I'm an idiot from Australia
@tfmsm 24 дня назад
i was playing reach on the 360 disc and the army troopers had no backpacks
@spookypepper6900 Месяц назад
I'm curious, you mentioned Marines, however there aren't any in this video.
@purporium6902 Месяц назад
I hope 343 see this
@monkybros Месяц назад
man, Ruffian Games really dropped the ball on this one.. didn't even have "enhanced lighting" to hide theae issues behind
@DanStormVO Месяц назад
One consistent bug that hasn't been fixed is the radio filter in Reach, characters sound like they're right next to you and the filter isn't applied!
@Whoatedmycookiez Месяц назад
The friendly radio is also far too quiet. Something is seriously broken with the audio. There's a comparison in the Nightfall video.
@ReachTea Месяц назад
MCC makes you forget Halo used to actually be really polished and gorgeous for the hardware they had to made it on, it's the small things that really add up, I miss when Halo was good
@CyberVirtual 2 месяца назад
With all these graphics comparisons 343 felt inclined to bring back the Legacy Bloom Effect but it flickers so much during cutscenes that it becomes really distracting. I went back to get some footage of the last mission and let’s just seeing it broken kind of sucks. I don’t want people to resort to emulation just to upscale the legacy graphics. There could be a fan patch one day, but who knows if that would be enough…
@Whoatedmycookiez 2 месяца назад
The bloom only fickers at 4K. It's a known issue on all platforms. Bloom was a part of the original game but it was way less prominent in legacy than MCC. 343 seem to have thrown the sliders way too far up, and it still scales with resolution. Which is probably causing the flickering problem.
@CyberVirtual 2 месяца назад
@@Whoatedmycookiez I am playing in 1440p and the issues really bother me.
@Whoatedmycookiez 2 месяца назад
@CyberVirtual interesting. What platform?
@CyberVirtual 2 месяца назад
I was playing on PC The Steam Version to be specific.
@Whoatedmycookiez 2 месяца назад
Any upscaling or downscaling at play? Does it sort itself if you set res to 1080p?
@tpd1864blake 2 месяца назад
I wonder if some of these are intentional choices, like the extra geometry in the Warthog, or removing the glow on the spire to make it more visible
@combineconformist 21 день назад
pretty sure the glow is minimised and the extra warthog geometry is just a small touch
@richardzaloudek8208 2 месяца назад
Well, graphic mistakes may be sad, but hey, I finished it on the anniversary graphics and didn't notice a single one because I was too consumed by either the story or the action, I understand they didn't really bother with it but it's still sad to see how little effort was actually given into these details, unlike truly dedicated Devs would
@SR-388 2 месяца назад
I mean I just launched tip of the spear now, and the trooper there has a backpack, I'd say its just randomised like most things in halo when it comes to enemies and npc's
@kabob0077 2 месяца назад
0:06 They're Army Troopers, no Marines.
@psych0pup 2 месяца назад
imagine using the silver visor for legacy and the blue visor for mcc and then complaining they look different
@Whoatedmycookiez 2 месяца назад
It's the same visor. I've always used blue. The reflective effects on ALL visors are broken in almost every Cutscene. For every Character. There are several instances in other videos where I point it out happening to everyone.
@solidxsnackssnfearless5371 2 месяца назад
Im pretty sure i got a bug where In Halo 3 ODST The engineer randomly dies on the last part of the mission after riding the tank which is insanely confusing if I'm the only one getting this bug i really don't know literally restarted the mission too but it still happens
@morphius747 2 месяца назад
they sabotage the old games to sell newer shiny ones
@purporium6902 2 месяца назад
One eeror that i noticed in both versions, spartans booty are too small, they should be slightlyltltl bigger.
@purporium6902 2 месяца назад
About the marines backpack, they equipment is randomized. The backpack could be one of these always random equipments(Btw i'm using my memory, so the backpack could not be one of these always random equipments, plz correct me if i'm wrong)
@tylerdurden4080 2 месяца назад
See that's what happens when you let a woman drive.
@AHPcameron 2 месяца назад
@TheRealWalterClements 2 месяца назад
Bro people in these comments are like "343 ruined the game!!1" over like 3 minor graphical details.
@m16-a2 2 месяца назад
The thing is this: Yes there are issues, but if you hate 343 over them, then you are the issue. Instead of hating 343, we should point out bugs like this to help them. It's no easy task porting games over, and it's the least we could do.
@TheRealWalterClements 2 месяца назад
@@m16-a2 Finally, some common sense.
@nosejajalol5282 2 месяца назад
details make difference
@m16-a2 2 месяца назад
@@nosejajalol5282 So does respect.
@Bocchi-chi Месяц назад
​@@nosejajalol5282 and that's why we must warn *them* and not just hate *them*
@Condor_ 2 месяца назад
What platform are you recording the MCC on? With this effectively being available on 3 or 5 platforms (depending on how you look at it), I'm curious if the MCC irregularities are consistent across all of them or are only reproduceable on one or some. Going on a bit of a tangent here, it always makes me wonder what technical thing behind the scenes causes these sorts of bugs/changes between versions. I'm sure none of these are intentional, and it's fascinating it think about at what point along the porting process causes these sorts of issues. Taking a game from a singular platform, the Xbox 360, to several others (with PC being a platform of technically unlimited configurations) is nearly impossible to do with caveats like this which makes it all the more interesting to see what causes them. In the updates the MCC team has given in making improvements to the graphics of the games within in, they've been pretty thorough in explaining what their findings were and how they fixed them which has made for interesting reads. I'd be curious if any of it is related to the increase in resolution, since it was originally designed entirely around being played natively at 720p. Assuming that there's still a team working on improving the MCC, I'm sure these sorts of videos help point them in the right directions to look for fixes! It'd certainly be great to see Reach get as close as possible to the original stylistic fidelity it was released in, but at the same time these certainly aren't stopping me from playing Reach on the PC. All of the advantages granted by the MCC greatly outweigh some of the visual bugs that are, admittedly, difficult to spot in motion. Though I still miss all of the original menus from each games.
@Whoatedmycookiez 2 месяца назад
I recorded MCC on PC. There are a few differences. The biggest issue is Xbox Series X has an awful blurring filter that PC doesn’t have and Legacy didn’t have. Every issue I’ve documented so far is on every platform. All good, I like tangents. That’s exactly correct. Bungie hardcoded post processing effects like bloom, ambient occlusion, and Depth of Field to the game resolution so the console didn’t have to work as hard. When 343 ported the game to PC they never fixed this. So changing your resolution will alter these effects. The higher your resolution the less bloom you’ll see, same with everything else AO being broken is what I believe is breaking the little shadows on characters. Depth of field was kinda fixed but still is bound to resolution. It’s breaking colours and causing weird issues now with saturation unfortunately. All these problems extend to EVERY 360 game in the collection. Every game has its colours broken and Post Processing issues. Reach seems to be the worst for graphics problems though. Raindrops were also bound to frame rate and are longer and thinner than legacy. Yeah, even if they’re small. It’s still a downgrade from legacy and I really hope a team fixes it someday because preserving these games is important. I don’t want another Gearbox CE situation. I wish they kept the menus. I love sitting on them and just vibing with the feels. The new menus feel so sterile and unfriendly to navigate
@AHPcameron 2 месяца назад
There’s definite issues on Xbox version as well, I can confirm. The thing that keeps standing out to me is the lighting being all glare in H:R
@pyerack 2 месяца назад
343 Managers try to do anything right challenge: Impossible
@RuthlessSpartanB320 2 месяца назад
Silly, they did. And then pooped their game back up. (Shop prices)
@Bocchi-chi Месяц назад
"Reclaimer" mission in H4, gameplay in Guardians, Chief being very humanized in Infinite, but without being exaggerated. Well, 3 things. Not bad for 343 getting 3 things right over 12 years
@RuthlessSpartanB320 Месяц назад
@@Bocchi-chi The fact that 343 barely puts a new actual feature in infinite for over the course of 3 years, then making the next game come out in at least another 3-4, not adding new vehicles bc it doesn't give them money, or anything else for that matter, is just depressing. Halo as a franchise will die, that is if 343 doesn't make a solid next game, people will not be able to trust them after the years upon years of broken promises. I'd probably just resort to making cringy fanfictions honestly.
@Bocchi-chi Месяц назад
@@RuthlessSpartanB320 Yeah, I know. The problem is that many are not understanding that this time it was less of the 343's fault. Microsoft kept changing employees during the development of Infinite and for the stupid reason that they didn't stay there long enough to receive more benefits. This means that no matter how much was invested in the game, changing teams caused a lot of delay and in 6 years of waiting, we had content equivalent to a 2-3 year wait. All because of Microsoft's negligence. H4 and Guardians were mostly 343's fault
@nagger8216 2 месяца назад
They would've had to have replaced that marine model with another one for this to even be a thing. Seriously, how the fuck does that even happen? This is like replacing the Zealots in the cutscenes with Ultras or some shit.
@Whoatedmycookiez 2 месяца назад
Not necessarily. I can't see any other differences with it. I can only assume Bungie built toggles into the characters for backpacks and other such gear to make creating all the variants easier This toggle was left off or reset when the game was ported
@nagger8216 2 месяца назад
@@Whoatedmycookiez Okay that would make a lot more sense. I figured each marine model was unique like the Covenant, I didn't realize all the equipment they wear was a different thing.
@googleuser4720 2 месяца назад
343 has ruined MCC
@Bocchi-chi Месяц назад
@dollarstorealexkister День назад
they're literally just minor details dude, you're not gonna die because noble six doesn't have the extra inch on his cock that he did back in 2011.
@nalcoh 2 месяца назад
None of these items are "broken". This is just nitpicking...literally nothing. The only two inconsistencies actually worth noting are as follows (and even these are overstated): 1. The warthog didnt explode. 2. The blue lasers coming from the human ship. Everything else is just an improvement on graphics/shaders for the game as a whole. Anybody who thinks 343 mishandled MCC is just blinded by unjustified hate. It is literally the best possible thing any Halo fan could've asked for. Every Halo game bundled together, with huge graphical improvements (with the option to toggle legacy graphics for some titles). And people still try to find a way to complain?
@yeahBradley 2 месяца назад
You're getting a lot from just a single word. The group of people spending their free time to identify and document these differences (look at the linked spreadsheet) must have nothing but a ton of love for Halo. These people are digging into the files and mod support to document the littlest of differences. This collection of issues could prove invaluable to 343 if they're ever allowed to take a big crack at the MCC again. Mind you, work like this already paid off once before. Members of the community documented numerous issues with the PC port of Halo CE which followed into Halo CE Anniversary and then into MCC. Many were finally fixed in May of 2021, 18 years after they were first introduced and documented. I really hope these people continue their efforts.
@konukaame_ 2 месяца назад
Most the shadows were broken, he wasn't nitpicking anything. If you think "Everything else is just an improvement" then you must watch RU-vid on 480p resolution. Anybody who thinks 343 mishandled MCC is just blinded by unjustified hate. Orrrr the fact that MCC was basically unplayable for YEARS until it came to PC. It still has issues, but better than it was.
@googleuser4720 2 месяца назад
I could have ported the halo games better
@TannerFrancisFilms 2 месяца назад
@@googleuser4720 do it
@notsofrenchy 2 месяца назад
@robbsix836 2 месяца назад
Words cannot express how much I loathe 343 and their epic mishandling of the franchise at every possible turn.
@NobleRenegade 2 месяца назад
It's not that serious you absolute twat
@tacobread3 2 месяца назад
Bro shut the f**k up. People out there dying in the world you don’t know what “loathing” means.
@Mehfargahdur Месяц назад
And you got all that from a few missing shadows and some strange lightings? Some people only seek to be unhappy I suppose.
@robbsix836 Месяц назад
@@Mehfargahdur read it again strawman.
@Mehfargahdur Месяц назад
@@robbsix836 I did. I guess I might need to spell it out for you, since you’re so hasty to be rude. I meant that by “it seems like a disproportionate response to a video where it highlights some downgrades from the original that are mostly easily passed by with little impact”. There. I did all the interpretation for you.
@koekje00005 2 месяца назад
lovely to know that halo remains cursed with inconsistencies to this day
@Drunk_Sniper_18 2 месяца назад
I'm also interested in glitch hunting, do you have a discord or anything we can share findings on?
@megahunterkiller 2 месяца назад
No, we don’t. We aren’t interested in it either. Do not contact me again.
@Spendingryan 2 месяца назад
There is a community master bug list by "omarlotrc" and another youtuber "why" there are a lot of issues that are shared by the community there, and unlike 343's known issues list it is actually updated with more problems. The official 343 known issues on the halo support site are out of date or missing many bugs.
@MysticWorldsStudios 2 месяца назад
Another thing to think about is all of MCC was moved to a different engine, its magical the old games even work on the new engines they moved them to, i hope the visual issues get fixed as its nice to preserve the games in their best state, but sadly i think its not going to happen
@Gashnor 2 месяца назад
The only new engine is the UE front end for menus. All the Halo games are on their original engines, just ported to PC/newer architecture. Reach isn't on Unreal Engine, for example, but just the same 2010 engine
@AHPcameron 2 месяца назад
Doing gods work bringing this to people’s attention!
@AHPcameron 2 месяца назад
Makes me super sad man, to any dev reading this, please look into ways to update MCC again, as this shouldn’t be how the legacy Halos are remembered 😢
@timberfox104 2 месяца назад
343 probably just condensed some of the background textures to make sure that MCC didn't take up as much space. I think 343 did this with console gamers in mind.
@purporium6902 2 месяца назад
@purporium6902 2 месяца назад
How they make the falcon have a low resolution, like, its in your face. In the scene where the corvette get shot, the reflections on the visors would just look weird, and the custom visor don't help too much
@purporium6902 2 месяца назад
Was weird open the game one day an see a big bloom everywhere.
@kaidenbeck2465 2 месяца назад
I’ve noticed a fair amount of visual bugs recently not game braking but distracting
@RahStahMon 2 месяца назад
That's a shame. I'd like to think they have done their best, never met someone on an art team who is happy with less than perfect. So it was either not enough time to troubleshoot and solve, or they were limited technically. Again, a real shame it doesn't reflect the original quality. I suppose all we can do is, Remember Reach.
@Di-eu3wo 2 месяца назад
I think it was just a limit when it comes to technology, remember, they still need to have 5 other games in one singular game as well as all the game modes from them so it’s not shocking to see bugs with the shading
@Spendingryan 2 месяца назад
​@Di-eu3wo The trouble also is new issues coming in with updates, they spent the majority of the dev time for the last update re-adding missing enemies and spacecraft in "Long Night of Solace" in reach, I can't imagine how bad it would have been if they didn't, and remember that was just like an update ago before they are supposedly stopping updates. Also generalkidd made a video about all of the broken misplaced props in halo 1 anniversary cutscenes too, even the "unseal the hushed casket" was missing on the monitor in the cutscene so the camera was literally pointing at nothing, this was fixed too in the recent updates.
@vyviid 2 месяца назад
Sure some of these are nitpicky, but the missing shadows, the npc's floating in the elevators, especially disappointing given 343 has stopped development on MCC. Not really sure why the other comments are taking issue with the video, You don't need to have empathy for billion dollar companies like microsoft, it's not like he's tearing apart someone's passion project here. If devs were actually still working on this game, video's like these would be very helpful and make identifying issues and fixing them easier.
@Whoatedmycookiez 2 месяца назад
I’ll admit it’s quite nitpicky but that’s the point. I wanna find ALL the issues I can, in the hope that SOMEONE out there will fix it. Because Reach is very important to me. It’s the Gearbox CE port all over again and I hate it 😔 There are worse shadow issues in other cutscenes. EVERY character in Long Night of Solace is missing shadows for their lower legs in ALL cutscenes. Makes me disappointed that MCC was left in this state. Every game in the collection suffers from similar issues.
@pennyomega7421 2 месяца назад
I'd quit being a game developer if I saw these videos. Dudes are really looking at every detail like they're Monet or Picasso
@calebschaeferrr 2 месяца назад
@AJ_Sparten1337 2 месяца назад
I think that videos like this particular one are pointing out the quality and attention to detail between the original developers and the ones that conducted a remaster. A remaster is supposed to improve the game without losing anything and if the claim of improved graphics is made but stuff like what is in these videos occur, is it really an improvement? If people were this picky about the original game/a game’s first launch/a new studios first game, then yeah, videos like these are stupid and a bit excessive. But if a game has been out for years and an established studio with decent talent takes on the task of remastering that game and improving it, then there is no reason for there to mistakes in areas that the original game had no faults in.
@Spendingryan 2 месяца назад
I mean yeah it's pointing out problems, some are minor for sure but as more missions are shown in this series you'll see slightly more important issues crop up, porting process of an older game from a different type of system to pc and having issues is to be expected, but with that way of thinking then what's the point of any details in games then, if its not a big deal then why make nice effects in the first place I guess?
@Prvda999 2 месяца назад
So genuine question but how can they mess this up if its a direct port?
@Whoatedmycookiez 2 месяца назад
It's complex but I'll break down what I understand. (This'll be very long) When Bungie made Reach the 360 was on its way out. To make it easier on the console performance, certain post processing effects like Depth of Field, Bloom and Ambient Occlusion were locked to the resolution of the game (1152 X 720) and hard-coded into the engine itself so they game didn't have to calculate it on the fly. DoF would blur with the with of 7 pixels at that locked resolution. When 343 ported the game to PC they never changed that. So DoF would blur 7 pixels wide but @ 1080P (or whatever resolution you set). So the effect was lessened dramatically. Same with ALL post processing effects. Ambient Occlusion being gone is, what I believe to be, the issue with all the smaller shadows missing. Bungie must've used it to help with depth on characters and sets. Bloom WAS broken at launch but 343's attempt to fix it was to push the sliders up and hope for the best it seems. It's way too strong and STILL locked to resolution. Colours are also completely broken. With everything being duller and more washed out than legacy. Due to some issue with how the 360 handled it's gamma or colour correction issues. Both caused by 343 All the issues with post processing and colours extend to EVERY game in the collection.
@bbadjujuu 2 месяца назад
if it ain’t got issues then it ain’t perfect
@MCmattcook 2 месяца назад
before you put the text up i found myself playing spot the difference. there’s no way you’re serious about these actually being problems 😭
@Whoatedmycookiez 2 месяца назад
Most of the small shadows missing seem to be related to Ambient Occlusion, which generates small shadows where geometry meets, and is now broken due to porting. Bungie probably mostly used it to help with depth on characters. Larger shadows are missing in other Cutscenes that don't seem to be AO related. Like shadows connecting characters legs to the ground (that's a VERY common issue) and cutscene lighting being broken. Other things are minor shader issues and small bugs. But the sheer number of them is what I'm concerned about. How is every Cutscene, so far, Into the double digits?
@sean7755 2 месяца назад
but lets be fr it don’t matter at the end of the day the campaign is the campaign
@Whoatedmycookiez 2 месяца назад
They may be small issues but they still matter. MCC is supposed to replace legacy Reach. Anything that doesn't match or is missing, is a downgrade. No matter how small. All the small things add up eventually.
@AJ_Sparten1337 2 месяца назад
If a studio takes on the task of remastering an original game and claim to improve it, then there is no reason for there to be any mistakes or bugs that did not exist in the original version. Hell, just look at the recent Star Wars Battlefront Collectors launch. That shit was a disgrace to the entire fanbase.
@Spendingryan 2 месяца назад
Yeah, not for halo 4, for example the asteroid base defence turrets don't work, kinda effects the campaign story a bit because those turrets play a role in the campaign of covering the player in the story.
@GooberDapple 2 месяца назад
this isnt lighting or nothing but in halo 3 mcc i find lots of stuff missing/broken like in savo highway a jackle tower is spawned broken unlike in the orginal halo 3 where its spawned normal
@Whoatedmycookiez 2 месяца назад
Interesting. I have no idea what could be causing that tbh. Halo 3 seems to be the best working of the ports to my knowledge
@Spendingryan 2 месяца назад
​@Whoatedmycookiez I know other people have pointed out that shadows aren't cast on grass any more, which is a bit of a regression because it was working even on mcc a while back.
@explodingnova3500 2 месяца назад
Great work on the video!!! I love when the Halo community like "you and Why" points out issues with the old titles to properly fix them, Cheers
@Whoatedmycookiez 2 месяца назад
Thank you!! Game preservation is important to me. Especially Halo. I hope SOMEONE fixes it eventually. Whether it's 343 or modders
@jackmcmorrow9397 2 месяца назад
Bringing back the bloom at all was a terrible idea
@Whoatedmycookiez 2 месяца назад
The bloom in legacy Reach was fine. It was the TAA that gave the game its blurry look, 343 removed TAA from Reach when porting to MCC Some assets in the game were also created around the use of bloom softening the textures to hide lower res objects.
@jackmcmorrow9397 2 месяца назад
@@Whoatedmycookiez Nah man, it always looked bad.
@YigitCanAydinSS 2 месяца назад
Load of crap has been spoken again​@@jackmcmorrow9397
@explodingnova3500 2 месяца назад
Nu Uh@@jackmcmorrow9397
@photosynthescythe2939 2 месяца назад
Great to see someone documenting this thoroughly! Keep it up!
@Whoatedmycookiez 2 месяца назад
Thank you! I'm gonna do a video for every mission's cutscenes, finding everything I can. Preserving these games properly is very important to me.
@Spendingryan 2 месяца назад
I noticed both the UNSC cruiser and frigate in-atmosphere cannon tracer is missing, or changes to other random tracers, the space version works correctly though. The reason for there being two versions is one glows a constant colour in space, and the other transitions from white hot to tan in atmosphere, and is broken.
@Whoatedmycookiez 2 месяца назад
Is that the 'Tip of The Spear' issue? Where Grafton's autocannons are using Covenant projectiles instead of UNSC ones?
@Spendingryan 2 месяца назад
@Whoatedmycookiez yeah, they can actually change too, I think depends on what other projectile was last fired can be blue or green plasma, "Pillar of Autumn" mission uses the same projectile and switches to different colours also but it's further away in the background.
@Spendingryan 2 месяца назад
That missing falcon i never noticed lol, that is so weird
@Spendingryan 2 месяца назад
Did you guys remember when the entire "sky battle" from long night of solace went missing 2 updates ago? Just to be clear its fixed now, but the bug removed every single seraph space fighter, disabled all of the anti air turrets, and removed your allied pelican drop, during the beachead, this was only 2 updates ago, so they do fix things, i think they have so little resources unfortunately.
@KimberleeT25 2 месяца назад
Fuck, this is gonna mess with me when I play Reach campaign yet again on MCC isnt it
@Whoatedmycookiez 2 месяца назад
That's the plan 😊