Gender identity ideology in Wales
Gender identity ideology in Wales
Gender identity ideology in Wales
The influence of gender identity ideology on the Welsh Government
Jane Hutt, Gender Equality and NHS Wales - 57
2 месяца назад
Gender in Wales
3 месяца назад
@jeremymerrifield7244 27 дней назад
Why does this " Non-issue" bother so many Right Wing bores ?
@Vyx__ 28 дней назад
how would you define an adult human female?
@nigelthorne5717 28 дней назад
I'd look in the dictionary for the definition of the words adult , human, and female
@Vyx__ 28 дней назад
@@nigelthorne5717 so, someone who is over 18, is part of the human species, and who has XX chromosomes. But what about people with Swyers Syndrome? These people have XY chromosomes, but due to the absence of a YSR gene, their Y chromosome remains inactive, causing the person to develop female primary sex characteristics (genitalia, etc.). These people are assigned female at birth by doctors, and are raised as female by their parents. In many cases, it is only discovered that they have XY chromosomes after they fail to begin menstruating in adolescence. So, by this definition, these people wouldn't be considered women, even though they have female genitalia, are raised as female, and appear to all the world as female. Does this seem like a good definition of a woman?
@nixonagnewreviews7206 28 дней назад
@@nigelthorne5717 careful, cant even do that now since even dictionary are changing definitions to fit the leftist cult - like they added the elements of power and hierarchy to the definition of racism!!
@mandysymons2142 27 дней назад
Funny how this condition only affects xy and not xx you know the males ​@@Vyx__
@joanginsberg9604 27 дней назад
@@Vyx__ You are talking about a minute percentage of the whole population. What is under discussion here is the huge manipulation of a WHOLE population which feels it has to move aside to accommodate a militant percentage who do not even represent the folk you are talking about.
@tonyhoffman3309 Месяц назад
This is the opposite of what radfems have been saying online. In fact those such as magdalena berns, we're some of the first voicing objection to trans and gender ideology.
@Beachwavessun Месяц назад
@Beachwavessun Месяц назад
Jane Hutt needs a reality check.
@joanginsberg9604 Месяц назад
Essential viewing on sadly neglected but vital information. This break-down provides the key to the door as to how we arrived at this ridiculous juncture in our evolution.
@susanhill833 Месяц назад
The Cass Review was DEBUNKED, and proven to be nothing more than a biased hit job. Here is the REAL TRUTH about Gay and Transgenderism: It is NOT about chromosomes (the XX or the XY) or the BODY, it is about the STRUCTURE of the human brain. A Doctor with a Ph.D. in Genetics and his team did research on the STRUCTURE of the human brain. They studied the brain of straight women and straight men, gay women, and gay men, as well as transgendered women and transgendered men. What they found is this, the STRUCTURE of the brain between a male and a female is as different from each other as night is from the day. They also found that there are two distinct and separate areas of the brain that deal with sexuality and gender. They found that the area for sexual orientation in gay men is STRUCTURED the same as in straight women, NOT straight men, and in gay women, that area is STRUCTURED the same as in straight men, NOT straight women. Likewise, the center in the brain that deals with gender identity is the same, in transgender women (male to a female) it is STRUCTURED the same as in cis-women, (born and identify as female) NOT cis-men, (born and identify as male), and in transgender men, (female to male) it is STRUCTURED the same as in cis-men, NOT cis-women. It has been STRUCTURED this way since BEFORE birth. Two other teams in different parts of the world doing the same study all independent of each other found the exact same results. When a baby is first formed in the womb it is formed 100% female. Then after a few weeks, a signal from the father's genes tells the baby's body, the body only, to change and become male. The baby goes on for a few more weeks this way until it can produce a massive amount of the male hormone testosterone, which then tells the brain to change into the male pattern, such a massive amount will never be seen in that Child's life again except at the onset of puberty. If for some reason that baby does not get that massive dose of testosterone in the womb then the brain, or parts of it, continues to develop in the female pattern. Or in the case of gay women or Trans men, at some time in the mother's pregnancy that baby received a small dose of testosterone at the wrong time, either the mother ingested it somehow or her body produced it or the baby’s own body produced it all of which can and have happened. When a baby is being formed in the womb, any variation, even in the slightest, of the chemicals can cause birth defects. You have seen these birth defects in babies being born all the time, some born blind, or deaf, born with missing limbs, or heart problems, or even with a spine outside of the body, and many, many others. So why is it so hard for the right to believe that a person’s BRAIN can be STRUCTURED in the opposite way from what their bodies say they should be? You can believe in all other birth defects so why not this? I will use transgender women for this example, even though the body is male she likes all the same things a cis-gender woman likes, her emotional likes, wants and needs are the same as any woman's, and the way she sees the world is the same. Her interactions are the same, everything about her is the same as any cis-gender woman except the body. Sexual characteristics (the body) are set by the genes (the XX or the XY) but Gender is set by the STRUCTURE of the BRAIN, this has been proven through sound scientific study. Gender is how one see themselves and their place in the world and how they interact with it. If your body is set one way and your brain the other it causes a disharmony of mind and body (gender dysphoria) it is not now or ever has been a DELUSION or a PERVERSION or a MENTAL ILLNESS. When someone is going through life with this Dysphoria their life is a living hell, when people tell them that they can't be WHO they are inside because that person is uncomfortable with it then you are forcing the trans person to live in severe PAIN, Anxiety, and Depression, a PAIN that having your arms and legs cut off with a dull rusty hacksaw without any anesthetics seem like nothing in comparison, a pain that kills, LITERALLY KILLS. Think of everything you like and want as a man or a woman, everything that makes you, you, and then think how you would feel if you were constantly told that you can't have it, or be it, or do the things you love, because you are the opposite of who and what you are now, that you must bury everything that makes you, you because other people don't like it because it makes them uncomfortable, If constantly you were told that you were evil and dammed because you are who you are, denied a job, or a home, insulted, belittled, assaulted and even targeted to be KILLED just because you exist, how would you feel? Women, think how would you feel if you were forced to live, think, told to feel like and be a man, And told that you MUST do what men do, how men do it, see things the way men see them in order to be a man and you MUST be a man and that something is wrong with you if you don’t? How would you handle that? Men, think how you would feel if you were forced to live, think, feel, and be a woman? Told that you MUST do what women do, how women do it, see things the way women see them in order to be a woman and you MUST be a woman and that something is wrong with you if you don’t? How would you handle that? A trans woman does NOT fit, in a man’s social circle the same way a man does and yet they are expected to if they do not go through transition, they are expected to think, feel, and act just like any cis-gender man in that circle, but they can’t because their brain is STRUCTURED differently, so they are insulted, belittled beat on ridiculed, and humiliated by these men, constantly, all because their brain is STRUCTURED the same way a cis-gender woman’s brain is STRUCTURED. With their brain being STRUCTURED that way they would fit into a woman’s social circle but with their bodies being male, again they don’t fit in and they are excluded. They want to wear the same outfits the women wear because their brains tell them they should be just like them. Everything inside them SCREAMS that they are just like the people who are of the opposite gender and yet they are NOT allowed to be because other people are uncomfortable with them doing so, so they are FORCED to live in severe PAIN, anxiety, and depression. Trans people just want to be accepted for who they are, they want and are deserving of the very same rights as everyone else, no more and NO LESS. Here is the truth about the road to transition: First, the person MUST go to therapy, no therapy no transition, they will meet with a therapist who has knowledge and experience with transgender people. During this time they will begin social transitioning, social transitioning is nothing more than changing one's name and pronouns, and appearance such as hairstyle and clothing. Then after a number of sessions with the therapist (usually about a year) if the Dysphoria continues, and depending on the age of the person they may be given puberty blockers, (which are reversible). Then after many more sessions with the therapist and again if the Dysphoria continues they may be given hormones, it is these that have irreversible effects. Last: when they reach the age of CONSENT (CONSENT, NOT A KID, NO ONE IS DOING SURGERY ON KIDS) and if the Dysphoria continues, and if they have lived in the gender of their choice for a MINIMUM of 1 full year, and have letters from two therapists with one having a P.HD in psychology with both therapists having seen the person over a period of time they may get a consult from the surgeon, and there is usually a long waiting list for that, after the consult if the surgeon agrees then you get on the long waiting list for the surgery. IF ANYONE TELLS YOU DIFFERENTLY FROM THIS THEY ARE LYING TO YOU. Definition of a woman: How you define a woman is by how she sees herself, a woman is one who sees herself as one in mind and soul. If a person sees themselves as a woman, thinks as a woman, acts as a woman, and lives as a woman, then what is the harm to treat and respect her as one? If you cannot have compassion for another human being then how can you ask others to have compassion for you? Show compassion, empathy, and respect by calling them the name they prefer and with the pronouns they prefer. It does NOT harm you to do so but it does great harm to them when you don’t. Definition of a Man: How you define a man is by how he sees himself, a man is one who sees himself as one in mind and soul. If a person sees themselves as a man, thinks as a man, acts as a man, and lives as a man, then what is the harm to treat and respect him as one? If you cannot have compassion for another human being then how can you ask others to have compassion for you? Show compassion, empathy, and respect by calling them the name they prefer and with the pronouns they prefer. It does NOT harm you to do so but it does great harm to them when you don’t. Some of you reject the LGBTQ community because you have a need to feel morally superior to others, “pull the beam out of your own eyes before you try to pull the mote out of another’s”. Some of you reject the LGBTQ community because you don’t understand it and it fills you with fear, fear of something that is different from what you are used to, different from YOU, either one goes forward or one stagnates and dies, you limit your thinking and can’t or won’t learn, grow, and adapt. Some of you reject the LGBTQ community because you just want to hate and hurt others, it gives you a sick thrill, and you use the LGBTQ as an excuse to do so. But ALL of you who do these are small, weak, insecure, monumentally stupid, and utterly pathetic excuses of human beings.
@sylviarogier1 Месяц назад
A FB advertiser sent me an ad for an LGBTQ+ inclusive coffee maker: The Moka Pride is a special coffee maker created in honor of the LGBTQIA+ community. With an attractive design featuring the vibrant colors of the rainbow, this Moka not only celebrates diversity and inclusion but also carries a message of pride and solidarity. Made with high-quality materials and excellent craftsmanship, the Moka Pride offers a unique coffee experience, allowing anyone to enjoy a cup of coffee with an extra touch of meaning. With the Moka Pride, every coffee moment becomes an opportunity to celebrate love and the freedom to be oneself.
@terffanman Месяц назад
Virtue signalling sells
@joanginsberg9604 2 месяца назад
Many thanks for revealing the narcissistic cruelty of these "people" and their total disdain for the welfare of children. It's easy to have allies when you are speaking in an echo chamber like these pseudo academics and when you close down debate by bullying and crude activism tactics like their limpets who hang around the Senedd and scuttle in and out of the woodwork in different institutions--Stonewall being but one. Do parents really want potty-mouthed men in drag dictating their children's future? Men like Hutchinson? The lunacy couldn't be more apparent. And yet it persists.
@Beachwavessun 2 месяца назад
Wales should be ashamed of itself pushing this ideology. Our poor children and their future.
@joanginsberg9604 2 месяца назад
@marieparker3822 2 месяца назад
What a load of grifting charlatans!😖
@gavrilopricip11 2 месяца назад
trans ideology is the equivalent of flat-earther or creationism for the left
@sheerluckholmes7720 2 месяца назад
Excellent job in compiling this indictment of femadness. At 6:44 ....Emma,Emma,Rachel and Dr Alison...introduce concepts of gender,intersectionality and...."a feminist government" 🙄 Your steady narration without 🤮 at the content was truly commendable. I hope your subs and views increase, keep up your good work. 🏋‍♂
@marieparker3822 2 месяца назад
They honestly believe they are doing good - don't they?
@terffanman 2 месяца назад
Regrettably, yes. It's a state sponsored cult
@joanginsberg9604 2 месяца назад
Perhaps the young, indoctrinated ones do. I have doubts about the older academics. I think they are of a different ilk by now
@JuliePip 2 месяца назад
God help us. Bloody insanity.
@ElaineWilliams-du1dh 2 месяца назад
Is Lisa a man?
@terffanman 2 месяца назад
No. She's a woman, lesbian and LGBTQ+ activist
@marieparker3822 2 месяца назад
It's Feminism, is it, Jim? *Not as I know it*.
@marieparker3822 2 месяца назад
Two comments advertised. One seen.
@joanginsberg9604 2 месяца назад
YT have a knack for making them disappear.
@suzannepadden7201 2 месяца назад
How anyone can promote sterilising children is beyond me. These are serious drugs which are guaranteed to cause long term health issues , no child can consent to a life of medication and surgery yet i know primary school kids fully transitioned. It's abuse. As for non binary give it a break. That was made up in 2010 probably as a joke. You are either male or female and nothing in between.
@demigog9523 2 месяца назад
All I see is vulnerable children being enticed to join this group, by the promise of inclusion, special treatment and support. Despicable and sad.
@colmanarchant6189 2 месяца назад
You must realise by now that talking about is promoting sexualisation of children especially grooming in schools. TAKE OUT THE DEMONS FORCING THE ABUSE OF CHILDREN
@marieparker3822 2 месяца назад
Btw, the English Defence League was disbanded several years ago (I think about eight years ago). It was founded in reaction to the organised gangs of Muslim men kidnapping, raping and prostituting thousands of mainly white - but also some Sikh and Hindu - young girls throughout England, some as young as twelve years old. The police, social services, Local and National Government, and the MSM made it clear that they were not interested in what was happening. The EDL began as a non-racial organisation, and had members of South Asian origin. Tommy Robinson, who founded the EDL, left it and disowned it after some years because he thought it had attracted racists. It no longer exists.
@marieparker3822 2 месяца назад
The Fawcett Society - what a disappointment!
@viejolincanada 3 месяца назад
People can criticize the Cass Review all they want and it doesn't matter because gender theory has a very weak conceptual foundation which makes it resemble a religion or cult. Expressions such as "Born in the wrong body" or referring to the "authentic self" being an undefined gendered-spirit, are not very scientific. I knew that this ideology was going to collapse because it was kept alive with insults (transphobic, bigot) and strong censorship from RU-vid and other social media. Now that the floodgates of sanity have opened up, there is some hope.
@viejolincanada 3 месяца назад
The Alphabet people are insane
@mandysymons2142 3 месяца назад
These people are insane
@marieparker3822 3 месяца назад
I note that three comments are indicated, but none seen.🤔
@terffanman 3 месяца назад
I don't know why it does that. Press Newest button
@scolexuk 3 месяца назад
What is so odd is that the Butler acolytes are now seeking to reinforce the gender binary by surgically altering the bodies of children who do not conform.
@terffanman 3 месяца назад
Yes. I presume that they do not care about the consequences.
@joanginsberg9604 3 месяца назад
Cardiff University seem to be at the cutting edge of promoting iatrogenic care packages for children who have been deliberately . confused by their own professors--notably E Renold's "Agenda" . It's time to let the grown-ups have a say. This has to stop. Thanks Nigel, for being the adult in the room
@terffanman 3 месяца назад
Sociologists seem to regard themselves as a new priesthood . Who thought that was a good idea? Arrogant ******
@edijester 3 месяца назад
Excellent analysis
@ebikescrapper3925 3 месяца назад
It's the new enlightenment and the way to achieve it is activism.
@suzannepadden7201 3 месяца назад
Thats story is disgraceful..
@Nikistitch1 3 месяца назад
@joanginsberg9604 3 месяца назад
Well done Nicky--brilliant video. ❤
@pitchdarkvoid 3 месяца назад
Not only is he spreading a horrible, extremely dangerous mind worm / mental virus of an ideology to children. Which is horrible enough, in its own right. But also, he is SO blatantly oversexualized and creepy! With his mannerisms, his looks, and the way he reads that text! With the insinuation of: "now, what exactly did they get UP TO, having sandwiches in that tree house, HMMMMM..?" Which I believe was intentional. And completely inappropriate for kids! Plus could help groom them, into accepting that behavior from trusted adults. And yeah.. Call me a paranoid TERF all you like. But as an adult, with an adult mind, it was impossible NOT to hear that! Or the creepy tone of his voice, just in general! And I think the reason why so many adults can't see, or hear, what's going on..? Is because they've wilfully shut down their own instincts, to "be kind"! Which, we should not at ALL prioritize being fake "kind", as far as kids go! We should prioritize their PROTECTION! Even if we err on the side of being slightly TOO strict, and slightly TOO protective! That is still a MUCH better outcome than having the alarm bells NOT go off, when they in fact should go off, and having kids abused by predators, or suckered into a dangerous body mutilation cult! If this guy wants to be part of "raunchy sexual innuendo drag queen hour for consenting adults, that are also into this sort of thing", I don't mind! Go right ahead! But you need to keep that sh1t the HELL away from kids! Plus I also think society needs to COMPLETELY stop glorifying it! And recognize it for the: A. oversexualized, NOT kid friendly, and often straight-up groom-y + B. EXTREMELY misogynistic and sexist, to the point of making a complete mockery of women, crap it is!!! Before I peaked, I used to think I had to LOVE drag, because "progressive", and oh, I need to support gay men, etc! But now..? I no longer think any such thing! You don't get a free pass for EXTREME misogyny, and mocking and parodying the f*ck out of women, in a demeaning, shamefully oversexualized way, just because you happen to be gay! F*ck off!!! Do I want to outlaw it for consenting adults? NO. But also, we need to get real about what this sh*t actually IS! And I indeed want society to COMPLETELY stop glorifying it! Plus ban it for kids. End of.
@joanginsberg9604 3 месяца назад
Thanks for the latest episode of Ghoul Watch, Nigel .
@AndyJarman 3 месяца назад
It's funny how the member pronounces chamber "shamber" - like its in denial it's a shambles but the truth wins out. They are determined to confect differences.
@AndyJarman 3 месяца назад
What connects the trans cult with being homosexual? Surely gay people find the same sex attractive whereas trans people think their body is wrong - two different things.
@AndyJarman 3 месяца назад
It's peculiar how week liberal democracy becomes when an elected assembly is established on the assumption political independance for a region is an inescapable destiny. Both the Welsh and Scottish assemblies appear prey to these bizarre cults because their rasin dêtre is to wrest power from Westminster and not to listen to and manage the concerns of the electorate.
@rachelg9868 3 месяца назад
Anyways much like the torah (old testament) these people serve saturn like the churches, whether knowingly or unknowingly. The true Father is not yahweh of the OT
@dukecity7688 3 месяца назад
Even with the rare condition of intersex, sex is binary. It is not assigned it at birth. A woman has never had a penis. A woman does not have a penis.
@theresearcher253 3 месяца назад
You cannot serve God and Mammon. Similarly, you cannot serve God and also serve the gender ideology cult.
@nilsbrown7996 3 месяца назад
Nice channel. Great voice. Music a bit much.
@sylviarogier1 3 месяца назад
There is a pastor in Sweden who has a video up on RU-vid called "Queer Theory on the Rise - Olof Edsinger". He talks about the things being taught in Swedish schools and there's a lot of overlap with what you talk about. Just in case you are interested. Thanks for all your work and making the information readily available to others. It's important to document this. I swear someday sociology and history students will be writing their master's thesis on this.
@sylviarogier1 3 месяца назад
There is a pastor in Sweden who has a video up on RU-vid called "Queer Theory on the Rise - Olof Edsinger". He talks about the things being taught in Swedish schools and there's a lot of overlap with what you talk about. Just in case you are interested. Thanks for all your work and making the information readily available to others.
@lostintranslation1957 3 месяца назад
You can have God in your life but he won't have you in his if you indulge in depravity and sin. You won't be going to the Pearly gates.
@femalism1715 3 месяца назад
LGB without the T or the rest of the alphabet. Stonewall lost the plot years ago. The organization is no longer fit for purpose.
@mandysymons2142 3 месяца назад
Keep it up you are providing good information
@Meta9871 3 месяца назад
Sex is real, gender isn't. Cry about it.
@SebastiansSebastian-fc4pj 3 месяца назад
They're the Same thing, one just more cencored, cry about it (before John Money lied about the words meaning)
@Meta9871 3 месяца назад
@@SebastiansSebastian-fc4pj mf John Money CAME UP with the word gender, HE COINED IT. ywnbaw
@SebastiansSebastian-fc4pj 3 месяца назад
@@Meta9871 he didnt. the word existed before him and was used to specifically refer to ones reproductive role in "proper" language. he coined the usage of it as a "social construct". he hated it being synonymous.. why create something he hates and makes no sense to him? He did not create it
@joanginsberg9604 3 месяца назад
Brilliant as always. Thanks so much Nigel
@KyleKilroy 3 месяца назад
This is terrifying