Joel Peterson
Joel Peterson
Joel Peterson
My Channel is a conglomerate of my interests which potentially could be exciting! I will put on on whatever I feel like putting on whether it's a time lapse video of photo's I've taken to tutorials on hair.
Testing Out the Beard Straightener!
4 года назад
How I Style My Beard
4 года назад
Minoxidil Beard| Month 8
6 лет назад
@Naturalbabu4083 3 месяца назад
Its not natural minox....so side efect sure
@howiek1212 3 месяца назад
Theyre wrong, Nioxin if using the right # shampoo will slowly fill in areas of hair loss. Give it a month maybe more, use every day you will notice a difference
@Paras-dy2kz 5 месяцев назад
Was it 300ml or 1000ml bottle that lasted 6 months on daily wash
@Mohd386 5 месяцев назад
Hi bro i’m on minox journey and the results amazing. But there is one issue that I’m facing pigmentation. So any ideas on how to reduce that?
@slippy720 5 месяцев назад
I'm glad you've had good results, but I've never heard of the pigmentation issue.
@yeganehjafariazad7087 8 месяцев назад
Makes my hair dry and makes it fall often
@slippy720 8 месяцев назад
Yeah if it's drying your scalp out too much that's not going to be healthy for your hair. If you were going to have any version it would be best to get the one that is for colored hair because it's more gentle.
@israelisreal7781 8 месяцев назад
How long did you apply it for?
@PrepaidKreditkarte81 11 месяцев назад
Using Castor oil and Peppermint oil (3-4%) and hope for some results. I have been using it only 3 weeks so far and don’t see a change. Using it on beard and eyebrows. How long did it take for you to see results with minox? And what percentage you were using?
@creationsfldotcom Год назад
Joel I am looking for a friend to study with. Three things you must know to enter Heaven. The Creator's Name YHWH and His Son's Name Yahshua Messiah, the Holy Feasts, and the Creator YHWH Wrote a Song Long Ago, and Commands Everyone to Teach to your Children. I am a Davidic Servant, and urge you to study with me. The deceptions are multilayered, as after you leave the LDS group, because of all the Joseph Smith lies, now you need to learn about what the jews did to you. Yes, the jews are Lairs as well, and hid lots of things from you in the writing of the Bible, just to keep Salvation only for jews. You are doing right now “with the Lord God worship” the exact same thing that got the jews locked up in Babylon for 70 years. The jews are still doing it, and so are you. Real important you understand exactly what they did wrong, so you do not get tricked by the same deception, and another reason they were locked up, so you would know with out a doubt what not to do. 99.9% of Bible believing people do not know the only Song the Creator Commanded you to teach your children, and that is really SAD. That Song Makes me Stronger and Closer to the Creator! That Song Gives me Life and Salvation, and without it I will surely die! Lets just say it is more important to me than my life! The Song takes me 11 minutes to sing, no repeating sentences, and tells me this beautiful Story. I Love that Song. If the LDS or any group for that matter, would just read the first five Books of the Bible, you would be FREE! YES! FREE! 1. You would know if a man cut his hair he is not from the Creator. (99% of elders cut their hair. Lev. 19:27 “Ye shall not round the corners of your heads, neither shalt thou mar the corners of thy beard.” Prophet Must do this.) 2. If the church is not teaching you to sing That Beautiful Song The Creator Wrote, then you are in the wrong place, and its time to move on! 3. Would I honor your name if I put a J in front of it? That is intentionally dishonoring your name. Same goes with the Creator and Son “YahShua” “Yah is Salvation”, so simple. So why does the world worship one who comes in his own name “Iesus” opps… forgot to put the “J” in front of it, “Jesus” there, “that is better”! Which one do you think will Save you? The Greek god J+ Iesus, or the True Name of The Messiah? Yahshua! “My People die from Lack of Knowledge”. I can explain in great depth the "P", "D", "E", and "J" sources of the Bible, and the Dead Sea Scrolls. Just like the book of Mormon, the bible has been tampered with. Don't get out of one deception, and into another. This is extremely important to understand the Bible, and what was changed, and who changed it, and for what reason. Jer8:8 and 23:25-27 This knowledge changed my life. Where did the Language of “Hebrew” come from? Jews have killed to keep this a secret. I can explain this in great detail, and something you must understand to understand the "Holy Bible" (The Masoretic Text) I am not talking about what it says, but why it was changed when the jews wrote it. Why were there no Levites in Babylon? All these questions you should know the answer to. The reason you do not know these answers, is because the jews hide these things, their dirty little secrets. Do you want to keep His Feasts, or Sing His Beautiful Song? Then plan to be here at the coming Feast Sukkot begins at sundown on Friday, 29 September 2023 and ends at nightfall on Friday, 6 October 2023 This is something you will do every years with your friends. This is a party in the Keys, and the Creator said, “Deut. 14:26 And you shall bestow that money for whatever your soul lusts after, for oxen, or for sheep, or for wine, or for strong drink, or for whatever your soul desires: and you shall eat there before YHWH your Father and you shall rejoice, you, and your household, ”. We have lots to do here, we are is a wilderness for miles around, with deer that will lay down beside me, alligators, down the street, not were we swim, and bike, Kayaks, power, water, and WIFI. This is free for now, but only till it is full, I could have about 60 people, after that we will need to figure it out. There is plenty of camping area for a week that is free, and there is like 10 sq miles of that for a thousand people, but not with water, and power. probably wifi though, as we are right in the middle. Did you know the Creator wants to party with you? Sukkot (Hebrew: סוכות or סֻכּוֹת, sukkōt, or sukkos, Feast of Booths, Feast of Tabernacles) is a Biblical holiday celebrated on the 15th day of the month of Tishrei (late September to late October). It is one of the three biblically mandated festivals Shalosh regalim on which Jews were commanded to make a pilgrimage to the place YHWH Name is Celebrated, and have a Party! Study the Words of YHWH and Yahshua by camp fires. I am looking for people concerned for the LDS People. I want to bring the LDS group back together, but with lots of corrections as I see lots of Masonic rites in this group. I have studied the Mormon Values enough to believe with the Truth behind the People, I see a really good group forming. Do not “Fall-a-way” Go change the whole Church. You have not lost an eternal family, and yes there are levels in Heaven, and guess what, everyone will be there, as the Lake of fire only lasts 1000 years. No more. Then everyone is woke up at one time. Rev 20 Share this Song, and Names. Everyone in your LDS group will listen to you, because you can open their Bible and Show them, and eventually this will get to Russell Nelson, and you then will have helped Saved the LDS people. If you are an LDS fall-a-way, I urge you to go back, and help your Family and Friends. But by Sept 1 2023 you need to be here. Maybe nothing happens this year, and you can go back for a year, but from now on, be here before September 11 as that is the Feast of Trumpets. I expect the 6th Trumpet to sound very soon, and that is Yellowstone eruption, this event will do all the things that are described in the Bible Rev. 9 Fire Brimstone fall, and 1/3 of mankind die. I also know that Yellowstone cannot be a natural disaster, because the Creator said, Revelation 11:18 says that YHWH comes to reward those who have Honored His Name, and to “destroy those who have destroyed the Earth.” Do you Honor His Name by using it? I have room here for a small group. I moved here 15 years ago to get things ready here for my friends. Now I am warning my friends not to be trapped near this thing, seeing how we have a trust able date each year to watch for this. I can tell you lots of details, but this is not the place. This is the kind of thing you are better off watching from a distance. Once it starts the gas and food will run out fast, and travel will be impossible the next day from all the people leaving the north. I am giving you a way out. Like a vacation every year. I do not want all the work you did in the LDS Church to be wasted. Please join with me, and lets go fix Russell Nelson, we can do this. We know he is just a man, but I think a man who will listen. We are in control, not the LDS people, as they are running and hiding from the truth, and they cannot fight against the Truth, the Davidian Servant brings the New Song! This is the way the Creator works. He will send a lowly servant to bring the Truth to the Leaders most the time they do not listen, but this time Russell Nelson will listen.. The Prophet is not running the church, he is hiding in the woods. I give you new reasons to go back to convert your LDS friends. This is very powerful information. It Is The Truth! Tithing was for the Levites, and that was their inheritance, so everyone taking tithes, are stealing from the Levites. 2nd Tithes are for the widow and orphans. Third tithes are for you to travel here, and party with. The Homosexual Laws are only for Men, and there is almost no Laws for women, most of Heaven are women. Women can play with themselves or each other. They do not spill their seed on the ground. Very few men in Heaven. Men have a really hard time getting there. The Messiah told Peter, He would make a male out of women, meaning the next world they will have their opportunity to be a male, if that is what they want. So when males fail, they return as women, and life goes on. If women fail they return as slaves without any privates. Enoch and Hermes also wrote about this in detail. That is one reason these book were not in the canon Bible. That is why a women must have a Righteous Head, the closer to the Creator he gets, The Closer you will get. It works the other way as well, an unrighteous man will draw you away. Most women will return as a women, unless you sin onto death, like murder, I do not think stealing is a sin onto death. I am looking for a friend to study with.
@flowerpower2726 Год назад
Rancid and Beach House 👍
@Anthony-od3cx Год назад
You need to add monoxidil and peppermint oil to your routine. Let minoxidil absorb into your skin for an hour and then apply peppermint oil mixed with jojoba carrier oil
@cg8330 Год назад
Good info bro!
@damilaremogaji1670 Год назад
Can you help me get
@kimmydo8344 Год назад
How much for shampoo and conditioner?
@shrooms6570 Год назад
its also because you have super low testosterone
@slippy720 Год назад
That's not a guarantee. Dht and Test are both responsible for growing a beard, but it doesn't matter if both levels are high if your hair follicles aren't receptive.
@realtalk5626 Год назад
did u use only the roller? eat peanuts,walnuts and chicken everyday for a month plus using the roller 1-2times a week and i guarantee you, you will see a massive difference. How many times per week u used the dermaroller? maybee u used it too much and didnt let the skin heal properly , that would cause the exact opposite effect and makes your skin worse and no hairs will grow. And a big thing is: you have to desinfect the roller everytime before and after u use it. Dont go over 0.5mm ... the best lenght is 0.3mm for hair growth. i achieved veeery good result in only 1-2 months.
@jake9613 Год назад
I don't see what this has to do with lobsters or rescuing my father from the belly of the whale, wtf?
@slippy720 Год назад
@jake9613 Год назад
@@slippy720 wrong J. Peterson, my bad
@cameron6249 Год назад
why would you spend that kind of money on something you know nothing about?
@slippy720 Год назад
My plan was to just sell it. I honestly didn't want it. The dude was so convincing/pushy that it was very difficult to say no. He made it seem like it would be stupid not to. But it was a good learning experience. I now know if I am ever pressured or hurried into a sale I just won't even buy the thing until I have had time away and can think about it. I have actually avoided at least 3 or so purchases since then because of this experience.
@medi0n Год назад
how often should I use a dermaroller?
@slippy720 Год назад
.25mm multiple times per week, .5mm 1 time per week, 1mm 1 time per month.
@NickOcheredko Год назад
Hey, one thing I'm missing in your video is what was your dermarolling routine. What was the needle size?
@slippy720 Год назад
I believe he was doing it 2 times a week and it was either .25mm or .5mm.
@NickOcheredko Год назад
@@slippy720 Thanks! Did he use anything else like beard oils?
@NickOcheredko Год назад
@@slippy720 I see. Did he use any beard oil or it was just dermarolling?
@slippy720 Год назад
@@NickOcheredko just derma rolling.
@NickOcheredko Год назад
@@slippy720 OK, thanks! I am going to try using a beard oil with a dermaroller.
@leo08790 Год назад
Sir derma roller beard helping plz reply 🙏
@slippy720 Год назад
What is your question?
@leo08790 Год назад
@@slippy720 derma roller use after full beard possible please🙏 reply sir
@slippy720 Год назад
@@leo08790 it can help your beard a little bit, but it won't give you a full beard if you don't have one already.
@leo08790 Год назад
@@slippy720 yeah
@naegleriafowleri2230 Год назад
Its not like microneedling is going to somehow make follicles magically appear on your face, that's genetics, if you don't have dormant follicles for minoxidil or dermarolling to help wake up, then they won't do anything, both work by simply waking up dormant follicles overtimes, if you don't have them, then is over, your only solution is a beard transplant, you literally have to transplant follicles to an area that mother nature did not give you follicles is that simple concept to understand
@VishalParmar-nq4cu Год назад
Sir, Is there any chance to burn??? Means, the size of black teeth is longer than yellow teeth??? Or both are same in length???
@slippy720 Год назад
The plastic is longer than the metal. If you push hard you could burn yourself. I only kinda burned myself on my mustache, but everywhere else was fine!
@VishalParmar-nq4cu Год назад
@@slippy720 okay....thank you for replying. Actually I ordered it for straightening my head hair instead of beard
@footax Год назад
Please tell me the name of the product because I liv in Morocco and i can bay the product in amazon
@slippy720 Год назад
If you look in the description, it has the link to it on Amazon.
@MsFrizzleGaveMeLSD Год назад
He needs more testosterone. He must eat a lot of soy No disrespect, merely making an observation.
@slippy720 Год назад
I think the main hormone responsible for facial hair growth is dihydrotestosterone, but testosterone does play a role. He doesn't eat any soy as far as I'm aware.
@slippy720 Год назад
This is what the Internet says " Testosterone prepares the hair follicles for growth, but it is DHT, activated by the enzymes in the oil gland of your hair follicles, that is responsible for linear hair growth."
@KariposTheOne Год назад
What happened?
@FrankTownsendjr Год назад
He got his beard just look at his profile pic😂
@victorfoley1013 Год назад
You boys wanna know how to grow a beard? Pump iron daily, eat red meat, slay the vag, and get good sleep.
@kasper-nu7te Год назад
it works for me
@amandocr7650 Год назад
How can a shampoo give you anxiety what kind of anxiety because i have anxiety and panic attacks does this mean this shampoo can give me even more anxiety
@slippy720 Год назад
I think that it made me focus on my hairline even more than usual and I think that stressed me out.
@mirzafahim9382 Год назад
Tom Hardy origin story
@aaaaaaa2183 Год назад
I use minoxidil on my beard but my head is hair shedding brother pls reply
@TheFracturedfuture Год назад
"A little bit of difference" Dude there was a big difference, good job and keep it up.
@ryansack5198 Год назад
In all these videos about derma roller on the beard I see zero difference.. its mostly young people who would be getting more facial hair naturally as time goes by anyway lol
@slippy720 Год назад
Yeah I was hoping to see more of a difference, and the only difference I saw is each individual hair seemed thicker but didn't really give more hairs. I have heard that in combination with using minoxidil it is a bit more effective. But the experiment was to see if it worked and at least for him it was not worth the effort.
@farazkhan4973 2 года назад
After using derma roller can I use beard growth oil?
@sohanytt Год назад
@thestreaker4635 2 года назад
It doesn't work it's all scam
@slippy720 2 года назад
I had a guy in the comments say it worked, and in almost all of the places I've looked, improved hair growth is listed as one of the benefits. But I will say that the improvement is probably pretty small.
@thealphanoid6160 2 года назад
@cowgamer2869 2 года назад
The roller did work on me where I had patchy it started to grow in
@slippy720 2 года назад
Nice, I'm glad it worked!
@mbarakkhalid117 2 года назад
If u dont have alcohol to put into it after finish using u can wash widh something else or
@slippy720 2 года назад
Dish soap is probably the next best thing that I can think of.
@Mr.Becker8888 2 года назад
Hey remember me man it’s been a while
@slippy720 2 года назад
Yeah haha it has been a bit!
@Mr.Becker8888 2 года назад
@@slippy720 yeah hey um do you have instagram?
@slippy720 2 года назад
@@Mr.Becker8888 yeah, but I don't use it much haha thebro_upstairs
@Mr.Becker8888 2 года назад
@@slippy720 epic
@StatsReset 2 года назад
I use it on my taint. It’s fantastic 👍
@rodolfomaldonadojr.3810 2 года назад
I wish you didn’t stop your hair stayed nice tho whole time 👌
@slippy720 2 года назад
I'll be posting again in October!
@Mr.Becker8888 Год назад
@@slippy720 its already november almost december
@astrogreenarrow 2 года назад
How many times a week did u wash your hair ?
@slippy720 2 года назад
4 times.
@brandanwilliams1973 2 года назад
My boy has the testosterone levels of a feline of course it don’t work loool
@theresanutt-moore4185 2 года назад
My husband got the isonos 5-1 from guy off of the street, and it first it didn't work. He didn't pay for it and after sometime of working with it. It finally worked!
@ajoemar2009 2 года назад
is it ok to use the system morning and evening?
@dezertdestroyer7782 2 года назад
What’s funny is people get scammed out of hundreds of thousands and 10s of thousands of dollars purchasing vehicles motorcycles trailers campers houses every single day but yet somehow you got ripped off on 150 bucks and it is the end of the world to you. You should be happy that there was actually speakers in the box that probably still work and not bricks… 🤣🤣🤣 people like you crack me up.
@abel_7799 2 года назад
Did your scalp hair shed or did the actual hair follicles become thin… I’ve seen videos that say shedding is completely normal side effect and it isn’t permanent
@2081calin 2 года назад
If is too good to be true, it is a scam
@slippy720 2 года назад
@jettawayadventures1081 2 года назад
You guys do really good takes! I am going to buy some tomorrow
@to-wf3lj 2 года назад
Today was my day 😌
@marklo4416 2 года назад
i am glad i watch you video. i was going to buy one on Craigslist.
@slippy720 2 года назад
I'm glad it helped!