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Retinal Scanning is Changing Healthcare
9 часов назад
How We'll Beat Breast Cancer
16 часов назад
8 Terrible Science Takes
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Does COVID Cause Cancer?
23 часа назад
The Alien Storm That Ate Itself
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Crying is Extremely Weird
14 дней назад
Four Weird Ways to Make Electricity
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Inbreeding with Yourself
14 дней назад
Why Isn't Mount Denali a Volcano?
21 день назад
Attempting De-Extinction
21 день назад
Why We'll Never Build a Perfect Clock
21 день назад
What Is the Autism Spectrum?
28 дней назад
Actually Understand Type 2 Diabetes
Месяц назад
What's Your Cat Dreaming About?
Месяц назад
The Solar System is Beige
Месяц назад
@jogennotsuki 4 часа назад
Maybe the real periodic table was the friends we made along the way.
@lucycarola 5 часов назад
I have multiple autoimmune disorders. And anti-histamines are very helpful and have helped me stay off of biologics. I’m 46 now and may have to give in to, as I just got diagnosed with RA, on top of Lupus/SLE, mixed connective tissue disease, fibromyalgia, CFS/ME. I think I now need to think more about prolonging life and quality of such rather than functionality. But, 20 years after first diagnosis and Plaquenil, I think is quite successful (rarely any steroids). And I have to credit antihistamines quite a bit.
@asmrtpop2676 5 часов назад
Nah mammals impress us all the time with outliers. I wouldn’t say they can’t perform their own parthogenesis just yet.
@rursus8354 5 часов назад
I have forgotten no chemical element.
@colezeller4861 5 часов назад
Anything coronas virus related?
@3mar00ss6 5 часов назад
the best future for cars is them not existing
@Anomyos 5 часов назад
I rolled it up and only hydrogen and scadium is seen outside my body.
@brianedwards7142 5 часов назад
But there's TB chic. Ill health is so sexy.
@joshuadavidsontherapy6593 5 часов назад
I both work with many Autistic people (youth and adults) and am Autistic myself. This was an excellent quick discussion about Autism, the complexities involved, the medical perspective and the progress of research. It would have been good if you had more time to emphasise the Autism as Identity part of the Autistic Experience, and I appreciate the brief "neurodivergence" reference. ABA is widely considered problematic primarily as it is focused on stripping away a person's uniqued individuality and teaching them to mimic "average", masking how you perceive yourself, or convinsing you to think you are someone else. Akin to teaching you to deny your own skin colour, or that you have a different sexual orientation. The methods were historically unpleasant and are less so now. Here is a controversial opinion: Learning how to mask if good, so long as you get to chose when to mask. Most of the behaviours that are considered problematic are around an adrenaline response, which can be triggered by a sensory overload, feelings of powerlessness (variety of causes such as ambiguous instructions, missing framework for how to do a thing), or rejection sensitivity (social judgement fears) amongst others. It is smarter to think of Autism as a set of similar base experiences caused by a number of different things, that are then expressed differently. This means that there are many similar cohorts within the umbrella that have similar experiences to each other, but also very different to other cohorts. Even within a cohort, you'll find people who have quite different specific traits and experiences. Another common error is that Autism isn't necesarrily a disability. For many Autistic people, it isn't. However, for some it very much is.
@asjad1814 5 часов назад
9:56 😂😂😂
@forrestredd2706 5 часов назад
All I know is that before I got the vaccine I was in great health and very, very rarely got sick. Since I have gotten the vaccine, I am sick at least once every couple of months. My immune system has changed dramatically. And the crazy part is that as far as diet and activity go, I should be the healthiest I have ever been.
@nunya___ 5 часов назад
People that flap their hands around when talking....is there a cure for that?
@Where_is_Waldo 5 часов назад
4:43 I remember, in the last election, a local provincial representative for my home town ran, in part, on this myth. The problem is, the reason he ran on this platform is that a majority of local people refuse to acknowledge evidence for harmful climate change that's heavily influenced by people because that's scary and because most of them believe in religious ideas which allow plenty of room to rationalize the idea that everything that happens is the will of their god and that we, as humans, don't have the capacity to have such a profound effect on the world. Unfortunately, people with this perspective are the vast majority across my province.
@saschaesken5524 5 часов назад
Lies over lies 😅
@fredmacvenn8525 5 часов назад
I can't take my eyes off her hands, nice hand speech.
@jamaltientenn 6 часов назад
I always thought that was a bad reason because coconut exist and whis pooping those out
@donaldstewart9873 6 часов назад
Maybe, we lost all BUTT that? Because, we have no tail to cover it. maybe it filtered out foreign objects?
@thomaslarson9384 6 часов назад
Acoustic black hole… Lizzo?
@abrakadabra1682 6 часов назад
Yeah let's skip zink and iodine it's not like their deficiency is wider or something right
@SameAsAnyOtherStranger 6 часов назад
Now that I've seen this video, my old chemistry set doesn't look so appetizing any more.
@Liriq 6 часов назад
tl;dr: schnapps is life
@daveuerk4030 6 часов назад
I'm a bit confused about C02... let's continue the logic more is better for "plants", it reacts by using more c02 and therefore stopping global warming as c02 is naturally balanced out.... but most c02 is actually locked away in trees and 1/3 is locked away in mycelium in the dirt which helps the trees. All we need are healthy forests which can respond to more c02. Gengis khan changed c02 because he killed the ppl who chopped down trees and forests regrew.
@ElImbed 6 часов назад
Antimatter is bigger then Hiroshima
@tinytim2263 6 часов назад
Cephalopods also have beaks
@ekwem 6 часов назад
That’s not a real plant behind you 🤨
@viceralman8450 6 часов назад
Nope that's a plastic plant
@kirknorman2403 6 часов назад
How nitrogen gas from the atmosphere do you need to make a liter of liquid nitrogen?
@melsyoutube 6 часов назад
your hair is gorgeous!
@AyushSharma80001 6 часов назад
Sometimes it's simply stress
@randallgraves8166 6 часов назад
I'm loving the new style for the show!
@NPC-nn4qe 6 часов назад
1:27 Might wanna blur that one...
@barefootalien 7 часов назад
"Storing enough energy to power 180,000 homes" is um... nonsensical. Literally. Energy and power are not the same thing. You needed to specify _for how long._ Powering 480,000 homes for one second is useless and unimpressive. For 10 minutes could be enough for some load balancing functions. For 24 hours is genuine grid storage and would allow day-night balancing. And longer than that, well... they probably would've recalculated to a bigger number of homes, heh.
@FoilPowell 7 часов назад
No, but the clot shot might
@skyscraper5910 7 часов назад
I want to know how much of me can be In….. nvm I’ll stop there
@qazedctgb19 7 часов назад
There will be a part 2 right?
@Melanie____ 7 часов назад
Let’s not forget the most MOST effective thing you can do to reverse and reduce risk of cancer is a whole food plant based diet 🌱 bad diet and environmental factors is exactly why the epigenetic expression altered the tumor suppressor genes. Which can also again be reversed through eating plants. Kale is epigenetically fantastic. The sulphraophane in brocoli spouts is natures chemo too. every vegetable has some sort of cancer fighting polyphenol or attribute. We need to have this info as common knowledge rather than all the drastic drug solutions being the only solution.
@Lia-Turner 7 часов назад
a gram of uranium has about 2 billion calories, so if you're wanting to bulk...
@joshuabradshaw5270 7 часов назад
I'm on my lunch break. Can anyone else narrate this?
@JewishMusicToronto 7 часов назад
How much Spirulina would be needed to get those benefits in something like those smoothies?
@WR3ND 7 часов назад
Roentgen: a measurement of ionizing radiation. Sievert: show me on the doll where the bad radiation touched you. ??? Science!
@sathivv950 8 часов назад
My first time seeing Niba as a host. She is excellent, please have her do more episodes.
@StrawberryToastOffical 8 часов назад
This tree should be god forbidden and then we would have no danger in the areas and we all could be happy…..unless y’all live in its native areas, sorry guys!
@MontgomeryWenis 8 часов назад
Everyone here is talking about Fullmetal, but where are all the Breaking Bad fans? Walter and Gretchen flirted over their breakdown of the human chemistry.
@Amin.Ashraf 8 часов назад
Is my insurance gonna cover the prescription?
@suheelhussain4975 8 часов назад
I am a Neuro typical person and have these serious questions 1 what is a "melt down"? Or what criteria should I use to determine that someone is having a meltdown? 2 As a Neuro typical person do help someone having a meltdown?
@jimmyhollar1290 8 часов назад
I’m no expert but suppressing fires with liquid nitrogen seems unnecessarily expensive and complex
@somedudeok1451 8 часов назад
Great video. If the lord existed, you'd be doing his work.
@kamikazepilot5041 8 часов назад
Ah yes, another episodd of RRE (Ranking Ridiculous Exoplanets), my second favorite series on yt
@therongjr 8 часов назад
My understanding is that most of the waste carbon dioxide in the blood is carried in the plasma, not the red blood cells.
@RavynSpawn 8 часов назад
I really enjoyed this type of video. I would like to see more