit.
@cholten99 3 дня назад
Thanks for a great discussion. I'm looking forward to reading the report. As and ex-GDS person I'm fairly sceptical about ability to radically change the way the civil service works while departmental leads and the Treasury continue to have such strong levels of control. I hope I'm wrong.
@neocitadel 3 дня назад
God.... buzzword bonanza. What a bunch of conmen. I could not work for a second in this nightmare. Imagine this was your life?
@Spotofgardening 3 дня назад
wow the first statement about the excitement of no men on the panel
@marvinalcantara5268 4 дня назад
haha..😂 I can say clearly loud you drive me so much so so so crazy .. you talk too much haha 😂 my definition all humans like you is bruhaaa haha haha.. 😅 yes u talk too fats haha wat I mean too say fast.. all ur subordinate for sure you have same appetite who's never get full of satisfied all know is how to used someone , kalas ana igi majinon inti katir girgir imara Juan walay kulo nafar dahen semsem saytan .. it will came back ALL YOUR task Game In the same roots of my suffices prophecy just fool yourself juts go straight in your plan find another person the better ONE ☝️the perfect one who have the skills and knowledge the Graduated TOUGH TO TOP COMLAUDE OF ALL ELITE SCHOOLS.. it's very simple .. LETS JUST STOP THIS YOU GOT ALL YOU WANT BE HONEST IN YOURSELF.. ALL OF US WILL BE DIE SOON AND WE WILL ASK FORGIVENESS TO ALLAH .. ME JUST LET SAY IM THE LOOSER SHITS OF THE RESULTS OF YOUR GAME .. ALL I KNOW IS ALLAH HAVE PLANS FOR ME IT MIGHT BE NOT IN THIS LIFE BUT FOR SURE IM SO NEAR IN HIGH RANK IN THE PRESENCE OF MY LORD ALLAH IN JANNAH..❤ YOU NOT GOING TO BELIEVE WHERE IT COMES FROM BECAUSE THE TRUTH IS IM NOT THE ONE WHO SURFING IN WRONG WAY .. BECAUSE IF KNOW WHAT IS RIGHT AND WRONG U WILL NOT TALK TOO MUCH TO GAIN YOUR OWN BENEFITS..
@robertleach8333 4 дня назад
Basically, Ms. Johnston is saying that she is for bigotry and exclusion as long as its based on misandry or support for her own group. I am sure that at some point in her career, a man - a teacher, mentor, or other type of role model - helped her attain her education and status. Sad that she wants to purposely exclude people who are not in her protected class.
@SuperGenericguy 4 дня назад
You started the video saying that you've excluded men from your panel and then said that this is going to be about “inclusivity”. Don't you think that's a little bit hypocritical and obnoxious? When you say “inclusive you really mean inclusive for people in my in group and excluding others” 2:45
@rawkvox 2 дня назад
long term short term? get a lottery ticket a month after everyone else. still random.
@josephsmyth832 День назад
This is all completely arbitrary and irrational thinking. These people need psychological evaluations at the very least
@Petch20 4 дня назад
I'm new to trading, and I've lost a good sum trying out strategies I found in online tutorials. I would sincerely appreciate any recommendations you have...
@-vv3rv 4 дня назад
As a beginner, it's essential for you to have a mentor to keep you accountable. I'm guided by a widely known crypto consultant
@-vv3rv 4 дня назад
Stephanie Aaron Trentham.
@KN0852 4 дня назад
This is correct, Stephanie strategy has normalized winning trades for me also, and it's a huge milestone for me looking back to how it all started.
@Jamiewhite663 4 дня назад
Yes, I agree with you. Her platform is wonderful, and her strategies are exceptional
@dagame614 4 дня назад
It doesn't matter if you are a current hodler or a newbie. You can capitalize on the fluctuation of Bitcoin by trading with good strategy/signals
@internationalmentalhealtho3751 5 дней назад
You need a #Psychiatrist
@Ldhd69 12 дней назад
Which lecture is supposed to preceed this one - Damon is referring to it... ? Great lecture. Will search for Damon's lectures from now on.
@davidwilkie9551 14 дней назад
In Actuality, this is what you should expect from the perfection of hypocrisy and faked-up belief systems that have been buried in mafia-like silences for decades. The Cold War urgency for protection that cannot be, has created real non sense, that a permanent threat is a defence, and subsidized fossil fuels are a legitimate alternative to nukes and eliminating the threats by eliminating the human planet. Ancient times people were fitted to the actual superimposed cycles of real-time holography, so banking was by measures of seeds and animals, DNA "financial investment", the labor of plants in the ground/bank. "All flesh is grass". The Calculus of quality before quantity that is understood as the moral of Gold-Silver Rules now needs a review, reiteration and rational explanation inherent in e-Pi-i Superposition-point Entanglement Fusion-Fission Function resonance in QM-TIME Completeness. The intellectual ability is in abundance, pointed in the correct way free of corrupt Nomenclatures.., ie restart at First Principle Observation approach.
@raykirkham5357 14 дней назад
I am a proponent of MMT and very much support it politically. I don't call MMT a fairy story.
@nancymays6506 14 дней назад
I'm an American and a registered democrat and am a security guard thus working poor and I can white and I work with blacks espanic and whites and everyone is working more than one job to make it and young people live with parents and all the ones I know voted for Trump and will vote for him again We don't buy your lies Trump is the first person since Rus Perrot that was not for globalism outsourcing our jobs and insourcing cheap labor You saying we are racist that is what all those who are not for national ism ie the constitution and have living wage jobs for Americans we are sick of the race to the bottom to slave labor whether you are a woman or man black or white No one thinks Trump is a perfect person and we know he has to go against a Congress and senate and judiciary all bought by the glabal elite that have gone by the golden rule he who has the gold makes up the rules so he will have all the gold and all the power We are tired of working and still it is never enough You saying trump is a racist is just not wanting to deal with Americans who are tired of competing with slave labor cheap labor the race to the bottom You are so insulting and immoral evil evil makes excuses for oppression The working class is tired of your B's lies lies all for greed at the top Your job depends on being sold out to global elite companies Devo's crowd is evil group who can't get enough power
@NicholBrummer 17 дней назад
Also: please consider the state at its various levels. Municipalities alreasy have opportunities for money creation, investment and ways to drive the local transition. I see how bicycle paths are changing mobility. Ground source low T heating & cooling infrastructure can be a next big driver .. but only when funding & ownership reaches the optimal places. Ground source heat pumps automatically include energy storage that is essential in combination with variable wind & sun. (a positive externality, now unfunded) We must combine the virtual finance language with fysical reality.
@NicholBrummer 17 дней назад
I hear a lot of words that obscure what and where things need to be done. Broadening balance sheets. Financing. Funding. Backstopping. Cleaning up the debt. It smells like MMT, and the jubilee of the bible and ancient Sumer, in 5000 years debt .. but obfuscated it all these words that seem the same, but are apparently different stages of a larger system. Please explain. Also acknowledge that this is not really all 'financial innovation'. These are also ancient mechanisms, with historical precedent.
@humanistastv 25 дней назад
Thank you so much for this presentación!!
@vembrace 26 дней назад
People who say "college is a scam", obviously never attended a lecture of this caliber.
@guerillagardener2237 27 дней назад
Neo liberalism was the authoritarian right all along, they just knew it would implode eventually, but it gave them the wealth they needed to fund nasty militarism around the world.
@icedancer2370 27 дней назад
China and Russia fans in the comments, he did not mince words. Just because you take part in an evil system to protect yourself, you are still complicit in its results.
@kentam5361 28 дней назад
Neoliberalism as a global system simply puts the developed and powerful economy used the underdeveloped and weak economy to advance its economic agendas.
@kentam5361 28 дней назад
Neoliberalism is advanced by selfish fools who want to dominate and control others through wreaths without oversight by the government so they can run wild. Seems Donald Trump fit the bill as neoliberal.
@davidcarr2216 Месяц назад
Since when were Clinton, Blair, Obama, Cameron, Biden, leftists ? Neoliberals sure, Left-wing neoliberals , not so much. Some kind of contradiction going on there old bean.The neoliberals control the messaging - surprise, surprise.
@minionsystems Месяц назад
Maybe I'm wrong about this but she seems to have the money creation reversed. Government must either collect taxes or borrow money BEFORE it can spend it because the account is at the Fed. The government must issue bonds and the banks buy them before the account has money to spend. Government deficits always cause inflation because "capacity" has no real scientific definition. How can capacity be measured - the government has no way of knowing what the real economic capacity is so they don't know how much they can borrow without causing inflation. The real measure is how much the government spends adjusted for productivity increases. Our economy should produce moderate deflation to account for increases in productivity - more goods and services should make lower cost per unit - i.e. slow deflation. People's savings and retirement should not loose value when productivity is increasing. While it is true that government spending provides temporary relief by putting liquidity into the markets, it is also true that the resulting debt and taxation reduce what the private sector would do more efficiently.
@Anubis-hm7ro Месяц назад
Thank you
@Anubis-hm7ro Месяц назад
@Anubis-hm7ro Месяц назад
Vote Biden please
@Anubis-hm7ro Месяц назад
@qake2021 Месяц назад
@efghggdxlmfn33 Месяц назад
95% of Chinese expressed satisfaction with their government while only 35% Americans expressed satisfaction with their government in Harvard and Gallup polls
@mozartsbumbumsrus7750 Месяц назад
Neoliberalism rules, ok. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-hLtkJ-AgLuY.htmlsi=--Rh3DGDaIZwazxh
@RuthmarieHicks Месяц назад
This should be watched by the whole world! It should be headline news!
@Lodimerg Месяц назад
Crisis of 2008 was biggest theft by banks .
@Lodimerg Месяц назад
I feel we never recovered. Money worth as used toilet paper.
@andujarpain2629 Месяц назад
@staspastukov5944 Месяц назад
You said that Trump is an authoritarian and Biden is a democrat. Perhaps this is not so if we assume that neoliberalism has not become a zombie, but has turned into what is called neoconservatism. Neoliberalism is not a political regime, but neoconservatives are a political regime. Therefore, you had to refute the assertion that the United States is an authoritarian state. No, not authoritarian, but it is a neoconservative regime. Perhaps someone will be able to formulate what a neoconservative regime is.
@staspastukov5944 Месяц назад
There was a chess boom in the USSR. This is a huge number of hands involved in the production of board games, as well as chess schools. I mean money. After the Rubik's cube boom came Tetris. It's kind of like going from a hoe to a horse to a tractor. For a hoe, a horse, a tractor, a 20% loan is, if not fatal, then bondage on the brink of survival, if there is no compensation from the state in an explicit or camouflaged form, for example in the form of benefits for children. You said that neoliberalism, if I understood correctly, is about power as an Olympic sport without rules, or rather, the future holds nothing positive?
@michaeltse321 Месяц назад
biggest theft in history = lol
@sengs.4838 Месяц назад
This gentleman is very smart and clairvoyant
@dannywindham3295 Месяц назад
Professor silver's, why do you continually say that the United States is borrowing money? The United States is borrowing money. The United States federal government creates the money. It doesn't borrow its own currency that it creates. Why do you do that, sir? You know better.
@dannywindham3295 Месяц назад
Barack Obama said in a press conference.What the backers did was immoral and unethical but it wasn't illegal. Well, that is a lie, what they did is.Illegal fraud is illegal.Fraud is a felony.