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Why Ortovox Chooses Wool
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@nikolazadro2166 13 дней назад
What an incredibly hopeful message
@C.Hawkshaw 29 дней назад
We’re species-ists aren’t we. WE are the only ones who can solve desertification- we don’t need any help from YOU, cloven-hooved beasts! Ha!
@TP-ff9ii 3 месяца назад
Awww thanks to all the sheep 🐑 in the world:) 😊
@eaton55r 4 месяца назад
He had a huge chance, it is time for him to support others... only and quietly stop.
@curiousnomadic 5 месяцев назад
Whaaaat the fire retardant burned through! Sheep's wool; is better.
@balgrantango460 8 месяцев назад
Good points...promoting the industry for young people.
@thomasward2165 9 месяцев назад
Answering my own question....you get meat products from domestic livestock. But surely we would have to control native species too. Just wondering why billions more genetically modified wildlife have to be created to graze instead of what used to be naturally occurring in those areas. Yes, all that I have said is hugely simplified. But can we look st long term global ecological survival, not merely treating one issue!
@thomasward2165 9 месяцев назад
I have asked this question of the Savory Institute before. Could native herbivores take the place of domesticated animals? It is the act of mimicking natural grazing patterns that need to take place, so why not return native herbivors to the landscape?
@royblack938 10 месяцев назад
I'll just replace in my mind that this is a four minute video saying how Steve Martin is the funniest comic there Ever was. Thank you and a big fat bad-bye!
@cailynlynn8972 11 месяцев назад
💯 'promosm'
@JayTor2112 Год назад
Yeah, and there are grasslands that were once deserts, what of it propaganda man?
@JayTor2112 Год назад
How are sheep going to destroy the WEF?
@mackcross7054 Год назад
🤤 "Promo SM"
@lebogangsehume4135 Год назад
Pupulation has been falling for decades now. But regenerating land is a noble cause.
@peterbunting6848 Год назад
Wool is used as a packaging material. I found it in the waste today. I thought I would make a filter for my Personal Computer from it using cardboard as a case in front of it. That would extend the life of my computer and I could perhaps even wash it.
@aniakense Год назад
The concept of the pool is interesting. What I do not understand is why the relative size of it is not mentioned. If my understanding is correct, methane emissions from global livestock around 1920 were ~60Tg, that is 0.06Gt. Using GWP100 that would be ~1.5 Gt CO2e. So, if that 'pool' holds ~10 years, that 'pool' size would be ~15GT, correct? As we increase livestock, that pool increases, but as per inputs of the last 10 years. So, if between 2010 and 2020 livestock emissions have been ~100Tg -based on methane budget inventory from 2017-(2.5GT/year) --> the 'pool' size would be ~ 25Gt (note I use GWP100 values). Therefore, the increase in the methane pool in the last 100 years has been ~10GT, correct? That would then be the actual contribution of global livestock to climate change (considering methane only) In the meantime, the increase in the CO2 'pool' due to fossil fuel combustion alone has been about 1650GT (last year alone around 39GT). This CO2 will last 300 to 1000 years according to IPCC and NASA. That is the contribution of fossil fuels to climate change, correct? Therefore, we can say that the actual contribution of livestock methane emissions to climate change, compared to that of fossil fuels is 10/1650x100= 0.6%. The whole contribution of livestock global methane emissions in the last 100years equal the fossil fuel emissions emitted in the first three months of last year. I follow similarly from your own explanation that sheep and goats in Europe have not contributed to global warming in Europe for the last 40 years because numbers have reduced, and if they had kept stable, it would have been net zero (from methane). Nevertheless, we hear all the time that livestock is a 'major driver' of climate change. And methane a big issue that needs to be tackled. I do not get it. But, if we reduce methane by 30% in the last 20 years, the methane pool will go down 7GT. Fossil fuel emissions now are 36GT/year. Assuming a reduction of 50% in 20 years, that would be 540GT added. I completely fail to understand why a) organisations such as FAO keep affirming that livestock is a major driver of climate change and b) the efforts to reduce methane, when the result is a phyrric victory. Please explain, because if we used LCA methodology, we woudl consider the contribution of methane to global warming between 1920 and 2020 as negligible...
@Pandawill123 Год назад
It is true the cities and rural areas are like two different worlds, when we the farmers first entered Hong Kong the big city, we felt so frustrated and very insecure, and the smell of gasoline made me vomit so much, that is how bad the air quality is, the industry draw people's attention to make big fortunes, and neglect the importance of the food producing land, overall when we look at the past and present, moneyBob really dominates our societies, Satan the beast gave him so much power, human beings started the world with disobedience and lies, one mistake leads the other, generation after generation the mistakes swirling up like a giantic tornado covered the sun, I hope to learn more about the holistic management, I guess if we don't participate, there will be no reconciliation at the end with the lord of heaven
@gregorymayo3465 Год назад
If you could help the American if would spread like wild wild fire. Please help them first !
@tritchie6272 Год назад
I believe he's correct on the basics of Proper land management. He just over complicates things with over complicated explanations because he's over educated. The simple basics is figure out how long your livestock needs to be on a small patch of land/paddock to eat and fertilize the Right amount then move them on to the next place. Figure out how to do that so that each Pasture/Paddock is ready to be grazed again by the time you get back. Doing that will green up the land greatly. Greg Judy a Regenerative Farmer in Missouri USA explains and shows better how to put the Principals in action.
@la912 Год назад
That sheep in the thumbnail looks so cute
@snapdragon6601 Год назад
I notice he said they were licensed in Korea and Japan but not China even though he mentioned that it's manufactured there too.. 🤔
@SMDynamoBIM Год назад
Well done to the sheep!
@justme8108 Год назад
Old video, but more people need to understand their choice of fabric. I have all wool covers on my bed, and am now working to afford a wool mattress.
@serjmusiccrosstown91 Год назад
Great show thank you .. so what do you think of the world economic forum and they’re s and Bill gates intention to stop livestock farming and the eating of meats ? Being that Bill gates is the largest single landowner in the usa . Is this effectively bad news for climate change ? Thank you ✌️
@sandrakoker3277 Год назад
Okay 👍 okay ✅
@kensweetser6901 Год назад
This ant about saving the planet. This is about controlling you. This is about the great reset . They want to take your freedom. These people are corrupt
@jaymanjay1030 Год назад
So land ownership, fencing and the eradication of herd animals and predatory animals are the cause of desertification of our grasslands. Well surprise surprise. This is a battle that is going to be really hard to overcome. According to Google the depths of topsoil in North America when the settlers came here was 14 to 16 inches, so getting back to those levels is going to take major planning and vigilant efforts, and quite frankly I think humans aren't capable of achieving this level of due diligence. We're a lazy race and instant gratification is our downfall
@hal7ter Год назад
This tells people how clearly insane this WEF scheme is - getting rid of animals - foisting the eating of insects on humanity. I would love to know what Savory would say to that.
@kkkiren599 Год назад
Graze the pastures, fertilize naturally, retain the balance of chain of life including food chains and the world/ environment shalt revive the best it optimally can. Do not destroy forests and pastureland but revive their pristine originality wherever thou can to the best of sustainability. Every effort shalt bring about a renewed balance. Be at it till you cannot "be at it" unto feasible perfection.
@jimhenry6844 Год назад
Is it the classic case that liberals are whiners? Always spewing doom and gloom. This guy is wringing his hands about killing 40,000 elephants " for their own good". If hunters had perpetrated this holocaust they would be the most villified and hated people on earth. He whines about the desertification of the world's deserts,and seems to totally ignore that the Israeli's have turned the Negev Desert into a food exporting region, feeding 80 million people around the world.
@spudgn Год назад
Many countries are on the decline in population. If you need more folks, put the entire brown Muslim population on your dole, damn it.
@brucefiset5736 Год назад
I think this man does not get it, that big problem is the space program Is polluting the earth,and too many airplanes flying
@CmonNowTellme Год назад
I dont know what trick Mr Savory has under his sleeves but we, desert people, accepted the desert as natural cycle of the weather. We have no problem with that. I dont know why Europe and America has problem with our deserts. Climate change is natural. Please spare us that rhetorics.
@WeRHisPoem Год назад
He said something so true-- we interpret the data to FIT OUR BELIEFS. SAME WITH " EVIL-LUTION "!!!! IT'S A LIE.
@mohannair5671 Год назад
Remarkably enlightened chap
@janettesmith369 Год назад
geoengineering!... not climate change!
@kevinfranck6520 Год назад
No, sheep will not save the planet anymore than these slogans hailing Mushrroms can save the planet, or planting millions of trees will save the planet, or Hemp will save the planet. This is not about a materialist fix-it-pill solultion where purvasive Apathy seems to rule supreme.
@juliettataylor8888 Год назад
Wow maybe the reasons why Jesus symbolize sheep to save the human race is the same thing the sheep can save the world not just used for food
@hoobertkankkelbert2349 Год назад
This man should be lauriate for Nobel peace price. He just explained how human civilization has caused desertification in the past 10000 years in areas, which once were the most most fertile in the earth.
@toni4729 Год назад
A darn good show, better than the plastic junk that's usually shown to us. This is worth seeing. Thank you so much. 👍✨
@abdi7149 2 года назад
How can we contact you I need a wholesaler in the industry
@armanibree1517 2 года назад
քʀօʍօֆʍ ✋
@ceeemm1901 2 года назад
What a deluded con man....." science is inadequate but my work is backed by science". Should have stuck to killing elephants, at least they were real. Regen brought to you by Disney!
@ziyadmumu3069 2 года назад
you must be a vegan huh??? That destroys your credibility as far as i am concerned and the fact that you cannot disprove his methods proves your conformation bias and how irrational you are.
@LetsCook2gether 2 года назад
Why kill the elephants why not move them to another location
@surunitemiakanni-oye4346 2 года назад
He did not you Zimbabwe used to be Rhodesia - the white colonisers and settlers who murdered, raped and enslaved the natives of the land and pushed them off their ancestral lands.
@kaylagroening8734 2 года назад
Wow! What an incredible project. Thank you for sharing!
@marschlosser4540 2 года назад
Jornada Research and White Sands now have herds of Crillolo cattle roaming on them to stop desertification. Hoofs mark the soil where grass seed is blown in. The hole, even shallow, will hold enough water to help the seed to sprout and cut the wind. the top may die, but the roots are there, waiting for more rain. Climate crap is political, not science. It hearkens back to Hitler claiming the earth is man's only god.
@chucktaylor4958 2 года назад
Save our grasslands.
@priceless2353 2 года назад
What I am not understanding is if the land is bare and you put a whole bunch of livestock on the land, what are they grazing on? Are you shipping in a whole bunch of food for them? That’s the only thing I don’t understand about this system
@dewy330 Год назад
Seeds in their manure plus the fertilizer from it.