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Upload schedule for Major Series:
Sunday: Meme or Dream?
Monday: Budget Magic, MTGGoldfish Podcast
Tuesday: Arena Series with Crim
Wednesday: Against the Odds
Thursday: Arena Series with Crim
Friday: Much Abrew About Nothing
Saturday: Arena Series with Crim
Bristly Green Aggro | Standard
4 часа назад
Turn One Mill Kill | Brewer's Kitchen
9 часов назад
Marchesa Crimes | Standard MTG Arena
День назад
Affinity, but Timeless | Much Abrew
День назад
Can Jace Reawakened Break Timeless?
14 дней назад
Drain n' Drazi | Timeless MTG Arena
14 дней назад
@TCR_DND 4 минуты назад
its against the rules to offer your opponent to concede
@imajorday 26 минут назад
Obeka counter
@dcluvspie5777 40 минут назад
I love them and will buy them I don't even particularly like the cards but I'll buy them.
@TheChurchOfDinoJesus 48 минут назад
Just wanted to let you know that the editing in this is fire. You are doing an amazing job.
@stigurna Час назад
Im predicting that commons are actually going to win
@marshallhiroshi 2 часа назад
What format is this? Standard??
@Kablizzy 2 часа назад
For ubiquitous, simple cards, perfect. Lightning not? 3 damage to anything. BOOM. Easy. Everyone knows it. Cards like questing beast? No. I don't even know what the thing does when it's *on* the battlefield, let alone textiles.
@AaronRotenberg 2 часа назад
"The problem is literacy." -Crim, 2024
@Ser.Jorl03 2 часа назад
Loved the punish when they went to get a land. Great content, Phil. Love the vids - the editing is really top notch 👍
@Drecon84 2 часа назад
It's not a phase mom!
@MasterBalofsky 3 часа назад
I get so excited to hear the intro , and then its really sad :( . Love the content Seth, but please I need an AAAAGGAAINST THE ODDS TIME
@wumpmas2 3 часа назад
hilariously during the final game seth's devotion to white was actually higher than his devotion to green, not that impacted much
@TheCrowVarietyShow 3 часа назад
Been playing since Battle for Zendikar. Only one I remember seeing is lightning bolt. Only one I have I got recently: lightning bolt. And Elesh Norn phyrexian text. I'm fine with them, especially if well known cards like Cyclonic Rift, blasphemous act, or Doubling Season: wouldn't even need to look them up. Others like Jaxis I only heard about last week. I do not remember what it does, it'd take a minute to explain, and I wouldn't want to have to look it up to know or tell someone what it does. So I say it works on popular cards. And simple cards. Not so much on others.
@metroid2099 3 часа назад
Why is he talking like that?
@outsiderfm 3 часа назад
mesmeric orb my beloved <3
@Keksoe666 3 часа назад
The Ghost Quarter at 4:46 made me laugh soooo hard, amazing 🤣
@matthewkelly6962 3 часа назад
Aisling Leprechaun is a beast if you give it protection from green
@Blee48 4 часа назад
You're evil
@BobbyxZx 4 часа назад
reminds me of the time i tried to remove all the lands from ops deck with unmoored ego
@njnjhjh8918 5 часов назад
fun video!
@PhetaFox 5 часов назад
Needs 4 copies of Thran Portal
@BCWasbrough 5 часов назад
I find it funny that the first image shown for Fallen Empires is... from Homelands. Homelands really should have been on this list.
@kenro3666 5 часов назад
Doesn't matter rules are the only thing to follow making up your own little rules and deals mean nothing. Player B learned a lesson but really in the end if he had not agreed the same result would of happened
@coreysierchio4650 5 часов назад
I like the win condition of "Gonna hose YOUR game plan" lol.
@michaelgraf6773 5 часов назад
Why is unsportsmanlike behavior not a disqualification reason? The guy should habe just disqualified and officially warned that if it happens again he will be banned from participating.... In any other sport, this type of behavior will get you disqualified...
@munsulight721 5 часов назад
I know Ulamog seems like such a big really good creature to put, but I just feel like something could be put at this place. Not sure what, but it felt dead a lot of the time except maybe the last game ?
@funememes1037 6 часов назад
I didn't know that screaming=content The more you know
@SoftyMage 6 часов назад
The best quotes that explains timeless, 8:51 "Am i safe to go outside without a leyline?" & 9:02 "This is what happens when you go outside without a leyline!"
@damabaith 7 часов назад
Why TF you making agreements with an opponent
@firstaidowl 7 часов назад
I'm pretty sure this is a deep fake.
@flaetsbnort 7 часов назад
The monoblue player scooping the moment you resolve a spell XD
@JacoDeltaco 7 часов назад
the oops all counter 🤣
@MrTHEHANSFORD 7 часов назад
i love stax
@claytonlehmann3483 7 часов назад
Honestly, I dig that mono blue player. Either go no counterspells or all of them. Those are the only two acceptable options
@zastythemuffin6863 8 часов назад
How are you playing pioneer on arena?
@snoozer0101 8 часов назад
I love how possibility storm just hard counters omniscience
@JackalBruit 8 часов назад
if at REL .. i think any player who chooses play a "functionally text less" card is MANDATED to have a Moxfield page link (or similar) ready to provide to their opponent & we should institute some type of "chess clock" that is A.I. driven to track APNAP (like on Arena) and the "functionally text less" player is docked like .. 5[min] or something to account for all the extra reading their opponent is now stuck enduring
@HeWhoSlayethCain 8 часов назад
All agreements should be made with two or more judges present to validate the agreement to prevent events like this from happening. The second a player offers an agreement a judge should be called, and that judge should be the determining factor in how the aggrement should go forth.
@lordsinister707 8 часов назад
Insidious roots would love this combo
@Niniju8970 8 часов назад
Ah yes, the combo of drawing a playset of a card in your opening hand whilst your opponent needs to keep a 7 with a fetch and use it on their turn one...
@Starcrash6984 8 часов назад
I've been using this deck for a little while, too, and I found that white works as a much better splash than red because of Homestead Courage, which flashes back in case you don't draw another targeting card.
@devilbhrothesavage2807 9 часов назад
Ah yes the most bullshit rule in Magic that desparately needs change.
@ericvernon1182 9 часов назад
I thought deals like this were actually against the rules...
@Bluex12345 9 часов назад
I think the imprint condition downside will keep the card in check for the most part, but we’ll see.
@BigDrew49 9 часов назад
B should have known better. Scummy move sure, but it's a competitive scene with money on the line. All bets are off, sorry/not sorry.
@MayorMerculies 10 часов назад
Scummy. I do not play with people who break deals. You get one chance at my table, I catch you breaking an agreement, you're done. You will not be invited back.
@Xorthis 10 часов назад
Seeing Show and Tell done dirty like that was gold :D
@unanon_user 10 часов назад
I do think that reminding your opponent of their triggers is good sportsmanship. HOWEVER, it isn't a necessity or should be considered cheating. As a matter of fact, I do the same thing as kibler all the time. I play around the board state of my opponent. I still don't understand how people could consider that cheating.
@joker1171000 10 часов назад
Bro have the judge shuffle both deck
@christopherealy8025 11 часов назад
This is lore friendly, too, since grist is supposed to be somewhere on eldraine. It just wasn't featured in the set for some reason.