Genres and Generations
Genres and Generations
Genres and Generations
A channel dedicated to gaming from all genres and all console generations.
A Good Start! | Dokapon Kingdom Session 1
16 часов назад
Silent Hill 3 Camera Mod Showcase
21 день назад
Silent Hill 2 Remake Looks...GOOD Now?!
21 день назад
You're In for a Big Surprise
Месяц назад
Rainbow Six Black Ops | First Look
Месяц назад
Moat Fortress by TheMayorc | Mario Builder 64
2 месяца назад
Revisiting My First Level! | Mario Builder 64
2 месяца назад
TV World by Flare | Mario Builder 64
2 месяца назад
@PCGGC 20 часов назад
They aren't sold out anywhere.... Still available on PS Direct, Walmart, Best Buy, etc. It's all the people like you saying it's selling out that is encouraging people to go buy them all
@harrymasononvacation 19 часов назад
@@PCGGC I was just commenting on the fact that they sold out on online retailers. That's still indicative of something, even if it's just scalpers.
@Jay_Walker92 День назад
Glad I got mine and my stand for my pro...I paid $800 for my base PS5 off StockX so this is actually cheaper for me 😂.... I'm portal user and it's amazing.
@HappyDiggers День назад
It's scalpers speculating that they can sell them for a profit.
@bacteriaislifeonmars-c8g День назад
absolutely this.
@harrymasononvacation 19 часов назад
@HappyDiggers I'm hoping it's just scalpers, honestly. It's a pretty big gamble, though. I guess we will see more when the pre-order numbers and sales of the first run of consoles come in. Even pre-orders could be scalpers buying them up.
@DSPsWifesBF День назад
Game volume was far too low
@harrymasononvacation День назад
@@DSPsWifesBF Thanks for pointing it out, I've been trying to find a good volume balance for a while now, and it can be tedious to adjust it per game.
@DraculaTepes420 2 дня назад
I see it more as the possibility of these games being re released in the form of remaster/remake or sequel. That's not guaranteed of course, or at all mentioned but I find it slightly coincidental these are being pulled because I actually sent an email to the CEO for game requests of Warner bros entertainment idk you can look it up & left a lengthy email requesting the games return in one form or another to current gen systems etc. I didn't/Don't really expect this to gain traction but the whole point of this was for me to mention that I sent that email August 3rd, & then this happens not long after..
@f0x4nn3 2 дня назад
I expect it's just scalpers buying those disk drives now and when the PS5 pro comes out they on ebay for 150-200
@harrymasononvacation День назад
@f0x4nn3 I could see that being a possibility, but if that's the case, that's a pretty serious gamble. Hopefully it is just scalpers, though. I'd rather it be them than people actually buying thousands PS5 Pros lol
@bighoss7437 2 дня назад
Hmmm seems people say one thing in public and do another in private.
@harrymasononvacation День назад
@bighoss7437 "This is the last time I buy Call of Duty." Lmao Every time.
@nobody8717 День назад
loud minorities play on social media. the rest of them are buying the new fifa24 game on their ps5 pros.
@kilroy987 2 дня назад
So that many want the PS5 Pro, huh.
@harrymasononvacation День назад
@@kilroy987 Sad but true, huh.
@HappyDiggers День назад
Fat chance. It's scalpers.
@artdontsov 3 дня назад
I don't think it's possible for Sony to instantly cancel physical drives, especially in the next generation. As you rightly pointed out, the PS6 will most likely be without a drive, but with the option to buy one separately. There are plenty of regions where disks are still a priority. Oh and you can also look at Sony's actions. This year they have been laying off some of the staff that was responsible for producing physical disks. But at the same time, they recently got a new facility in South America to produce more physical disks in that region.
@harrymasononvacation День назад
@artdontsov At the very least I could see them releasing only digital consoles and have the disc drive separate like they're doing with the digital only PS5s. It's only a matter of time before digital only happens, and I just hope by then that digital ownership undergoes a drastic overhaul.
@I.C.Weiner День назад
I would not be surprised if the ps6 is digital only while having an optional disk drive for backwards compatibility and many blue ray playback.
@novapit935 3 дня назад
I have no doubt that the PS5 pro will sell well. Sony for the past decade have been using Steve Job's philosophy of turning a brand into a religion. Sony fans have been eating up whatever sony throws at them, both good and bad since the ps4, and its only gonna continue on like this. The console market have decided to cater towards consumers, and that's how its going to be with the end user knowing none the wiser. I will say this, if sony is going to go full digital for next gen, they're gonna lose a lot of players from south east asia. There's a game retailer here called Datablitz and they dont sell the digital version of the PS5 because people dont have good internet service down here and since game prices are already going up and up, its better to just get a PC, even a cheaper low end one that could run esports games at 60 fps at the very least, and save more in the long run.
@nobody8717 День назад
idk man, ever heard of this multi-million dollar project called "concord"?
@artdontsov 3 дня назад
Definitely not even an AA budget, more like a B. I like that it's unusual and has offbeat game mechanics. I liked the monster design as well. Looking forward to it and I'll most likely play it on day one.
@artdontsov 3 дня назад
Thanks for the review. I didn't know there was a pre-alpha version available. I'm really looking forward to this game myself. Even if the gameplay sucks in final game. It's worth it, only for the atmosphere of classic Deus Ex and conspiracy plot with horror elements. P.S. Check out Core Decay, looks like it's gonna be a cool game too
@harrymasononvacation 3 дня назад
Yeah even with the rudimentary gameplay, I'd still be on board for the story. I'm really hoping they can get the gameplay down though. If they do, this could be something really special.
@novapit935 4 дня назад
With 700 dollars, you could go get a PC instead. You'd save more in the long run and console exclusives are making their way onto PCs these days, so you're not gonna miss out on exclusives anymore
@novapit935 4 дня назад
Finally.... a game that properly gets 90s -2000s graphics correct
@N1C0YA 6 дней назад
Hello. Is there a way to playvin higher resolution like 1080p? Everytime I increase it, it becomes distorted/glitchy. I have to play un the lowest resolution. If there is a fix, thank you in advance.
@harrymasononvacation 6 дней назад
@@N1C0YA I haven't had that issue myself, but I know Mnerva would love to help on the discord. There has been a new update released pretty recently, and you might have more luck with that one. If you do grab the new update, be sure to do a clean install to avoid any errors. Let me know if you end up fixing it! If I ever replicate the glitch myself, I'll let you know!
@Qarach_Ice 12 дней назад
I agree with that bad but enjoyable.
@CHRISMED2 13 дней назад
Mary's voice sounds so much like the old school Mary actress, very impressed. Eddie looks pretty good, to me he looks in his mid 20s
@AlexHonger-fj3nx 13 дней назад
A lot of people are talking about how jank the animations look, I think it's fine. They did say they wanted it to retain some PS2 jank, and that they wanted players to be scared of combat encounters instead of it feeling like a shooting gallery like Resident Evil... The original SH was LITTERALLY a resident evil clone, it was made because Konami wanted a Resident Evils style horror game, and if they don't wanna be compared to RE in every aspect they need to to fundamentally feel different... James looks a lot like Leon on top of it already.
@Johna_B 15 дней назад
Can’t believe some still saying “they didn’t understand the OG Maria blah blah” no way. They are professional actors. This is a REMAKE not a copy paste
@harrymasononvacation 15 дней назад
@sin_loco_en_el_coco I think I'm stuck between "This is a remake" or "This is a reimagining." If it's a remake, I don't think they're preserving the same character dynamic. If it's a reimagining, that's fine, but to me, it looks like they're trying to remain faithful.
@Johna_B 15 дней назад
@@harrymasononvacation they remain faithful to the story but not to the plot. Character’s personalities also changed. It’s a different way to tell the same story. If they wanted to copy the exact approach that’s not hard to do even if not well done. What’s the point for us of knowing exactly how the plot is gonna go? If you don’t want surprises you always have the OG
@knot3d_ 13 дней назад
@@Johna_B Agreed. I'm an oldtime gamer (46) and I think a carbon copy would be so fucking stale. The SH2 fangroup just released their newest update to the PC enhanced edition, so for purists there's that. This reinterpretation remake also gives the entire franchise a fresh breath and longevity for the future. Just updating graphics would grow stale real fast once the WOW factor subsides. So I am very glad with these new character interpretations. Regarding Maria; People need to remember she is made for James. This is NOT the same kind of James, hence this is not the same kind of Maria. Also; "Sexy" is subjective. What looks sexy to one man, might not be that sexy to another.
@saloz9483 19 дней назад
They actually on sale for 2 bucks each. I'm going to pick them up since I love the games and I dont know if they plan on doing a remaster or not. As you said there is PC problems and imma try to run them on my deck. Whats annoying is there are zero videos on how to install the patches for the game so im going in blind since im new to this whole PC thing.
@harrymasononvacation 19 дней назад
@@saloz9483 If all else fails, you could try PS2 emulation. For the fixes, I'm pretty sure there's a gog forum post somewhere that has them. I mostly have sound issues whenever I try to run the PC port.
@novapit935 19 дней назад
this should be great for anyone who doesnt want to buy the SH2 remake. Just play sh3 instead with this thing on.
@Cerebromanic 23 дня назад
Real shame when something like this happens. Only played demo version of The Suffering, but I liked what I saw. At least we will always have memories of how Pablo the Gucci Wizard broke the game many times, providing us with good laughs.
@harrymasononvacation 22 дня назад
@Cerebromanic I still have no idea how Pablo managed to have so many issues lol I've never had that many issues with the PC ports.
@mulamulelilumadi4717 23 дня назад
As others have mentioned. I understand your argument about exclusives being the main value for consoles. However PCs comparable to consoles tend to cost more and have issues with releases that don't take the best advantage of their hardware. Granted PCs can be more versatile, but if you want to game primarily you're better off getting a console and a laptop or older office PC.
@harrymasononvacation 23 дня назад
@@mulamulelilumadi4717 I think PC gaming these days has gotten much, much more accessible because the benchmark for most games are what consoles can offer, which is your typical mid-range PC. Don't get me wrong, I love consoles and still want the market around, I just feel like they're becoming increasingly less valuable over time when PC requirements are getting lower. I can still play a lot of current games on my computer on low/medium settings, and my PC was a mid-range PC back in 2015. Not to mention the fact that they're practically backwards compatible with most releases (and the ones that aren't usually have a niche fanbase who are working on getting compatibility fixes going). Thanks for the comment! I'm surprised people are still watching this one. Hopefully you'll stick around for more and I've earned your sub!
@rogue8507 23 дня назад
My biggest gripe with this footage is also the gun sound effects are weak. They don’t have that much impact when you shoot enemies. I still hope this game would do well and I will be playing this on launch still.
@harrymasononvacation 23 дня назад
@@rogue8507 The gunplay and general combat animations definitely still look rough, but I think the balancing of the combat looks like it might be much better than the original. I think a lot of the animation jank comes from the budget not being the highest as well as this being Bloober's first game with combat.
@AlexHonger-fj3nx 13 дней назад
@harrymasononvacation one thing about this upcoming game that no one is talking about: The trailers and gameplay all captured on base PS5 are underselling the game.... According to the Steam page for this game, the hardware inside of the base PS5 is only good to run this game at 1080P 30fps at its lowest settings. The rumored PS5 Pro is expected to run it at medium-high settings, 1080P, 4K is possible with upscaling like DLSS or FSR. What we are gawking over is the lowest settings! Imagine a high end 4080-4090 level PC running this game on Ultra settings?
@BurcuCS 27 дней назад
your enthusiasm to discuss and analyze the trailer reflects through camera! thank you for this video!!!
@segageeknavarre9649 Месяц назад
Really dig your style awesome vid loved r 6 never got to play rouge spear that much other then the shaky dreamcast port so stoked to download this
@harrymasononvacation Месяц назад
This mod/compilation really is a good way to experience all of the content from classic R6, and it's still getting updated with bug fixes! Menrva has done an excellent job with this one! People still play online occasionally too, so if that interests you, be sure to join his discord to schedule some matches.
@nothinghere8434 Месяц назад
The level looks like a weird repeat of the same basic segments 5 times in a row with nothing really changing all that much to justify the recycling. The corners with the Spindrifts are exactly the same as far as I can tell, and the spots with the red coins only have one more snowman around the coin each time. The ice tunnel idea right at the start, which I found to be the most interesting, gets dropped right after introducing it, only to suddenly show up before the boss and all that changed was it going around a corner this time. It's really weird. I wonder what the thought behind it was. It seems like the entire meat of the level is just a very gradual increase in snowmen guarding red coins on relatively wide platforms. On the upside though, the level looks outstandingly polished and orderly. Perfectly symmetrical, zero fluff or odd corners, from beginning to end. (You defeat Snowmen by running circles around them until they drop to their side, but it's hardly ever worth it.)
@Vortoxium Месяц назад
I like the idea of more produced videos, though it might also be nice to have the unedited versions of those levels uploaded somewhere else, a second channel perhaps?
@harrymasononvacation Месяц назад
@Vortoxium I was thinking a separate playlist, maybe.
@TheBigshot19 Месяц назад
Great video, great mod, you earned my sub. What capture software did you use to record the game? Also, do you have any mods active when you're doing T hunt on Embassy? I've never seen any tangos wearing those green outfits with balaclavas before. They look like cooler, updated models of the 1998 tangos.
@harrymasononvacation Месяц назад
@TheBigshot19 I'm using OBS Studio to capture the gameplay. The reason the terrorists look a bit different is this mod is entirely in the Rogue Spear engine. As such, the models are all updated/different. You'll also notice some changes like death sounds, and the ability to lean. There used to be a lot of issues with AI pathfinding in the ported maps from R6 1, but updates have mostly smoothed that out. It's still possible to fall through certain surfaces, but that's more the fault of the engine/game itself than the mod. Overall, it's a really nice package! Especially with the ability to play through every mission in one long campaign.
@goblinsquadlionyt2560 Месяц назад
Bro that's an old game
@harrymasononvacation Месяц назад
@@goblinsquadlionyt2560 One of the best, though!
@goblinsquadlionyt2560 Месяц назад
@@harrymasononvacation tru good old t-hunt I love rainbow t-hunt old school is the best
@TheFuri0uswc 2 месяца назад
personaly it was really confusing decision to not render a weapon model in first person considering Halo 1 and Operation Flashpoint were released I 2001. Not to mention that half life 1 came out 3 years ago, Goldeneye 4 and medal of honor 1 would release the next year.
@harrymasononvacation 2 месяца назад
@@TheFuri0uswc I think it is partly due to the devs wanting the player to have more situational awareness. In later tactical shooters, this has been done with stances like low ready and high ready. It does break immersion for some people, but I don't think it's too big of a deal once you get used to it. Be sure to check out my video on Rainbow Six Black Ops as well if you like older tactical shooters! It's a free mod compilation for Rainbow Six 1 and Rogue Spear with all expansions!
@novapit935 2 месяца назад
I always found it odd how a lot of the early tom clancy shooters never had weapon models meanwhile other shooters did. I wonder if this was due to performance concerns or due to the weapon model being too distracting or if they want the game to run on a toaster and a super computer
@harrymasononvacation 2 месяца назад
@novapit935 If I had to guess, I think it is more about situational awareness. It could also be that they didn't know how to sync first and third-person animations properly. Either way, I actually find it kind of charming, and it gives the early titles a very unique feel. Once you get used to it, it really doesn't make much of a difference, and the extra screen real-estate you get as a result I'd definitely a help in the more challenging missions!
@novapit935 2 месяца назад
@@harrymasononvacation Considering SWAT 3 had the same thing, its probably about awareness, though having a viewmodel is part of the immersion, so its quite odd to see these games not have one
@Menrva13 2 месяца назад
Thank you so much for showing the mod in its current state! There's yet another update in the works and I look forward to release the next version later this year. Keep up the good work!
@harrymasononvacation 2 месяца назад
@Menrva13 Thank you! I really appreciate this mod a lot (I've been playing it for around a year), and it's the most convenient way to play classic R6! Hope to get some multiplayer games in one day. Expect highlight videos if I ever do!
@TheBigshot19 Месяц назад
Awesome job Menrva. I couldn't get any of my old disks of Rogue Spear or Urban Ops to ever work on Windows 10 or 11 laptops. Black Ops 2.0 is easily one of the greatest mods of all time, and media preservation projects ever too. I appreciate being able to set up LAN parties of classic Rogue Spear, with a great selection of classic mod maps too. If I find the Black Hawk Down mod from back in the day, I'd be an even happier man. Thank you.
@harrymasononvacation Месяц назад
@TheBigshot19 It really is one of the best/most complete compilation packages out there! I'm super grateful that someone saw the potential in these old classics. Hopefully this video can inspire people who have never given classic R6 a try to finally do so.
@nataliehergerdt6571 2 месяца назад
the community is so different compared to the mario maker series thats why i think that custom text is actually acceptable👏🧐
@pixaafterdark9915 2 месяца назад
Mic and editing are way better. Much more watchable. Also if you’re struggling a lot you should make a fail montage with epic music lol.
@harrymasononvacation 2 месяца назад
@@pixaafterdark9915 I've thought about doing that eventually lmao
@CoffeeFiend1 2 месяца назад
Remember when things like *Ghost* and *Recon* aka *Reconnaissance* actually meant something much in the same way as *Splinter Cell* . Fuck I miss the old days when games had a genre and intended audience and hadn't been corrupted and shoehorned into a thousand directions to appeal to mainstream knuckle draggers with the attention span of a goldfish.
@harrymasononvacation 2 месяца назад
@CoffeeFiend1 I think it all went downhill around 2005-2006. Rainbow Six Lockdown, Splinter Cell Double Agent, and Ghost Recon 2 all were kind of disappointing and all of them changed fundamentally afterwards. As much as I enjoy R6 Vegas as a game, it's so far from what the series started as that it's hard to even consider it the same franchise. Same with Splinter Cell Conviction and Ghost Recon Future Soldier. At least tactical shooters are starting to have a revival in the form of Ready or Not and Ground Branch.
@TheCodePhoenix 2 месяца назад
Thanks for playing and hope no one the mario in pain constantly wasn't too much for the viewers lol. Felt like you were quick to end the video at the end, what was your closing thoughts of the level, and the tradition rating you would give it out of 10 that you do? 🤔
@harrymasononvacation 2 месяца назад
@TheCodePhoenix As a pure challenge level, I'd say it's like a 8. Creative use of platforms for the jumps, but I think it could be a little more interesting with different obstacles to jump on/over maybe? Overall, I liked the level of challenge provided!
@TheCodePhoenix 2 месяца назад
@@harrymasononvacation ay I'll take it. I hope I can keep providing great content, really appreciate your honest reviews.
@nataliehergerdt6571 2 месяца назад
i would recomment a bigger face cam as i saw you so little down there in the corner☝️ but i dont know if you would do that😅
@nataliehergerdt6571 2 месяца назад
not much bigger i would say
@harrymasononvacation 2 месяца назад
@nataliehergerdt6571 Yeah ill look into getting an optimal setup!
@nataliehergerdt6571 2 месяца назад
try lets see if weekly videos work
@harrymasononvacation 2 месяца назад
@@nataliehergerdt6571 I mostly want the quality of the videos to increase, and start working towards longer edited videos. This will be a first step towards that, so let's see how it goes!
@nataliehergerdt6571 2 месяца назад
i think you forgot the coin star
@nataliehergerdt6571 2 месяца назад
its like you go in a new level of a world in mario galaxy where something changes every time😊
@harrymasononvacation 2 месяца назад
@@nataliehergerdt6571 This is one of my favorite experiences playing Mario Builder 64. The collaborative effort was really fun!
@nataliehergerdt6571 2 месяца назад
it is because of the swiming platforms they have physics they are the ones causing this mess☝️🤯
@nataliehergerdt6571 2 месяца назад
it is named weird core castle what do you think how it would be😅
@thewestwind2218 2 месяца назад
Dude sick video, its awesome to see someone uncover some cool exposure to one of my favorite game franchises. Keep it up!
@harrymasononvacation 2 месяца назад
@@thewestwind2218 I've known Ghost Recon for a long while, but I never really got around to trying the Heroes Unleashed mod. It's staggering how much content there is! I'm going to be adding this game into my video rotation for the time being because I'm having a blast!
@TheCodePhoenix 2 месяца назад
I never actually commented on the video, thanks for playing my level!
@harrymasononvacation 2 месяца назад
@TheCodePhoenix It was definitely a good one! I need to eventually do a "battle of the best" levels one day and see which one is really my favorite. I think the only one I've said is a "10" is Crimson Kingdom by Skullmaster4. Well, that and Boo Beach, but that was more because I enjoyed the back and forth with the creator a lot on the discord.
@harrymasononvacation 2 месяца назад
Sorry for the delayed audio again, I'm having issues with OBS Studio. Also, the low res for my webcam is because I just zoomed in on it. I'll find better techniques in the future. I'm still learning!
@nataliehergerdt6571 2 месяца назад
thanks for playing mario builder 64 for so long still i see them because i love this builder and i dont see many people play it and you even give critics and tips as a bonus👍😀
@harrymasononvacation 2 месяца назад
@@nataliehergerdt6571 Thanks so much! Words of encouragement like this really give me the motivation to keep at this!
@nataliehergerdt6571 2 месяца назад
its something different in detail that you really can see the diffrent tools and tell what it is supposed to be🤯
@harrymasononvacation 2 месяца назад
@@nataliehergerdt6571 Yeah, Morsh's levels are absolutely insane with the amount of detail. The other two he's done (that I've played) each had areas just as impressive!
@TheCodePhoenix 2 месяца назад
Too much wall jumping required for the stars, maybe if the level themed was around wall jumps I'd dig it but apart from the wing cap challenge the others lacked variety.
@TheCodePhoenix 2 месяца назад
Sam: Star #6 is over there 21:36 Me: Where?👀😄 Try practicing your side flips and backflips btw (not the crouch kind.) If you run and quickly move mario to an angle before jumping you can get some great height, very useful in some tight spots as long they're not too tight, like those timed crates you were struggling on. Seems like doing those flips there may been the intended strat from analyzing.
@harrymasononvacation 2 месяца назад
I always point to the screen like I'm taking to someone who's sitting right beside me lmao
@harrymasononvacation 2 месяца назад
For the jump practicing, I almost want to create a sort of practice playground of a level just to get all the jumps down.
@TheCodePhoenix 2 месяца назад
@@harrymasononvacation not a bad idea to turn into a possible level too.