Reventure Consulting
Reventure Consulting
Reventure Consulting
Reventure Consulting teaches home buyers and real estate investors how to use data to make smarter investment decisions. By combining data from a variety of sources - including the US Census, BLS, Zillow, and Apartments.com - Reventure has developed a suite of analytics to home buyers and real estate investors make more educated decisions about where and when to buy real estate.

DISCLAIMER: The information provided by Reventure Consulting, LLC and Nicholas Gerli is for general informational, educational, and entertainment purposes only. All information on the Reventure Consulting RU-vid Channel is provided in good faith, however we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness of said information.

Neither Reventure Consulting, LLC or Nicholas Gerli is a registered financial advisor.

@berry1669 Час назад
it is too easy to borrow money for anything in this country this needs to stop, people are irresponsible people should only be allowed to borrow if they buy Real Estate period
@1bam1productions Час назад
Messed up
@obinwataje Час назад
The neighborhood?
@ashp4251 Час назад
People buying at this point don't understand that they are the final bag holders when this collapses. I would be taking the money and running and retiring elsewhere instead of upping the ante by buying these dogs just so I could pay higher taxes and work even harder.
@douglasdowns4846 Час назад
It is so gratifying to know that the greedy franchise owners are no longer getting my money.
@danielhasler4303 Час назад
It's getting close in az
@TraderBrandon-ok7kh Час назад
I've been listening to you and waiting for a drop in prices from 2021 😢
@madskilz78 Час назад
I can get a rotisserie chicken for $8, a value meal is $13. No brainer.
@quentintraywick1524 Час назад
McDonald's is shit food
@didomilan1725 Час назад
Fear monger
@Joeybagofdonutts Час назад
The dominos fall like this: 1. they stop paying on their credit cards 2. they stop paying their car payment 3. they stop paying rent or mortgage
@vincentwilliam8121 Час назад
How is Ny not up there
@user-mi8ko2jt9j Час назад
Nobody cares.......
@InsideKarensHead Час назад
its time to let it go. It's no longer a relevent dining option.
@fearlesscaper Час назад
false, you re seeing a cut in newly built homes.
@eddylauterback1312 Час назад
Used car lots know where their cars are all the time. They'll find it in any state and will grab it when you are shopping, etc.
@SusieQZee Час назад
In TEMECULA?!?! 😂 Couldn’t pay me to live there.
@phillipwaskiewicz5527 Час назад
You jack up your prices you lose customers
@kellybessem5287 Час назад
Not only do we live paycheck to paycheck, we live that way with having a second job or side gig. I just spoke with some high schoolers this week who have 2 jobs over the summer so that their family can afford things (some of them with single moms). That's absolutely insane.
@hoodooking1133 Час назад
California is 80% over priced
@johngraham-kn8uf Час назад
Profit, that's all people think about today. Not necessarily a bad thing, but gouging is
@careyscott30 Час назад
Progress started buying new homes 2012 in Georgia.
@johnc5188 Час назад
would like to see you opinion on Bend Oregon's market
@kevincalson6760 Час назад
Don't care Don't Macdonalds garbage
@leashaayn7306 Час назад
Frack McD’s…. Who really cares? They certainly don’t care about their customers
@michaelobrien3870 2 часа назад
😂 if they cant figure out there issue there blind .... to expensive for the current economy poor quality small portions slow service and shitty bland locations .... dust off the old mc Donald's bring back the color to locations play pits ect and for god sakes most importantly fix affordability quality and portion size
@Paul-H-Wolfram6608 2 часа назад
This is just the beginning, wait till the end and it's going to be pretty bad in Amercia, we'll see.
@plektosgaming 2 часа назад
If you dig deeper into the data, this is exactly what you saw in the 70s in the U.K., the 90s in Japan, and 100 years ago in the U.S. The working classes are leveraged to the max, can't afford to move up into the middle class, and the wealthy are still in excess mode. Meaning the entire support structure for the economy collapses and you enter a not a simple recession, but the almighty lost decade scenario as the working classes have lost all momentum and fall backwards in a failed bid to move forward due to excessive greed by those at the top/government. So the entire consumer-based and service-based economy cycle hits a brick wall and stops. Nobody can spend because they are broke or spent too much, retailers don't have customers, nobody can pay for services, and the wealthy were stuck believing that the party would last forever - but are too few to hold it up all by themselves in the end.
@AshleySpeaks4U 2 часа назад
...with a monthly insurance of $500/month, taxes of $22,000.
@williamhesprich9040 2 часа назад
The last time my wife and I ate at McDonalds was on a trip north to the casino. That was over a month ago. Yesterday we stopped at Arby's because we wanted to try their burgers. In each case we shared a median fry and had water to drink.
@cronstrubzo 2 часа назад
they repossesed my honda civic while i was INSIDE of it sleeping, SMH
@jeffsmith1798 2 часа назад
Can the California state legislature create a law that allows the repossessed cars to be used for free by illegal immigrants? I wonder.
@michaelkoziak1693 2 часа назад
You have been talking about this crash coming for 3 years now. Instead of crashing the prices are continuing to surge. I'm not holding my breath.
@SayRay47 2 часа назад
You're my favorite market guru 💚much appreciate and gratitude for all of your insight!
@captin12 2 часа назад
You aren’t going into depth why Florida or Texas has a hike in home inventory. For Florida is due to a hike in taxes which are making home owners pay more than usual so for the ones that can’t pay are selling. As for Texas, big tech companies are leaving Texas which cause those home owners to force to sell their homes and move to where the company are going. In Texas Apple and Tesla had a layoff spree as well. So don’t forget that too!
@michaelkoziak1693 2 часа назад
@Private-wj4nd 2 часа назад
If I had $8K a month to spend on rent, it wouldn’t be for a crappy Florida apartment.
@845835 2 часа назад
Shouldn't you be interviewing famous people on Hot Ones?
@codys4863 2 часа назад
If they didn’t produce literal toxic garbage I might care more
@michaelgarcia893 2 часа назад
Excellent post. California does have a history of severe real estate price drops. I remember the one in the early '90's. I suffered all the way through it. I remember the one in 2007-2012. I did it right that time and bought low. Lot's of very pertinent and accurate information here..Thanks!
@alexa3389 2 часа назад
It's the blood of the children in gaza
@User0player1 2 часа назад
cars are hot potatoes with massive insurance premiums. let the repoman have em.
@teamrecon2685 2 часа назад
The government inflated the money supply causing inflation. Newsflash, McDonalds isnt the only business suffering with rising costs.
@MR..181 2 часа назад
Shoulda bought all them distressed at 36,000 .
@vermeea1 2 часа назад
My 17 y/o car already has duct tape on it to keep parts attached and it runs just fine. I am keeping my beater and I will just buy more duct tape the same color as the car. I am not buying a car if I can avoid it. I am making an effort to look poor so the crazy people do not target me and my beater. I can afford to buy a new car and pay cash but now is not the time.
@Caligirl903 2 часа назад
We have plenty of vacant buildings in LA County and there is over-development!
@user-rp7du4ej8c 2 часа назад
Step you're game up and people will go back.
@geraldkyles5391 2 часа назад
Building material theifs.....
@PeterPan-qj4lw 2 часа назад
The food is too darn high.
@mr.mckinnon5680 2 часа назад
Number one..... Hurricane katrina, bankrupted nine insurance risk pools. If you don't know what a risk pool is. You probably shouldn't be so, hyper sensationalist over, insurance rates. Number two... Insurance as you know it, was invented by the world's greatest con man. The yellow kid. He called it, a math heist. Number three, think about that for a minute..... Your bank, requires you to participate, in a math heist, but only if you want to get a loan through them? What does that tell you about your bank? Number four. Your politicians force you to participate, in the con man's math heist. As a form of governance. What does that tell you about your politicians?