Phil Saviano Channel
Phil Saviano Channel
Phil Saviano Channel
This collection of historic news broadcasts documents the history of the Catholic clergy sexual abuse issue in Massachusetts. Many of the news videos feature Boston's Phil Saviano, an activist and whistleblower who is featured in the Academy Award-winning movie SPOTLIGHT. Saviano went public about his childhood abuse in December 1992. In April 1997, he established a New England chapter of the national victims' advocacy group, SNAP. What is now seen as a world-wide problem and cover-up by church officials, bishops and cardinals, was given broad, international exposure through investigative reporting by The Boston Globe in 2001 and 2002.

For more about this issue, please visit Mr. Saviano's archival website, www.philsaviano.com, the SNAP website at www.snapnetwork.org and Bishop Accountability at www.bishopaccountability.org.
@ShirleyAnnPetrillo-oj7sc Месяц назад
Standard Operating Procedure of RCC ~ 🙉 Hear no evil 🙈 See no evil 🙊 Speak no evil Speak TRUTH to Power.
@ShirleyAnnPetrillo-oj7sc Месяц назад
“….you are in the Lord. Live as Children of Light (for the fruit of the Light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord. Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather EXPOSE THEM. For it is shameful even to mention What the Disobedient Do in Secret. It IS the Light that makes everything Visible.
@mostafasherif9209 Год назад
glad u are okay Mr Phil ...🌼🌺🌼
Absolute power corrupts absolutely. So anytime you have a group of men who decide that they alone represent the all-powerful God on earth, expect the unimaginable to happen.
@smummy2904 Год назад
Phil provided the only cogent commentary. RIP my friend, prophet and martyr...
@yesterday1396 Год назад
As a survivor in nz you're bravery is incredible. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you have done to help our voices heard.
@gregl2249 Год назад
God bless you for your courage
@GEOVANNIMORGAN 2 года назад
Phil Saviano un gran amigo
@NotMee45 2 года назад
This altered my entire life as I understood it 🥺💔
@icmydgdbcertificate 2 года назад
Im Catholic😇! from North Ontario 🇨🇦 So please respect everyone and respect all relegions to keep it calm and warm in our hearts . a windy atmosfear is garanteed if Jesus is crusified on live stream free to 8 billion of population .its against the my beleive that jesus feels humiliated🤐 i think that he saved us by proving publicly to the world how it feels to witness a inosent man get sent to death having his mother as witness.😓😣😫😲😭😢😳😁 FEAR THE LORD AND HE WILL HAVE MERCY ON YOUR SOUL. God is mercyfull. ( ^fear^ means 🤯 watch out a big bear is behind you😱😳.oh thank u 😬 u saved my life.( the friend feared for the life of the other.😗) I would be in great honor to show a short glimps of Jesus Christ crusified in the catholic chirch as someone that killed like lots of souls and cant prove it to the law 🧙‍♀️,and needs to feel the Love of "Jesus notre seigneur".jesus forgives. as Jesus said to love our enemies😶 the day i get a kid or a mother orders me the father or i killed all of its family and the kid needs a family, my life is gana start.❤🤱😝😯👨‍🎓👩‍🎓🤳🙏 , me my dad is alive so 10years ive been crusified! well i got a accident and is no longer in satans good hands.🤯 my dad 🤬has had it with my fuck ups and my drug addiction.its money problems. but i figured out this and that. I whent to rehabs, i got some tools to work on myself, and my parents are tempted by people that are now crazy.and forgot where they come from.and i found these demonds, but they dont know that i know.🤫🤰😘🤱Satan is gods child. satan is the only fallen agle that god has not forgave.😱🎅🤶maiby is because satan did not ask for forgiveness.🤔 God is the almighty for all language with the alfabet A To Z. 10 comandements to go check if we dont feel heaven on earth.🤩 crusified Showing a man crusified half nacked "Jesus Christ" on live stream must be a exiting momment for 😲Satan and his demonds to laugh and enjoy🤪 war like it would be a basket ball game won.😵🤔 a half naked dude nailed strait up having a prieset praying this bread is his body🤢 😮this wine is his blood🤮 God is mercyfull😌🤱😏😭👼 imagening myself being skined alive on live stream like one of the Jesuses disaples would be a honor🙃, wich all the disaples got crusified in a diferante ways eventuly but not like jesus,🤩Judas has betrayed Jesus by hanging himself and now is here on earth in hell. no disaples was to take there own Life Jesus commanded.😠🌞Jesus loves us😭 and was always🤥 and still is🤭 here for us anytime anywhere when we need him⛈🤱.🤫 Jesus asked God as his last of breath to forgive those who did not know what they say.🤔thank u Jesus 😂 Dont agree with me. dont beleive me. thank u phil for comming to your funiral😘 child mulesting,abuse,bla.bla.bla.😡 shame on u to talk about somebody else. shame on u if a friend or family member shared persenal feelings that he trusted in u to silence that and give love.😇ask god to forgive u.about what u did. if dead, ask him for forgiveness for what u didnor said and POW! glory u will feel😘 God speed, im french, i build tools of war, i comanded armies of workers, i can kill with no need of wepons or gun, losts of my friends and family are in heaven all within 10 years of my hole life. So my army grows strong in heaven with the ones that deserves to be here today, being feared is what a king feels like. and thats Jesus treason that one accused him of doing is to share that we can all feel like kings and queens. in wich the king did not care about that he had his cash, and the army comander was gratefull that Jesus made his child walk again.😯 its the public that voted jesus to be crusified!😲 So for those whom wonders... like me....maibe Jesus got a second chance by the army commander to disapeare in the jungle with godncreatures.😉 thank you all for reading 🍔🍟🍄🍨🥛🍼and thank u phil for being remenbered and loved. only the diserving are dead.us Well, Not yet.💖🙏 your grave but told other people about this lunatic drama that no body can come to.
@starlife7750 2 года назад
REST IN PEACE, Mr. Phil Saviano. THANK YOU for your COURAGE to expose evil and fight for the TRUTH in the name of humanity!!
@F84Thunderjet 2 года назад
Rest In Peace.
@marycarnevale4622 2 года назад
Rest In Peace, Phil!
@timwcallaway9073 2 года назад
Farewell to a valiant and gentle man. We will not forget what you taught us nor cease the battle for Justice and Restoration.
@Gianforcaro 2 года назад
Phil is a giant and made this world a safer place for children!!
@BrendaBrunelle 2 года назад
Thank you for your service Phil. May you Rest In Peace
@MrCigarro50 2 года назад
RIP Hero
@snaptn 2 года назад
Courageous man, hero,. We will not forget you. Rest in peace, Phil.
@cyndimackenzie7492 2 года назад
Terry, David and Jim- thank you for your words. I already miss my close friend and share in your loss. Phil would have really loved how this day represented the truth. ❤️
@cynthialangley7338 2 года назад
Phil Saviano is a hero, warrior and saint. He brought what was in darkness into the light. Rest in power dear Phil. 🙏
@shiranijossuerojascastrill9385 2 года назад
His biography must be remembered and told from generation to generation. The Judgment of History will give him the place that he deserves.
@giovannigiorgio6406 2 года назад
"I didn't have the power to say no to God at that time" Much respect for you Phil from Italy.
@drugfwpmed 3 года назад
Thank you Phil for your courage !
@alisonwilson5146 3 года назад
The shame always goes on the perpetrator and everyone that silences the victims that have asked for help. Thankyou for your courageous voices. Jesus Christ's Peace and Glory.
@pattyocadiz6614 3 года назад
Dear Phil, I just saw the movie 'Spotlight'. My heart hurts for all of your pain. I am sorry that you had to live and experience this horrible abuse. I will be praying for you. You are not alone. God bless you, Phil.
@sandsteps 3 года назад
I'm surprised you, Phil, are not reaching out to other abused individuals in other countries to provide moral or media support. Maybe you should look at joining forces with them in some way?
@betahifitoo 3 года назад
Hi Sandsteps - Actually, I did that for many, many years through SNAP, including several trips to Europe with them. More recently, I have had two trips to the Vatican with BishopAccountability. But this year, I am at home, hiding out from COVID and trying to keep my business and body healthy and keep a roof over my head. Those three endeavors leave me with little spare time.
@jessiehenry5405 4 года назад
Hey Phil Do You Think That Scandal Going On In Buffalo is As Bad If Worse Than Scandal That Was Going In Boston.
@TV-fu1ec 4 года назад
Hard to believe the Church chose to behavw this way. This is not like Jesus. Whatsoever.
@ShirleyAnnPetrillo-oj7sc Месяц назад
EASY to Believe “the church” committed Crimes Against Humanity AGAIN. Hush Money + Blackmail + Bribes are ways their Religious Masks HIDE their Secrets. Those who research beyond the “Catholic Version” of history are well aware of 6️⃣ Centuries via 7️⃣ 5️⃣ consecutive Popes affecting 5️⃣ 2️⃣ million Europeans SEE ~ Crusades and Inquisitions including GENOCIDE of Cathars; relentless brutality of Hussites; ongoing persecution of Lollards + Waldensians THEN continue with the The Reformation and since.
@donnaoneil2854 4 года назад
Phil I am so sorry for what happened to you. I lived in 5 parishes that had rapist priests in them in them. I would like to speak to you in private but I live in Florida now. This guy is defending the criminals. He is mean he is so pro church. I have not been to church since the scandals broke Jan 6-2001.
@donnaoneil2854 4 года назад
So sorry this happened to you.
@cactusqltr 5 лет назад
They are all of shit!! The Church was operating as a criminal org2anizarion!!
@lrishsighs3689 5 лет назад
Francis is covering for the gay mafia and is a communist to boot.
@multuminparvo5 5 лет назад
Thanks, Phil! Do you know of anyone interested in helping to clean up the cover up in the mental health industry? I've been stuck in this issue down here in Tennessee for ages.
@ronbennett6396 5 лет назад
Never happen again ?! My ASS ! As long as ANYBODY walks through the doors of Catholic Churches, it's gonna' keep happening. And those Catholic CLOWNS in charge will keep covering it up. STOP the stupid, archaic and downright DANGEROUS practice of their stupid fucking celibacy BULLSHIT ! Let 'em get LAID ! Let them stick their little PECKERS in somebody over the age of 10. There is NO requirement for celibacy in the Bible, NOTHING in the teachings of Jesus Christ that call for priests to be celibate. At one time, priests WERE ALLOWED. to marry, DID have children, DID have sex, INCLUDING the Pope. The same reasons the celibacy requirement got implemented in the first place is over the biggest part of what's perpetuating the scandal now, and will continue to do so. That being GREED, MONEY and POWER. Back in the day, if a priest died and he had children, his estate would go to the eldest son. The Catholic Church didn't like that, so they implemented celibacy. That way, EVERYTHING would go right back to the church. So why the celibacy requirement ? Same difference today. GREED, MONEY, and POWER ! Neither of which the Catholic Church is willing to surrender, no matter how many THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of lives they destroy !!
@GaoDaHoi 4 года назад
According to Bishop Robert Barron. If the offenders made their confession...... IT DIDN'T HAPPEN AT ALL.
@squantum001 5 лет назад
Raybo You are a joke and a blowhard! GFU
@leonardoiglesias2394 5 лет назад
But they dont go to jail, do they?
@harrietthespy2119 5 лет назад
So very proud to be a human being, with Joe and Phil and these other brave, fine persons as my fellow humans!
@katinss9983 5 лет назад
And 25 years on, pedophile priests in the catholic church continue to abuse children, 25 years on we ask the same question why has the catholic church done nothing to prevent abuse??????????
@katinss9983 5 лет назад
The catholic church worldwide is full of pedophilia and corrupt men.
@bruce1835 5 лет назад
then they all go back to church to molest more children.
@JuanCastillo-ic1rn 5 лет назад
Will be 2025 and this shit will still happend. Wake up parents
@elainemcmurren8678 5 лет назад
The predators operate in rings. If one priest in your diocese is a pervert, others are as well. The bishops need intense scrutiny from influential Catholic men. If you are a Catholic woman, please do not try to speak out on this crisis. I tried to speak about it to relatives and the persecution is unbelievably shocking. They can do things to a lone widow that you would NEVER imagine, unless you are demonically possessed. Please heed my warning, ladies. Keep quiet and ask your men to fight for our boys, if you know any.
@talitakoomi 5 лет назад
The Catholic church is on the rails and heading for destruction. It's biggest and most serious problem is that is does not teach the Bible as it is written but elevates its own traditions and teachings above God's Word. This same outrageous policy was a primary impetus for the Reformation, which coincided with the invention of the printing press and the beginning of printing the Bible into peoples' native languages. The catholic church fought this new trend of reading the Bible for oneself by attempting to track down the "heretics" who dared to translate the Bible into German or English and torturing them to death. It was a capital crime to have an English Bible in your possession.....that says a LOT. Those who take the time to actually read and study the Bible, and especially the life and teachings of Jesus usually end up leaving Catholicism and finding the real church, which is the people of God. I know.... I was one of them. I have nothing but a learned contempt and incredulity toward the institution centered at the Vatican. It is hypocritical and corrupt as a rotting corpse.
@edwardmiessner6502 5 лет назад
It's 2018 and the scandals just keep on boiling up!! Worse, these scandals show that the problem is not confined to the US, but has gone global, and show that the sexual predation of young people by priests go back at least the 1940s or even the 1920s. Despite implementation of best practices in dealing with the problem as adopted in the West, the problem will continue until that Church gets rid of mandatory celibacy for its priests, and stops demonizing sexualities that are not strictly heterosexual -- making secrecy over gay sexuality no longer compulsory amongst the priesthood.
@lc237 5 лет назад
17:46 - "And I want to say that they took so much away from me that they can't take away my faith so I'm still Catholic." Does it take away your faith to ask how god, the all-knowing, all-powerful, could watch all these innocent, helpless children being abused and do nothing to help them as the abuse went on year after year and to so many thousands of children? Think about it !
@mommabear2808 5 лет назад
NO church is immune - ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-EbDW4Xfk_yc.html
@jeancunningham5335 5 лет назад
This was a # 1 show back then! Didn't anybody care enough to put a stop to this type of behavior then!?!?! Does this appear normal to people whom knew?
@arnoldkee117 5 лет назад
I'm looking for the show Mr. Donahue had when George Stallings, the African American priest made accusations stating the same, and was debated vigorously by another priest who denied everything.
@dreuter032003 5 лет назад
Anyone know where the 1988 show on this topic can be seen?
@zelenplav1701 5 лет назад
Catholics must have allegiance to The Church first and foremost, not to God or Jesus.
@zelenplav1701 5 лет назад
Constantine changed the Roman empire to Christianity overnight. The pedophiles were included. Roman law forbid adultery but not screwing slaves and of course children. People didn't change because the national religion did. Celibacy came later because it was cost effective.
@JPlayzCasual 5 лет назад
True God doesn’t dwell where there is Darkness...