Film Connoisseur, Video Game Critical Analyst, Certified Fresh on Rotten Tomatoes TM, Video Essay Analyticalyst and Co-Founder of the Intellecutal Gaming Community. Protege of Tonald Loke.
Star Wars cannot grow up
8 месяцев назад
Black Widow: An Unbridled Catastrophe
2 года назад
The Father: An Unbridled Praise
3 года назад
Game of Thrones: S08E05: An Unbridled Rage
4 года назад
Captain Marvel: An Unbridled Meh
5 лет назад
The Predator: An Unbridled Rage
5 лет назад
Black Panther: An Unbridled Rage
6 лет назад
@ADHadh 19 часов назад
Man, I feel like either a weirdo or a prophet for hating TFA since the day I saw it in theaters for the first time. I remember leaving the cinema disgusted and I wouldn't see any other Star Wars film if it wasn't part of an office party paid for by the executives (and haven't seen any since leaving that job).
@lostalone9320 19 часов назад
It's really interesting looking back at these arguments now we have more DS games and indeed more Souls-likes. I actually think the healing is DS2 is not a bad system, but the balance is off. If life gems had only been findable/farmable, and they were more like humanity in DS1 (ie, discouraged from using them, but available) then it'd be completely fine. A key issue in DS2 is how quickly people find estus shards. That's where it all comes undone. The concept is to allow a little difficulty slider, if you are struggling you can find more shards. But what happens if you can't find them? Or if you don't think to go searching? Hence lifegems are easily available, and there it all falls apart.
@JustTooDamnHonest 22 часа назад
Mauler you need to find a Fallout lore master for you do not seem to know about the vaults or their true purpose or about Fallout neither. I do agree with you on Maximus being an annoying failing upwards piss ant. But the rest is a rant is coming off as someone who is very hyper focused of breaking down a show that you see nothing but flaws were there on none(even tho there are flaws in this show).
@AnonymousTreeFrog 23 часа назад
48:18 I’d argue the weight of vault 4 for Lucy is that it contributes to her journey of discovering that vault tec isn’t the same idealized hero’s of the wasteland that she was brainwashed into believing. That’s also why vault 4 happens right before the bombshell reveal to her that vault tec nuked a town that rebuilt
@Liberty_or_Ded 23 часа назад
Vault-Tec was the fucking Enclave and the Enclave was long gone and stripped of all of its resources after the end of Fallout 2, stop fucking making excuses for shitty retcon-heavy "and then" 'storytelling.'
@Wyzai 23 часа назад
3:56:03 better question is how does everyone know how to drain her power. They don't know about her (Steven certainly never studied her). That means you can spell drain more than just America. Sorcerers should 100% be passing on their powers like All Might. As soon as your condition starts to deteriorate, you select an apprentice who will absorb all your powers (since apparently you can transfer 100% of the power instead of 50% or 10%). Instead of trying to slowly advance magic and hope the technology can keep your world safe, you can literally power up each generation of sorcerers with the full power of each previous generation of sorcerers. Everyone should be using this spell on everything, because it's amazing.
@SuperVoidBoyz День назад
Yeah at this point in the show i was just glad that Hollywood was giving us my Cameraman lore. Not only can the Cameraman survive everything.. but they also have the ability to control who lives and who dies by simply keeping their camera on them long enough or simply panning or cutting away from the characters and creatures... thats fuckin cool how that works.
@SuperVoidBoyz День назад
Imagine if Lucasfilm had chewbacca jumping in through the window of the death star from the falcon randomly and killing Emperor Palpatine... then having Jaba the hutt being set up as the final villain in Return of the jedi.. Thats basically what happened here.
@Wyzai День назад
2:10:56 I remembered a similar character and similar circumstances that were done much better. I looked it up. Apparently it's the same company doing the same character. My brain hurts. This is beyond dumb. This is beyond shit. I don't know if there's a word for it. MCU 2023: Blackbolt's voice has massive destructive capabilities. He get startled so he whines and self.destructs. MCU 2017: Blackbolt's voice can cause massive destruction in a wide radius to destroy probably an entire city. He's so good at controlling his voice, it's almost impossible to make him make a sound. The closest anyone gets is when he is tazed and the air bursts out of his lungs.
@SamuelJamesVideos День назад
I know this is an old video but CVH literally explains in the dialog you used that he's okay with it SOMETIMES. I don't know how that's hard to understand.
@thenson1Halo День назад
34:30 the BOS must have hired a DEI officer. That is why Maxipad kept failing upward.
@thenson1Halo День назад
I was just thinking "Kyle Maclachlan deserved better than this" and then you said it.
@AbruptAvalanche День назад
21:24 I think you're missing a huge group of people in between noob and veteran. People pretty quickly realize the value of humanity items for kindling and summoning, but it can take a while to get good enough to use them effectively in combat. I'm on my third playthrough and still don't use them for healing. It's a relatively rare drop from rats, and the only early game merchant who sells them only has one in stock, so you're not exactly going to be swimming in humanity items. I don't think I'm alone in my aversion to wasting rare consumables.
@firun2635 День назад
The crossguard saber was the only thing I needed to see to decide that the movie was probably going to be... not great. It makes no sense at all, poses a risk for the user, and was only done for being "cool" and unique. Great video.
@ivoivic2448 День назад
so basically muldaver lives for 200 years and the morons writing this story missed the opportunity to write her as the vault 31(or whichever) manager that figured out the plot and got out...
@SigmarWarhammer День назад
I know you probably never gonna read this Mauler, but i really enjoyed this series. I am so tired of hearing the same excuses from ds2 fanboys over and over again on why the things that everyone hates about this game are actually a good thing, so i appreciate you responding to this and the hard work you put into this video series 👍
@AlsoMeowskivich День назад
I blame DS2's messier world over them basically having to rush remaking the thing half-way in. Cut content I feel really soured 2, 3, and Bloodborne imo.
@marcusmiller5443 День назад
After an hour of your repetitive hate spewing, I had to stop. I did give the video a thumbs up, but it's for you to sit on...as you already have enough for this garbage rant against fictional work, I'll remove the 'like'. Try less pomp, next time. Or try remembering what FICTION and ENTERTAINMENT is. You want real, go outside, mo'fuqa. Damn.
@freshney День назад
Shut up
@douglaslamar1530 День назад
"Shut up and consoom product, you annoying free-thinker."
@marcusmiller5443 День назад
@@douglaslamar1530 Such a lame response. I don't watch programming like that. I stick to giving 'nobodies' my time, as the nobodies have the most unique things to say. Cliques are a bane on society. I play Fallout, I don't watch Hellyweird film adaptations so much, EXCEPT to be entertained. Anyways, don't take meaningless (fictional) things so seriously. It will aide in your happiness, immediately.
@douglaslamar1530 День назад
@@marcusmiller5443 "Such a lame response." Meanwhile you try to defend a terrible show while also trying to say you shouldn't criticize it because it's fiction and entertainment. Grow up.
@marcusmiller5443 День назад
@@douglaslamar1530 You say defend, as if a work of fiction, or this conversation matters. You kids aren't very bright. Hate on, hater. You get no more of my time. Enjoy your misery, kiddo.
@marcusmiller5443 День назад
So, you have to ignore gubment officials and their propaganda pushers (remember Hunger Games? Everyone in district 1 were happy!) doing the same mistakes over and over in order to validate the claim Lucy isn't acting as a person in this environment should.
@Liberty_or_Ded 23 часа назад
"Remember a series that has nothing to do with this series?! That validates everything in this series!" T O U R I S T .
@marcusmiller5443 23 часа назад
@@Liberty_or_Ded you sound like a child that wants to have something real, and a game is as close as you can get. So childishly petty.
@Liberty_or_Ded 22 часа назад
@@marcusmiller5443 You sound like a zoomer who wishes they had something to be passionate about but can never really affix to something because they lack the attention span for it so they get pissy and butthurt when people call them out on their casual appreciation of anything that jangles keys in front of their tiktok-addled eyes for a few minutes.
@AlsoMeowskivich День назад
bruh, his comments on how "you haven't learned how to dodge" shows his failure of understanding of the dodging mechanics, as adaptability is more important than actually knowing when to and how to. You can pick up and use a shield at any time and block attacks, but your dodge is garbage at the start of the game because of the need to boost ADP so you actually get i-frames for the dodge to make it reliable. Not every player is aware of this, and it is one of the things that tends to make or break the game for people. No other souls game has a stat this important, especially one that isn't even talked up much. Most players just assume that dodging is garbage in the game and that ADP is the meme stat like how RES was in DS1. It's like saying "learn to play my way or you're playing the game wrong" when one of the fundamental features that brings people into this series with a wide range of experiences is that every game is playable in dramatically different ways so that the experience doesn't dull too much with every subsequent play through. Imagine if DS1 you HAD to play STR/FTH, in Elden Ring you HAD to do an ARC bleed build. Those games wouldn't be anywhere near as praised if that was the case. DS2 doesn't NEED you to play with ADP either, it's just merely an option. ESPECIALLY with the life gems being a thing, tanking hits is literally a viable option, and likely the easiest to just turtle up and regen when you get low. That's one of the things that's great about the series. Dodging negates all damage at the risk of taking the full effect if you mis-time. Blocking negates a portion of the damage as long as you can withstand the attacks via stamina or hp, and parrying can only be used in specific situation, but allows you to do a partial-block if your time is barely off when you use it so you're not at full risk of damage.
@marcusmiller5443 День назад
'Satire is throwing things through a wall'. The show incorporates satire. The entire thing isn't purely satire. Guy, the hate you harbor for Fallout is palpable! I'm calling you out as an 'Enclave type'.😂
@Liberty_or_Ded 23 часа назад
"You're an Enclave type!" says the guy who only played Fallout 3 and 4.
@marcusmiller5443 День назад
So, I think you may be missing a key point: The world has been destroyed beyond decent livability. By the 'geniuses that RAN the countries' (sound familiar? It's happening, in real time!). Fallout is like an 'Idiocracy' world, but, instead of succumbing to stupidity and sloth, they go out by stupidity and pride (pride month 🙄). And, for a reminder, as the old saying goes, "Pride goeth before the fall". Anyways, it seems clear you're not a fan of the Fallout stories.
@Liberty_or_Ded 23 часа назад
Uh no. Fallout is not a world run by an idiocracy. It is a world steered into oblivion by people who spent 120 years cultivating power and control over the masses through lobbying, corporatism, nepotism, and corruption. The US doesn't go out by "stupidity and pride," it is deliberately guided into annihilation and ruin by the Enclave, the Shadow Government puppeteering everything that happens in the US leading up to the Great War. The Enclave have literally everything going their way right up until The Chosen One dashes their plans virtually single-handedly. Were it not for the Chosen Ones, the Enclave would have dominated the Wasteland through a final genocide. Don't accuse others of not being a fan of the fallout series when you've only played 3 and 4, you pompous unctuous tourist.
@fuckoffyou День назад
TV series can only be as smart as the writers, and these writers are idiots.
@marcusmiller5443 День назад
Max and Lucy both set their luck at maximum, at beginning of show. 😂
@marcusmiller5443 День назад
In 76, I infiltrates the brotherhood to distribute their chaches to the Foundation and the Crater (the two factions of truly free people).
@Liberty_or_Ded 23 часа назад
The fact you played 76 utterly dismisses any credibility you have about anything regarding this show, man.
@jruss609 День назад
I appreciate greatly all the clips of New Vegas, F3, F4, and especially Victoria 3. This guys games.
@michaelzullo9708 День назад
Please do an edit without the screaming bit. I use your videos to fall asleep
@AlsoMeowskivich День назад
I used lock-on and I enjoyed dark souls 2, but I guess I'm an anomaly?
@jolliapplegirl День назад
So far, I think the main solution to the show would just be to change the setting. It would negate any lore inconsistencys and force a more original story since they can't piggy back off of known characters. Secondly, despite liking the show, the ending parts felt weird to me. I like the build up but the payoff felt much flatter than I'd like. Maybe a smaller plot would have helped.
@Liberty_or_Ded 23 часа назад
It felt weird to you because it's all shit, bro.
@jolliapplegirl 23 часа назад
@@Liberty_or_Ded The ending ruins everything before it but what came before isn't bad. With a better conclusion, the first couple episodes would have been great.
@Liberty_or_Ded 22 часа назад
@@jolliapplegirl The first couple episodes where the set-up for everything makes no sense and is an ass-pull that falls apart under even the most casual scrutiny...? Look man, I'm gonna be honest, and I think you should consider this too: I think your appreciation for the first few episodes came from your desire to want this show to be good, and the fact it had the most bog-standard, barely-adequate semblance of a writing hook had you suckered into thinking it had more potential than it really did. A mediocre writer will write something bad from the beginning and it will end badly. That's a 5 out of 10 writer. A BAD writer however will take what seems to be a good concept, and plow it into the ground by the mid-point of the story.
@jonzu4 2 дня назад
Joss threw glitter on a turd. His version is at least watchable. Well, slightly more watchable.
@issibey6091 2 дня назад
@jonzu4 2 дня назад
That image of cyborg and the missiles is burned into my retina.
@darkzeroprojects4245 2 дня назад
Honestly , watching this vid was a bad idea for me. Knew the show be bad, but omg.....im sceaming in rage and insanity deep inside. Cuz this amount of garbage on top of some of the worst "capitalisim bad" stuff I ever seen in my life so far. Also on the canon, last i recall, since bethesda bought fallout after 2, the new lore stuff in their sequels were disrespectful to the first 2 games canon anyways.
@BigPanda096 2 дня назад
If dr. Strange had a POV his hotbar would look like a WoW Shaman in Wrath of the Lich King.
@DaniloRSilva-hh8md 2 дня назад
I prefer The Force Unleached over The Force Awakens.
@howdyfriends7950 2 дня назад
ok the one where you're locked on and you're missing, that one is 100% intentional, it's called locked-on aiming, i think it should be disabled by default, because it's not super useful in casual/PvE but it gives the game a much higher skill ceiling. basically it aims at your target by default, but it allows you to manually aim your swing if you move the left stick while swinging. the reason i think it should be disabled by default is that it's seldom useful in PvE and just tends to cause headaches for casuals, and the type of person who can and will change the setting is also the type of person who can make use of manual aim. definitely should be disabled by default so that when you're locked on you're always swinging at your target and you can use the left stick exclusively for movement, but in PvP situations and certain boss fights or NPC invaders, where they use rapid means of evasion and invincibility like a dodge roll, it's really useful to be able to throw out a read and catch them out of a roll, have that combo into a stagger chain. basically in pvp it lets you lock on, let go of the camera (no more claw grip!) and focus your right hand exclusively on attacking, rolling etc. and then use left stick for movement and aiming. but it's a totally different play style that you really need to dedicate some time to learning, it's very similar to playing without lock-on, but while still having the camera locked on. sorry it caused so much trouble for you, but it's a very useful feature to have that overall raises the skill ceiling of pvp! it definitely should be disabled by default, i 100% agree with that, because it is very hard to get used to.
@remrad4315 2 дня назад
I liked the show. I didn't think it was amazing or anything but I definitely thought it was a good watch.
@Liberty_or_Ded 23 часа назад
Yeah well even babies like jingling keys in front of their faces...
@remrad4315 23 часа назад
@@Liberty_or_Ded good thing the shows better than a set of jangling keys and is actually a fun watch then huh!
@Liberty_or_Ded 22 часа назад
@@remrad4315 No, it's really not, but whatever helps you feel like a big boy, huh!
@HitoriSanzo 2 дня назад
This show stinks, just like the one piece live action stinks. I don't understand how people got this extremely low standards. I know the other thrash we're being fed is worse but that doesn't mean this one is good
@thatrandomredengine9430 2 дня назад
The image of Palpy looking on in horror is very fitting 😂👌
@someeejit 2 дня назад
2:01:30 clown movie clip
@TheAireaidLord 2 дня назад
If they were gonna have Arya be the one to kill the Night King, they should've had her use the faceless ability to disguise herself as a white walker and then kill the night king. When they have the close up shot on that one white walker right before Arya teleports through everyone, I thought THAT was Arya. Like it would've still been annoying but at least they could've had her training pay off for the ULTIMATE reason.
@wtfover4931 2 дня назад
How much of this is influenced by that movie a boy and his dog.