kiro talks
kiro talks
kiro talks
i talk about video games, mostly.

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The Redemption Year of the 3DS
14 дней назад
The Worst & Best Game Console Names
21 день назад
I Miss Sonic Character Spinoffs
21 день назад
Food Collabs with Video Games
Месяц назад
The Flawed But Amazing Sonic Game
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The Weird & Underrated Sonic Collection
Месяц назад
The Disappointing & Forgotten Sonic Series
2 месяца назад
The Sad Death of the Wii U
2 месяца назад
The Joy of Nintendo Wii U Games
2 месяца назад
The Painful Early Days of the Nintendo 3DS
3 месяца назад
The Last Great Console War (2005-2012)
4 месяца назад
The Forgotten 2000's Zelda FPS
4 месяца назад
What's the Best Way to Get Games?
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What Was Gaming Like In 2004?
5 месяцев назад
The Weird Era of Nintendo (1993-1995)
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When Should a Game Console Die?
5 месяцев назад
When Is A Game Considered "Retro"?
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When Was The Golden Age of Video Games?
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Princesses in Video Games
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Evil Versions of Characters
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Escort Missions in Video Games
6 месяцев назад
@belstar1128 10 минут назад
it was a good game but not as good as mario 64 or mario oddessy because it is more linear and has less replayability .with a game like mario 64 it took a long time to explore everything despite the levels being small there were secrets everywhere. while in mario galaxy you just warp from place to place its cool at first but gets dull after a while
@crashy918 51 минуту назад
2024 and we're getting a new Zelda game where she's the protagonist.
@nobodycares5050 2 часа назад
Brawl has been replaced by Smash 4 as the Ugly Duckling Brawl nostalgia has really helped that game's reputation wheras Smash 4 is just kinda there
@RezeedTheDataspirit 2 часа назад
Here's a better question. As an excuse of pulling from the entire franchise, what would you want as Sonic Generations DLC?
@tyleracuna2567 4 часа назад
I like that the GameCube runs at 60 fps and there is barely any input lag. Even though I think the wires are way too short, the controller is comfortable and responsive
@paulo547 9 часов назад
This game is honestly my least favourite Mario game. I didn't pay much attention about the atmosphere. And about the ost, i remember only like 2 or 3 tracks. The gameplay felt really slow to me, and the controls are really off compared to the other 3d mario games. I somehow love playing 3d world or 3d land. But in my opinion, mario galaxy is like, Super Mario 3d Land in space with better graphics and less good physics. I also hate how you go to a level, it's painfully slow.
@requiem6465 12 часов назад
You could do a sequel choosing rival fights and boss fights as well
@ike.0037 12 часов назад
1:37 green hill is not the best zone in the franchise💀. It’s the most recycled level, hell windy hills better
@ike.0037 12 часов назад
Why doesn’t sega just have us buy the shadow part for like $30 for the people who already have generations to include it with the game instead of having us buy another generations game💀
@TKG785 13 часов назад
The way the atmosphere, soundtrack, and gameplay all blend together. The moment Mario flies towards a galaxy, the player is greeted with nothing at first. A void surrounding Mario, as he continues his flight. Only for the planets to come into view as Mario gets closer, showing off all the locations the player can visit, inviting them to explore what exactly goes on in each galaxy. Finally followed by a triumphant piece of music the moment Mario lands, signifying the start of a grand adventure and the player being able to live out all adventures they imagined.
@champion_ofcloud-var 13 часов назад
5:17 yes, thats how gravity works
@AllStarKingD 14 часов назад
I wouldn't call Galaxy sad at all. I never got depressing from Galaxy. The music is way too cheery and it's also a very bright and colorful game. It's more whimsical than sad, like a ice skating show.
@3elawi 14 часов назад
SHIT I couldve been in here. My comment didn’t get selected
@ManFromThePits 16 часов назад
I played Galaxy 2, still haven't played 1. I loved the wide range of different gimmicks in each level, keeping the game fresh as you went on.
@TomHorton-kp3yx 16 часов назад
Bro forgot sa2 green hill
@garsrandom4358 17 часов назад
How to make a Mario and sonic platformer: Exhibit A: SEPARATE STORIES
@jrme4216 17 часов назад
Because its cute, here ive saved 10min
@vitordaniel961 17 часов назад
I would'nt be totally against having white park from sonic 4
@ricmagus 18 часов назад
I find it curious that some comments say things like "maybe because I'm from the 90s I'm not into Mario Galaxy" (this was the most recent post I read, I'm not being specific with anyone XD) however... I I'm from the second half of the Eighties, that is, when I played Mario Galaxy, I was already an adult a long time ago... and Mario Galaxy is my favorite Mario game, and one of my favorite 3D platform games too. I think that age or time of birth doesn't have much to do with whether you like a game more or less, but rather your expectations. Maybe the game's gimicks weren't to your liking. or maybe it's the soundtrack, but the age... I don't believe it. I still find myself discovering MODERN games that I'm a fan of to this day (for example, the "no kiseki" series by Nihon Falcon. Anyway, that's what I wanted to comment on XD. Mario Galaxy is one of my favorite games (and this is coming from a 40 year old grown man, who has been through practically all eras of video games) and I hope that Nintendo will one day make a sequel (which in this case would be 3 :P) ps: the example in the begining was only that: an example. i hope nobody be mad at me ^^'
@RoseBlush64 18 часов назад
i feel like galaxy was the first "modern" feeling mario game. the jump from sunshine to this was huge considering the wii wasn't that big of an upgrade from the gamecube.
@RoseSupreme 18 часов назад
Sonic & Garfield was my jam.
@nick-cepticon782 18 часов назад
Mario Galaxy isn’t a good 3D Mario bc it fails at tying course clear and sandbox gameplay together. That being said, it’s still a beautiful game that deserves to be remembered. Also Peach’s Castle solos the Comet Observatory any day
@spencerdokes6056 19 часов назад
Be great of you play even a second or 2 of the music you gush about. But we cant expect the best from all youtubers
@RoseBlush64 18 часов назад
nintendo usually claims or takes down videos that use their music
@natejoe9924 20 часов назад
Mario 64 will always be my favorite highly regarded the first 3D Mario game
@PlatformChef 20 часов назад
Oh My God! Thank you so much for adding my comment to the video! That really Brightened my day!
@vianabdullah2837 20 часов назад
I'll defend the Wii entries of certain series any day of the week. Brawl's single player content feels most substantial out of all the Smash games. Super Paper Mario has a cult following for having the best story in any Mario game. Skyward Sword is like Mario 3D World in that it was released in the time when fans wanted the series to go in a different direction, but they're easier to appreciate now that BOTW and Odyssey exists.
@sonnyman4545 20 часов назад
@JasLamArr91 20 часов назад
I thiught the game was a nice time for a linear style game. Playable Luigi was great! It introduced Rosalina to the series. But even I think its overrated. Mario was stiff to control, the spin move was ok and the gravity mechanic didn't cooperate at times.
@jomaq9233 20 часов назад
Welp, the Waitress Amy skin is now straight up available for free
@jomaq9233 21 час назад
*Odyssey Central would like to know your location*
@B0ssguy 21 час назад
i don't understand why people like it so much, atmosphere and music are awesome but the movement is so bad and level design annoying that it ruins the whole games. if a 3d platformer has bad movement it fails as a 3d platformer, and every single other 3d mario including 3d world exceeds at it
@ordinary_deepfake 21 час назад
Just the best 3d Mario
@esodelixuser 21 час назад
Is it just me or does ps5 look similar to Wii
@Sly88Frye 21 час назад
Maybe it's because I grew up in the '90s, but I don't really go back to Super Mario Galaxy. It would be nice to play it again though but after I beat it when I first got it on my Wii when it first came out 2007 and I forget exactly when I beat it it must have been maybe like a month later I'm not sure, I didn't really play it that much after that. However perhaps I would have been really happy to actually just play it again anyway Maybe from the beginning instead of just trying to unlock everything. Super Mario 64 is the game I really love to go back to the most when it comes to 3D Mario. But then again I grew up with that game. And it's aged really well. Clearly Super Mario Galaxy has aged really well too, but I just don't have the fond memories with it that I had with Super Mario 64. I'm not even know if the memories are even that fun there I just enjoyed it so much. But honestly yes I would love to play Super Mario Galaxy again. Sadly I've literally never played Super Mario Sunshine. Hopefully I'll be able to play that some point
@elwen8525 23 часа назад
The thing is with Mario galaxy is that it pits an Italian Plummer made by a Japanese game studio against the back drop of space. One of the first shots you see in space is Mario on some sort of tiny dwarf planet against some sort of large nebula or planet
@epicgamner1139 23 часа назад
because its the bestest most awesomest game ever created, also probably because the majority of people who are active on the gaming side of the internet right now grew up with the wii so nostalgia is most likely a factor. But SCREW NOSTALGIA, ITS FAKE, THIS GAME KICKS MEGA ASS AND WHEN YOU GET LAUNCHED THROUGH A WARP STAR THE WIIMOTE MAKES THAT LIL "BWEEBWEEBOP" SOUND AND ITS ALL BITCRUSHED AND SUBMERGED SOUNDIN' AND IT RULES BRO IT RUUUUULES
@pleaseenterausername9516 23 часа назад
I always loved the atmosphere of Galaxy even though from a gameplay perspective it's easily my least favourite 3D Mario game. I've never stood still in other 3D Marios just to exist in a level. The music and art direction is incomparable in any other game of this series.
@Krem_Krem 23 часа назад
I think it’s quite disingenuous to call the Wii entries of most Nintendo games their weaker entries when most had strong outings. For example: Twilight Princess, Mario Kart Wii, Kirby’s Return to Dreamland, Mario Galaxy 1 & 2, Donkey Kong Country…
@theplinko9840 19 часов назад
Twilight Princess was absolutely one of the weaker Zeldas. Skyward Sword would’ve been a much better example.
@SweaterSwagg 18 часов назад
Wasn't Twilight Princess released on GC as well? Plus Double Dash stomps Wii imo
@Krem_Krem 18 часов назад
@@SweaterSwagg Ye, but it came to the Switch first. That’s like claiming the Breath of the Wild doesn’t count as a Switch game because it came out on WiiU
@hyrulehero2773 13 часов назад
I really gotta agree with Kiro on this one. To get it out of the way, Twilight Princess beats out Skyward Sword, but I do think of it more as one of the GameCube Zelda games. To go along with that, I actually wouldn’t disagree with the notion that Breath of the Wild is “the Wii U Zelda game” while Tears of the Kingdom gets to be dubbed “the Switch Zelda game.” I outright hate Mario Kart Wii and think the previous two games at least were definitely better. Kirby’s Return to Dream Land is good, but as a hardcore Kirby fan, I still think there are plenty of better Kirby games from before and after (examples including 64, Epic Yarn, Triple Deluxe, and Planet Robobot). At best, Donkey Kong Country Returns is just lesser Tropical Freeze with arbitrary motion controls, and even then, I actually just prefer the original trilogy. I still like Galaxy 2 fine enough on its own, but I find that it has a lot of weird downgrades following Galaxy 1 that lead to me ultimately disregarding the game as obsolete. I mentioned Epic Yarn, and yeah, I would sooner use that game as an example of a pinnacle Wii entry (it does more to stand out as its own thing compared to Return to Dream Land). So what, 2 games (Galaxy 1 and Epic Yarn) that stand out as examples of top tier Wii entries in then established Nintendo franchises with many games? That’s not very impressive to me and it’s one of the primary reasons that I don’t think very highly of the Wii.
@TedWilder 7 часов назад
FWIW, Skyward Sword is in my top 5 Zelda games. It's #5, but top 5 nonetheless
@amirgarcia547 23 часа назад
Great story+amazing atmosphere+melodic soundtrack+fun and varied level design are some of the few explanations I can think of. Out of all the 3D Mario games I played, Mario Galaxy definitely ended up striking a chord with me the most, and I was more than glad to revisit it many years later in 3D All-Stars.✌🏽
@TTG-37 День назад
Sonic 3 is better than Sonic K
@jordancooney6817 День назад
I was kind of helping my comment would be showing the video, but oh well. Good video.
@osmandahman9162 День назад
the difficulty
День назад
This is single handedly the most overrated Mario game of all time
@dualFace_ День назад
Bro Mario 64 is right there
23 часа назад
@@dualFace_ Yeah it's overrated but I think Galaxy gets glazed 10x worse for how little it added to the series compared to 64
@patrickquinones2533 23 часа назад
Nah 64 is always more overrated than galaxy
@dr.wolfstar1765 День назад
Playing galaxy on switch really shows its flaws. But galaxy and galaxy 2 on Wii are amazing
@mecxu761 День назад
It's the same thing
@epicgamner1139 23 часа назад
i like it on switch just fine, but the games shine on their original platforms
@mecxu761 23 часа назад
@@epicgamner1139 it's the same thing
@epicgamner1139 23 часа назад
@@mecxu761 well yeah, but there is some charm to playing with the wiimote and nunchuck. If it came across like i was saying that i didnt like this port, that's my bad. This is definitely the version of the game i play the most due to the convenience of the switch! There are just these little things that dont really hold it back from being a great port, but rather from being better than the original. Things like how the gyro is less reliable, how mario gets confused and walks in circles more often than he does in the original, lack of speaker on the joycon to play all the noises the wiimote did, ect. Nothing that makes the game bad, but things that still give me a reason to play my original copy over the switch port
@silveramyknux241 День назад
I love it for the atmosphere, the effort in the story at some points of it, Peakigi the Green Plumber is playable, the gameplay, and the level design. It also doesn’t have much filler stars unlike its younger brother Odyssey.
@extremmefan7305 День назад
Super Mario Galaxy was my first game ever, and to this day the mainline Mario game I hold in high regard so much that I'd place it amongst my best experiences in the series, right up there with the earlier eras of Mario RPGs (before the "blandification"). It's a Mario game that really was NOT afraid to be grandiose, providing a gigantic universe full of unique life and biomes, while subtly adding more to its narrative beyond the usual "Mario does good" shtick through the various civilizations and the Comet Observatory also having their own histories that are hinted at in the former's case and told through an optional yet lovable story in the latter's. I think going from concept alone, Odyssey feels like the only other mainline game that wanted to be this grandiose, and I'm more miffed on that one because of missed opportunities to use the "world tour" theme to revisit familiar locations (which the concept art shows they COULD'VE), whereas with Galaxy there's nothing of the sort holding it back; it explores a whole unknown *universe* afterall. And so, Galaxy is a game I hold dear to my heart as much as Paper Mario TTYD. (PS: regarding the Wii games of other Nintendo franchises, Brawl was amongst my first games and I can say for sure that the way you put its reputation has become sort of... outdated? It's gotten quite an amount of recognition for its one specific mode alone making it feel more like a crossover than even its supposedly-praised successors. I also think it's worth noting that, while not an *immediate* firstparty IP like Mario or Zelda, Kirby *also* hit a peak on this console, so it's not just Mario Galaxy that's a highly regarded firstparty Wii title; Return to Dreamland is up there too)
@Enigma75614 День назад
Because it’s a good game. It’s arguably the best 3D Mario to this day.
@trotmanscaife914 День назад
When I played it I thought it was Loki mid
@lawanimationsgaming4157 День назад
I reason Mario galaxy is my favorite Mario game is that. The game does a really good job of making you fell like your in the world. And the soundtrack is AMAZING
@Chillin-jg8vg День назад
Still the BEST Mario game imo.