Two brothers who have a passion for Monster Hunter and want to share that passion with fellow hunters!
The End of an Era for Monster Hunter
Месяц назад
WILD ideas for Monster Hunter Wilds
3 месяца назад
Monster Hunter Wilds Reaction & Discussion
6 месяцев назад
How Long is the Anomaly Grind in Sunbreak?
11 месяцев назад
Sunbreak Final Update Reaction
Год назад
Amatsu is Inevitable...
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A Monster Unlike Any Other…
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The 5 Best Species in Monster Hunter
Год назад
Are Maps in Rise Better than World?
2 года назад
The Rathigram Pacer Test
2 года назад
@LUXurious_Edition 9 дней назад
ooga booga
@krogardious 11 дней назад
Bad and gay taste
@Sundoulos007 11 дней назад
Storm here, the lightning dragon would definitely explain all of the lightning during sandstorms and the lightning rod on the backs of those herbivores.
@frostdragonheart2500 11 дней назад
was a fun, but rather small, trailer. The Balahara are quite exciting!
@sauliun8581 11 дней назад
some people thinks that the electric dragon will be another magala due to his color and the shape of the wings
@BakeNation_MH 11 дней назад
That’s an interesting interpretation. I don’t think it will be another Magala, but I like the speculation.
@itsturniptime3699 11 дней назад
From the shots we’ve seen it appears to only have four limbs like Rathalos or Seregios so it may just be a flying Wyvern
@odieguanhock813 10 дней назад
It does look like magala when I saw it the first time. When I watch it again the horn is frontward. But when it fly off the wing shape is like magala.
@aize1459 12 дней назад
i would change up the idea of the layered armor a bit. I think it is more rewarding if you only get the layered armor after you crafted the complete normal armor set. It is also a bit more frustrading if you only want the headpiece for an example, but for me it sounds more balanced that way. otherwise it would be way to easy to get layred armor i guess
@LAMBO3601 13 дней назад
Bloodbath has to return not as a Deviant but as a rare species. It has to be the craziest non Frontier fight in main series.
@LAMBO3601 13 дней назад
The Citadel has one of the best area themes ever in MH
@Talk.to.Gogeta1995 17 дней назад
If you ear well, the narwa and the ibushi have the 2 differents sisters for each one and the Allmother is the copbination of the 2 voices of the sisters
@JazyNerdyGirlReacts 17 дней назад
I think mh wilds is collabing with wildhearts if true id like to see them implament there building traps and spring boxes etc.
@bladedicedragon 17 дней назад
Cosmetic knives is fine, but there should be no in game difference, the knives are made of an EXCEEDINGLY RARE metal, as they don’t need to be sharpened, and they are given to hunters upon being officially cleared for duty, so they are not made in batch quantities, and they are sharp enough to pierce ANYTHING, as they pierce the strongest hides like a lightsaber
@ghosttoast9983 18 дней назад
So many of your ideas seem like steps backwards. Creating different versions of whetstones, pickaxes, etc just undoes the streamlined optimization the franchise has worked towards while simultaneously increasing to the ever growing bloat of essential items hunters have to carry, in turn leaving less room for gathered materials, one of the main focuses of the game. I understand you want to preserve the old game feel in some way but it's better to leave those concepts in the past. It's not as if those games disappeared, if players want to experience it they can continue to play the older titles. Accept the franchise has evolved rather than trying to live in the past. Same goes for the hunting knife concept, just like wanting different whetstones it only serves to make an already grindy experience EVEN MORE grindy while making an absolutely minimal difference to gameplay. Consider this: why ask the developers to go through the effort of coding in several different whetstones when the only ones people will want to use are the best ones, along with creating hundreds of different hunting knife models, where again the only ones anyone are going to use will be the best ones, leaving hundreds of hours of work relatively pointless. All these ideas do at the end of the day is punish players that can't or simply don't want to have to sink precious time into things that aren't the focus of the game, like fishing for the best whetstone. That's not to say all your ideas were terrible though. Your rework to the armor system and especially the camp were spot on and would make excellent changes in order to restore some aspect of difficulty and resource managment to being in the field.
@friskycalibri2293 19 дней назад
I know that this is two years old, but the theme you describe as "Gen 2 desert theme" is only for Freedom Unite. Gen 2 also has the MHDos/Freedom 2 theme. (MHFU desert theme belongs to Diablos, MHDos/MHF2 theme belongs to Daimyo Hermitaur.)
@CheckMark1999 21 день назад
Rise is better for combat and World is better for acting like a real ecosystem.
@kokik3443 24 дня назад
your ideas are reasonable BUT i dont like the camp one cause imagine you are fighting a black dragon one of the hardest things in the game AND YOU ONLY GET 20 MEGA POTIONS PER HUNT?ONLY 4 MAX POTIONS? might as well tell me to fk myself and send me to go try for a month until i go insane and do it no hit
@bustocream97 27 дней назад
Id like to see a new status applied by raw only monsters like diablos and tigrex. Maybe sandblasting, causing your weapons to lose sharpness faster/taking longer to reload. And if sandblast is on a weapon, it can apply the iceborne tenderizing effect but more balanced somehow. Edit: Got to the 2 minute mark lmao
@extreme_marinade8879 27 дней назад
today,raka fire anomaly lvl 103 3 hbg and i got hammer;impossible in 30mn,newbies low life just like bad meta and proud of it!
@TheRotten1166 29 дней назад
Here's a anothe idea for hunting knives: They increase the chance of getting a speecific part. base on the element of the knifee and sharpness
@lanius1084 Месяц назад
I was really disappointed by the new versions of old themes in sunbreak. it was a great opportunity to change the feeling of these themes in interesting ways but to me they just sound like almost 1:1 remakes, the only exception is astalos. The best remake still remains to be misutsunes theme tho. Also while i think the citadel really doesnt sound nearly climactic enough i still would put it as my 4th or 5th favorite
@imsirnootnoot Месяц назад
12:26 are those modes leg pices or a layed amor piece i never made?
@ericjoestar1065 Месяц назад
i like all ideas, except the Knife thing and Layered Armor. idc really for the Knife, but i want Layered Armor to be an Endgame Activity, as it was in Iceborne. i'm fine with how it was in Rise/Sunbreak too.
@totembandicoot1697 Месяц назад
the lost code hunting horn sound like the character selection in 2ndG to portable 3rd, more distorted but similar?
@draconicfeline6177 Месяц назад
So i should do hunting horn
@alexjitaru6296 Месяц назад
I falled in love with monster hunter in the same way as you did🫡
@apenguinthatlikestodraw2721 Месяц назад
That’s actually really interesting that 241 to 300 took so much longer than getting to 241 in the first place. I guess the exp scaling really kicks off.
@SugeryGold Месяц назад
Pls don’t encourage capcom to consider micro transactions
@daniellobo8813 Месяц назад
I would add to the hunting knives idea that if you use element matchups you get increased chance for rare drops when carving, as well an extra carve or two.
@Ink_Floyd Месяц назад
Rise was in development before world. World's monster footprints are "invisible", but the palamutes will often do a "sniffing" animation while riding them. Some monsters like Rathalos, Tigrex, and Anjanath retained their territory marks from World.
@Ink_Floyd Месяц назад
They all same ugly sound with different tune..... Hope they go back to the original sounds.
@user-ed4tq7wz1k Месяц назад
20:00 As a wise Bazelguese once said : LETS FUCKING GOOO!!!!
@Bierzgal Месяц назад
World is a monster hunter game, Rise is a monster fighter game. Both are fine for what they are, but it's really hard to beat World maps and ecosystem. It feels magical, especially for the first time. Rise maps look like from a Playstation 2 game.
@lubbo5261 8 дней назад
Compared to the classic games even World isn't a Monster Hunter game.
@Sigil_Firebrand Месяц назад
As long as Valstrax returns in Wild I'll be happy. I only started playing the MH games with Rise but Valstrax instantly became my favourite monster.
@dudeinalake2813 Месяц назад
@monopolybillionaire5027 Месяц назад
I think boomerangs would be good new weapons
@falkpojken94dragon Месяц назад
that's what made monster hunter 3U the best MH imo
@BakeNation_MH Месяц назад
It is, and will always be, our favorite. The voice chat feature in the multiplayer servers really helped with building a sense of community.
@falkpojken94dragon Месяц назад
@@BakeNation_MH It really did and thank's to the oversized WiiU pad typing to your friends were super quick and easy. no need to open up 3 different menus to start chatting you know.
@fancyesquire8888 Месяц назад
I think besides personal preference, what you're listening on makes all the difference. I don't play Monster Hunter without good headphones. Those bass tones really make or break a song for me. For example the Brave Hunter hub theme I never get tired of listening on headphones, but I do if listening on a tv because it's so flat and the bass tones literally make the song and it's missing.
@LordShonji Месяц назад
Bazalgus? Thats definitely the pronunciation of all time
@ZeeCH_Music Месяц назад
I like the idea or Elemental damage separation this will make us see what else need to improve on stats. as for sharpness/sharpening weapon I like your idea but I would like to see more something like this: Ability to have stationary sharpening and walking sharpening (depends on how heavy the weapon), the stationary sharpening will give big increase the on sharpness while walking sharpening will give slow increase on sharpness. or make a ultimate sharpness that will hold for 30min. I also like your idea on Layered armor but some I know will be pissed of with this because some really want layered to be rewarding to the end game. Totally agree with knives , to be honest they need more action or use in hunting. even the Kunai.. never had a chance to use it.
@victormartinez4928 Месяц назад
I am sad that 4U online is ending (unless the community can revive the online) but for 3U i had the 3DS version and that one didnt have online . Practically played 3U solo
@darkclem2531 Месяц назад
meanwhile, emulator with online:
@gaybowser2050 Месяц назад
fuck nintendo bro
@Hazearil Месяц назад
After MHW and MHR, I thought of getting the older games. Sad to see some already got such limitations.
@BakeNation_MH Месяц назад
In terms of physical copies yes, but I know MH4U can be played together with others through emulation. As for MH3U, I don’t know if there is anything for it yet.
@bimachandra5859 Месяц назад
Back in 2013 I was playing MHFU in highschool school with friends and stopped playing when I graduated and never touched Monster Hunter again cuz it feels empty without friends. March 2024 I dated a girl playing MH4U and I bought second hand 3ds in secret just to play with her and she told me that 3ds is shutting down. Had great time playing together with her friends until it finally shut down. I guess that was a bad time to bought 3ds.
@BakeNation_MH Месяц назад
Perhaps not the best time to buy a 3ds, but at least you got the chance to play with her and her friends for a bit before servers shutdown.
@thedapperturkey Месяц назад
This video was excellent
@BakeNation_MH Месяц назад
Thank you, glad you enjoyed it!
@spinojo3070 Месяц назад
my 1st monster hunter game was world i never played 3U and 4U so i don't feel as connected as everyone else have also most of my monster hunting is done by solo until recently i start to play online i be more sad world and rise online discontinue and i know that's coming.
@BakeNation_MH Месяц назад
It may not happen anytime soon, but I would not be surprised years and years down the line when the Switch is an old-gen console of Nintendos and they discontinue online service for it as well.
@ksatriamadangdolan5345 Месяц назад
I play until P3 and skip 3U, 3DS is still expensive that day and it only support local play. After watching MH4 trailer, I bought 3DS immediately and I never regret that decision. The thing I like isn't about new weapons, palico trend system, monsters or equipment but the story. When playing MH4, the story and cutscenes make me feel like I'm on happy adventure, and not just blatantly hunting monsters for the first time when playing monster hunter since MH1, I feel alive. And the cutscenes is so good, funny how netflix Legend of the Guild animation look worse compared to 2013 game. Until this day MH4 story is still the best for me, the stories of monster hunter nowadays they make it look gloomy. Most monhan players probably didn't care about story and I'm used to be like that, but it change after experiencing MH4, I want more of it.
@BakeNation_MH Месяц назад
I do agree that the story of 4U is probably the best the series has pulled off. It felt like there was more natural progression throughout in terms of discovering more about Gore/Shagaru Magala and the steps it took to get to the end. I did enjoy the story of Sunbreak, but so far nothing has topped the story from 4/4U
@Dovahninja Месяц назад
Holy shit dude, you deserve way more subs, the production value in this is insane. Would love a behind the scenes video of how you do it!
@BakeNation_MH Месяц назад
First off, thank you! Secondly, there isn’t really much to say about the production other than just spending a lot of time as well as using a lot of presets that I put my own footage over and do a little tweaking.
@frostdragonheart2500 Месяц назад
Legend, if you're out there, this is us! We are Striker! Hope you're doing well
@Maki-GS Месяц назад
Without Legend we wouldn't have you guys in MH. Thank you, Legend.
@BakeNation_MH Месяц назад
He truly is a Legend, we can only hope he is doing well.
@Brutetank Месяц назад
Just pirate