David Lightbringer
David Lightbringer
David Lightbringer
This is the RU-vid home for the Mythical Astronomy of Ice and Fire podcast. We analyze the symbolism of ancient folktales in ASOIAF and compare them to the main characters in the story, finding parallels and echoes which reveal the broader tapestry of past and future events and archetypes which George R. R. Martin has created. As a result, we have discovered the cause of the Long Night and the truth of Azor Ahai and Lightbringer, which is not what we have been lead to believe. George is a master of symbolism and metaphor, and is well-steeped in world mythology. His books are part of the larger literary tradition of esoteric, symbolic writing, and as a result, analysis of A Song of Ice and Fire benefits tremendously when viewed inside that larger context... and that's what we do here. We do strict interpretations of the text, eschewing wild speculation to instead focus on the precise language and reoccurring symbolic motifs in the work. Merch coming soon 🔥
@WhoIsCalli 3 часа назад
Harrenhal is cool, your Old Nan voice is cooler 🐉
@jewelzi13 3 часа назад
While they seem to give Addam black hair. He still has Corlys unlike Nettles
@jojoladydayne7311 4 часа назад
I do like some Thousand Island Dressing on my seafood - gotta love Grrms GSOH
@madammadonna 4 часа назад
I want to hear Aegon b!ich about the cuts from the throne 😆
@bernasrodrigues3308 5 часов назад
Not once does Ned think about Jon as a parallel to rhaegar, instead is "growing guilt" about Lyanna and the promise is always associated with Robert sending people to kill Danny
@bernasrodrigues3308 5 часов назад
Ned also says he hasn't thought about rhaegar in years, which would be very hard if he was living with his son. He quits his job as hand because of Robert wanting to kill Danny, and the dragon has three heads is about a male, aegon, and two females, rhaenys and visenya. Rhaegar was expecting a daughter, a daughter who's Ned is very worried about. Additionally, had Danny been born in dorne, it makes sense to call her that, since we know of another Danny, the daughter of Aegon IV, who married the prince of dorne
@bernasrodrigues3308 5 часов назад
Further more, the name "stormborn" is given to Danny because she was born during a storm that was supposed to partially destroy dragonstone and take blocks of its walls, but Cressen notes that dragonstone has no blocks, it's made of fused stone, and there is nothing missing. We know, however, that Ned and Howland brought down a tower, the tower of joy, just the two of them. Howland knows children of the Forrest magic and probably ways of creating storms or magic that looks like a storm, hence the huge blocks being taken off the walls
@bernasrodrigues3308 5 часов назад
The red door also shows that we know nothing about Danny. There are no lemons in bravos, but there are lemons in dorne, where the tower of joy is located
@bernasrodrigues3308 5 часов назад
Also like, the undying show rhaegar dying with a "woman's name on his lips" and immediately after call Danny daughter of death? Rhaegar and Lyanna are both dying in the vision and Danny is being associated with both, she becomes an orphan the day she's born, daughter of death
@bernasrodrigues3308 5 часов назад
About the blue rose at the wall, that could be about Danny going to the wall later on to fight the white walkers, but the claim is flimsy
@TuberoseKisser 6 часов назад
5:52 While yeah a dragon is kinda hard to hide, I'm not 100% familiar with the world of GoT but PERSONALLY, my dragon os alsp faking their death, we are each others ride or die. Edit: In terms of the show potentially changing things, I don't see Vhagar really fighting? She don't listen to Aemond all that much and she didn't even seem like she wants to be ridden anymore, Let the old lady sleep. She's probably gonna body a black dragon here and there but show wise she's probably not really gonna finish it.
@rchr5785 8 часов назад
39:36 Jon is dead, so actually he died before the “others”
@Haizenmaier 9 часов назад
Great video
@Haizenmaier 9 часов назад
that’s cool if Rhae is centerpiece. Otherwise she serves no purpose in the story
@Haizenmaier 10 часов назад
Valyrians being shepherds and binding dragons by spells is an amazing theory. That would explain Nettles.
@Haizenmaier 10 часов назад
Beyond the symbolism of her taming a wild dragon, She hasn’t done much tho. Why the outrage?
@DavidLightbringer 6 часов назад
did you watch the video? explained my reasons pretty thoroughly
@emilycarpenter2444 10 часов назад
Theory - Coldhands is Azor Ahai (or Last Hero, probably the same in this case), after his fires have burned out. His hands are black because they’re burned from the sword. He has to serve Bloodraven as atonement for killing Nissa Nissa in his search for power. Also, maybe he’ll meet up with John while he’s in Ghost and they can communicate with each other, like how Coldhands can keep his elk calm!
@Haizenmaier 11 часов назад
Unpopular opinion.. I guess It is NOT scandalous if she’s cut. Daemon was seeing her as his own daughter, might as well have Daemon and Rhaena hunting for Vhagar together
@DavidLightbringer 6 часов назад
yeah but her impact on the story is a lot more than that
@pedrivv 11 часов назад
Sheep are valuable, how could nettles afford so many ?
@EvilSnowWhite86 13 часов назад
Love the South Park reference and even more the point it makes! Thanks for that!
@hypatiakovalevskayasklodow9195 13 часов назад
They cut Mushroom. Yes Nettles is important for the lore. World building. Dragon binding. She is super important. But Mushroom is basically everyone’s favourite and technically a POV for F&B , I feel like after that anyone is fair game to the show writers. Look how much they changed the main characters
@giorgoskatsarakis9652 13 часов назад
Perhaps these emperos are not actual individuals but represent their dynasties?
@iamza. 13 часов назад
1-5, one eye. 6. King cry baby
@sinthoras1917 14 часов назад
Jaehaerys choosing a woman as heir would call into question his own rule as king, as Rhaena is still alive
@aishahamma334 20 часов назад
This is the reason i will always be team green 1. Alicent was shoved into a marriage with a man older than her father 2. Before you say oh she seduced veseris. She didn't do you even know what seduce means All alicent did was to go talk to the king and offer him comfort 3 When otto told Vesris that rhaeny fucked daemon alicent decided to go face rhaenyra to find out the truth . Rhaenyra lied on her mother's life she was a virgin and daemon never touched her alicent believed her and defended her against her father which got him banished. Then she finds out her father was right. She is the reason her father was exiled This is why alicent decided she has jaf enough of rhaenyra,s bullshit. She will choose her family and she chose to wear a green dress Ageon and those 2 bastards kept bullying aemond,making fun of him because he doesn't have a dragon When he gets a chance to get 1 he rightfully claimed her. He had every right to claim Vagah Then he was coming back and was confronted with lena's children and those 2 bastards. 1 accused him for stealing thire mother's dragon. Which was wrong dragons are not objects to be stolen. They are not inherited Then 1 of the girls ran at him he pushed her away the other punched him and they all attacked him Even the fact that lucerys brought a knife. He didn't bring the knife to protect his brother. He had already planned on killing or maiming aemond Aemond called them a bastard which he is he pulled out the knife and kept trying to stab aemond Aemond had already lowered the rock when Jace threw sand in his eye and lucerys cut out his eye . If he really wanted to protect his brother then they would have ran away when Jace threw sand in aemond,s eye. He had let Jace go and that's how jace got the chance to throw sand in aemond,s eye. I mean how can anyone kill another person when he has sand in his eye those bastards had a chance to run away but they stayed Then like less than an hour later Vesris comes in and he didn't even care that his 10 years old child lost his eye but because he called rhaenyra,s children bastards which they are He didn't even care about his son's loss of his eye. Rhaenyra then asked for aemond to be tortured because he told the truth even though aemond lost his eye less than an hour after he lost his eye because of her children . Isn't the pain of losing your eye enough Aemond was permanently damaged he will have 1 eye for the rest of his life Veseris however doesn't care. He even further decided to threaten aemond Indirectly Then he was like just apologize and that's all . He gave no justice for aemond losing his eye instead he didn't even comfort aemond or his mother. He just demands that alicent should let it go Literally no body in the room cares about aemond losing his eye Alicent decided she has had enough .She wanted one of rhaenyra,s sons eye in return. Everyone was like how can she demand a child's eye. Oh he is just a kid If a kid is cruel enough to plan on permanently kill or disfigure someone which lucerys did when he brought the knife .He swung the knife at aemond like many times and aemond kept dodging it if aemond had stayed he would have been dead and you call that person a child. He a child. Really The fact that alicent had defended rhaenyra many times Alicent really should have turned the blade on Vesris What's worse is after years they had a dinner rhaenyra and her kids and her kids the king and damon. I won't even say family dinner because they are not Veseris literally asked for no trouble Then a pig was placed in front of aemond and lucerys had the audacity to laugh at aemond because he remembered how they kept bullying aemond He doesn't even feel guilty for cutting out aemond,s eye instead he was laughing at him .Which made aemond angry and he decided to Indirectly insult lucerys and his brother's No actually he just told the truth Again at that dinner those children attacked him first. Still no body was in aemond,s team again . Instead daemon was like whitout talking how dare you get pissed off at the children who cut your eye. He was just standing in front of aemond silently threatening him Also rhaenyra and daemon left their father and brother and went enjoying themselves on dragon stone After almost a decade they come back and have the audacity to insult alicent who has been taking care of Vesris all those years Then team black fans are like she raised stupid children. She is s child too .Raising 1 boy is enough. She had to raise them alone Vesris did nothing She was raising them ruling taking care of her husband all alone Rhaenyra had other people to help raise her children and was just doing anything she wasn't taking care of the king or ruling .She was just enjoying herself Another reason that shows team black are worse is the fact that even thire fans are toxic. Insulting team green fans over a movie. The insult or fight them. I actually saw a video on RU-vid about someone who changed from team green to black and some fans were insulting him in the comments. I mean seriously it's just a movie Sorry for the long comment. Even now there will be a team black fan who will insult or fight me because i said this
@Darkdeity616 22 часа назад
8:10 and dragons grow strong at places in the world where telectonic activity is high.
@brettstalling2269 День назад
Hey David. Idk if you’ll see this but if you do could you let me know what you think of Ulthos? I am so lost and confused about WTF that place is. I could just look it up on the wiki but idk, communicating with someone is more fun.
@Abuqital2000 День назад
Heleanas reaction in the throne room is the most realistic reaction ive seen in a show. People who are really uncomfortable or unused to violence or intense emergency situations turn away or close their eyes and look to the ground and also block their ears to avoid seeing or hearing what makes them afraid. This is what i have seen people mostly do in real life situations and the way the actress did it looked real.
@user-uf1rn6ck6i День назад
All the new members should listen to these podcasts. As David has said these are the rabbit holes which lead to wonderland
@user-uf1rn6ck6i День назад
This is the real stuff
@DavidLightbringer 23 часа назад
it is indeed, these were good times
@user-uf1rn6ck6i День назад
These would be great for road trips
@user-uf1rn6ck6i День назад
There are hidden gems
@exilhannabal День назад
Aegon is straight up the Harvey Weinstein of the targaryens
@diegobarbosa8105 День назад
Sean made lol so much during the stream, loved him. great voice acting
@diegobarbosa8105 День назад
GN did a great job as well omg you guys are ta len ted
@Slithe99 День назад
I don't buy Lady Dustin's story about how she hates Ned so much. She even says she hardly knew her husband. Plus, she's only a Dustin by marriage, so she likely doesn't hold burial quite as sacred as the blood of the Barrow Kings. BUT it's good enough to gain Theon's trust and get access to the crypts. I have a suspicion Barbrey was really in love with Ned, hence the last lingering look.
@curtthechameleon День назад
I'm back. HOTD 2 is gonna be badass. Can't wait to see Uncle Vermie in action.
@7eddiii День назад
rhaenyra trying to place jake on the throne isnt treason the ruling monarch is allowed to pick whoever they want as heir they dont even need to pick someone they are related to westeros is an absolute monarchy as said by grrm himself so the ruling monarch (rhaenyra) has absolute power how can she commit treason against herself?
@DavidLightbringer День назад
wrong, and wrong. It is indeed treason for Rhaenyra to have children with someone other than Harwin, and treason to lie about the paternity of the heir to the throne. And no the monarch can't pick whomever they want. Viserys says "even I am bound by law and tradition" - note the "and tradition" - and Lyonel says plain as day that Harwin and Rhaenyra are committing treason and could be sentenced to death or exile if found out. By the way your other comment was kinda trash. Sloppy seconds? We don't really talk that way here
@7eddiii 23 часа назад
@@DavidLightbringer and grrm has said westeros is an absolute monarchy while viserys may feel bound to law and tradition he actually isnt as the monarch creates the law and while following tradition can appease the people under you it isnt required just look at targaryen history they disregarded tradition time and time again and while it caused problems it showed they arent bound to it harwin is most certainly committing treason though also they can name whoever they want as heir they can name anyone heir of anything look at aegon naming the baratheons heir to storms end, tullys to the riverlands, tyrells to the reach thats what an absolute monarchy is the monarch has absolute power being bound by laws and traditions isnt absolute power also viserys naming rhaenyra heir proves again they arent bound by laws and tradition so im not sure where youre coming from at all
@nicholasletourneau3631 День назад
When you find out David can talk hoops in an intelligent way: yayyyyyyy When you hear David praise Boston in any way, shape, or form: booooooooo
@DavidLightbringer День назад
@alexanderforrest3209 День назад
Do you suppose Harrenhal is named with reference to German words "herr/herren" in the sense of "master/lord/ruler?" The whole story of the castle and its occupants is like a parable about what happens to people in power (regardless of who they were beforehand, or how they achieved their position)
@DavidLightbringer День назад
oh that makes a lot of sense . it's a lot better than my idea about a heron getting trapped in the Great Hall while they were debating what to name the castle 🤣🤣
@chriscox8067 День назад
@DavidLightbringer День назад
that's on GRRM, we have almost no info as to which dragons came from which
@buntun3670 День назад
it seems Robert needed a justification for his rebellion, so he successfully convinced himself that he was an agent of goodness and for that to be true, Aerys and Rhaegar needed to be evil.
@DavidLightbringer День назад
that's now how it happened at all. Robert was like 19. He and Ned were minding their own business in the Vale. It's Jon Arryn, Hoster Tully, Rickard Stark, and Steffon Baratheon who were laying the plans to overthrow Aerys. Aerys was definitely mad and crazy - Don't miss that the device he strangled Brandon Stark with was something that was brought over from Essos. Aerys was ordering bizarre torture devices from Lys, he's a psycho. But Robert became the figurehead of the Rebellion because Aerys demanded his head, and because Rickard and Steffon died
@RicardoMiranda-jf4ie День назад
0:12 "Ulthos" probably means Ulterior, as in "existing beyond what is obvious or admitted; intentionally hidden", quite literally.
@samirmuhammad1781 День назад
Also where's Daeron Targaryen
@serpounce5699 День назад
The real curse of Harrenhal was the enemies we made along the way
@Titanscreaming День назад
You did this video flawlessly... And i must say the art for the Bolton's is on par with the subject, kinda wish now they looked like this... Something a little more Abhuman. Bordering that fine line.
@bennettslayton7815 День назад
I wish I'd been here for the Ramsey/Tywin argument! Nobody bringing up that Nettles argument for Tywin is the same as saying Vader deserved to be saved because he really loved Padme. Vader killed a bunch of nameless younglings, but he would never kill his own son. CONGRATS NETTLES!
@DavidLightbringer День назад
yeah it was a pretty crazy discussion
@justmhr7598 День назад
R’Rhaegar been Praising Garth abit to Hard outside Harrenhal on the Isle of Conspiracies
@jmelitojr День назад
Maybe it’s Aemond in his mom’s(Alicent’s) lap???? Maybe he feels bad after he kills Luc
@jakekruegerify День назад
Does anybody know what the backing track used during 1:00-1:45 is?
@DavidLightbringer День назад
it's my own music
@jakekruegerify День назад
@@DavidLightbringer you actually answered my question in the video just a moment after I commented! Very impressive it sets a very creepy / atmospheric tone! Love the videos man!
@cx9882 День назад
37:48 Aragorn=Aegon which is jons actual name
@squizill День назад
Ive gone back and forth between the main characters (past and present) and I think Daenerys is the most interesting character ever written (not HBO version)
@DavidLightbringer День назад
I've said so too and I agree
@magalengo День назад
@manofhonor1685 2 дня назад
I love that pic of dany at the beginning looks just like i imagined her before i saw emilia
@Sj-_3 2 дня назад
We all want a Bron prediction for WoW!
@FlorianMark 2 дня назад
Maegor is one of the heros for house Targaryen. Without him the realm would be lost. Aenys was to weak and the other to young. Why do people belife what the gray rats say about him?
@DavidLightbringer 2 дня назад
because many of the murders, rapes, genocides, and atrocities that he definitely committed aren't within the scope of "maester bias" And he would have destroyed the house if not for jaehaerys, Alysanne, and Rhaena. Maegor died alone on the throne, everyone having abandoned him because of his cruelty and insanity