Roman Parak
Roman Parak
Roman Parak
🇨🇿 Brno
✉️ Roman.Parak@outlook.com

🙋‍♂️ About me ...
A strong enthusiast for robotics, machine learning, and machine vision. Interested in basically everything related to robotics and automation.

Some of my quotes. Please, think about it... 💡
1. If you want to improve something, you must first understand it.
2. The combination of theoretical and practical knowledge is not an option, it is a must.
3. Active participation within the open-source community, not only as a user but also as a contributor, is essential to ensuring continued growth.

📝 Programming Languages:
Python, C/C++, C#, ANSI C/C++, IEC 61131-3, MATLAB

👨‍💻 Tools & Technologies:
ROS (Robot Operating System), MoveIt, Gazebo, PyBullet, Unity3D, Blender, OpenAI Gym, TensorFlow, PyTorch, YOLO, OpenCV

🚀 Personal Interests:
Science, Robotics, Machine Learning, Mathematics, Ecology, Healthy Lifestyle
PyBullet Template: Industrial Robotics
10 месяцев назад